UNIVERSITY OF OREGON VOL. XII. EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEB. 25. 1911 No. 34 LYNCH, OF SYRACUSE, IS BEING CONSIDERED BY COUNCIL Si STEVENS IS ASSISTANT MANAGER Baseball Candidates Will Turn Oat Monday If Weather Per mits. There has been a serious hitch in the .arrangements, and it is possible that after all Dolly Gray may not be the Var sity baseball preceptor. The trouble seems to be that Gray wants a full three months contract, which is longer than Oregon needs a coach, as the season here is short. A Mr. Lynch, late of Syracuse University, has applied for the position and stands a fair chance of securing it, as he comes excellently recommended from Virgil Earle, '06. who once captained the Var sity nine. The athletic council will act definitely on the matter this next week. At the last meeting of the council, Si Stevens, ’12, better known under the diamond so briquet of Hal Chase, was chosen as sistant manager of baseball for the com ing season. The choice was made in recognitions of Stevens' steadiness and his interest in the diamond game. A card has been posted in the Gym for the aspiring candidates to sign up. with desired position. Suits will be is sued immediately, and if the weather permits the squad will turn out Mon day. Y. W. C. A. WILL OBSERVE GENERAL DAY OF PRAYER On Sunday, February 26, which is the day appointed as a universal day of prayer, the University Y. W. C. A. will observe the occasion with class prayer meetings. The Senior meeting will be held in Villard Hall at 10:00 A. V., with Juliet Cross as leader; the Junior in Professor Glen’s room at 9:00 A. M.. with Mildred Bagiev as leader; Sophomore in Professor De Coub room at 9:00 A. M., Elizabeth Busch, leader; Freshman, 10:00 A. M., Amy Romaine, leader. The girls are especially urged to be present at their respective meetings. GRAD MANAGER QUESTION MAY COME TO STUDENTS hing has been done, about the pro installment of the graduate man stem since the executive commit ted a resolution in favor of the about a month ago. The mem ''ers of the committee, however, are in favor of the scheme and do tend to let it drop. It is intended g ehe matter before the next stu dy meeting in the form of an aunt to the constitution. * * * * * * * * * % * * ******** : he interlclass indoor meet sched 111 for March 10 has been post P1 mcd until Monday, March 13. This ac1,°n was taken to avoid a conflict "Tn the State Inter-Collegiate Ora loricals, which has previously been dated for that day. The same pro s' m and list of events will, how ev‘~ prevail, and an interesting schedule is assured. ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * j*****JflsFH«*H<* * STANDING OF EMERALD * INTER-SORORITY LEAGUE * Won. Lost. Pet. * * Chi Omega -1 0 1.000 * * Kappa Alpha Theta __ 1 0 1.000 * * Delta Delta Delta___ 1 0 1.000 * * Gamma Delt Gamma _ 1 0 1.000 * * Faculty Women_ I 0 1.000 * * Gamma Phi Beta ___ 0 1 .000 * * Lambda Rho _ 0 1 w000 * * Beth Rhea - 0 1 .000 * * First Independents ___ 0 1 .000 * * Second Independents 0 1 .000 * *********** Five Games Have Been Played In Inter-Sorority League Much interest and enthusiasm are be-' in" shown in the Inter-sorority games. Each afternoon at 5:00 o’clock a game is played before a good natured audi ence, which laughs heartily at dignified and prominent upperclass girls, wildly chasing the ball and trying desperately to keep from sliding over the fatal yel low lines. The referee and line guards '■re kept busy calling fouls, for over-' guarding and stepping over the lines. The Facutlv team, which is composed of Dr. Stuart, Miss Perkins, Miss Hair, Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Brown and Miss Morgan, put up a most inter esting and amusing game against the Lambda Rlios. Elated by their success, | they are issuing challenges to all the sorority and class teams. Next week Gamma Delta Gamma will play Chi Omega, Tri Delta will play Lambda Rho, and the Faculty team will play any and all teams accepting their! challenge. Kanpa Alpha Theta will play the women of Tri Delta and Lambda Rho. President Gillis announces a meeting of the Senior class for Monday after noon at 4:00 o’clock, in Villard Hall. All Seniors are requested to attend. College Romance Culminates In Quiet Home Wedding Gordon Moores, ’08. and Jessie Hur ley, '09, were married in Salem Thurs day evening. The ceremony was wit nessed by but a few of their intimate friends, and occurred at the home of the groom’s uncle, Mr. A. N. Moores. The bride was attended by her sorority