Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, January 06, 1912, Image 3

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    €ou>neys dandies
5 hart m3 2Tcccsftties
Prescriptions Compound
by iSrabuate pharmacists
SfyenmmllToore Drug Co.
9tb anb ITillamette
Co»\ 9th and Willamette.
Smeede Restaurant Co*
Wing Kee, Proprietor.
American Bill of Fare, 6 A. M. to
12 P. M. ..Chinese Bill of Fare, 8 A.
M. to 12 P. M.
C. W. Crump
Dealer in
Fresh Vegetables
20 East Ninth St. Phone 12.
Alfred Benjamin
Regal and Stetson Shoes.
Mallory and Stetson Hats.
Star and Cluett Shirts.
Roberts Bros.
554 Willamette Street.
then of course you naturally think of
Smart, The Jeweler
New Location 591 Willamette
W. M. Renshaw
Wholesale and Retail,
Cigars and Tobacco
513 Willamette St.
Roach Music House
Everything In the
10th and Willamette Sts. Phone 862.
The Grocer
The BEST of Everything to Ea
623 Willamette
Phone 25
Oregon Girls Spring Something New
In Line of Boosting Attendance
At Forensic Struggle.
Two women of the University, Nel
lie Heminway, of Cottage Grove, and
Cecil Miller, of Portland, have orig
inated the plan of making the debate
with Utah, scheduled for February
23rd, a leap year affair, followed by a
leap year dance. The women of the
University seem favorable to the idea
and if the proposal continues to meet
favor, Graduate Manager Geary will
arrange the details.
It has always been impossible to
arouse general interest in debates,
and the result has been that forensics
have been a losing enterprise. If the
women, by the novel scheme pro
posed, succeeed in making the Utah
debate pay out, they will have suc
ceeded where mere man has always
The plan in detail is to have the de
bate early in the evening, so as to
make room for the dance at nine
o’clock. Tickets will admit to both
the debate in Villard Hall and the
dance ir the Gymnasium will be sold
to the women who bring men at the
rate of two for 75 cents, and to the
townsmen and to the students who
come without a partner, for 50 cents
apiece. This plan will encourage the
attendance of students in pairs, and at
the same time, will not work a great
hardship upon the women.
The versitility of the Oregon fac
ulty was demonstrated by Professors
Johnson and Kempthorne during the
Christmas holidays. The two dispens
ers of learning started out on a junk
eting trip to Cottage Grove a la Cox
ey’s Army. Just how many Harriman
ties they counted, has never been
learned, or whether they did the
counting from the rods, on top of the
side door Pullmans, or just walked.
The latter form of navigation seems
to be the popular belief, because
when they arrived in Mr. Parkinson’s
city, they each sported a crop of face
alfalfa that would make Governor
Hughes’ long for a Gillette razor. At
any rate, while sojourning at a way
point water tank, they were accosted
by an utter stranger, who appeared to
want to make conversation. The
globe trotting profs handed the man
a poor line of bunk. When they told
him they were from Minnesota, the
stranger grabbed the unfortunate
faculty members and said, “By Heck,
come with me tew the lockup.” In a ]
husky graveyard voice Kempthorne
whispered, “Show him our two dollars,: i
Johnson.” Whether the money talked
or Prof. Johnson spellbound the con- <
stable, we don’t know. They are
back with us, anyway. <
The University of Oregon Branch
of the American Institute of Electrical ^
Engineers will hold a meeting in the
Electrical Building Tuesday, January ^
9, at 7:30 P. M. The following will
be the program: Bridge Method of ^
Precision (Demonstration), Dr. W. P.
Boynton. The Bridge-Megger (Dem- s
onstration), F. F. Northrop. The 1
Modern Steam Turbine (Illustrated),
Prof. C. W. Converse. f
New Library Hours.
Commencing January 4, and contin- j
uing until after the mid-year exam- ,
inations begin, the Library will be c
open during the following hours:
On mondays, Tuesday, Wednesdays
and Thursdays, 7:45 A. M. to 9
P. M. i
On Fridays, 7:45 A. M. to 5 P. M.
On Saturday, 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. t
The only change from the former
schedule is that the Library is not t
closed between 5 and 7 on Mondays, i
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs
days. i
Librarian. p
Debaters Hard at Work on Questions
to Be Threshed Out at Home
and Abroad.
Coach Johnson has selected the
teams for both the Utah and the Tri
angular, Washington-Stanford, de
bates and the men are hard at work
on the questions.
The Triagular debate will be held
March 15th. Spencer and Moores
will journey to Seattle and uphold the
negative of the question, “Resolved
that Judges Should Be Subjected to
the Popular Recall”; while Ray and
Pickett will maintain the affirmative
of the same question against Stanford
in Villard Hall.
The popular Oregon-Utah debate
will take place February 23rd, in Eu
gene. Jones and Crockett have been
selected to represent Oregon and will
take the affirmative of the Judicial
Recall Question. Coach Johnson does
not wish to make any prophesies on
the outcome of the approaching foren
sic contests, but expect the Oregon
men to give a good account of them
Faculty Will Try New Arrangement
In Feburay—Complete Schedule
Made Out.
