Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, March 18, 1911, Image 1

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    VOL. XII.
No. 40
Hayward Gets Line on Frosh
Track Material by Contests
in Gymnasium
An indoor track meet was pulled off
Wednesday night in the Gym, in which,
with the exception of Kellogg, only new
men took part. The obstacle race was
won by Robinson, with Skei a close
second. Lamm seriously injured the
barrel in making the tunnel dive, but
finished third regardless of the handi
The main wrestling match between
Kelly and Gerogas, the Greek, was won
by the former in two straight falls.
This was the classiest exhibition of the
evening, and both men put up a good
scrap for the grappling honors. Kelly
was in much better condition than the
Greek, as was shown by the fact that
the first bout was the faster of the
two. Kelly took the first fall in eight
minutes on an arm lock and an off
Nelson. The second fall he secured
after twelve minutes of wrestling on a
combination toe hold and arm lock.
I he results of the races were as fol
lows : 25 yard dash, Ford, Fowler, Hud
son ; 300 yard dash, Oldfield, Mercer and
Rower; 100 yard dash, Williamson, Ford
and Powell; 660 yard dash, Mercer,
Haugen and King; high jump, Hawkins,
Brooks and Oleson; high dive, McCor
mack, Oleson and Often; long dive, Of
ten Oleson and McCornack; pole vault,
Robinson and McCornack; shot put, Kel
logg, Grout and Ferguson; obstacle race,
Robinson, Skei and Williamson.
Tn wrestling, Washburne won from
Ryder, twro straight; Hawrkins won from
Oleson, two straight; Robinson won
from King, two straight; and Kelly wron
front Gerogas, two straight.
Last September the University of Or
egon started its own bok store, with
the Librarian and student help in charge.
So far the store has handled between
L .000 and $8,000 worth of text books
to the satisfaction of both faculty and
Mr. Douglas, the Librarian, in speak
tog of the matter, said: “The idea in
starting the store was to solve the diffi
culties of the professors in securing the
text books which they needed promptly
and without the usual delay. We al
ready had utilities for getting in touch
v ith the publishing companies, and it
made the work in that respect less trou
ble, though of course it means added
'v ,rk for the Librarian. We hope by
Me end of the year to come out with a
1 lance on the side of the book store.
“At the present supplies, such as pen
ens, note-boks, etc., are not handled
here. The down town merchants wished
fo still handle those supplies. And I
tnink being located as it is on the cam
Pl's, the book store fills a needed want.”
1 he women of the University of Min
nesota have started a campaign to se
cure the right of voting in the athletic
association elections.
The staff of the University of Wash
ington Daily wil present the play “Gen
tleman Joe” in the near future.
A special meeting of the Doughir.it
Board of Directors has been called for
Tuesday morning at 9:30 o'clock in the
Emerald room at the boys’ dormitory.
The question of admitting the Oregon
Club to the League will be taken up
again and discussed. Also the question
of where and when the games will be
played will receive attention. All mem
bers of the board are requested to be
I present.
S ys Oregon Men Show Up Well
—Will Pick Two Teams
Paul Lynch, of Syracuse, Oregon’s
new baseball coach, is enthusiastic over
the prospects for a winning team this
year. When interviewed this afternoon,
Coach Lynch said: “I like the way the
boys meet the ball on the nose, and I
am going to exert all my efforts to de
velop a hard hitting club. I am not yet
entirely familiar with my men. but for
so early in the season they certainly
look good. Because of the number of
enthusiasts who are turning out, the
squad is still a trifle unwieldy, but 1
will cut it down to about twenty-two
men Monday afternoon. 1 intend to
work a first and second team, but will
not attempt to line them up tor a game
before next Saturday.
“For the battery, the material turning
out is good, but there are not enough
men trying out in that department. For
pitchers, T am trying Cozens, Peet and
Houck; for catchers, Taylor, Broughton
and Word.
“It is still a little early to give any
favorable or unfavorable individual men
tion, but I am well satisfied.”
Birdie Wise Appoints Staff Mem
bers for Each Classi—Friday
of Week End the Date
“The Women’s Edition of the Em
erald will be ready Friday of Junior
Week End.” These are the words of
Editor in Chief Birdie Wise, thus set
tling definitely all controversy over the
date of issue.
