HASTINGS SISTERS BEAUTY PARLOR all branches of work WE GIVE SATISFACTION Room 1 Register Bldg. Phone R. 6481 Cbc Store that saves you money Linn Drug Co. EASTMAN KODAK AGENTS 530 Willamette Street Overton Wall Paper and Paint Co. Paint for All Purposes WE FRAME PICTURES i6-j8 West Seventh St. Phone Red 1161 Exclusive Agent for Eugene W. A. KUYKENDALL DRUGGIST 588 Willamette Street. . Brassware. We havel.just receivedlthe largest line of Brassware ever brought to Eugene —new and nifty things Laraway—Jeweler EUGENE TRANSFER CO. W. W. Purdy Baggage and General Hauling 24 \V. Seventh St. Phone, Main 160 Eugene, Oregon FINE CUTLERY J. W. HARTLEY Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HIGH GRADE CIGARS AND TOBACCOS 595 Willamette Street. Tor Pianos 90 to A. 5. Draper Expert Tuner and Rebullder With the Wiley B. Allen Co., 25 East Ninth Street. W. M. Renshaw Wholesale and Retail CIGARS AND TOBACCOS 513 Willamette Street. Eugene Dye Works Everything Possible in Cleaning and Dyeing 125 E. Ninth St. Main 122 SOPHS FOOTBALL TEAM li WINS TITANIC CONTEST Overwhelm Freshman Class and Corps of Officials In a game full of thrilling plays and weird and fiendish ogres, the sophomore football artists of the University of Or egon wiped up Kincaid Field with the freshman presumables Friday afternoon by the score of 17 to 0. The game was all sophomore from the time salaried referee Bill Main blew his whistle at the beginning of the contest, until dark ness mercifully put an end to the slaugh ter. The tactics of the game were old style, with just enough novelty thrown in to keep the interest centered on pur sued and pursuers. The sophs annexed the first touchdown after one minute and eleven seconds of play. Features of the game were the line plunging of Shike Storie and Breezy Barzee, the momentum and nerve ex hibited by Spider Wentworth, and the patrolling of Muggsie Briedwell. The freshmen boys deserve special mention for gentlemanly conduct and a retir ing disposition. The stars of the game were every member of the sophomore squad, and for the freshmen, Moores and Pinkham deserve special mention for backing up the line, while the plunging officials contributed nobly as ground gainers. The gate receipts, which amounted to twenty-five semolians, were divided sev enty-five and twenty-five. The lineup follows: Sophs Murphy-Zimmerma Murphy, Frosh Williams Williams re Smith Lamb Kendall Rice rt rg c lg Matschenbacher Jones It le Roberts Huggins Lee Benson Stanard q lh rh fb Zimmerman Hawley-Martin Hodges-Nitchski Allen Wentworth, Carroll Waite Briedwell, Collier Kuykendall Kreiger Barzee Storie Holmes ******** * * * CALENDAR * * Saturday, Oct. 22— * * 7:00 P. M„ Philologian Society, * * Dr. Leonard's room, McClure * * Hall * * 8:00 P. M„ Delta Delta Delta so- * * rority, At Home. 870 Alder Street. * * All students invited. * * Monday, Oct. 24— * * 4:00 P. M„ Dr. Bennett talks to * * women : “Why We Come to Col- * * lege.” Girls’ gymnasium. * * Wednesday, Oct. 26— * * 10:00 A. M„ Assembly. Miss * * Brehm, noted temperance advo- * * cate, will discuss temperance from * * a scientific standpoint. CANOE STOLEN The editor of the Emerald is invok ing all the powers of destruction upon the thieves that stole his canoe, from the Kappa Sigma yard, Friday. The canoe was a white Racine, and reward will be paid for information leading to its recovery or to the apprehension of the thief. To Subscribers If you do not receive your paper, write or notify Allvn Roberts, Sub scription Manager. Emerald Office, Dor mitory Black 1782. The University of Iowa has an honor ary freshman society, known as the Si Mu. GLEE CLUB 10 ML MICE IS ML PLAN Extension of Route to Include Albany and Ontario 1 lie Oregon Glee Club will make two trips this year, one to Eastern Oregon, and another later to include Albany and Portland. When the Glee Club route was extended to include Albany and Ontario, it was found that the whole route could not be satisfactorily covered in the allotted time. Hence, the decision to make two trips of the bi-annual Eastern Oregon itinerary, and to entirely revise the schedule. Following are the dates for the first trip: Salem, Dec. 16, Hood River Dec. 19, Heppner, Dec. 20. Pendleton Dec. 21, Ontario Dec. 22, Baker City Dec. 23, LaGrande Dec. 24. The second trip, which will include Albany and Portland, will be postponed until after Christmas holidays. Miss Merle McKelney isi spending the week end in Portland. Mrs. George Hug left Friday for a week’s visit in Portland. Miss Flora Dunham is spending the week end in Portland. C. W. Edmunds, M. D. Surgical Specialist EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Suite 201-204 White Temple. Main 767 | Eugene, Ore. The most fastidious tasts wiEi our excellent line of SUPERIOR FOOTWEAR Burden & Graham Qitti l ft ! Hardware tollman studio headquarters for COLLEGE WORK 518 Willamette. Red 1321 anas Drawing materials Waterman's Ideal fountain Pen try tlteir Sell Tiller e. ScbwarzsclhUa J. F. Sterner Dealer in Staple and Fancy groceries Fresh Vegetables I 7.0 Eas< Ninth. Phone Mamli pfh^Oak IShoe Store Walk Over 1 Shoes 587 Willamette St. Oregon! Here’s Success To You! Mllion Co. The House Furnishers 475 Willamette St., near postoffice Pioneer Shining Parlors Grateful for Student Patronage F. BERRY DUNN’S BAKERY Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery; also Ice Cream and Fruits. 4 E. Ninth St. Phone, Main 72 When your Watch needs repairing, take it to H. D. SMARTT AT THE Watch Hospital j With Dillon’s Drug Store. ^ EMPEKUK COPYRIGHT 1910 BY THE I SYSTEM Dignified College Clothes $15-$40 XTTERBURY and L SYSTEM Clothes are clever in design, made of snappy patterns and by the best tailors in the world. These are the reasons why every suit bearing our label is Positively Guaranteed ONE YEAR Oregon Rooter Turbans, Pennants Sweaters - • Jeisier Caps Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits and Complete Line Full Dress Furnishings COPYRIGHT 1910 BY THE I SYSTEM The McMORRAN & WASHBURNE Store Student’s Headquarters 538*540 Willamette Street College Supplies