Beautiful Lingerie Dresses Tub Dresses $1.30 to $9.00 Made of fine Percale and best qualify Dress Ging ham in neaf stripes, checks and plaids. All sizes. Lingerie Dresses $3.50 ro $18. Hundreds to choose from. Made from sheer white mull and lawn and fancy light colored lawns. Dresses suitable for Afternoon and Evening Wear Silk Dresses $10.00 to $35.00 Suits.$15 to $50 Latest Novelties in Neckwear Thousands of dainty styles in new neckwear, Colonial - Dutch Collars in soft and starched effects, round, square and fancy Duck Collars, Jabots, Stocks, Hows, Chimesettes. See them today. 15c to $5.00 each i ’'f OEJj'NfQ BY College Clothes Combined in our young men’s clothes are all of the conservative, and yet snappy, effects that so please the college men. Suits $15 to $40 The Varsity and Imperial $3.00 Hats The cleverest shapes and shades and the most value for the money are features of these hats. The “Sensation” is the name of the latest hit, $3.00. Exclusive agents Ileid Hats and Caps, 50c to $3.00. Established 1892 l Paid up Capital and Surplus $150,000 Eugene Loan and Savings BANK Eugene, Oregon Our Platform Safety first, liberality next. Both are essential to suc cessful banking. If you are satisfied with our platform, come and see us. Open an account in our Sayings Department, and let your idle money bring you some returns. S.H. FRIENDLY & CO. The Leading Store Purveyors of high grade, ready-to wear and accessories for people of good taste and refinement. The fol lowing: lines of merchandise prove this: Gossard Lace Front Cor sets, Nemo Corsets, Warner Rust Proof and Red Fern Corsets King: Tailored Shirt Waists, Blue Ribbon and G.& W. Lingerie Waists fiatzen & Siegel Coats and Suits, M. Block famous line of Silk & Lingerie Dresses La Qrecque Tailored Underwear iTarcella Patented Underwear Munsing Underwear Carter’s Underwear Wayne Knit&Burlington Hosiery Brown Mills Silk Hosiery Centemer Gloves la, 16 and ao button lengths in all shades for evening wear $3.50 to $5.00 per pair 1911 Parasols Just In $1. to $10. each, all new color combinations. Get first choice S. H. FRIENDLY & CO.