HIPPO GILDS IS NOW GONSTITUTIOIULRULER WRITTEN CONSTITUTION WORTHY OF PROFOUND STATESMEN DOUGHNUT “FWHERf£ifOLVE|flCUMENT By-Laws Also Drawn Up to Aid In Solomon^Like Discussions Affecting Inter-Frat Spats j'Fcfilowingf is the permanent consti tution land bylaws governing this year’s Doughnut League games between the* various fraternities and clubs: PREAMBLE We, the following named fraternities arid clubs, in order to provide an organ ization for the government of inter-fra ternity baseball, do establish the follow ing Constitution and By-Laws: ARTICLE I. Section 1. The name of this organi zation shall be the “Doughnut League.” ARTICLE II. Section 1. The “Doughnut League” shall be composed of the following named fraternities and clubs: Sigma Nu, Kappa Sigma, Dormitory Club, Acacia, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, Al pha Tau Omega, Beaver Club, Avava Club, Delta Sigma, Tawah Club. Sec. 2. New members may be admit ted to this league as hereinafter pro vided. ARTICLE III. Section 1. The government of this-! League shall be vested in a board of directors, composed of one delegate from each fraternity a'nd club. Sec. 2. Said delegates of each frater nity and club arc to be duly elected by their respective fraternities and clubs to serve during the entire baseball season. Should any vacancy occur in the repre sentation of any fraternity or club, the same shall be filled by that fraternity • or club. Sec. 3. Any fraternity or club other than the above named may be admitted to the Doughnut League upon applica tion and election, a two-thirds (2-3) vote being necessary for election. ARTICLE IV, Section 1. The officers of this organi zation shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Governing Board, all of whom shall be chosen from the Board of Directors of the Doughnut League. Sec. 2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Direc tors and shall have power to call spe cial meetings at the request of three members. He shall perform the usual duties pertaining to the office. Sfec. 3. The Vice President shall per form the duties of the President in the absence of that officer. Sec. 4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the records of all proceedings. He shall take charge of all funds that may accrue. He shall also keep on file all data of league games, including sched ule, score, percentage table, batting av erages and fielding averages of teams. Sec. 5. The Governing Board of the Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President and Secretary Treasurer. The President shall act as chairman of this board. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the Governing Board to arrange all matters of detail pertaining to the execution of the work of the league; to require the members of this organization to comply with the Constitution and By-Laws; to bring all questions before the league (Continued on page 3.) * * * ********* S PEC [ AI :n EETI > G OF * DOltGHNUT DIRECTORS * President Vtrner Giilis, of the * Dough iu: L' ague, announces a spe- * * cial meeting of the board of direc- * * tors Sunday at 9:30 in the Emerald * * office. * * The meeting is called to consid- * * er the application for membership * * in the league of the newiy organized * * Oregon Club, composed of those not * * in other clubs or fraternities. * * * * * * *. * * * * - THEN BIML0W $1,500 Already Raised—Y. W. C. 0 A- Will Build 'When - $2,100 Is Raised ’ The Y. W. G. "A. Bungalow fund, which is to be raised completely, or within $200 or $300 of the amount nec essary before the contracts are let, has already reached the $1,500 mark. Thte money is at present out at interest. Since the plans for the house have been drawn up and bids have been re-> ceived from the various contractors,, the committee, has. found that $2,300 will cover the entire expenses of the bun galow when finished. There remams, then, a deficiency of $500 or $600 which must be raised before the work of con struction can begin, since the women of the Y. W. CJ A. clltf hot deem it ad visable to try to pay a heavy interest along with their ’ vning expenses. To raise this sum ltd I needed, a regular committee is now canvassing Portland and a similar work will soon be started in Eugene. Thus vhe date upon which -jjhe actual building of the bungalow will begin depends larg/lv upon the success ot these subscnp-ion committees. 