01 LOSES JO IMHO EBIMI AFTERNOON The Teams Break Even on Their Second Series—Losing First: Winning Second The Moscovites took the first game from Oregon on Wednesday after IS as exciting innings as have* been seen on the campus diamond. At the close score of 4 to 3. The game was slow at firsb and Oregon led up to the eighth, when a number of errors allowed the visitors to tie- the score. Stupid work in the. field and on the bases was the cause of Oregon’s defeat. xxuuciw piicneu until tne iiiutii wiitsn he was succeeded by Jamison, who pitched a steady game until an error in the field flowed Idaho her four runs and brought the game to a close. Idaho’s fourth run was made by Kettenbach on. a hit to right field by Williams. The Oregon team were out hit two to one by the Idaho men. Robinson, Who pitched the entire game for Idaho judged his batters to a nice ty ancf worked steadily through the entire thirteen innings. Batteries: Idaho, Robinson, Wil liams; Oregon: Houck, Jamison, Tay lor. Umpire: Ferd Henkle. Byron Houck A freshman pitcher with a poetic name and some curves that fool the hater up—that is Houck. Houck has been performing excellently in the box for Oregon throughout the season and has suceeded in winning his O. He Qame at an opportune time for Ore gon and has proven satisfactory both to Coach Lynch and the varsity fans. LOYAL FRESHMEN BURN THEIR GREEN CAPS As a curtain raiser to the Tri-State field n^eet this afternoon, one hundred freshmen burned their green caps in a huge bon fire on Kincaid Field. Prof.' Buchen delivered a short eulogy be fore the ceremony began and was fol lowed. by the ever flowery “Beauty” Robison who 'delivered a parting shot on Oregon spirit. Pres. Yoden then escorted the faithful Knights bf the Cap, in serpentine formation to the western corner of Kincaid field where with a few raising cheers the fresh man sky pieces went up in smoke. The Montana Agricultural College is to have what they call a work day which is to be May 6th. On this day all the students of the institution are to turn out and devote the day to the improvement of their athletic field. the conclusion of the days labor the young ladies of the Domestic Science Department are to award the laborers with a bounteous repast. Here it seems is an idea worthy of imitation. The Michigan legislature has giv en $280,000 to the University of Michigan to be used to erect a new heating and lighting plant. Dartmouth alumni who serv«d In the Civil War are to be given special recognition in the commencement ex ercises in June. The Wright brothers are lending an aeroplane motor to the students of Michigan for experimental pur poses. HOMER JAMISON. The scrappiest first baseman .in the league and a man in whom Oregon alyways feels confidence in sending into the pitcher’s box. Jamison was captain of basketball -for 1910-11 and has been re-eleected for, 1911-12. That he is a first class all around athlete is attested *by the fact that he' made his. football “O” in his. first season' at t^ie game last yean . 880-yard run—Barber, Washington, High; Windnagle, Washington High, Autt, Enterprise; Dickson, Pendleton. Time, 2 minutes 5 seconds. High Jump—Woodworth, Lincolii High; Magone, St Johns; Sheehan, Oregon City; Lawrdnce, Jefferson. Height, 5 feet 6 inches. 120-yard hurdles—Bibee, Jefferson High; Fee, Pendleton; McFare.i, Washington; MilLering, LaGrandt. Time, 17 4-5 seconds. Droad jump—Fendall, NeWberg; Skip worth, Eugene; Small, Portland Academy; Wilson, Oregon City, 'Dis tance, li.35 feet. V 'V/ Mile run—Wilson, Washington High; McKay, Lincoln High; Wind nagle, Washington High; Lafky, Sa lem. Time, 4 minutes 46 4-5 sec onds. + Shot put—A. Poster, Dayton; Di vine, Pendleton; Childress, Medford; Hendricks, Eugene. Distance, 40-12 feet. ' *-■ (.i '-V 44U aasn—carper, ■ Wasmngto 1 High; Hartman, Ont^rfe; McLaren, balem; Wilson, Oregon City. 'Time t.4 3-5 seconds. . , 12-pound hammer—Ar Foster, p^y~* ton; Forbes, Medford; Davici, La Grande; Divine, Pendleton. Distance, 146.9 feet. (New interscholast^c^rec ord.l ; . » 220 'dash—Qickmore, Washington High; Kaiser, Salem, Sheeha&tJC&e-; gon City; Small, Safem. Discus throw—Drake, Dayton; C. Perkins, Columbia university; Divine, Pendleton; Vincent, Salem. Distance 99.33 feet. 1 220 hurdles—Bibee, Jeffers’oh High; liacey, Columbia university; McFareo, Washington High; Chipman, Pendle ton. Time 27 1-5 seconds. Half mile relay—Won by Pendleton. Time, 1 minute, 38 1-6 seconds.* Tabulated Score of Each School YVttsmngxun . m Pendleton . 1ft Dayton . 1ft Jefferson * ...,..\......... 11 Salem . 10 Oregon City . 9 Lincoln .. 8 Nfewberg ..... 3 Ontario;........•.... 8 Columbus .....4.......7 Medford ....... 5 Eu^jeue ................................................ ft La Grande St Johns Portland Academy.. Enterprise ....%.„.... Junction City ...___ 3 3 2 Statistics compiled at Yale show that out of 3,000 men, 1,740 take daily exercise. s. w. uiimian, 'is,will captain the Stanford varsity nine for neat year. Examinations at the University of Oregon begin June seventh.. GHOCOtATES ItVgreatsatisfaction to- Know fhflt1 e very- puciH ^ of: ihcte “Fa mtma Since 1842” candies makes a delimited customer. variety, and lj^dkl^ ‘t^n aE ways get a package to suit your parse" andJ your tadt* : .'i* t i j^ , 4 ; : !\- ■*,.> ;■ fooii ^ 4« j4+ id Dillon Drug’:Company «*, (>»* 4«»v; Smaede HWeHiuildln* ■liViMif-t-ifi fi;gia.'A|!. ii.v < *y *y*■*$ *w We Please the World •.;t-jkm. a i *.i.. iSii •• W. M. GREEN ; t ' H .. - f.v TheSqyare Dfeal V'i Groceries, Wooden and WffliirWsr^ Grockeryy ' Lamps and Glassware Hair Tonic- ' Cream* ■ ■ Vy iite. ;,<'j Ira) Hair Goods* Made to Order f',:' • ■■■ ■•! •??—^ V went, Mwucuring, Massaging N -' ‘mwinni'iitfwiT . i.Bp- ■VII tq??K5F's ->■«'■.> * fir i 111?; * k: ilwiit: itt ^111