tollman studio HEADQUARTERS FOR COLLEGE WORK 518 Willamette. Phone, 132-R i > Store t\m um$ m money EASTMAN KODAK AGENTS 530 Willamette Street Exclusive Agent for Eugene W. A. KUYKENDALL DRUGGIST 588 Willamette Street. FINE CUTLERY HASTINGS SISTERS Register Bldg., Phone 64S-R HAIRDRESSING AND MANICURING Hair Goods of All Hinds Switches Made from Combings RED CROSS DRUG CO. M. L. Kreamer, Watch Maker Both at 460 Willamette St. We’ll Treat You Right Something different in a Confection Nuf Ced DILLONS ne Oa 587 Willamette St. The Roya! ^’hy is the Royal always busy? Good Eats First Class Service s He Will Address Y. M. C. A. Meeting Next Friday Evening Dr. W. B. Hinson, without a doubt Portland’s foremost platfor mspeaker, and recognized as one of the strongest orators in the United States, has been secured to speak at the men’s meeting on Frdiay evening. The committee in charge of these meetings has made fre quent efforts throughout the year to get Dr. Hinson, but because of his many other engagements, it has been impos sible to arrange a date with him. The Oratorical Contest, coming on the same evening, at which he will act as judge, has made it possible to secure him for this meeting, which will immediately precede the contest. Dr. Hinson is the minister at the White Temple, of Portland, and it is said that he speaks every Sunday evening to fifteen hundred people. At the Y. M. C. A. Conference at the beach last spring, Dr. Hinson was the chief speaker, and those who heard him then have been very anxious to get him here this year. Jistee nrosius, whose singing received such favorable comment at the conce-t a week ago, will sing at this meeting. In order not to interfere with the con test, which comes at 8:00, this meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 and close promptly at 7:50. which will give plenty of time for those who wish to attend both, to do so. The nominations for the officers of the Y. M. C. A. for next year, which were recently made by the nominating committee, will be announced at this meeting. FRESHMEN ARRANGE ALL-STAR PROGRAM The committee appointed to arrange for the Freshman class hour has been working hard and is prepared to pre sent the following list of stellar attrac tions, gleaned from the plethora of tal ent and ability, included in the 1914 class. The hour will come at assembly on Wednesday, March 22. The committee is composed of Alsea Hawley, Eleanor McClaine, Sarah Smith. Leonard Brat ager and D. S. Lamm. 1. Vocal solo, “For All Eternity,” Mascheroni, William Lai. 2. Freshman choral club, Misses Cow den. Emerick, Miller, McQuinn, Pros ser. Poulsen, Risley and Yoran. 3. Address, Peter Crockett. 4. Freshman glee club, Messrs. Bed ford. Bratager, Cowden, Clark, Lai, Lamm, Motschenbacher and Stannard. 5. Recitation, Janet Young. 6. Freshman Glee-Choral Club. Nicklin & Holt Wholesale and Rexail GROCERS The Place to T rade Why? 5* East 9th Phone 63 RAE St SO^ FLORIST, SHBUBBERV NURSERY STOCK 29 Ea'i Ninth St. Phone 135 c. R. CRUMP Successor to STERNES’S GWOCSWV Dealer in Staple and Fancy groceries Fresh Vegetables Phone 13 20 East Ninth OREGON CLUB IS HIE OF SEW ORGANIZATION Will Enter all Studetit Activities and Boost for the University . i C >” was the name chosen luesday evening for the new organiza tion composed of students living outside of the fraternities and dormitories. The club has a present membership of about eighty, but as there are many who have as yet been unable to attend meetings, copies of the constitution will be given to Birdie Wise and Percy Collier, who will sign up any others who desire to enter as charter members. As an organization, the Oregon Club is planning on taking an active part in all students activities, including the Doughnut Baseball League and the ca noe carnival. The executive committee has selected the following committees: Athletic, Morris Starbuck, Byron Goodall, John Kelly. Social, Edward Davis, J. H. Keezel, Esther U’Ren, June Gray, Ger trude Denhart. Oregana, Will St. John, Jessie Calkins. Canoe Carnival, Chas Koyle, Franklin Alien, Madge Hamble, Janet Young, Winifred Kelly. VISITING DELEGATES TO BE TREATED ROYALLY All the delegates to the Inter-Colie- i giate Oratorical Association will arrive in Eugene on the 2:00 o’clock train Friday afternoon. 