OREGON EMERALD Editor In Chief,,,....Ralph Moores, ’12 Managing Editor...L. Burns Powell,, ’12 News Editor.Wm. E. Lowell, 'll Assistant.Laurence Whitman, ’14 City Editor.Karl Onthank, ’13 Copy Editors— .George Shantin, ’12 .Fen Waite, ’13 .Walter Bailey, '12 Special Assignments— .Evans Huston, ’12 .Willetta Wright, ’ll Reporters— .Elizabeth Lewis, ’13 .Alfred Davies, '14 .Elliott Roberts, '13 .Nell Hemenway, ’13 .Edward Bailey. ‘13 .Henry Fowler. '14 .Edward Himes, ’12 .William Cass, ’14 .Oscar Hangen, ’14 .Walter Huntington, ’12 .Walter Klmmell, ’13 .Gladys Cartwright, ’13 .Alma Noon. ‘13 .Leon Ray, '12 BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager.D. L. Dobie, '11 Advertising.R. C. Kennedy, ’12 Circulation .Allyn F. Roberts, ’12 Published Wednesday and Saturday during the college year by students of INIVERS1TY OF OR] GON Application made for second class mail tes. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ne year-$1.00 Single copy- £5 Saturday, March 18, 1911. Orator Spencer and his friends are to be commended upon their determin ation to waive further appeal of the dis puted oratorical decision. Though the question could have been carried to the Associated Students, there to he wrangled over and fought out, by dint of much unpleasant dis c.tssion and acrimonious debate, and though it would have thus been deck! ed definitely one way or the other, judgment would have been rendered according to ;>■ . judicc and personal bias. Much dissention and ill feeling would have undoubtedly resulted, and inter bunch animosities would have been ac centuated and deepened. Nor is it prob able that ililts throwing the quarrel into the arena of popular discussion would have brought forth any new light on Ihe problem, or that it would have adduced any new testimony capable of serving as the basis for a more equitable ad justment. On the contrary, the issues would have become still more confused, the arguments would very likely have hem drawn int^ personalities, and the whole thing would have been decided, not upon the question of which one was best qualified to represent the Varsity, but. rather upon a test of which one had the most friends ready to vote for him. Both men are remarkably able talk ers, and certainly no one would fed that the chances of the University would suffer at the hands of either. It is a most happy solution of a most intricate and perplexing problem, and Mr Spencer’s withdrawal is particu larly graceful in view of his recent brilliant victory in the inter collegiate contest, liy his decision he has saved the students from the embarrassing po rtion o! deciding between two capable men and stopped a quarrel that prom ised to lead to unpleasant and unfor tunate complications. ATHLETES COME OUT WITH SPRING WEATHER 0 \ C. News Letter, March 14 — With the coming of the tine spring wea tlu r comes the numerous athletics. Ev er\ day may he seen on the athletic tiehl large mnnbers of track aspirants Some new material is showing up very well, and with the few old track men. prospects are improving rapidly. 1 he I’hli Eeronian Society play "The ( ollege \\ idow." w as staged last Fri day evening very successfully before (me of the largest audiences that ever witnessed an amateur production here. I hi' Junior \mmal photography staff lvas been very busy of late Every day on the campus may be seen different groups of persons posing for the camera man Pictures of the cadet regiment .and of the different buildings and scenes are also being taken Fraternity men . * Nebraska lit- in stalled the honor •'stem and T is p'-.n ned Oregon, Washington and all the Northwest will prevail DAILY March 10th to April 10th over the Southern Pacific Lines in Oregon From— Chicago at -$33.00 St. Louis -32.00 Omaha_ 25.00 Kansas City_25.00 St. Paul-25.00 and from oeher cities correspondingly low YOU CAN PREPAY FARES The colonist fares are westbound only, but if you hue relatives or friefldk or employees in the East whom you desire to bring U, this state, you can de posit the value of the fare with your local railroad agent, and an order for * ticket will be telegraphed to any address desired LET THE WORLD KNOW Of our vast resources and splendid opportunities for HOME BUILDING Call on the undersigned for good, in structive printed matter to send East, or give him the address of those to whom you would like to have such matter sent. WM. McMURRAY Uciirral Fassenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON