UNIVERSITY OF OREGON VOL. XII. EUGENE. OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 29. 1911. No. 49. OREGANA TO BE OUT earliest annual ever put OUT BY UNIVERSITY CLASS. i - CONTAINS MANY SENSATIONAL STORIES Articles by Dean Collins, Tom Burke, Charles Robison and 0|herg ; Adorn Pages. The Oregana will be out the first of next week; a full week before Junior Week End. This comes as a surprise to every one as each suc ceeding staff has always promised to have the book out by the Junior Week End, but so far as is known by the | present college 'generation such a i promise has never before been ful filled. ( Editor Chester Moores spent the | entire Easter vacation in Portland supervising the arrangement of the material and personally reading all of s the proof. Before he returned to college, the first of the present week, he had the satisfaction of seeing a copy of the book in its final form, and of receiving a definite promise from the printer that the books would be published and shipped to Eugene by Monday, May 1. Though the Oregana is coming from the press early this year, that fact will not in any way impair its value. This year’s book contains 320 pages or 64 pages more than the one issued last year. Moreover, the staff prom ise some startling and sensational S revelations in the way of slams and stories on prominent individuals who have succeeded in making themselves f conspicuous about the campus. In the literary department, besides articles by various members of the staff, there are special contributions by Dean Collins, Charles Robinson, Tom Burke, Bill Cass, Alma Noon and Francas Oberteuffer. The artists who have aided in making the edition attractive and unique, are: Lucile McQuin, Lucile Abrams, Christine Wade, Margurite Rankin, Jack Luckey, Cecil Kav, Harry Vierick and Oscar Hangen. weekire ausely;ntfsmoredbzgfikqTAI The book will be on sale Tuesday or Wednesday of next week at the ticket office to Kincaide field just south of the Library. The price of the book to those who did not take advantage of the special offer made 1 by the management will be two dollars. ' ADO FEATURE TO PARADE Mew features which will add much interest to the Commencement exer ei-^os this year for girls of the under classes will be introduced into the sual fer nand fjjbwTer procession. Be Slli‘-'s the procession there will be two May-pole dances and several quaint furl graceful folk dances upon the ■av.n in the middle of the campus, i his is being done in order to interest the under class girls in the Com mencement exercises and also to make '■h*' part of the exercises a mm*e Prominent feature. All girls who can make arrangements to stay over ^°r Commencement this year and who "'ill take part in this are requested to meet with the Steward, Wednes day afternoon at 4:30 in the women's gymnasium. POLITICIANS, ATTENTION! NOMINATIONS WEDNESDAY The assembly hour next Wednes-! day will be tagen up by the nomina tion of candidates for the approaching student-body election. Vague rumors of probable candidates are floating around the campus and the list of aspirants for student body positions promises to be larger than usual. U.O.TAKES FOURTH PUCE California, Stanford, Washington and Oregon, Is Order in All-Coast Track Meet. Defeated but undaunted the varsity track team returned Tuesday morning from the second annual all-coast track meet held under the auspices I of the University of California. Four j Pacific Coast collges participated in ; this meet viz: California, Stanford, Washington and Oregon. The teams i finished in the order named with 60, ! 42, 17 and 12 points respectively. In nine of the thirteen events last years’ records were broken. The new marks are: 4:30 for the mile; 10.1 for the 100; 23 for the 220; 10:25.3 for the 2-mile; 1:58.4 for the 880; 3:23 for the relay; 149 for the ham- i mer; 42:9.5 for the shot; 6:2 for the high jump. Far from being discouraged with last place Trainer Hayward is not disappointed and believes the trip fully worth while as giving the men excellent training and giving a line on Washington’s strength. EWE (MING TRACK Ten Lanes Will Be Capacity of the Varsity Oval for Preparatory Track Meet. Grading has begun on the track to widen it to: admit ten lanes in the twenty-two dashes and hurdles. Also the straightaway will allow ten men to run at onpe. This will eliminate too many preliminary races before the finals, and will be of great benefit to the Prep school athletes in the ■Interscholastic meet. In most of the high school meets held heretofore some of the best men have been overworked because they had to run three races for each event in which