Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, November 22, 1911, Image 3

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    €ou?ncys danbtcs
Scaring necessities
Prescriptions Compound
by iSrabuate pharmacists
Sl)erman=2Hoore Drug Co.
9tb anb ITillamette
Cor. 9th and Willamette.
Smeede Restaurant Co*
Wing Kee, Proprietor.
American Bill of Fare, 6 A. M. to
12 P. M. ..Chinese Bill of Fare, 8 A.
M. to 12 P. M.
C. W. Crump
Dealer in
Fresh Vegetables
20 East Ninth St. Phone 12.
Alfred Benjamin
Regal and Stetson Shoes.
Mallory and Stetson Hats.
Star and Cluett Shirts.
Roberts Bros.
554 Willamette Street.
then of course you naturally think of
Smart, The Jeweler
New Location 591 Willamette
W. M. Renshaw
Wholesale and Retail,
Cigars and Tobacco
513 Willamette St.
Roach Music House
Everything In the
10th and Willamette Sts. Phone 862.
The Grocer
The BEST of Everything to Ea
623 Willamette
Phone 25
Public Cordially Invited to Hear
Young Artist In Concert of
Classic Music.
The first piano recital of Air. David
Campbell, since his return from Eu
rope, will be given in Yillard Hall,
Friday, November 24, at 8 o’clock.
All students, faculty members and
friends of the University are cordially
invited to attend. No admission will
be charged.
Mr. Campbell is a pianist worth
hearing. When but a boy of nine, he
showed unusual talent and frequently
gave public recitals in his home town,
When but sixteen years of age, he
went to Walla Walla and won the
scholarship in piano at Whitman Col
lege, outclassing every other candi
date who competed for the honor.
Mr. Campbell studied the following
year in the Whitman Conservatory of
Music and showed such marked im
provement, that he went to Europe
the following year to study, at the ad
vice of his teachers, who deemed him
ready for the finish the German
schools afford. Two years were spent
in Germany, under the tutelage of
some of the greatest masters of that
country, and Mr. Campbell returned
to America last fall with the stamp
of a finished artist upon his playing.
He is at present assistant instructor
of piano in the Oregon University
School of Music.
The following is the program:
1. Prelude and Fugue in C Sharp
Major . Bach
2. Sonata quassi una Fantasia
((Moonlight) .Beethoven
Adagio Sostenuto Allegretto
Presto Agitato.
3. Carneval . Schumann
Preambule Pierrott Arlequin
Valse noble Eusebius Florestan
Coquette Replique Sphinxes Pap
illons A. S. C. H.-S. C. II. A.
Chiarini Chopin Estrella Recon
naissance Pantalon et Colombine
Valse allemande Paganini Aveu
Promenade Pause Marche des
“Davidsbundler” contre les Phil
4. Etude No. 5.Paganini-Liszt
5. Etude No. 6.Paganini-Liszt
* *
* Wednesday, Nov. 22, 7 P. M.—*
* Lecture by Prof. Sweetser in *
* Deady Hall. “The American of *
* Tomorrow.” *
* Wednesday, Nov. 22, 8 P. M.— *
* Address of H. W. Stone, in Vil- *
* lard Hall. “The Single Tax.” *
* Thursday, Nov. 23, 7:50 P. M.— *
* Lecture by Prof. Conklin to Y. *
* M. C. A., in Girl’s Gym. “Psy- *
* chology and Religion.” *
* Friday, Nov. 24, 8 P. M.—Piano *
* Recital in Villard Hall, by Da- *
* vid Campbell. *
* Friday, Nov. 24, 7:15 P. M.—Y. *
* M. C. A. Meeting, in Girl’s *
* Gym. *
* Saturday, Nov. 25.—Inter-class *
* 4 Mile Relay, Kincaid Field, at *
* 2:30 P. M. ' *
* Saturday, Nov. 25—Idaho-Oregon *
* Football Game, Kincaid Field, *
* 3 P. M. *
* Saturday, Nov. 25—Laurean *
* Meeting, Deady Hall, at 7 P. M. *
* Monday, Nov. 27—Y. W. C. A. *
* Meeting, Girl’s Gym, 4 P. M. *
* •
The University Y. W. C. A. and the
Ladies Auxiliary are beginning to
make their plans for their annual
Christmas bazaar, to be held Decem
ber 12, at the Central Presbyterian
Church. There will be market, tea,
fancy-work, candy, and other booths,
which will offer all manner of dainty
bits of finery and all sorts of tooth
some dainties.
The girls hope to make the affair
the most successful so far and are
working hard already to insure the
success of the venture.
Printing and Engraving Contracts to
bo Let in the Near
Carl Onthank, editor of the Ore
gana, reports that work on the annual
is progressing favorably and says
the printing and engraving contracts
will be definitely settled soon. While
in Portland last Saturday, he obtained
bids for the engraving from Hicks
Chatten Printing Co. and The Oregon
Engraving Co.; and although nothing
was definitely decided, he says one
of these firms will probably do the
engraving. Yoran’s Printing House
is making a strong bid for the print
ing and there is a possibility that
this local firm will get the printing
It is planned to make this next
issue of the Oregana the best yet
published. Colored plates of various
school activities will be a feature, the
Wit and Humor section will be well
illustrated, and the editor assures the
students that the paper will be out by
Junior week end, for the printing
contracts will call for delivery a week
earlier than that date.