The work is being outlined by the
editors, and Miss Wise has already ap
pointed her assistants. Misls Deger
mark, who was elected Assistant Edi
tor, has resigned, and Miss Willetta
Wright was appointed to fill that place.
From the Sophomore class, Nellie
Hemenw'ay, Alma Noon and Lucile
Abrams have been chosen. Miss Hem
enway will have charge of the “Sport
ing Section,” and Miss Abrams the Art
From the Junior girls. Ruby Hammer
strom, Fay Clark, and Mildred Bagley
were appointed, and from the seniors,
Naomi Wililamson.
The issue is expected to cover about
eighteen pages, of which only a third
will be devoted to advertising.
A tax of ten or fifteen cents will be
levied on each University girl to help
defray the expenses of the special num
Miss Waterman and Miss Clifford are
busy securing ads, and feel confident of
enthusiastic support.
* Carl Fenton, ’14, scored 119 ^
* points, 41 field baskets, 37 foul goals. *
18 TO 13
Freshman Team Wins All of the
Three Games Played—
Seniors Lose All Games
* Freshmen _ 3 0 1,000 *
* Juniors _ 2 1 .666 *
* Sophomores_ 1 2 .33 *
* Seniors _ 0 3 .000 *
The Freshman girls' basketball team
won the championship Friday afternoon,
when they defeated the Seniors 18-13.
During the first Half everything went
for the Freshmen, who scored 16 points
to the Seniors’ 1. The second half was
much more exciting, for it then locked
as if the Seniors would win, and the
Juniors have another chance for the
championship. The Seniors made 12
points and kept the Freshmen down un
til the last two minutes, when they suc
ceeded in throwing another basket, thus
making the final score 18-13.
After the game, Dr. Stuart presented
the Hayward cup to Hazel Rader, the
Freshman captain.
A. Burleigh Cash, member of last
year’s debating team, was in Eugene
last week attending to the sale of the
property of the once famous Hood River
Bachelors’ Club.
When college opened two yreas ago,
Burleigh Cash, Jack Luckey, Albert Gar
rabrant and Clyde Pajttee, lull 'from
Hood River, organized the Hood River
Bachelors’ Club, bought a lot on Uni
versity avenue on the installment plan,
built a “shack” for a small sum, and
lived there for from eight to ten dol
lars a month, when it was costing stu
dents outside from ten to twenty dol
lars. Last year, with another member,
they did even better; but this fall the
organization was broken up on account
of three members not retaurning to col
lege and the rest going into fraterni
ties and the dormitory, so the lot and
building was advertised for sale. The
club spent about two hundred and fifty
dollars on the property all told, and
sold it for four hundred, a substantial
profit, not to consider the saving real
ized in the cost of living while they
lived there.
Henry Georges to Meet
President C. W. Robison calls a meet
ing of the Henry George Association
for Tuesday evening, March 21, at 7:00
o’clock, in Dr. Schmidt’s room. Re
ports of committees and other impor
tant business will be brought before the
association. A1 interested arc invited
to be present.
Lee Sam, ex-’13, now at Cornell, is
trying for a Chinese imperial scholar
ship, of which a small number are dis
tributed annually in this country by the
Chinese government.
The International Club at O. A. C.,
composed of foreign students attending
that institution, recently made a contri
bution to the Chinese famine fund.
Revision of the Pension List will he
the motto of the Progressive party in
the lower house, at Lattrean meeting
next Saturday. Gillis and Davies, lead
ers of the Progressives, will introduce
Vi revision measure, which will he
fought by the Stand Patters, led by
Lamm and Terpeuing, It is expect
ed that considerable budding oratory
and statesmanship will be manifested
before the measure finally comes io a
Will Assume Role of Princess
Chrysanthemum in Opera
of that Name
Lilah Prosser has been selected to
take the role of Princess Chrysanthe
mum, the leading part in the opera of
that name, which is to be put on be the
Women’s Choral Club the 13th of
April. The other principals are the
Emperor, Maude Beals; Prince So-Sli,
Juliet Cross; Top-Knot, Gladys Cart
wright; Saucer-Eyes, Nancy Noon;
Fairy Moonbeam, Maybelle Larsen.