sis ter, AI iss Ruth Hansen, 10, who is at present a member of the Salem High School faculty. Though the marri ige comes as a cul mination of a college romance, the news came as somewhat of a surprise to col lege friends of the couple, none of wtiorn 1 ad any intimation of what was to oc cur. Roth the contracting parties were prominent and popular students while in college. The groom was for four years end on the Varsity football team an all-Northwest man and captained the 1907 team. He was also a strong pobit winner on the track, holding the North west record for the 220 hurdles. He was captain of the team in 1907. Last fall Moores was assistant coach. Miss Hurley was prominent in liter ary, dramatic and social circles and was one of the most popular members of the Gamma Fhi sorority. After finishing at Oregon she graduated in 1910 from the Baltimore Women’s College. BILL SAYS LACROSSE EX CELLENT CONDITIONER FOR ATHLETES Soccer Field Converted Into Field For Pr".tice of Agile Running Game. “It gives more men a chance to get into athletics and is beneficial to track men, as they receive the same training that they get in early track work, and they get some enjoyment out of it. It relieves the steady grind. When train ing ceases to be a pleasure, it becomes work,” was the way Trainer Hayward expressed it when asked the reason for sending the track aspirants out onto the soccer field armed with netted clubs. Rill went on to say that he considered lacrosse to be the best exercise of the present day games, as it brought every muscle in the body into play and re quired more thinking than a philosophy quiz. As a wind developer it was ex cellent, and above nil was an outdoor game. The main requisite of the lacrosse player is cleverness in handling the stick and speed and accuracy in pass ing and receiving the ball. Lacrosse is essentially the Canadian national game, and is played from the public school boys on the vacant lots up to Provincial teams. It requires no super abundance of “beef,” as football, and the small man that is a clever stick han dler is the better player, provided, of course, he can think quick and keep his temper under control. The field is one hundred yards long and generally averages eighty yards in width. At each end are placed upright posts six feet high and six feet apart. A net is stretched behind these posts to receive the balls that are thrown be tween the posts for a goal, which counts one point. The ball is “faced off” in fbe middle between the two centers, then begins the running and passing game, much the same as basketball, until a man is in position to Hoot for a goal. There are twelve men on a side, and all play the field except the goal keeper, who stands in front of the net to stop trys for a goal. Since the game re quires so much passing, team work is the essential part, and team plays are executed with dazzling speed bv the clrnnpionship teams. The Oregon men arc taking kindly to the game, and some are becoming proficient in handling the stick. Tt is probable that a game or two will be pulled off before the year closes. MENTOR PICTURES ARE DUE BEFORE FRIDAY “All Seniors who hnve not yet had their pictures taken for the Oregan . must do so at once,” is the decree of the management of the annual. The pic tures must he in by next Friday, when they will he sent to the engraver. Senior members of clubs and fra ternities have all had their pictures ta ken. Man}' wno iiv omside of the hou'ses have rot vet done so, however, ind they should see the ) hotographer at once, and notifV Waiter Huntington, who has charge of the work that the solio is ready. Tf any d* ire to us<> old pictures, they should so notify Mr. Huntington. *********** IXTKR-ERAT LEAGUE * Won. Lost. Pet.* * Beta Theta Fi_ 9 1 .900 * Sigma Xu _ 9 1 .900 * * Kappa Sigma _ 8 2 * Avava _ 6 3 * Beavers _ 5 4 * A. T. O. _ 5 5 Tawah _ 3 6 * Dorm _ 2 6 * Delta Sigma _ 2 6 * Acacia __ 1 7 * Sigma Chi _ _ 1 8 ******«i** .800 * .666 * .555 * .51X1 * .333 * .250 * .250 * .125 * .111 * ■AH j b ►r, For Purely Nominal Fare One Way See the College’s Fair est in Clever Stunts Never let the huniiliatmg charge be preferred against voti that you did not see the \ . W. C. A. Country Fair. The stigma of such a charge will brand any one with social oblequoy as well as fill him with remorse and regret that he missed the biggest thing in his whole college course. I o begin with, there is Latourette and Burke’s Abyssinian Rascals, which are pronounced by those who have seen rehearsals to he absolutely the best collection of Coon Shouters ever assem Med. Some hitherto unpublished sen s-ations are promised which'are expected to make even the sourest members of the faculty chortle with glee. ’I he Orpheum program includes six stellar numbers that have been diverted from regular circuit and brought to the local stage only at a great sacrifice of time and money. 