Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, December 13, 1911, Image 3

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    €ou?ncys danfcics
Sbarina necessities
prescriptions Compounbefc
by iSrabuate pharmacists
51]ent)in=ZlToore Pruat do.
9tb aitb irillamctte
Cor. 9th and Willamette.
Smeede Restaurant Co,
Wing Kee, Proprietor.
American Rill of Fare, 6 A. M. ta
12 P. M. ..Chinese Bill of Fare, 8 A.
M. to 12 P. M.
C. W. Crump
Dealer in
Fresh Vegetables
20 East Ninth St.
Phone 12.
Alfred Benjamin
Regal and Stetson Shoes.
Mallory and Stetson Hats.
Star and Cluett Shirts.
Roberts Bros.
554 Willamette Street.
then of course you naturally think of
Smart, The Jeweler
New Location 591 Willamette
W. M. Renshaw
Wholesale and Retail,
Cigars and Tobacco
513 Willamette St.
Roach Music House
Everything In the
10th and Willamette Sts. Phone 862.
The Grocer
The BEST of Everything to Ea
623 Willamette
Phone 25
Wide Interest Evinced Shown by
Numerous Entries for Post
Holiday Tournament.
i*or tne past month aspiring hand
■ ball artists have kept the walls re
sounding in the court getting into con
dition to uphold the honor, etc., oi
their classes. Rivalry amongst vari
ous teams has been strong for somt
time, but as yet there has been nr
official settlement of superiority
Since the days when Charlie Robinsor
and Percy Collier banged the bottom
board, inhere has not been such a gen
erous turn out and some hot and fast
battles are promised. The inter-class
tournament wall be started immed
ately after the holidays. Each class
will play a series of singles to determ
ine its two best men and the leading
duo will be entered for the inter-class
doubles championship.
The entries to date are: Freshman
—Staiger, Geary; Sophomores—Case
beer, Roberts, Cobb, McAllen, Stuller,
Burries, Collier. Larwood; Juniors—
Collier, Staehr, Early. HoTgo. Service,
Cake, Caulkins; Seniors—Kelly, New
land, Dunlap.
Director Hayward also announces,
that the sets of boxing gloves have
arrived and he will be able to devote
several afternoon hours to personal
instruction in the manly art. His in
tention is to give lessons only as an
exercise and stimulate an interest in
boxing as a SDort. This is the first
time that students here have had an
opportunity to get such instruction.
Wrestling, too, will be encouraged,
and after a few weeks of practice,
bouts will be staged by representa
tives of the different classes.
As soon as the basketball season
closes, indoor baseball will hold forth
to keep inter-class spirit on edge.
Single Taxers Meet.
The Henry George Association met
Tuesday evening. The club is en
deavoring to secure Chas. Frederick
Adams as speaker for the January
meeting. A committee was chosen
to confer with a municipal league to
have a down-town lecture by the same
man. An informal discussion of cur
rent economic thought followed.
The Lemon Yellow Warblers and
Their Clever Stunts Make a
Hit With Her
“O, girls! wasn’t the Glee Club
simply grand. I just love to watch
those college men perform. They’re
so cute. Wasn’t it dear of Vernon
Vawter to look up at our box when
he sang that song about Oregon? 1
forget what the song was about, but
everyone looked at us. I do hope my
hat was on straight. And that man
that wore the tube skirt, wasn’t he
funny? 1 believe he forgot to take
the gum out of his mouth before he
came on the stage: that was an awful
oversight. And the little man with
the big voice,—who was he? 1 didn’t
like him very well, he never looked
up at our box once. Horrid thing.
And that girl; 1 can’t understand how
she could go up there and act so silly;
her dress wasn't a bit good looking
either, and it didn’t tit at all.
