TOLLMAN studio HEADQUARTERS FOR COLLEGE WORK 5:3 Willamette. Phone, 132-R Cbc Store that saves you money Lion Drug Co. EASTMAN KODAK AGENTS 530 Willamette Street The Royal Why is the Royal always busy? Good Eats First Class Service Exclusive Agent for Eugene W. A. KUYKENDALL DRUGGIST 588 Willamette Street. FINE CUTLERY Have you paid you subscription to the EMERALD? RED CROSS DRUG CO. M. L. Kreamer, Watch Maker Both at 460 Willamette St. We’ll Treat You Right Peters Bon Bons 25c and 50c 1 iie most delicious chocolate you ever tasted CALIBER MODEL 1910 Self-Loading Rifle it Strikes V Blow of 2038 lbs. This new Winchester shoots a heavier bullet and hits a harder blow than any other recoil operated rifle made. It is more powerful than the *30 Army, of big game hunting fame. The loading and firing of this rifle are controlled by the trigger finger. It L HITS LIKE THE HAMMER OF THOR V Sem desc has l Send for illustrated circular fully describing: this new rifle which has strength and power plus. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., New Haven, Conn., U. S. A. Weed Electric Co* 22 W. Eighth St. Telephone 295 We would like to sell yon your ELECTRIC’LAM PS We handle only top voltages 129, 127, 125, 122. This insures long life. Try us. W. M. Renshaw Wholesale and Retail CIGARS AND TOBACCOS 513 Willamette Street. The Oak Shoe Store Walk Over and Sorosis Shoes 587 Willamette St. The World’s Stand- ^ ard. Tone clear, mellow and very powerful. Absolutelyperfectin scale. Finest workmanship. Prices from ©i5 upward. Send for illustrated Catalog to the makers. For sale hy all leading music dealers. Desk D812 Lyon & Healy Chicago PREPARATIONS FOR FAIR TAKING DEFINITE SHAPE Minstrel Show, Side Shows and Booths Will Attract All Friday Night Work iml plans are advancing apace for the County Fair. There was some trouble at first in connection with get ting the men's gymnasium, but ar rangements have been made to cover the floor and the matter is practically defi nitely settled. The big show, at a general admission of ten cents, opens promptly at 7:30 Saturday evening. The minstrel show, free of charge, which will he given by two black-face artists from each fra ternity, begins at eight, and will occu py about half an hour. Then the general fun begins, and the Spielers get in their deadly work, and the side shows open. The fortune tell er’s booth will attract the gullible, the credulous and the sentimental; the “Kiss for a nickel” will attract the lovers of pretty girls and good things; the “Island of Captain Kidd” the adventure lov ing ; “und so weiter.” Doris Plummer, Cecil Miller, Vesta Moorehouse and Nellie Hemenwav will sell confetti on the main floor and are expecting to do a rushing business. There will also be candy and popcorn for sale at different booths, so that the crowd can be kept busy munching when they visit the moving picture show and “The Streets of Cairo.” The main idea is to come supplied with plenty of small change and a lot of fun and good humor, and the Y. W. C. A. County Fair concessions, sepa rately and collectively, promise a good time to all. MUSI HAVE 15 HOURS Senate Bill No. 101, recently passed by the Legislature, raises the standard of work at the University by demand ing a total of fifteen hours in educa tional subjects as a requirement for the issuing of a high school teacher’s certificate. The bill, which goes into effect May the 13th, provides for the granting of a special one year's certifi-! cate on a college diploma covering work of this kind. At the expiration of the first year this certificate may be ex changed for a five years’ teaching per mit, providing, of course, that the work done has been