'Pile different clubs, fraternities and sororities are each running a booth, where rich and spicy attractions are temptingly displayed and advertised be fore the gaping rabble. It will really he the greatest carnival of fun and burlesque ever put on at Oregon, and to miss it will be to brand ones slelf with the lasting, ineffable charge of being a “dead one.” Inter-Fr t Games Scheduled Be fore Varsity Contests Arrangements for the reviving of the old Doughnut inter-frnt baseball league will he made at a meeting called by Man ager Luckey for next Tuesday night at 7:30. Each fraternity or club ex pecting to enter a team is requested to send a delegate to the meeting, which i will he held at the dormitory. The plan this year is to play all games up to the semi-finals, at least, before the | Varsity schedule begins, so as not to interfere with the regular Varsity prac 11 ice. In the pa t two ve-ws there was occasional friction because the frat and Varsity teams wanted the baseball di j amond 't the same time. In drawing up the schedule this year all trouble will he avoided. The Doughnut league was started two years ago. through the efforts of Lair Gregory, then editor of the short lived Midnight Doughnut. “Greg” put up a s:lver cun, the “Doughnut Cup,” for the winning team and took charge of the league for the first year. Each year the cup is awarded to the | team coming out at the top of the league, j and it becomes the permanent property i of the club winning it twice. Save Friday night, MarchTOth""?^ the Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest LOWERY, STAR FORWARD, WILL BE I in GOOD CONDITION 5183 WILL PLAY BETAS NEXT TUESDAY intcr-Fraternity League Game Will Settle Possession of Hay ward Cup for Ye m. (>1 gon students will have an oppor tunity of seeing the second conference basketball series when the team from Washington State College meets Hay ward's quintet, Monday and Tuesday of next week. \ It hough \\ . S. C. stands low in the percentage column, they are not by any means contented with their second di vision position and are invading West ern Oregon with the determination of annexing a few games. Lowery, the W. S. C. forward, is one of the best players in the Northwest, and made considerable trouble for the Oregon guards in the previous series, lie will he in better condition for the coming games -is will also the “Moose,” who will he pitted against Carl Fenton. Reserved seats are now on sale at Linn’s Drug Store. The Beta Theta Pi-Sigtna Nu game for the championship of the inter-fra ternity league will not he played as preliminary to the W. S. C. ganie, as previously announced, but will be re served as a separate attraction Tuesday afternoon at four.. This game will de cide the nossession of the 11 ay ward cup for the coming year, and is looked for ward to with much interest. A notni ml admittance fee will be charged for this game. MTCHT KAWAH~TO SPEAK BEFORE Y. W. TUESDAY Michi Knwaii, the famous Japanese missionary, will speak to (lie women of the University next Tuesday evening at 7:00 o’clock, in the Girls’ Gymnasium, i on the subject of Japanese missionaries. Michi Kawaii is a native horn Jap anese woman, and one of the most high !v educated women of her race. She at tended schol both in Japan and Amer ica, graduating from Bryn Mawr Col lege with high honors. Since leaving college she has devoted herself to re lig’ous work for her country, and has I •i n eminently successful. She is an interesting speaker and is in great de mand. Miss Kawaii b a woman of much cul ture and a chinning personality. She till retains her native Japanese cos tume, and will wear this garh at the meeting During her stay in Eugene she will he entertained at the Chi Omega house where a reception under the auspices of th- Y. W. C. A. advisory board will I be given Tuesday afternoon from 3:30 to 4:30. All faculty ladies, auxiliary mission members and University girls are invited to attend this reception. *********** * STANDING CONFERENCE * BASKETBALL LEAGUE * * Won. Lost. Pet. * * Oregon _ 7 1 .875 * * Washington_T_ 5 1 .833 * * Idaho —__ 4 4 .500 * * W. S. C._ 2 6 .250 * I * Whitman _ 0 6 .000 * ***********