VOL. XII. EUGENE. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 19. 1910. No. 8 FRESHMAN ISSUE CON TAINS MANY INTER ESTING FEATURES Paper Is Being Distributed To day and Is Devoted to 1914— Football Will Star In Next. What is probably the best and livest Monthly ever published, is being dis tributed this afternoon and abundantly ■ ustifies Editor Collins' enthusiastic pre dictions as to its excellence. The cover is from the pen of the ver satile editor, and is a shadow view of Deady Hall from the west approach. It is printed on pale yellow in green ink, making a very effective combina tion of the college colors. 1 he issue is devoted to the class of 1914, and con tains advice, warning and admonition to the freshmen on college matters. President Campbell lias contributed a foreword to the newcomers, outlining the pace set by 1913 and showing what is expected of 1914. Miss Dunham, '14. writes on the “Promise of T4.-’ and pays some compliments and abilities of the various noted freshmen, predicting, of course, brilliant careers. Charles Robison has a clever Kiplingesque po em entitled “Everyman—Freshman.' This warns the youngsters what not to do to become successful. Among the other interesting articles is a contribution by Miss Williamson on Professor Hawthorne s work for Or egon. The literary section contains stories from the versatile pens of Willetta W right. Evans Huston, Dan Mitchell I and others. Though the real sensation of the issue is the Monthly's first essay into the field of “yellowness, the Who s Who and Since When articles on "Prexy" Collier and his colleagues of | the executive committee. The “funny I part is grouped under the "Rescued | From the Waste Basket.” and contain | a "Freshman Primer in Words of Only One Syllable.” The Engineering section contains timely articles of local interest, in which the extremely technical side is not de veloped. They are good reading for even art students. On top of all this, the editor promises an even larger and better issue, which will be devoted to football and gridiron heroes. PROFESSIONAL PAPERS SENT TO PROF. FRINK Dr. J. A. L. Waddell, to whom the College of Engineering is indebted for the valuable lectures delivered here re cently. has sent to Professor Frink a complimentary copy of his professional papers. This is a volume of about one thousand pages, containing selections from the author's writings curing the p:.st thirty years. The book may be seen at any time on Professor Frink's desk. Varnel Beach, 'll. is at Harvard this year. Dean Goodman is clerking in a hard w- re store in Rnseburg. INTERFRAT. BASKETBALL LEAGUE TO ORGANIZE | Varsity Practice Will Begin Soon —Practice Hours Will Be Four to Five “Basketball practice will begin next week, and all aspirants for Varsity honors will be given an even chance," was 1 rainer Hayward’s statement. The hour will be from four to five on week days, and later when the squad is picked, evening practice will be held. Beside the regular interclass games, it is Mr. Hayward's intention to hold an interclub and interfraternity tourna ment. The idea, as yet. is in its infancy, but if enough teams enter and sufficient skill is developed, a trophy will be put up for the winner. Regular hours will be assigned to the different teams to avoid conflicts in practicing. There appe r to be enough basket ball men in college to make a success of such a league, but interest in the indoor game evidently has waned since mem bers of the Varsity basketball teams were denied "O's” SENATOR BOOTH WILL SPEAK TO YOUNG MEN Senator R. A. Booth, well known in Eugene and throughout the state in the political arena, has been scheduled to speak at the men's meeting Friday ev ening. Mr. Booth’s subject, “Making i Living or a Life," is a theme that has been carefully considered in his own career, and in both lines he has been eminently successful There are few speak ers in the state more forcible and elo quent than Senator Booth, and his ad dress on Friday evening will undoubt edly be of unusual interest and worth to all who hear him. As usual, the meeting will begin at 7:00 and will be dismissed promptly at 7 :50. GAME WILL BE FIEBGE Class Pip to be In Evidence at Annual Gridiron Battle The Sophomore-Freshman game Fri day promises to be a warm one. Word has just leaked out from Sophomore headquarters that they are going to give an only and original substitute for the ancient and revered custom of "haz ing.'’ "The Frosh are altogther too elated at the entire immunity they have enjoyed this year,” is the tone of the quiet message being passed from Soph to Soph, "so expect something good when we get them out where we can rough them a little without getting up on the carpet for hazing.” Nothing definite can be learned of just what the Freshmen are to be put through, but the fact that every Soph omore on the campus has sworn to be there to see the fun, is pretty good evi dence that something out of the ordi nary is to be sprung on the unsus pecting Freshies. If the Frosh get wise and turn out in equal numbers, the ten cent admission fee charged should put the treasury of the winning class in a very healthy condition. PUGET SOUND U. PUTS ON KING! SATURDAY METHODIST COLLEGE TO MAKE ITS DEBUT IN EUGENE Though Light, The Visitors Are F~st and Might Spring a Sur prise On Warner’s Men Oregon will line up a crippled team against the Puget Sound University eleven here next Saturday afternoon. Main will he unable to play because of an injured shoulder. Mitchell is suf fering from a wrenched knee, which will probably keep him out of football for the remainder of the season. Latou rette will also he kept out of the game as a result of injuries. The Puget Sound team is light and fa.st. and although they were overwhelm ingly defeated by Washington last Sat urday, they will invade the Oregon ter ritory prepared to give the best they have. Washington won Saturday’s game by the score of 51 to 0. According to the Tacoma paper, the P. U. team, although outweighed twenty pounds to man, fought a game contest. Coach Warner will give orders to his men to run a large score against Puget Sound. The Oregon team has perfected its team work since the alumni game, and the weak places demonstrated by Saturday’s contest have been strength ened. Manager Watson voices a plea for more liberal student support at the games, as in the alumni contest but two hundred and eighty-five students, out of six hundred, were on the grounds. There will be another preliminary game between the Eugene High School and the Oregon Freshmen. The first game will be called at 2:30 o'clock. Pu get Sound University will line up as follows: Max, L. E., Webb, L. T., Mitchell, L. G., Benbow, C., Nickolsen, R. G„ Bend, R. T„ Smith, R. E„ Beards ley. Q., Servis, L. H., Decker, R. H., Xelson. F. B. Coach Warner is not vet prepared to reveal the Varsity lineup, but will work in a large number of players to give all the promising ones a chance. WENDELL BARBOUR WILL MANAGE STUDENT DANCES At a meeting of the executive com mittee with Professor Glen Inst nighr, provisional arrangements were made for the first student body dance, which will take place bn the evening of November 5th, provided that date is granted. Pend ing the decision of the committee on the d :te, general arrangements have been made and committees appointed. Wen dell Harbour has been made general manager of the whole affair. As pat ronesses, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Penned, Mrs. Fuller and Mrs. Prescott have been selected. Following the policy in augurated early last spring, these stu dent body dances will he strictly infor mal. They will be held in the gym as usual, and a general admission of fifty cents a couple will be charged. Vera Horner is teaching in Roseburg High School. INTERESTING SPEAKERS BOOKED FOR ASSEMBLY Next Attraction Will be Mi s Brebm’s Talk On Tem perance — In line with its motto of "everything for Oregon," the University is to have the best line of speakers obtainable for i assembly hour for the next two months. A large percentage of these speakers are members of the faculty, and all are men of rare ability. Next Wednesday Miss Brehm, the noted temperance worker, will lecture on temperance from a scientific stand point. 1 his lecture will be non-parti - :i, ■ nd will be very interesting. Miss Brehm is a deep thinker, and is one of the few women orators in Oregon. On November 2 Dr. Schaefer will deliver a lecture on “Some Conditions of Leadership." 