5550 IS IMPOSING TOTAL Varsity Exchequer Badly Needs Some Bracing Spring* Tonic At this time, the year’s budget can be approximated fairly closely. While the college’s financial status is nothing to be enthusiastic over, neither is it in an exceptionally bad way. Because of a poor schedule, which brought no teams of importance to Eu gene, football went in the “hole.” The Glee Club made a few hundred dollars, which will about balance the deficit in football. Basketball has about $21 to the good. Oratory and debate will probably go behind a little. Track is doubtful and may make or lose a small amount. Baseball will probably go behind. The Oregon Monthly and the Emerald will pay all bills, but will not be likely to put much cash into the treasury. A debt of $717 was carried over from last year and had to be paid before an apportionment could be made at the be ginning of this year. Notwithstanding this, the treasury now has on hand $423.95, to which will be added about $125 from student body fees paid in at the beginning of the second semester, making a total of approximately $550. Naturally this fund will not allow of an elaborate policy in frenzied finance, but will permit the college to close the year with better than usual balance. To advertise the University, all mem bers of the freshmen rhetoric elates at Kansas are reqqir.’j to write article^ concerning the us' ution to the home newspapers. HOLD ANNUAL INDOOR MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY OBSTACLE RACE PROMISES MANY SPECTACULAR FEATURES WRESTLING BOUTS TO BE INTERESTING Indoor Meet Will Be Replete With Other Spectacular Events The indoor meet, which will be pulled off on Wednesday night instead of on Tuesday as advertised, promises to pre sent some novel sensations. The obsta cle rtice will be run for the first time at Oregon. This is an entirely new fea ture, and there is consequently no ad vance information upon the subject, and it is impossible to forecast the winner. The course of the race has not been se lected, but it will be in plain view of all of the spectators. There will be hurdles to jump, barrels to .cnawl through and ropes to climb. Sacks of the latest hobble skirt design will also be worn during pant of the race. The barrels will be of assorted sizes from nail kegs for “Slim” Bailey to sugar hogsheads for “Fat” Wentworth. There is no limit to the number of entries land no disbarments on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude. On account of the postponement of the date, all of the entries will not be in by press time andthe Emerald will not publish the partial list. One event, however, promises to be of more than usual interest. Kelly and George, the Greek “Shinola artist,” will grapple in the 125 pound class. Kelly is well known as the Varsity wrestling instructor, but the Greek is as yet an unknown quan tity. He learned the game in his native land, where every man is more or less of a “grabber,” and has followed it up since coming to this country. He has appeared in several preliminaries at the local theater, but as yet hias never been called upon to extend himself. He will have a chance,, however, in this bout to put up the best he has, for Kelly has the proverbial Irish antipathy for all mem bers of the Slavic Dace. The meet will be called at 8:00 o’clock sharp on Wednesday night. Manager Barbour has arranged for tickets to be on sale ait Linn’s Drug Store at popu lar prices; 25 cents general admission. VARSITY GETS MIDWAY Squad Will Practice on Campus Field—Varsity Games at Midway Park The Varsity baseball team will prac tice on the field back of the library, and the regular conference games will take place at midway park. This was the plan followed last year, and is thought to be the best arrangement that can be made under present circum stances. The Doughnut league teams will be privileged to practice on the campus diamond only when it is not occupied by the Varsity squad. The league schedule has been ar ranged so that Its games will not in terfere to any extent with the squad practice. Coach Lynch is expected Mon day, and active practice will commence during the coming week. * ******* * * * TRAINER RILL HAYWARD * * SELECTS ALL NORTHWEST * * Jamison, U. O., forward. * Olsen, U. W., forward. * Fenton, U. O., center. * Clemensen, U. W., guard. * Simms, U. O., gutird. Seventy-live men have already turned out for baseball practice at the Univer sity of Illinois. OREGON U GIVEN THREE Trainer Hayward Asked to Select All Northwest Team For Guide Trainer Hayward this morning re ceived a letter from W. H. Fisher, edi tor of Spalding’s Basketball Guide, ask ing for a photo of the Oregon quintet, and also asking “Bill” to select the offi cial All-Northwest team, nnd it will be published in the Spalding Guide for 1912. “Bill” considers any extended ex planation of his choice unnecessary, but states that the particular advantage from placing Simms, aside from his general ability, is that the Oregon man is of an entirely different type than Olson, the Washington guard, and thus Bill believes the two would work to gether unusually well. Ten different kinds of open air sports are in progress at the University of Wis consin at present. Ice skating, football, track, golf, tennis and baseball are all carried on at the same time. Several class skating tournapients have been pulled off, while at the same time the track, cross country and baseball men are working out on the campus. Esther Carson went to Salem for a week end visit. 