1 hey will be met at the depot by a committee appointed for the purpose, and escorted to the fraternity and so rority houses where they win tie enter tained. At 2 :30 P. M., the Executive Commit tee of- the Association, composed of one member from each college, will meet; and at 3:30 the regular business meet ing of the Association,will be held. This meeting is .attended by eight delegates from e.ach school. At.S:00 o'clock the annual contest in oratory is held, and- at eleven o’clock the delegates and their friends assem ble at the Hotel Osburn for a midnight banquet. Toasts will be responded to by representatives from all the colleges. Professor Glen will act as toastmaster. MAN ON THE BOX HERE NEXT TUESDAY Genuine and wholesome comedy such as has been seldom offered since the days of the Augustin Daly companies will be the vogue at the Eugene The ater on Tuesday, March 14, when the most conspicuous comedy success of the last twenty years in New York City, "The Man On the Box,” dramatized by Grace Livingston Furniss from Har old McGrath’s successful book of the same name will be presented. The story of the play is founded on a joke, and is full of genuine comedy and heart interest. It relates that Lieuten ant Worburton has seen a young lady on the steamer while returning from Europe, who has won his heart, but to whom he was unable to be introduced. At home in Washington, his sister urges him to accompany her to the embassy bal, but he declines. He conceives the idea for a practical joke on his sister, nd arranges with the family coachman to take his place on the return from the function, with the intention of driving at a reckless speed, making his sister believe that the b uses are running away, and then finally dropping them and lift ing his sister out of the carriage, and while in the coachman’s livery implant ing a hearty kiss upon her cheek. He c rries out the program until the car lice cell for the night, with the charges the proper number and delivers the kiss as he had planned before he realizes the mistake. The consequence is a po lice call for the night, with the charges of reckless driving and abduction to face in the morning. With this founda tion a capital comedy has been written that is worth going miles to see. Invitations have been issued for a formal card party at the Tri Delt house March 17. Base Ball Outfits TENNIS RACKETS Eugene Gun Company Incorporated Tiie ftroade Pool and Billiards Brand New Equipment College Men’s Headquarters Rear of OTTO’S University Home Bakery mY/iVis"' Bread Fruits Pies Cakes Ice Cream CONDON’S BAKERY 41 %VeTth SCHWERING & BINDLEY Ninth Street Barber Shop Some people say you can’t come back. Try us. RIJGBRO Ctrl Mowers and Designs Phone 209 4 E. Ninth SID’S College RVI e n ’ s HANG OUT PROFESSIONAL L.ARDS C. W. EDMUNDS, M. D., Surgical Specialist Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Suite 201-204, White Temple. Phone 767 Eugene, Oregon. Res. Phone, 113 Office 114 F. E. SELOVER, M. D. Office, over Eugene Loan & Savings Rank. Home, 513 High St. F. W. PRENTICE, M. D„ Physician Office, 38 W. Eighth St. Phones: Office, 117-R. Res. 529. Offiffice, 317. Res., 574-L OMAR R. GULLION, M. D„ Specialist Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 4, and by appointment. 306 White Temple, Eugene. Office Phone, 154-R. Res. 611-R. DR. M. C. HARRIS Dentist Rooms 2 and 4, McClung Bldg., 8th and Willamette Sts., Eugene, Oregon. DR. WALDO J. ADAMS Dentist Cor. 9th and Oak Sts. Room 306 White j Temple. Phone, 317 DR. C. B. WILLOUGHBY Dentist Phone, 736. R;n. 6, McClung Bldg., Eugene, Oregon. EDWARD 11. WHITE, D M. D. Dentist Phone, 5. '■'oily Theater Bldg., Eugene, Oregon. DR. R. L. WILLOUGHBY Dentist Rms. 1 and 2, Coleman Bldg., Eugene. 531 Willamette St. Fhone627-R DR. IT L. STUDLEY Osteopathic Physician Office, 316 White Temple, Eugene, Or. Residence, 527 Pearl St. Phones: Office 589; Res. 320-L. CONQUERER HATS I he Nifty Spring Styles made to Order Clothes Men bin nt THE Haberdasher 505 Willamette Street Kay Gun Co. Sells Spaulding's Track and Gym Supplies Students your ciedit is good here Pioneer Shining Parlors Grateful for Student Patronage F. BERRY DUNN’S BAKER Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery; also Ice Cream and B'ruits. 30 E. Ninth St. Phone Main 72 When take it to H. your watch needs repairing, SMARTT AT THE Watch Hospital With Dillon’s Drug Store. our windows for your wants. Pollock Bros*, Jewelers 516 Willamette As popular as the Seasonable Sports Burden & Graham Shoes