“Dave Campbell’s entrance was the
correct thing as far as Germany is
concerned. It is done this way: You
sort of fall on the stage, graceful like,
and then after you’ve finished your
performance you clasp your hand over <
your breast to show how the music i
has inspired your soul. The classic
thing was so restful. And that man
; that gave the curtain call; what’s his j i
j name—Ferris? Why did he pet so
; fussed? Epps are to expensive now j 1
for the audience to waste any, so he 1
needn’t have been so scared. Didn’t 1
you love that chorus from “Bripht
Eyes,” those boys looked too cute for
anything- when they swayed back and c
forth like daffodils—and weren’t they ]
praceful ? No wonder Wordsworth c
wrote a poem to the praceful daffo- t
“But say, g'irls, we’re awfully slow. [
We’ve let that promising- young Schu- I
man-Heink drift by us without pledg- J
inp her—and she with such a grand t
voice too. I’ve been wondering why
that freshman wore overalls—do you
suppose he’s waiting for the January
sales before he buys a suit? I won
der—but then that’s another story.
“I just love the way Burns Powell
leads the Glee Club. Alexander isn’t
in it when it comes to that man. 1
tell you what, it will take some pretty
fine song birds to get ahead of our
Oregon Glee Club, don’t you think so.”
Pendleton Round-Up
Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 13-14
Afternoon and Evening
■ - LET ’ER BUCK - -
Kay Wins Alumni Medal.—Regulars.
Spencer. Jones. Picket. Moores,
and Crockett.
Last night in \ iliard Hall the tinal
debating tryout was held on the ques
tion, Resolved, that judges should be
subject to popular recall. Those suc
cessful were, Leon Ray. ’12, Carlton
Spencer, ’13, Earl Jones, T2, P. C.
Pickett, ’13, Ralph Moores, '12, P. C.
Crockett, '14; alternate, V. T. Mot
schambacher, ’14. Leon Ray was chos
en as the best individual debater and
was awarded the alumni medal. The
judges for the places on the team
were Prof. DeCou, Dr. Gilbert, and
Le Roy Johnson; those for the Alumni
medal were Mr. Graham, Allen
Eaton, and Earl Kilpatrick.
Ray has had three year's 'Varsity
?xperience, having debated against
Washington last year; Carlton Spen
“er, who won the Oregon Intercol
egiate oratorial contest last year, de
lated two years ago against Utah
md Idaho, having won the Alumni
nedal for that year; P. C. Crockett
vas alternate last year; and Vernon
Uotschambacher was in the Stanford
lebate last season. The remaining
nen have had no ’Varsity experience,
debates have been arranged with
Washington, Utah, and Stanford, al
hough the dates are not decided.
Phe six debaters chosen will make up
hree teams of two each, but it will
lot be known for several days how
hey will be divided.
The invitations are out for the wed
ling of Miss Hazel Fields, ex-’13, of
’ortland, Oregon, to Samuel J. Luse,
f St, Paul, Minn. The wedding will j
ake place December 20th.
Mr. Luse is the son of J. F. Luse,
’resident of the Luse Land Co. of St.
’aul, with western interests in the
lutherlin Land and Irrigation project
t Sutherlin, Oregon.
Floyd Booth, ’00, runs a large ranch
ear Yoncalla, Ore.
The (iirl of the Filigree Shoe
We Give Ease Where Others Squeeze
Royal Blue Store
Across From Hampton’s
Seal Stationery
Preston & Hales
Mfgrs. of All Leather Hoods
Dealers in
Paints and Paper. Agents Johnson's
Dyes and Wax
Shoe Repairing
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Ed Cluer 619 Willamette
A Good Place After the Game
Castillian (Srille
103 Sixth Street - - - 427 Washington Street
American att5 Spanish Cooking
and Ciood Drinks of All Kinds
(Tamales, (Encfyilabas, Spanis!) pohpies
and Many Others
Our Tamales for Sale at Otto’s, 501 Will. St., Eugene
Art Calendar
On Sale
Book Exchange
Down-Town Bookstores
Send one home for Christmas