The maids to Princess Chrysanthe
mum are Edna Miller, Janet Young,
Blanche Powell, Alma Payton, Jean Al
lison and Ethel Risley.
The play is based on a Japanese love
story, the scenes are laid in a Japanese
garden, and elfs, fairies, and goblins
abound. Special scenery will be pre
pared and the costumes will be rented
from Portland. Miss Rowland is di
recting the music of the production, and
Or. Stuart the dances and drills. This
opera will be the first of its kind ever
put on by students at Oregon and will
doubtless be one of the big things of
the year.
One Inter-Collegiate Meet Will
be Held This Year
In Eugene
The tennis season starts early this
year with the handicap tournament,
which will be begun ini the near future.
This, while giving something of a line
on the tennis material in college, will
not be entirely relied upon to furnish
information of this sort, and will be
immediately followed by a tryout for
Varsity men. The Varsity tryout con
sists of a series of matches to he played
by those who have aspirations for the
team. The three men making the best
showing in this tournament will be pit
ted against the college champions of
last year, Stine and Newland, and from
these finals Oregon’s representatives for
the coming season will be chosen.
Only one conference meet is to be
I held this spring, owing to the lack of
] interest shown in tennis by the other
! colleges and universities. Washington
I State University will play Oregon on the
home court during Junior Week End.
According to conference rules, there will
be five matches run off, four sets of sin
gles and one of doubles.
It is possible that several tournaments
may be arranged for with non-confer
ence schools, but this as yet remains un
Mr. Arthur R. Priest, of Seattle, un
til recently dean of the College of Lib
eral Arts at the University of Washing
ton, visited at the Delta Sigma house
Friday evening.
Executive Committee Decides
That It Has No Authority
to Call New Tryout
Carlton Spencer has decided not to
carry the contention for a new tryout
for the Inter-State Oratorical Contest
to the student body, as it was rumored
yesterday he would, hut will let the mat
ter drop and concede the position to
Charles Robison, in whose favor the
final decision of the judges was made.
This ends what has been for the past
two weeks one of the most interesting
contentions on the campus. Spencer,
dissatisfied with the decision of the
judges in the Inter-State tryout, ap
pealed to the executive committee for
a new tryout, which was granted by
that committee, hut later rescinded; the
committee holding that it had no con
stitutional right to interfere. Spencer
then decided to take the matter direct
to the student body, hut, on further de
liberation, decided to let the whole mat
ter drop. He says:
“Although 1 have every reason to be
lieve that the constitution of the Asso
ciated Students bears me out, and that
if it came to a settlement on th ceatual
merits of the case, 1 should receive a
favorable decision, yet in order to pre
vent a rupture in the student body, l
shall do all in my power to prevent fur
ther conflict over the matter.”
The whole contention hinged on
whether the decision should have fol
lowed the traditional method, that of
declaring the contestant victorious who
had the highest percentage, when rank
ing resulted in a tie, or whether the
contention of the University, for the last
three years, that a contestant having
four firsts out of six ought to be de
clared winner, should have been ob
served. rfhe former would have given
Spencer first by eight one-hundreths,
and the second made Robison Oregon's
Inter-State orator. Each side is firm
ly convinced that its contention is cor
rect. The constitution of the Associ
ated Students says nothing of the meth
od of judging oratorical contests, be
yond providing that the decision shall
he based upon delivery and composition.
Lair H. Gregory, some time a fellow
student at Oregon University, father of
inter-frat baseball, mission worker, and
perpetrator of the deceased Doughnut,
is giving new and abundant proof of his
versatility, in his meteoric career at
Washington this year. Besides editing
the Washingtonian, the college literary
magazine, serving as associate editor of
the Daily, and performing divers and
sundry other important functions, Greg
last night trod the boards as the chief
villain in the Varsity Press Club's
“High Jinx.” The name of the intense
melodrama was “Gentleman Joe,” and
Greg took the role of Cherokee Dan,
the double-eyed villain, who 'met a
Trampas-like end in the frontier re
freshment emporium. The production
is reported to have been a very suc
cessful and clever take-off on Western