Ouch ! Ouch! Ouch!
The following editorial appears in
the last edition of the Willamette Col
“Since writing the above article we
have come across another editorial in
Oregon U’s verdant publication that
will bear a passing comment.
“Under the caption, ‘Another Cham
pionship Lost,’ the Emerald starts
another controversy, attempting to be
little the Willamette University foot
ball team. This paper seems espe
cially pleased because our eleven lost
to the Multnomah Athletic Club team
in an early-season game. Judging
from the trend of his remarks, the
Oregon prophet—even to this day
appears to be about as badly fright
ened of our last season’s team as his
team was a year ago.
“We believe that it shows mighty
poor taste for the Eugene university
to assail Willamette, when those high
in athletic circles at Oregon had just
about harmonized matters so that the
two institutions would meet again ath
letically. We also believe that it
would show pusillanimity in me ex
treme to ‘lay down’ to an institu
tion whose official publication voices
sentiment of this nature.
“We would suggest to the Eugene
writer that it might be well to be
a little more sympathetic and char
itably inclined with his ‘dope.’ Since
Oregon’s most miserable showing last
Saturday against Whitman, one might
think that the great State University
team is in need of all the solace it can
get, from whatever source obtainable.
“This year the Willamette football
team is in no way to be compared
with that of a year ago. Roscoe Faw
cett, sporting editor of the Oregonian,
recently stated that ‘if an institution
the size of Willamette can turn out a
strong team once in four or five years,
it is doing very well.’
“Then again, it might be well for the
Oregon scribe to wait until after No
vember the 18th, and the game with
Washington is over before rejoicing
at the downfall of others. Oregon
should win, but even if she does it will
fail to bring up much of an aveiage
for her ‘joke’ team of the last three
“Three years ago: Washington 15,
Oregon 0. Two years ago: Washing
ton 22, Oregon 6. Last year Oregon
artfully dodged Washington and
thereby escaped a third defeat; meet
ing but two conference teams and
losing to Multnomah. Now this sea
son when Washington is the weakest
in four years, Oregon bravely con
sents to play her.
“The great distinction between Wil
lamette’s and Oregon’s football teams
in recent years is, that Willamette
has won games out of her class, while
Oregon loses continually to teams
that it should defeat.
“We wonder if the author of this at
tack upon Willamette wrote ‘The
System of Posting Grades,’ in the
Emerald of October 28, and which
Y. W. C. A.
Or. Conklin Will Speak On Psychology
and Religion at Next
The regular meeting of the Y. M.
C. A. has been changed from Friday
evening to Thursday evening, and
hereafter all meetings will be on
Thursday evening, at 7 o’clock, in the
Women’s Gym. This change has been
made after a thorough canvass of the
opinions of the different clubs, fra
ternities and the leading men outside
of these organizations. It was found
that there is a large number of men
in the University, who are anxious to
attend the meetings, but find them
selves so tied up with engagements on
Friday night, that it is impossible to
The meeting of next Thursday
evening will be addressed by Dr.
Conklin of the Psychology Depart
ment of the University. Ever since
Dr. Conklin spoke to the Y. W. C. A.
on the subject, “Psychology and Re
ligion,” there have been repeated re
quests from all sides to have him give
the same address before the men. He
finally consented to speak, and an ad
dress, which will be worthy of a large
turnout, is anticipated.
A course in opthometry has been
opened at the University of Wash
ington under the direction of Prof.
Frederick A. Osborn, head of the De
partment of Physics.
was replied to by a solemn editorial
in the Oregonian of November 1. The
Oregonian editorial must have claimed
the earnest attention of thousands of
its readers. Was not the tenor of this
article sufficiently scathing to cool Ihe
Emerald’s burning ardor? Or is its
only object in continuing to exist, the
petty business of stirring up strife
and dissension? We wonder.
“Meanwhile that 1910 score stands
the same: Willamette 29, Multnomah
0; Multnomah 6, Oregon 0.”
The Girl of the Pingree Shoe
We Give Ease Where Others Squeeze
Royal Blue Store
Across From Hampton’s
Seal Stationery
Postal Card Pictures
of all phases of
College Activities
Book Exchange
Town Book Stores
or see Andrew Collier
A Good Place Alter the Game
CasttUicm (Srillc
103 Sixth Street - - - 427 Washington Street
American aub Spanish <£oohtn$
anti Ciood Drinks of All Kinds
Camales, (Encfyilabas, Spanish pohptes
and Many Others
Our Tamales for Sale at Otto’s, 501 Will. St., Eugene
Oregon vs. Idaho
Last Game of Season
at Home
Kincaid Field Saturday, Nov. 25
2:30 p. m. Admission 50c