In an attempt to remedy the exam
ination schedules, the faculty have
recently formulated an entirely new
system. The proposed schedule will
be tried at the next exams and in case
it proves satisfactory, will probably
be used in the future altogether. One
of the main changes is the shortening
of the period from three to two hours.
This was done because it was thought
that undue importance was given to
the final examination, while the daily
work did not receive sufficient credit.
Following is a schedule of the new
exam hours:
All 3-4-5 hour eight o’clock, Mon
lay, Feb. 5. 8-10 A. M.
All 3-4-5 hour nine o’clocks, Mon
lay, Feb. 5, 10-12 A. M.
All 1-2 hour eight o’clocks, Monday,
Feb. 5, 1-3 P. M.
All 3-4-5 hour ten o’clock, Tuesday,
Feb. 6, 8-10 A. M.
All 3-4-5 hour eleven o’clocks, Tues
lay, Feb. 6, 10-12 A. M.
All 1-2 hour nine o’clocks, Tuesday,
Feb. 6, 1-3 P. M.
All 3-4 -5 hour one o’clocks, Wed
lesday, Feb. 7, 8-10 A. M.
All 3- 4- 5 hour two o’clocks, Wed
lesday, Feb. 7, 10-12 A. M.
All 1-2 hour ten o’clocks, Wednes
lay, Feb. 7, 1-3 P. M.
All 3-4-5 hour three o’clocks, Thurs
lay, Feb. 8, 8-10 A. M.
All 3-4-5 hour four o’clocks, Thurs
lay, Feb. 8, 10-12 A. M.
All 1-2 hour eleven o’clocks, Thurs
lay, Feb. 8, 1-3 P. M.
All 1-2 hour one o’clocks, Friday,
neb. 9, 8-10 A. M.
All 1-2 hour two o’clocks, Friday,
i'eb. 9, 10-12 A. M.
All 1-2 hour three o’clocks, Friday,
r'eb. 9, 1-3 P. M.
Freshman English will be given
eparately from 10-12, Saturday, Feb
uary 3.
No students under this proposed
ystem will be allowed to take an
arly examination. In case of a con
lict, the exam must be given later
nd not earlier than the scheduled
ime. This system is undoubtedly
letter than the former one and will
naterially shorten the long drawn
ut exam period.
Helena S. Hughes, ’10, is a nurse
n New York City.
Charles S. Williams, ’82, operates
he Eugene Flour Mills.
Herbert S. Johnson, ’87, son of
he first president of the University,
5 a prominent clergyman of Boston.
Woodson T. Slater, ’83, is conduct
ig the Universities’ case in the Re
erendum Suit. He is an ex-Su
reme Court Judge.
Dick Smith Desired to Fill l’ositior
of Head Advisor With Three
Alumni Assistants.
At the Athletic Council meeting be
fore the Christmas vacation, it was
decided to adopt the graduate coach
system for the 1912 football season.
Dick Smith, ’01, was agreed upon as
head advisory coach, providing he will
be able to heed the call of his alma
mater to direct the destinies of the
team. According to late rumors,
however, the law practice of the all
American fullback will prevent him
from accepting the position. Beside
the head coach it is planned to have
three alumni field coaches, who will
drill the team on individual play, dur
ing the whole season, and other alum
ni, who are able to return from time
to time to assist in the work.
The offer of Mr. F. C. Perkins, the
old Cornell star, who startled the
campus a short time ago by his re
markable proposition to coach the
team for mere glory, seems to have
been passed into the discard. While
the spirit of Mr. Perkins’ offer was
appreciated, several phases of his
proposition made it almost prohibi
tive. The principal objections seemed
to be that he was under no contract
and could not be held and should his
services prove unsatisfactory, it
would be too late to obtain a coach.
A Good Surprise
to your mother, sister, or sweetheart,
will be a box of OTTO’S CANDIES.
The only candy made in Eugene, and
better than any candy shipped in to
The Girl of the Pingree Shoe
We Give Ease Where Others Squeeze
Royal Blue Store
Across From Hampton's
Seal Stationery
Preston & Hales
Mfgrs. of AH Leather Goods
Dealers in
Paints and Paper. Agents Johnson's
Dyes and Wax
A Good Place After the Game
Ccastillian (Sritle
103 Sixth Street - - - 427 Washington Street
American anb Spanish (Eoohing
and Good Drinks of All Kinds
tEamales, €nctjila6as, Spanish pot-pics
and Many Others
Our Tamales for Sale at Otto’s, 501 Will. St., Eugene
fyt Cake Sanatorium
Hot Lake Sanatorium, like the U. of ()., is an Oregon Institution, and
again similar, in that it ranks first in its class. Hot Lake Sanatorium is
equipped to make sick people well. The greatest health renewing In
stitution in the west. Write for illustrated booklet describing the great
boiling mineral spring. WALTER M. PIERCE, Pres, and Manager.
i?ot §ahe, (Dregon