Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, April 08, 1911, Image 1

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    VOL. XII.
EUGENE, OREGON. W®©**S8DAY. APR. 8. 1911
No. 46
Perplexing Case at Pullman at
Last Solved by Voluntary
The efforts of the faculty, the Pres
ident and Regents of the Washington
State College to discover the perpetra
tors of the midnight raid on Stevens
Hall, the girls’ dormitory, Monday
night, March 27, when a number of co
eds were rolled out of bed, came to a
sensational end Tuesday, when three
unsuspected students, including the cap
tain of the football team, appeared be
fore the Regents and confessed that they
alone were responsible for the incident,
which caused such an upheaval at the
northern institution.
The action was brought about by the
announcement of the convjiction and
expulsion of Ralph Holgerson, a prom
inent athlete from Tacoma, who was
found guilty and ordered expelled by
the board. Holgerson has been declared
innocent, exonerated, and reinstated in
A committee of the Y. M. C. A. held
a previous investigation, and as a resutl
blamed six who were proven innocent.
The discipline committee also convicted
six, recommending three for expulsion
and three for suspension. The evidence
against Holgerson was particularly
strong. Two girls positively identified
him, and one of the co-eds testified
that she heard one of the raiders say
as he left the dormitory, “Come on, Hol
gerson, you are caught.”
The three who confessed. Jack Foran,
Horace Smith and Stanford Knapp, stat
ed that they had little thought of the
seriousness of their offense at the time
that the action was perpetrated. They
have been highly commended by students
and faculty for confessing to save inno
cent students, when they might easily
have escaped even suspicion.
Holgerson’s mother came down from
Tacoma, and did her utmost to save her
son from disgrace at the hands of the
investigating committee. The accused
student stated that he demanded a pub
lic apology from those who positively
accused him of being guilty.
Owing to the resignation oi I'. M.
Brown, present General Secretary of
the University Y. M. C. A., the Asso
ciation directors are now scouring the
country in search of a man to take up
the work at Oregon next year. Two
men are already under consideration,
one from the East, and one from one of
the larger California universities.
Mr. Brown, who has been doing effi
cient work here tor two years, has ac
cepted a responsible position as depart
ment secretary in the Portland City
Association. There he will have charge
of the Bible Study work, which now
ranks among the six best associations
in the United States. He will take up
the work in Portland immediately after
Commencement at the University.
1 hose wishing rates to Portland *
* for Easter vacation, see Moulten or '
* Krieger. Phone 613. *
* President Campbell will speak at *
* the assembly hour next Wednesday *
* on the life, personality and philos- *
* ophy of Tolstoi. President Camp- *
* bell has made a thorough study of *
* this great Russian writer, and will *
* undoubtedly present something of *
* interest concerning him in his usu- *
* al pleasing manner. *
***** **** * *
Ed Fort miller, ex-’12, is up from
Albany for the Theta party.
Prominent Co-Ed Undergradu
ates to Gambol on Green
Arrangements for the second annual
April Frolic are progressing rapidly.
The date, Saturday, April 28th, has been
decided upon, and committees composed
entirely of efficient Senior girls, have
been appointed. The committees are as
follows: Refreshments, Louise Cecil,
Effie McCallum; stunts, Alice Stoddard,
Edith Woodcock; admission, June Gray.
Naomi Williamson; posters, Cecile Wil
cox, Jessie Calkins; gymnasium, Edith
Baker, Gertrude Denhardt.
This year, as usual, there will be
stunts of various sorts given, and the
committee in charge asks that a report
of all such stunts be in their hands by
Monday, April 24th. This is simply a
precautionary measure to prevent du
The Women’s Council expects to make
this the biggest and best April Frolic
ever. Following the stunts there will
be a grand march and dancing, followed
by refreshments.
Collier and Motschenbacher Re
port Pleas nt Trip
Collier and Motschenbacher returned
Friday from California after the Stan
ford debate. They report a good time
and excellent treatment at the hands
of their honorable opponents.
