Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 25, 1911, Image 2

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Editor in Chief.Ralph Moores, ’12
Managing Editor... L. Burns Powell,, '12
News Editor.Wm. E. Eowell, 'll
Assistant.Laurence Whitman, '14
City Editor.Karl Onthank, '13
Copy Editors—
.George Shantin, ’12
.Fen Waite, '13
.Walter Bailey, '12
Special Assignments—
.Evans Huston, '12
.Willetta Wright, 'll
.Elliott Roberts, '13
. Nell Hemenway, '13
.Walter Huntington, '12
.Alfred Davies, '14
.Edward Bailey. ‘13
.Henry Fowler. '14
.Edward Himes. '12
.William Cass, '14
.Oscar Ilangen, ’14
.Lloyd Barzee, '13
.*.Walter Kimmell, ’13
.Gladys Cartwright, '13
.Alma Noon. ‘13
Business Manager.D. L. Dobie, 'll
Advertising.R. C. Kennedy, ‘12
Circulation .Allyn F. Roberts, '12
Published VV’ednesday and Saturday
during the college year by students of
Application made for second class mall
ne year-$1.00
Single copy _ ,C5
Saturday, February 25, 1911.
A Commonwealth Course
Were one to ask the first ten men he
met on the campus the number of sig
natures necessiary to inaugurate an in
itiative or referendum petition, or to
inquire how many votes Taft received
in Oregon, it is safe to say that eight
could not answer correctly. The igno
rance of most of us on such matters
is remarkable and deplorable. The
state of Oregon is educating us for
leaders, yet the University is yearly
turning out graduates who, through ig
norance and lack of interest, arc not
capable of assuming this leadership.
I his deficiency could be largely cor
rccted by the establishment of a course
treating of the major features of the
Oregon laws, of the evolution of the
state government and in a non sectarian
way, of course, of state politics. Per
haps it could best be described as the
commonwealth course, designed to equip
for the best service to the common
wealth of Oregon, to lit in with the
University’s already established “com
monwealth” policy.
Aside from thus contributing an in
valuable service to the state, the Col
lege would be offering an opportunity
for training that would he extremely
practical and useful to all classes of
its students.
Such acquaintance with state laws
and politics is essential to the well
equipped engineer. To the embryonic
law\ er a full and complete knowledge
of state administration and state con
stitutional history is, of course, required,
and with equal suffrage threatening us
from just across the Columbia, the Or
egon co-eds, at least the seriously in
clined minority of them, should find
such a course unusually interesting and
beneficial as a preparation for the du
ties of the franchise.
In addition, however, to the indi
vidual side, there is the debt we owe
the state, which expects a return for its
educational investment in conununi,ty
leaders and tra iled voters. This obli
gation is deepened and emphasized by
our peculiar Oregon system of govern
ment, which has prevailed for the last
ten years, and which has transformed
our state into a huge political science
New political problems have been
thrown into the bubbling retort for prac
tical solution. 1 he results have been
closely watched and carefully tabulated
by an interested public. These experi
ments, particularly those in direct gov
eminent, have imposed new and heavv
responsibilities upon all of us The eyes
of the world are upon Oregon, our gov
eminent is being tested and we, as vot
ers, must acquaint our'"elves with the
questions before the state.
Since the untimely demise of the Mid
night Doughnut. Oregon ha- been with
out a humorous publication. This ;s
had for us, individually and collective
ly. for no person or institution should
he without a proper means of outlet for
thi humor that springs eternal in the
human breast, Unless idiosyncraciets
are caricatured and foibles exposed, one
is prone to become too smugly self
comp! .cent and satisfied. A humorous
paper would fulfill this important func
tion of occasionally holding up the mir
ror to these peculiarities, and would thus
save us from the deadening weight of
our own self-sufficiency.
Then, too, such a paper would pro
vide a valid outlet for the enthusiasm
of our college humorists, whose efforts,
at present, frequently work out in less
harmless and less innocent ways.
Also it would afford a means of ex
pression for the many really humorous
h ppenings and sayings that college life
| gives rise to.
i The Emerald is too profoundly im
j pressed with the dignity and sublimity
j of its mission to lapse into the humor
1 ous, and although the Monthly of late
has shown an alarming, if feeble, ten
dency in that direction, the efforts are
spasmodic and it will no doubt soon
resume the even tenor of its respecta
ble but colorless existence.