j they were entered. When the teams come from a great distance and can not bring many men it has been j necessary for the athletes to enter in several events consequently many men, who show promise if better work in college, run themselves out in prep school because they have not the advantages of a competent trainer and are allowed to overwork them selves when not in the best condition. Trainer Havward believes that the system of fewer races will admit of faster time being made in the finals. Twenty-eight hijrh schools and academies will enter teams in the : Interscholastic Track and Field Meet to be held on Junior Week end making the largest aggregation of prep school athletes ever lined up for a meet rn Oregon. Manager Cockerline reports that four high schools which have never put out a track team before have sig nified their intention of entering the meet; also Salem Hilgh will send a team. The new high schools are Condon, St. Johns, Athena, and Dav ton. APRIL FROLIC BEST AND BIGGEST ONE IEI MANY CLEVER STUNTS PULLED OFF BY THE CO-EDS. SORORITIES SHOW MUCH ORIGINALITY Suffragettes, Gold Dust Twins, Harem Skirt, Going, Going, Gone, Were There. The Apjil Frolic was the biggest and best ever—-a rollicking spirit of fun prevailed throughout the whole evening. The costumes langed from the beautiful to the screamingly ridi culous, from the artist’s model and the dainty Japanese maid, to the col lege Rah Rah boy, the amazonian suffragette, Irish wash woman, and colored mammy. Many of the stunts were clever in the extreme—the faculty ladies gave a topsy-turvy circus song which c eated much wonderment; eight of the Kappa Alpha Theta girls as un sophisticated frashmen gave a song and dance; Gamma Delta Gamma gave a ludicrous interpretation of aesthetic Greek dancing which de lighted the audience with its extreme naturalness and grace. Mrs. and Mrs. Fizzler Johnson and their re markable humanophone, whose reper toire consisted of the one touching ballad," For Heaven Will Protect the Working Girl,” represented the Tri Deltas. The Chi Omega girls illus trated the “Cycle of Skirts,” with il lustrations from hoops to harem. The Hungry Seven of the Gamma Phis gave a German phantom band song and the Beth Reah’s illustrated Case.v Jones in a manner most tragic and heartrending. The living advertise ments were excellent and the Oregon Club girls gave a daisy song; the Euteaxians were howling suffragettes in a mock debate and the Lambda Rhos closed the program with 3 pantomine, a modernized story o1 Galatea and Pygmalion. Following the program the 81 girls danced and were served with ice cream cones. All in all, it was one of the best times the college girl counts in her collge year. The class of 1913 scored a scoop for its Oregona Ly securing a number of clever flashlight pictures to be usee in the College Life department. 000000000000000000 o S. H. Friendly & Co., Laraway 0 o Jewelry Co.; Yoran’s Printing c 0 House; Pollock Bros. Jewelry Co.; c o Oregon Emerald; Watts Jewelry c o Co.; Paul Bond. c o The above have all contributed c o silver trophy cups for the Canoe c o Carnival contests thus assuring < o the success of the affair. < o Voting for the Carnival Queen c o will begin Monday morning and ( o will close Saturday noon. The ( o ballot box will be on the Library ( o desk. The voting will be under ( o the charge of a committee com- < o posed of Bernie Baer and Dean < o Walker who will daily post the < o returns on the Library bulletin. < o Votes may be purchased at 5 1 o cents per of them or of Ralph - o Moores, Emma Waterman, Harold o Bean, Leigh Huggins, Ruth Mer o rick. 00000000000000000 Miss Edith Aids and Miss Florene Lewis of Portland are week-en quests at the Tri-Delta House. jo 000000000000030 I o Prof. Glen announces that o { o Seniors intending to enter the o o Failing and Beekman contests o o must file their orations with Reg- o o istrar Tiffany not later than o o Thursday, May 4. They must o o be ready for preliminary delivery o o on the following day. o oooooooooooooooooo W. S. C. TEAM IS NEXT Varsity Nine Will Play Strong Pull man Aggregation Wednesday and Thursday. There has been a “shake-up” in I the baseball line-up and the aggrega ' tion which will meet W. S. C. on the campus field Wednesday and Thurs day will present a somewhat different I appearance from the bunch that open i ed the series here with Whitman. Word, who has been assisting Tav-! lor in the receiving box has been switched to the keystone sack, form erly occupied by Fenton. Chandler has been sent from left field to right and Fenton will now pull down the j high ones in the left garden. Mount has a