The days after the debate the men
spent in visiting the two great Cali
fornia universities and in renewing ac
quaintances with friends and relatives
in and around Frisco Bay. Saturday the
men attended the Stanford-University
of Southern California track meet which
Stanford won handily 90 to 32. Several
records were broken. In the high jump
6-4 was made; 4:28:2 in the mile and
12-1 in the pole vault.
Owing to it being the time of the
spring vacation at Stanford, but a small
crowd turned out for the debate which
was held in the Varsity assembly hall.
Dr. Joseph Schafer left Thursday to
attend the teachers’ institute being held
at Warrenton, Oregon, at the mouth
of the Columbia river. He was to de
liver addresses Friday and Saturday
on early Oregon history, with special
reference to that part of history con
nected with Astoria and the Columbia
river, the object being to give the teach
ers correct information of the doings
of John Jacob Astor, Robert Gray, 'and
the others in honor of whom the Asto
ria Centennial will be held this summer
so that the teachers may report such
knowledge to their pupils and the pu
pils in turn send out letters all over
the country boosting the centennial.
Besides Doubtful Pitching Staff
- nd an Injury or Two, Var
sity Men in Good Shape
Oregon’s 1911 baseball season will
start off with a bang next Wednesday
afternoon, when Coach Lynch’s rnen will
try conclusions with the team from
Whitman College. The game will oc
cur at Midway Park, which :s being
specially, prepared for the occasion. The
grandstand is being rehabilitated and
thoroughly renovated, and the car com
pany is making arrangements for im
proved car service to the diamond. The
first game Wednesday afternoon will
be called promptly at 4:00, and the same
arrangements will hold for Thursday’s
return second engagement. From here
the Missionaries will take the C. & F
for the Benton County metropolis for
a double header with the Agrics’ nine.
Coach Lynch, although naturally ret
icent about giving out advance prophe
sies, announces himself pleased with Or
egon’s pre-season prospects, and with the
exception of an untried pitching staff,
expects a well balanced nine. Carl Fen
ton, the promising Freshman candidate,
is suffering from a severely sprained
wrist and may not get into Wednesday's
opening contest.
Whitman is strong on the diamond
this year, and will probably open the
series with the battery Bell and Cox.
Coach Lynch will probably work Houck
and Captain Taylor.
Philadelphia, April 3.—(Special) —
Students at the University of Pennsyl
vania are preparing to give a monstrous
circus on April 7 and 8. There will be
more than 300 performers, forty of
whom will he dressed as circus girls.
There will he sixteen clowns. Students
will take the parts of animals of every
description, rfom the elephant to the
wild cat.
The students will give the show to
raise money to endow a bed in the stu
dents* ward in the rospital. This ward
already has ten beds, and in appoint
ment and luxuries has few equals in
any hospital.
Last Tuesday night a formal opening
was given in the billiard tand poo
rooms owned by Sid Smith and Jay
The rooms are in Hampton Brothers
old location and are by far the mo=i
elaborately finished resort of its kin'
in Eugene. Seven thousand dollar;
was spent in new tables and artistic fur
nishings, and a result obtained thru
compares very favorably with similai
resorts in the larger cities.
To move or not to move, is the ques
tion bothering the University of Ne
braska. Four members, a majority o:
the board of regents are not in favoi
of moving the University three mile
northeast to the agricultural college ex
periment station campus, outside th<
limits of the city of Lincoln, but do no
favor extending the present city cam
The regular meeting of the Univer
sity of Oregon branch of the American
Institute of Electrical Engineers will be
held Tuesday at 7:30 in the Electrical
Engineering building. Dr. Boynton
will present a paper entitled “Calibra
tion of Electric Measuring Instruments"
and Mr. Reid will illustrate the work
ing of the common battery telephone
Carlton Spencer, ’13, is spending the
week end at his home in Cottage Grove.
Dean Collins Announces Many
Clever Features for April
The next number of the Oregon
Monthly will be devoted to the interests
of baseball and track. The principal
article is “The History of Oregon's
Trophies,” by Fen Waite. This will re
veal many interesting facts not generally
known concerning the large collection
of trophies in the Men’s Gym.
The other principal contributors are
“Sap” Latourette, Jimmy Johns, Bill
Hayward and Dan Mitchell. The last
named contributes a live track story.