Anyhow, a humorous publication
would not infringe on the Monthly
field, for there is a place for them both.
Naturally, our first efforts to be funny
might be a bit crude, but no one should
expect a “Tiger” or “Lampoon” at the
start, and that the paper would be
immediately popular is evinced by the
instantaneous success of the Dough
Here is presented a real and prom
ising opening for the proper person,
/gifted with moderate enterprise and
cleverness There is the chance to do
something permanent and to achieve a
lasting fame that will go thundering
down through future generations of
Oregon students. Who will seize the
Every college in the state will send
delegates to attend the Oratorical Con
test and conference which occur here
March 10. The University of Oregon
will he host this year, and there is thus
presented an excellent opportunity to
make sincere friends among the col
leges of the state, and to dispel the il
lusion which prevails in some of these
i sm'Her denominational institutions, that
the State University is the stamping
ground of iniquity and a mere refuge
for trilling “rich sons of the idle.” Let
j us take the visitors to our bosom and
i show by the warmth of our welcome
that vve are sincerely glad they came.
Rush them around a bit, perhaps there
might be some fraternity material dis
At Deady M ill, next Saturday night,
the Laureaus will complete plans for
resolving the society temporarily into
a mock House of Representatives. I his
(proposition has been thoroughly dis- j
cussed by prominent Laurean members |
for some time, and it is thought that the
plan, if adopted, will not only arouse
new interest in society work, but also
prove very valuable from a litterary
: standpoint.
The several members of the society
will each represent a state, and in so far
as possible work in harmony with the
conditions and needs of his state. In
place of the regular debate as hereto
fore held, some specific resolution will
be introduced by a member of the house,
and debated by different representatives
who support and oppose the measure.
While the Notional Congress con
venes, the more important measures in
troduced in the House will be taken up
and discussed in the society. This mock
House of Representatives will be sub
stituted for the regular program, with
the exception of a few extra numbers
in the wav of entertainment.
The rumor occasionally heard on the
campus that the l-aureans are destined
to go the way of the Philologians is on
tireh disproved by the interest shown
in the new movement.
I'very T.turean is urged to be present
next Saturday night, as each member
| will be assigned a state at that time.
House committee appointments will aMo
be made.
There is a student with degrees from
both Wvcliff College, Kent, England,
md from Marlborough College, Fng
1 and. and the Rradley Court Agricul
tural College. England Students from
secondary schools in both Germany and
Switzerland are also enrolled.
Prof, and Mrs Sweetser. Prof, and
Mrs DeCou, were dinner guests Thurs
day evening at the Tri Delta house.
Guu.rd and Telegram Give Mis
leading Reports
Misleading reports have appeared in
several papers, notably the Portlanjd
Telegram and the Eugene Guard, which
charged President Campbell with mak
ing a special trip to Salem to interview
Governor Oswald West and of attempt
ing to persuade the governor to veto
the second University appropriation bill.
This story, which is absolutely un
founded, had it doped out from the fer
tile imagination of some reporter that
President Campbell had become agi
tated by the referendum talk and was
striving to avert the petition by decreas
ing tbe money available for the Uni
President Campbell is away on an
entirely different missijon, land! never
considered such a policy as the Telegram
and Guard charge him with.
W. C. Nicholas, ’10, better known un
der his nom de plume of “Skipper,”
came up from Portland last night for a
week end trip to look after his interests
here and to give the Emerald staff
some wholesome advice.
* Saturday, Feb. 25— *
* 7:00 P. M, Deady, Laureans. *
* 7:30 P. M.. Gymnasium, Y. W. C. *
* A. County Fair. *
* Monday, Feb. 27— *
* 4:00 P. M., Villard, Senior Class *
* Meeting. *
* Tuesday, Feb. 28— *
* 4 45 p. M., Deady, Eutaxians. *
* 8:(K1 P. M., Oregon vs. W. SC *
* Wednesday, March 1— *
* 10:00 A M., Rev. J. B. Wise at *
* • Assembly. *
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From the Middle and Eastern portions of the United States and Canada to
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will prevail DAILY
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