Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 18, 1911, Image 1

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Schedule Now Complete and Is
Very Full—Anotlher Trip to
Track season is close at hand and the
schedule of events is fast being com
pleted. March 4th is the date for the
inter-class cross country run.
On March 11th will be held the inter
class indoor meet. In this meet will be
given all the usual track events except
discus, hammer and javelin throwing.
Features of particular interest will be
the inter-class boxing and wrestling con
tests. Class representatives will be cho
sen in tryouts to be held in the latter
part of this month.
On April 8th occurs the Columbia
indoor meet, at Portland. April 22nd
will witness the big event of the track
season, the Pacific Coast Tnter-collegiate
| Conference meet at Berkeley. There
will be representatives from the State
Universities of Oregon, Washington,
Idaho, Nexada and California. Stan
ford will also participate.
Whitman takes her turn this year at
meeting O. A. C. and Oregon, as Wash
ington State did last year. The meet
takes place in Eugene May 6th. Cor
vallis and Oregon share the expenses
of Whitman’s trip.
On May 27 the All-Northwest Confer
ence College meet holds forth at Port
land. This, of all the meets, will afford
the University of Oregon the best oppor
tunity to demonstrate her athletic abil
ity, inasmuch as the other big meet, in
California, will be rather early in the
season for Oregon.
The inter-scholastic track meet, which
has been scheduled for Junior Week
End, is now an assured success. Enough
high schools and preparatory schools
have promised their attendance to make
the event a certainty, and more are con
stantly being heard from.
The rival meet at O. A. C. is proving
somewhat of a handicap in the securing
of representatives from the various
schools, but many wfio have already
signed up with the Agricultural College
afe duplicating their action in regard to
Following is a l:st of those schools
which have, up to the present date, re
turned favorable replies to Oregon’s in
vitations: Baker City High, Fendleton
^ligh. Oregon City High, Eugene High,
and all the members of the Portland
inter-»cholastic league — Washington
hligh, Jefferson High, Lincoln High,
Portland Academy, Columbia, and Van
couver High.
Many of the schools have as yet sent
in no replies whatever, but an answer
in the affirmative is expected from most
01 tl. -e. Manager Cockerline is in con
stant communication with those who
have leanings toward the “Aggies,” and
^eeb safe in prophesying a most suc
cessful meet.
H. Libby, assistant county survey
nr- will address tire Engineering Club
-H. Eelxr.uarv 24. Air. Libby has
wide experience in railroad con
' unction work, having been in charge of
Se'eral roads in Central America. He
X'!>1 tell of his experiences in tropical
toilroad building.
Carlton E. Spencer, Oregon’s repre
sentative in the inter-collegiate oratori
cal contest to be held in Eugene March
10th, completed his oration on “The
Rust on our Legal Machinery,” yester
It was sent immediately to the Sec
retary of the Association, who will send
copies to the three judges on composi
tion and to the presidents of the seven
colleges composing the Association.
1914 Basketball Team May Start
On Junket to Portland
and Valley
Unless unforeseen obstacles materi
alize, the Freshman basketball team
will play a return game with Washing
ton High School about the end of the
month. Manager Huggins is now await
ing word from Coach Fenstermacher
anent the date of the contest.
In case there are no conflicting dates,
the Freshmen will probably also meet
the Lincoln and Jefferson High School
teams during their stay in Portland.
There is also a likelihood that Manager
Huggins can arrange a game with the
Newberg High School on the return
trip. Newberg claims the champion
ship of the Willamette Valley, and a
game with the Oregon Freshmen would
be a drawing card.
The personnel of the squad making
the trip will probably be: Brooks and
Roberts, forwards; Bradshaw, center;
Rice and Vierick, guards; Meek and
Motschenbacher, substitutes; Huggins,
Bradshaw is still suffering from the
effects of an injury incurred a week
ago, and may be unable to make the
trip. There is a possibility that Fenton,
Varsit)' forward, may hold the pivotal
position in the high school games.
Oblivious to Veto and Referen
dum, Students Celebrate
Passage of Appropriation
When news reached the Oregon cam
pus Thursday evening that the Univer
sity appropriation had passed the Sen
ate with but three dissenting votes, thus
practically assuring the many needed im
provements about the campus that the
Regents had asked for, there was much
rejoicing among the students.
