S. H. Friendly & Co. Leading Store Commencement Time is Coming. Now is the time for you to get all those things that you are going to need. Those guaranteed pure silk hose are here for your inspection. We have just received a new line of shirts in new Spring patterns. That new suit ofjyours is here-come in and get it. We placed our entire stock of $22.50 and $25.00 men’s Suits on sale Thursday morning for $19.75 This includes every suit in stock ex= cept blues and bracks. It will be wis= dom to make your selections early. McMorran & Washburne STUDENTS ADOPT GRAD Amendment Providing For New Offi $ cial Passes Almost Unop posed. At a meeting of the student body last Monday afternoon the amend ment, providing for the adoption of the graduate manager system was carried by practically unanimous vote and next year’s student activ ities will be conducted by one man ager. Two years ago, the vote was taken on a similar amendment, but was voted down. Since that time student sentiment seems to have undergone a decisive change. This is probably due to the fact that all of the other large colleges on the coast have found that the graduate manager has been able to save more than his salary. The amendment providing for the change in the method of grading the orations in the tryouts for the Inter collegiate and Interstate contest, was passed, being ammended to the effect that the committe on Oratory and Debate should select the judges and that no Varsity orator or debator should be appointed on the commit tee on Oretory and Debate. Forensic numerals for the season just closed were awarded amid loud cheers. Gold “0” pins were given to Lilah Clark, Birdie Wise, Carin De Carleton Spencer, and Vernon Mot germark, Percy Collier, Charles Robi son, Leon Ray, Howard Zimmerman, schenbacher. This being the last meeting of the year the newly elected Executive Committee was sworn in, and Prexy Collier gave up the gavel to his suc cessor. PAJAMA “PERADE” WAKES FRAT HOUSE INMATES Whether every one had finished their exams satisfactorily, or whether they were just intoxicated by the moonlight, considerable unquench able exhiliration broke loose in “fra ternitydom” last night and early this morning. It all started in a serenading party on Alder street. Everyone was feel ing restless, anyhow, and before long every house was a bedlam of noise. Oregon yells were given and answered from afar off. Horns and bugles toot ed and Jamie yelled. Finding the moment propitious, a few restless spirits started a “perade’ and went from house to house, waking every one and gathering accretions of pa jama clad “sleep walkers.” Practically all the fraternity houses were visited and the festivities term inated in a bonfire and rally in front of the Beaver house. It was a farewell jollification and probably had its justification in the close of the exam season and in the intoxicating moonlight. CO-OPERATION PROPOSED FOR CANOE TRIPS DOWN RIVER A number of enthusiastic canoeists are talking of making the usual trip home down the Willamette River and several parties are being made up for the jaunt. For the purpose of promoting fel lowship and making the trip more pleasant as well as safer, it has been suggested that one or two parties be made up. The newly organized University Canoe Club has taken up the matter and has the names of sev eral of the students proposing to make the river trip. If names of others are handed in to Ralph Moores the most convenient dates will be se lected, so as to please the largest number and good sized caravans or ganized. Names and desired dates should be put in as soon as pos sible. The newly elected officers of the Oregon club are: E. L. Keezel, presi dent; Eva Frazer, secretary; E. C. Davis, theasurer. Byron Goodall, member executive committee. Persona! Comfort Urges “Get a Straw” Men buy at THE Haberdasher 505 Willamette Street Blue Bell Ice Cream Just as good as “Blue Bell” butter. Made in the same clean, sanitary place. Any kind or flavor. . . . Call EUGENE CREAMERY PHONE 638 Alfred Benjamin AND Sophomore Clothes Regal and Stetson Shoes Mallory and Stetson Hats Star and Cluett Shirts Roberts Bros. “Toggery” 554 Willamette Street. Broders Bros. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh, Corned and Smoked MEATS New Styles in Ladies’ and Men’s Low Cuts WILCOX BROS. ROYAL BLUE STORE Arross from Hampton's KOH-I-NOOR The “Quality” Shop Confectionery and Ice Cream that is superior Hot and Cold Lunches Call up 578