satisfactory. Special provisions arc also made for those desiring to teach such subjects -is music, drawing, manual training, etc. Teachers in such branches will prob ably be exempt from the requirements made on those teaching along more general lines. The law, as it stands, is similar to the teachers’ laws in force in most of the states of the country and will m"kc it impossible for Oregon teachers to teach in any of these states without the necessity of first passing the state teacher’s examination. Installation of Y. W. C. A. Mr. Brown gave a most interesting talk at the Y. W. C. A. meeting Mon day afternoon, in which he compared prayer to sending a telegram, the pray ing itself corresponding to writing out and formulating the message, while ahfti is the instrument to carry the mes sage. This was followed by an install itioli of the new officers. Reports from Wellesley are to the effect that h If the young women are deficient in spelling. Andrew Carnegie wrote an open letter to the Wellesley students, in which he expresses his sympathy for the girls. A faculty club house is to be estab lished at the University of Minnesota. ********** * BASKETBALL * * Reserved seats for the Pulman- * * Oregon games will be on sale at * * Linn Drug Co. Friday morning at * ********** Drawing materials Waterman's Ideal fountain Fen Cry their Self Tiller 6. Scbwarzscbild The Arcade j Pool and Billiards Brand New Equipment College Men's Headquarters Rear of OTTO’S University Home Bakery Mill’s""'1 Bread Fruits Pies Cakes Ice Cream CONDON’S BAKERY 41 tgtVe?tln1u SCHWERING & LINDLEY Ninth Street Barber Shop Some people say you can’t come back. Try us. RUGBRO Cut Flowers and Designs Phone 209 4 E. Ninth SID’S College Men’s HANG OUT PROFESSIONAL C.ARDS C. W. EDMUNDS, M. D„ Surgical Specialist Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Suite 201-204, White Temple. Phone 767 Eugene, Oregon. Res. Phone, 113 Office 114 F. E. SELOVER, M. D. Office, over Eugene Loan & Savings Bank. Home, 513 High St. F. W. PRENTICE, M. D„ Physician Office, 38 W. Eighth St. Phones: Office, 117 R. Res. 529. Offiffice, 317. Res., 574-L OMAR R. GULLION, M. D., Specialist Lye, Lar, Nose and Throat Office Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 4, and l>> appointment. .106 White Temple, Eugene. O lice Phone, 154-R. Res. 611-R. DR. M. C. HARRIS Dentist Rooms 2 and 4, McClung Bldg., 8th and Willamette Sts., Eugene, Oregon. DR. WALDO J. ADAMS Dentist Cor. 9lh and Oak Sts. Room 306 White Temple. Phone, 317 C. V. LUTHER. D. M. D. Dentist 584 Willamette St..- Eugene, Oregon. Phone, 300. DR. C. B. WILLOUGHBY Dentist Phone, 736, Rm. 6, McClung Bldg., Eugene, Oregon EDWARD H. WHITE, D. M. D. Dentist Phone, 5. j Polly 1 heater Bldg., Eugene, Oregon. DR R. L. WILLOUGHBY Dentist Rms. 1 and 2, Coleman Bldg., Eugene 531 Willamette St. Fhone627-R DR. H. L. STUDLEY Osteopathic Physician Office, 316 White Temple, Eugene, Or. Residence, 527 Pearl St. Phones: Office 589; Res. 320-L. ADVANCE UIIWIKN r AVOY I’RIXG SHIRTS The Shirt with the Custom Look Men buy at .THE . Haberdasher 505 Willamette Street Special Delicious Chocolate Chews Watch our window for specials Palace of Sweets Pioneer Shining Parlors Grateful for Student Patronage F. BERRY DUNN’S BAKERY Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery; also Ice Cream and Fruits. 30 F. Ninth St Phone Main 11 When your Watch needs repairing, take it to H. D. SMARTT AT TI1F. Watch Hospital With Dillon's Drug Store. College BARBER SHOP W in i>n down town when you can get '.attsf.K'tion next door? Corner Thirteenth and Patterson. Next door to Thirteenth St. Grocery. TRAIN IS Burden & Graham’s SEASONABLE SiiOES 568 Willamette St.