Intuitively they gathered on the cam
pus, and from there, under the leader
ship of Yell Leader Robison, marched
through the city, firing guns, cannons
and fire crackers, singing, yelling and
doing the serpentine. On the return they
assembled in Villard Hall, where enthu
siastic speeches were delivered by Pres
ident Campbell, Regent Friendly, Chas.
Robison and Verner Gillis.
The preliminary tryout for the inter
state oratorical contest, which was
scheduled for this morning, was not
held. Only the five men. Beals, Pickett,
K ey, Robison .end Spencer, who made
good in the inter collegiate tryouts,
were present, and these were conceded
places in a final trvout to be held March
* Won. Lost. Pet.*
* Beta Theta Fi_ 9 1 .900 *
* Sigma Nu _ 6 1 .857 *
* Kappa Sigma_ 6 2 .750 *
* Avava _ 5 3 .625 *
* Beavers_ 5 3 .625 *
* A. T. O. _ 4 5 .444 *
* Tawah _ 2 5 .286 *
* Dorm_ 2 5 .286 *
* Delta Sigma _ 2 5 .286 *
* Sigma Chi _ 1 5 .166 *
* Acacia _ 1 6 .143 *
After Taking First Game, Oregon
Loses Saturday’s Matinee By
Narrow Margin.
Though Oregon won Friday night's
game by the decisive score of 27 to 13,
the Washingtonians came back this af
ternoon and annexed the matinee by a
19-22 score. Friday night’s game was
delayed until after 10:00 o'clock on ac
count of a wreck on the C. & E., which
tied up the “cannonball” unail too lave
to make connections with the main
line at Albany. The enforced stay in
Corvallis and the rush from the late
train to the gym was too much for the
Seattleites and they went down before
Oregon's quintet. Captain Clemenson,
however, charged their defeat to their
inability to hit baskets and to fickle
basketball luck.
Oregon started the game with a rush
and began to tumble in baskets with
startling regularity. From the first the
lemon yellow took the lead, and kept
it throughout the game. Jamison was
the surest at hitting the basket and
made seven field goals. The score of
the first half was 17 to 7.
Oregon took it easier in the second
half, guarding more closely and shoot
ing a basket now and then to keep in
practice. The first part of the half was
.played mostly in the middle of the
floor, the guards of both teams keeping
out of scoring distance. Captain Clem
enson showed himself to be a strong
guard and was unusually successful in
intercepting long passes. The final
score, was 27-13.
The second game lowered Oregon’s
Northwest championship aspirations a
few notches. Olson started the scoring
soon after the whistle by shooting a
basket. Fenton duplicated half a min
ute later. The score was nearly even
throughout the game, though the first
half ended with Oregon on the long end
10-8. Washington guards put up the
game of their career. Hoscly in particu
lar was strong on working the hail
down the field. The whole Washing
ton team took turns at the basket, Clem
enson coming down for three.
In the middle of the second half
Washington tied the score and Oregon
got the lead but once afterward, and
then were unable to keep it. d he vis
itors shot three baskets and Oregon se
cured one, point on a foul. The final
score was 19 to 22.
Oregon has two more games to play
with Washington at Seattle, which will
decide the championship, as the race
clearly lies between Oregon and Wash
President David McDaniels announces
an important meeting of the Junior
class, to he held Monday, February 20,
in Dr. Bennett's room. There are sev
eral matters of pressing interest to be
considered and acted upon at this meet
ing. and a full attendance of Juniors
is especailly urged. Among other
things, the class id' 1912 will discuss the
feasibility of fathering the movement
for holding a Junior Week End canoe
Oregon Secures Chapter of Na
tional Musical
Oregon has a new national sorority.
On January 17, 1911, the Mu Phi Ep
i silon, the only exclusive musical so
rority in America, granted a chapter to
the Upsilon Musical Society of the Uni
versity of Oregon, naming it the “Nu”
chapter of the Mu Phi Epsilon. The
installation will occur on the 3rd and
4th of March.
Mu Phi Epsilon has fourteen chap
ters in America, the one granted Ore
gon being the only one west of Chi
cago. Many famous musicians are mem
bers, among whom are Maud Powell,
the violinist, and Madame Schumann
Hcink, the world's greatest contralto.