1912 AGAIN VICTORIOUS Defeats Sophomores, As Does Also Freshman Co-Ed Team *********** * Won. Lost. Pet. * * Seniors_ 0 0 .000 * * Juniors _ 1 . 1 .500 * * Sophomores_ 0 2 .000 * * Freshmen_ 2 0 1000 * *** ******* The Juniors defeated the Sophomores Wednesday by a score of 9-6. Both teams had scored s'x points when time was called, and therefore five minutes extra time was added, during which the Juniors scored one foul and one basket. Much interest and enthusiasm was aroused by the rival bunches of “rooters,” who counted the score, gave impromptu yells with much vim, atnj even serpentined between halves. The Sophomore rooters were led by Faye Ball and the Juniors by Mildred Bag ley. The lineups were: Sophomore—Bess Morrison, Lillian Gilkey, Mildred Waite forwards; Carin Degermark, Edith Watt, centers; Grace Tiffany, Bess Lew is, guards. Juniors—Ruth Gibson, Jen nie Fry, Erma Clifford, Nellie Banfield, forwards; Emma Waterman (c), Neta Bartlett, centers; Jean Allison, Ruth Gibson, Erma Clifford, guards. Friday afternoon the Freshman team, cheered on by an enthusiastic crowd of Freshman girls, defeated the Sophomore girls 24-4. The Sophomores fought hard but discouraged by lack of support from their class, went down before the supe rior team work of the Freshmen. GARLETON SPENCEW WINS STATE ORATORICAL DEFEATS REPRESENTA TIVES FROM SIX ORE GON COLLEGES “RUST ON OUR LEGAL MACHINERY” TITLE C. H. Wooddy, of McMinnville, . and Miss Rickard, of O. A. C. Secure 2nd and 3rd Carlton Spencer, ’13, won last night’s oratorical contest, hands down, defeat ing the. representatives of the six other Oregon colleges. . Spencer’s oration, “The Rust on Our Legal Machinery,” was a masterly exam ple of the. forensic art, and while ap pealing and convincing, .was clear. and logical enough to leav.e a definite im pression on the tpinds of the audience of the cause he was advocating, ..He secured a rating of 13 1-2 points, being awarded three seconds, on delivery, which was better than iany other con testant did in this department. His closest competitor, Carroll H. Wooddy, of McMinnville, the Rhodes scholar-elect, received a grade of 15 and Vena Rickard, of O. A. C„ was marked 19. . . . < t-iarry u. racum; or wmamette, gave the opening oration, “Liberty, Law and Fresent Day Problems.’* Though some what abstract, his oration was excep tionally well delivered, and many thought that his position in the order of speaking prevented his effort from being better appreciated. “The Minis try of Poetry,” by Claude Newlin, of Pacific College, followed. The Varsity Glee Cluli then appeared with three Oregon songs, and after an encore gave way to Carlton' Spencer. - Though fa vored by a home crowd. Spencer en tered into his subject with spirit and the remark was frequently heard that he had never done so well before. Grover C. Birchett, of Albany, came next with “National Conservation,” in which he pleaded for amelioration of economic conditions so as to conserve human lives as well as natural resources. Miss Nell Murphy and Miss Alberta Campbell rendered Saint Saens Dance Micabre. C. E. Ward, of Pacific University, de livered “Optimism and Opportunity,” and the program was concluded by a strong oration by the O. A. C. reore sentative, Miss Vena Rickard, “Our Du ty Toward the Theater.” Tn this she advocated the raising of the tone of the stage to make it a distinctly educational force. While the judges were delib erating, the Glee appeared again. Variety and spice were injected into the evening’s program by the different college yells, strenuously rendered ay (the various delegations. The judges were: Judges on compo sition—Professor T. C. Trueblood, Uni vxersity of Michigan; Professor E. D. Shorter, University of Texas; President S. B. Penrose, Whitman College. On delivery—Rev. W. B. Hinson, Portland; B. Lee Paget, Portland; Alfred C. Schmidt, Albany. ***♦*>!«***♦* * I desire to thank all the fraterni- * * ties and sororities who so genei;- * * ously opened their homes to the * * visiting delegates and aided so ma- * * terially in entertaining them. * * Thanks, also, to all others who * * helped make the contest a success. * * W. M. HUNTINGTON, *