1 his is from American 'Political history, and .with a capable historian, as is Dr. Schaefer, handling tin? subject, it should be one of the best hours of the year. I his lecture was delivered before the Oregon chapter of the Sons of Ameri can Revolution, which met in Portland 1' st January. It was greatly admired, and several periodicals reprinted it with out alteration. For November 16, as yet no arrange ment has been made, but there are sev eral capable men in view, and without doubt one will shortly be announced. The first Wednesday after the Thanks giving recess, Dr. Sheldon will speak on "Wif). James—An Appreciation." Dr. Sheldon is ever a deep thinker and an interesting speaker, and as a lecturer he has a state reputation. With i n address on a psychological subject entitled "1 he Land of the Mag nolia," Dr. Bennett closes the present prepared list of speakers Dr. Bennett is a new man here, but judging from the popularity of his classes, this lec ture should prove even more so. SOCCER CANDIDATES FEW Soccer Field Being Prepared Back of Library It m y be anot’nei »/ar before the Cniversity of Oregon can boast a soc cer team. So far, only five or six men show tip for practice, and it take eleven men to compose a team. 1 hose who have not found their place in athletics may see their opportunity for distinction here, since only two, Mr. Crockett and Mr. Rigler, have ever played the game before The essential qualities required are speed and wind, as the game is a continual running :f f ir, much like ba -ketball, with forty-five minute halves I he merits and characteristics of the game will be set forth in an article in the Monthly, by Peter Crockett, who played the game for many years in Scot land before coming to this country. A soccer field is being prepared west of the library, and when that is com pleted. prospective soccer players will have a field all to themselves to prac tice on. I he soccer season usually ends at Paster. Will Cake and Ormond Rankin, '10, re in ihe city assessor’s office in Port land. INSTALLATION OF Tfll DELTBEGINSTHURSDAY TWENTY-SEVEN KLOSHE TILLACUMS TO BE INITIATED Large Number of Visitors Will Come, and Elaborate Reception Will be Held Saturday 1 lie installation ritual which makes the kloshe I'illacum sorority Theta Del ei chapter of Tri Delta, will begin I hursda.y evening and continue until S tturday night. Beginning 1 hursday at six-thirty the i rident degree will he given; Friday the Star and Crescent degree. Then Friday evening a big banquet will be held in the Wistaria rooms of the Os burn Hotel. Saturday afternoon an in formal provinci 1 convntion will take ■ lace, to which the various Western delegates of Tri Delta will attend, and hnally on Saturday evening a formal reception to students, faculty and other friends will he given. Several prominent members of Delta Delta Delta will have charge of the in stallation. Miss R. Louise Fitch, from Chicago, editor of Trident; Miss Alice Porterfield, of Berkeley, province vice president; Miss Muriel Trull, of Berke ley; and others from Stanford and Washington, whose names tire not yet 1' noivn. I hose who will he charter members in T beta Delta chapter are: Angcline Williams, ’07. Mozelle Hair, US. Agnes Stevenson, ‘08. Olivia Risley, ’09. Harriet Lane, "09. Grace La Brie, TO. Annie Bergman, TO. Mabel Kuykendall, TO. Laura Kennon, TO. Hattie Hyde, ’ll. Hazel Bradley, ’ll. Marion Stowe, ’ll. Ruth Rolfe, ’ll. Emma Waterman, T2. Jean Allison, T2. Pansy Shaver, ’12. Ruth Gibson, '12. Jenny Fry, T2. Elizabeth Lewis, T3. Elizabeth Wagner, T3. Dorothy Schoolcraft, T3. Faye Ball, T3. Pauline VanOrsdel, T4. Amy Romaine, T4. Ethel Risley, T4. II -’zel Foster, T4. Ellice Shearer, T4. REDUCTION TO STUDENTS FOR YAW CONCERT Manager Smith, of the Eugene Thea ter, Ir s made a reduetion to all Uni versity students for the eoncert of F.l ’en Reach Yaw. Miss Yaw will appear n Eugene next Wednesday, October 19. Many students will undoubtedly take dvantage of this offer, as Miss Yaw o.nes with an unexcelled record .as a singer of note. The reduction amounts o fifty cents on any one dollar or one loll r and a half seat in the house.