The ptaronesses of the Nr, Chapter
arc Mrs. P L Campbell, Mrs I. M.
yilen, Mrs. Susie Fennell Pipes and
Mrs. M. H. Douglas. Prof. 1 M Glen,
by virtue of his position as Dean of the
School of Music, is patron of the chap
The following is a list of the mem
bers: .Mary Morgan, Lilah Prosser, Eva
Stinson, Nell Murphy, Edwina Prosser,
Ethel Evans, Juliet Cross, Ethel Row
land, Madeline Harding, Tna Watkins,
Nancy Peterson, Alberta Campbell.
The sorority will have a house next
Baseball Men on Qui Vive Only
Waiting for Good Weather
and Coach
The baseball schedule for Ibis year
is now practically completed, and the
men are only waiting for the weather
to dry off the field, before donning uni
forms and beginning daily practice.
Of last year's team, Taylor, Jamison,
Newland Dobie, Barnour, McKenzie,
Van Marter, Chandler and Word are
still in school; also a number of good
men on last year’s Varsity squad. In
addition, there appears to he a wealth
| of baseball material among the new
| men. Fenton, Houck, Roberts, Cobh,
Bradshaw and Terpening all bring good
.prep reputations.
Oregon will play twelve inter-colle
l giate games, six of which will he at
Hugene. There is also a possibility of
; other games at Hugene with local teams,
i The schedule is as follows:
Oregon vs. Whitman, April 13 and 14.
at Hugene.
Oregon vs. University of Washing
: ton. April 17 am1 IF. ;.t Seattle.
Oregon vs. Washington State Col
lege, April 19 and 2r' at Pullman.
Oregon vs. University of Idaho, April
21 and 22. at Moscow.
Oregon vs. Washington Slate. Col
lege. May 3 and 4, .at Hugene.
Oregon vs. University of Idaho, May
12 and 13, at Eugene.
Most of Adverse Votes Come
From Counties that Support
Small Denominational Colleges
On the whole, the University appro
priation hills enjoyed comparatively
smooth sailing in the legislature after
the ways and means committee cut off
the items of eight and four thousand
providing for a campus printing plant
and summer school.
The money was provided for in two
hills, House hills 210 and 211. H. B.
210 was the general hill and 211 pro
vided only for a new library building.
In the house of representatives 210
called out ten adverse votes. The noes
were Brownhill of Yamhill, Carter of
Clackamas, Graves of Yamhill, TTollis
of Washington, Libby of Marion, Mil
ler of Linn, Shaw of Linn, Simpson of
Linn, Smith of Josephine, and Tigard
of Washington.
On 11. B. 211, Carter of Clackamas,
Hollis of Washington, Mahoney of
Umatilla, Miller of Linn, Newner of
Douglis, Pierce of Coos and Curry,
Shaw of Linn, Simpson of Linn, and
Tigard of Washington voted no.
In the senate, H. B. 210 called out
hut three nays, viz : Dimick of Clacka
mas, Miller of Linn, and Wood cf
H. B. 211 was voted against by Bar
rett of Lincoln, Tillamook, Washington
and Yamhill, Miller of Linn, and Wood
of Washington.
It will he observed that Senator Mil
ton A. Miller of Linn, who is a regent
of the University voted consistently a
giainst the University. His county, Linn,
was also active in the house against the
bills. Most of the other adverse votes
came from counties which have small
denominational colleges, such as Wash
ington, Yamhill, Marion and Linn.
Though Governor West has not yet
signed these bills no veto is expected in
view of his opinion expresesd in his in
augural address
As soon as the appropriation bill is
known to he safe, duplicate plans fer
altering the Men’s Dormitory will be
drawn np. In a general way, President
Campbell wishes to extend the room
ing capacity of the Dorm by partitioning
off twelve or fourteen rooms in the
garret. To do this, it will he necessary
to gable the roof, and possibly put in
some form of elevator so that travel
from the fourth floor to the first may
he facilitated.
The kitchen will b; enlarged, and ad
joining it a cold storage house will he
erected, so that provisions can he bought
at wholesale and the Dorm reap the
| benefit of extensive wholesale prices.
The first two pantries will he torn
out and a cafeteria lunch room made of
them. The old dining room will still
| he used and hoard will he furnished
' there at a flat weekly rate, though some
j reduced fro mthe present rate if possible.
| The idea is not to have the cafeteria
I supplant the regular dining room, but
merely supplement it, for the benefit of
those who must live, on a more eco
nomical plan.
Mi-s Willctta Wright, 'll, is stil ab
sent in Albany, due to illness.