The more notorious characters in
track and baseball activities who have
not already undergone the “Who’s Who”
third degree will have their records ex
posed in this issue.
The Wastebasket will contain its us
ual proportion of “humorous” verse.
The May issue is to be a “Mill Race
and Piggers” number, and Editor Col
lins wishes that all literateurs possess
ing a romantic strain may produce fic
tion and verse of appropriate senti
; Talented Cast Will Present First
Production to Audience
Next Week
“Gunstige Forzeichen,” a one-act play
let, will be put on the boards at Vil
lard Hall on Tuesday night of nesl
week, as the minor dramatic produc
tion of the Deutsche Verein for tin
spring semester. The play is writter
in the lighter vein and depicts the mis
haps which befall a lovesick swain win
is rather uncertain as to the identity o:
the object of his affections.
The cast is as follows:
Herr Rillberg,_Alfred Ske
Holdhaus, -Charles Fowlei
I Fin Reitknecht_Dick Sleigh
j Karolina, Rillberg’s daughter,
Mabel Zimmermai
Brunhilde, his niece, Naomi Williamsoi
i The manager of the company wishe
! it distinctly understood that no admis
sion will be charged, as the productioi
is not being given for the sake of men
money gain, but for the purpose o
stimulating interest in German dramatic
art at the University.
The confession of the three W. S. 0
students, who, to save an innocent mar
plead guilty to having rough-housed th
girls’ dorm, went far towards expiatini
the offense. College men are charac
teristically manly about taking thei
; medicine in such cases. It is rarely th.i
they will fail, when called upon to ex
■ onerate their college or to save an ir
: nocent man from punishment. The r<.
pentant culprits should be recommende
to the leniency of the court.
Latourette Wins Hurdles in Time
of 7 Seconds; M. A. A. C.
Wins Relay Race
For t ho fifth successive year, Oregon
/.today won the annual indoor track
meet at Columbia University, Portland.
The contest between Oregon, O. A. C.
and Multnomah Athletic Club was very
close, the three finishing in the order
named, Oregon by winning second place
in the relay and first and second in the
jumps finally winning out with 35 points.
Up to this point the meet was in doubt
as O. A. C. was but a scant three points
As far as the imperfect returns re
ceived up to 7:00 this evening indicate
the following Oregon men placed.
Johns won the quarter mile. Kellogg
made third in the shot put. Kay 'third
in the 50-yard dash. Latourette won the
short hurdle race in the fast time of 7
seconds. Kay won the 220 dash and
Bean secured second, but this place was
later protested and forfeited because of
alleged foul. McClure won the mile
and took third in the half, as did I'iser
in the mile.
surprised at the strength O. A. C. de
veloped as that college had not figured
seriously in the previous “dope.” Mult
nomah was expected to be Oregon’s
most formidable opponent but did not
dcvelope the expected strength.
Six Big Meets for Captain Haw
kino’ Varsity Track
Oregon's 1911 track season is open
ing today with the tenth annual indoor
meet at Columbia University.
Next Wednesday or Thursday Train
er Hayward will hold a tryout for men
to take the trip to California to meet
Berkeley April 22. This is the first
year Oregon has sent a full team to
California. Fourteen athletes will make
this trip.
The third Oregon meet will be with
Whitman College, in Eugene, May 6th.
This will he the first meet held in Eu
gene this season, and is one of the im
, portant contests of the year.
On May 12th a big roundup of prep
1 pheuoms will hold sway on the Var
’ sity oval.
On May 13th the triangular meet will
1 be pulled off in Eugene, and will un
doubtedly be the best and most impor
^ j tant contest of the season. Washington
: and Idaho will send strong aggrega
tions to fight out the Northwest cham
pionship with the Oregon sprinters. Brai
. ly Gish, the wonderful Washington ath
, lete, will lie with the Seattle crew, and
2 will undoubtedly annex his regular
? number of points.
Though somewhat weakened by the
r loss of Dave McDaniels, the star mid
t die distance man, Trainer Hayward has
- whipped his track material into won
- derful form and it is predicted that the
- Oregonians will tear through the 1911
[1 season amid flying colors and crashing