well-developed case of “charlie horse” and in case he is unable to get into the game before next Wednes day Van Marter, who has been doing good work on the squad will prob | ably occupy the middle district. Houk Jameson, Cobb and Peet will com pose the pitching staff. The slab sters for the two coming games will not be selected from these until im mediately before the game. Prominent Sophs Will Edit 1913 An nual—Student Life Photos to Be a Feature. Kai lOnthank, editor of the 1913 Ovegana has announced his staff as follows: Fen Waite, college life; Dan Mitchell, athletics; Lloyd Barzea, humor; Nell Ilemmenway, classes and fraternities; Bess Lewis, student orga nizations; Lucile Abrams, art; Allyn Roberts will assist Manager Bert Strong. Although the 1912 year book is not yet out, the 1913 staff is already at a feature and to this end. elaborate of student life and doings are to be work on next year’s annual. Pictures plans for covering the Junior Week End festivities as well as games, meets and theatricals, are being ear ned out. EUTAXFANS HOLDING VERY LIVELY SESSIONS — The Eutaxians are holding interest ing meetings each Tuesday evening at a quarter before seven. At each meeting there is an improdptu debate, recitations and music. Once in three weeks there is a prepared debate. Once a month the Society has a social meeting at which a general good time is enjoyed by all. The next social meeting will be held next Tuesday evening at the Gamma Delta Gamma ) House. ) At present there are about thirty j five active members while the average > | attendance is about twenty. •J. A. Rake". T4, leaves the Univer sity this week to assume the dutie> 3 of forest ranger in the Cascade re 1 serve. He expects to complete thi: i semester s work next fall. ANOTHER BIG SMOKER TO BOOST ATHLETICS NOVEL STUNTS ON TAP—WILL SERPENTINE DOWN TOWN. HELD TO REVIVE THE “OREGON SPIRIT" •, , . •: I i Washington Must Be Defeated—She Must Be Shown Who Bill Hayward Is. On Tuesday night May 2 a gigantic smokerless smoker similar to the one held last football season will be held in the Gym to boom interest in track and baseball. The coming smoker is to be crammed full of novel and in teiesting stunts the entire program or which is not yet complete and only :i partial list of events can be given out at present. Whether there will be a parade down town or not depends upon the decision of the powers that be, but if there is a parade, it will be worth while. One of the first events to be pulled off will be the Great Salve Spreading contest by candidates, prospective and otherwise. The Freshman Glee Club which recently created such a furore will be called upon to sing and Mr. Mr. Lamm’s Carusian tones will again blend with the cheering. Willie De Muggs, of Seattle, will be the speaker of the evening and will deliver an address on “College Men Who Have Met Me.” He will be followed by prominent University silver tongues and an abundant talk-fest is assured. The hit of the evening willb ete’n The hit of the evening will be the mock canoe carnival. A king of the Carnival will be elected and the full program of aquatic sports will be run through. “Hippo” Gillis will give to the world the results of his experiments in motor boating. Mr. Gillis has secured the engine out of a recently junked automobile and will attach it to the rowing machine in the Gym. Jack Luckey has promised to speak on “A Trip to the Pole.” There will be plenty of “Eats, Drinks, and Be Merries,” for educated men but the co-educated masculine element will be barred from partaking of the refreshments. The co-eds may wit ness the festivities from the gallery. This is positively the last appear ance of the famous smokerless smoker of the old regime—all others will be imitations—this is the last of the originals. Those who attended the one held last fall need no intro duction to this one and those who did not have the shinienated oppor tunity before them. “Seize time by the fetlock,” is the nal advice of the management. III. y. CO EDS HOLD MEET The first co-ed track meet ever held in Washington is scheduled definitely for the last week in May on Denny Field. Besides the events borrowed from men’s athletics, they will use several features taken from the Gre cian games, such as the torch race, (discus hurling and spirting. More than fifty girls are training- for the events under the coaching of Dr. Hall and Miss Merrick, and some of them are doing remarkably good work. Eleven events are scheduled: Forty yard dash, shot put (8 pounds), low hordl-s (2 feet), throwing the basket ; ball for distance, the relay ' ace, torch i race, discus hurling and short dash.