Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 05, 1910, Image 1

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Prospect of Annual Meet is Bring
ing Out Crop of Old and New
The annual fall interclass track meet
will occur October 15, and promises to
be of unusual interest.
At first plans were made to restrict
the entries to the classes of 1913 and
1914, to bring out new material, but so
many old men have begun fall training
that all four teams will be eligible,
day. “All of the old players are back
many men as they like, and there will
be no restrictions on the number of
entries for each man.
This meet is always interesting, be
cause of the number of surprises
sprung and the advent of dark horses.
The class of 1914 gives promise of a
wealth of track material which should
make the old timers look to their lau
From his records, Huggins, the Hood
River lad should show McClure a good
tune in the mile.
McConnell i. haif-miler from Waba
Walla, is out; also Brooks, a high
Fiser, the Ontario sprinter and pole
vnulter, is trying out for football ami
v ill not enter track this fall. MilLr,
the Washington high school half -milcr,
will not be out on account of a recent
These new men and many others,
together with last year’s men, promise
the best track material in recent years.
There will be the usual sixteen of
events, though some of the distances
may be reduced out of consideration
for the unconditioned men.
The Y. M. C. A. book exchange and
employment bureau is working more
satisfactorily than ever this year.
I he University Y. M. C. A. conducts
an exchange for second hand goods and
employment bureau at its office in the
Dorm. The sales have amounted to
over $250.00, and during registration
week three men were kept busy supply
ing the demand for text books.
Over one thousand volumes pass
through its hands each year, and it has
on hand now more than five hundred
volumes. Last year the association han
dled over $400.00 and this year Secre
tary Brown expects the sales to exceed
The exchange also handles second
hand pennants, tennis raquets and balls,
track and gym shoes and all athletic
goods. The sale of new; pennants, arid
pictures has been discontinued on ac
count of the objection of down-town
merchants. r»G rn*
Over 65 students during the year of
1909-1910 were furnished employment,
ranging all the way from lawn mowing
to permanent positions' by wfitcfi they
could earn their room and board.
In January Gym Will be Scene
of Inter-Class “Go”
Some time in the middle of the year,
probably in January, a boxing and
wrestling tournament will be pulled off
iu tlie gymnasium. This new feature in
L niversity athletics will take the form
of inter-class affairs, although it is said
that Trainer Hayward would not side
step a wrestling tournament with an
other college.
The primary object, however, is to
develop as many students as possible.
In speaking of this, Bill said, “I be
lieve that boxing and wrestling de
velop a man’s mental and physical side
more than any other form of exercise.”
Each class will enter teams in the
tournament, and each man will meet an
opponent of about the same weight. The
winner of these ‘‘goes” will annex a
certain number of points for his team,
and the class having the largest number
of points will be declared winner.
The Y. M. C. A. men’s meetings will
begin Friday evening in Deady Hall.
President Campbell will speak in place
of Dr. Hinton of the Portland White
Temple, whose address has been post
opned until later in the year.
Some of the strongest speakers in, the
state will be secured and addresses of
real value and meetings of life and en
thusiasm are promised.
The music will be a special feature
of each meeting. Mr. Lamb, a fresh
man glee club man, will sing at the
first meeting.
The reputation for promptness estab
lished last year will be maintained at
any cost and the meetings will begin
at seven o’clock, and promptly close
at ten minutes before eight.
Varsity Squad Strengthened Ma
terially by Freshman
Basketball practice for the season of
1910 will start next week. A special
meeting of all men interested in the
game will he called within the next
few days. A system of interclass games
will be arranged whereby It will be pos
sible to bring out and develop basket
ball material. This system was very
successful last year.
A great deal of basketball strength
is expected from the freshman class.
Fenton, the phenomenal center on last
year’s Dallas aggregation, is in college
and will unquestionably strengthen the
Varsity squad. Therlijare a number of
'other men newly registered with consid
erable basketball experience and glowing
records of past accomplishments. On
account of the conflicting hours result
ing from gym classes, basketball prac
tice will probably be held late in the
evening. An attempt is being made by
the basketball 'management ‘ to Grange
(Continued on page 4)
With Faculty Approval, Smoker
Will Be Held in Gymnasium
Night Before Alumni Game
If Yell Leader Robison’s plans mate
rialze, Oregon students wll be treated
to something new in the rally line. There
is a scheme, peding upon faculty ap
proval, for a gigantic smoker rally at
the gym on the Friday night betore the
alumni game. Not only will plenty of
noise be served, but weinies, sandwiches,
Jdoughnuts, cider and tobacco will he
used to arouse enthusiasm. A rally
with eats and smokes is a new feature
at Oregon and seems to have been
originated by our versatile Charles.
I here will he no prizes offered for
yells and songs this year, but any new
ones handed in will be paid for if
available. The new “team” yell was
tried last night with marked success,
and hereafter will be added to Oregon's
Rooting practice will be held only on
three nights out of the week, instead of
every night as formerly. The evenings
selected will be Monday, Wednesday and
Mr. Robison has appointed as assist
ants, Lyle Brown, Charles Randall,
Chester Moores and Cass Kennedy.
Student Affairs Committee Is
Considering Ways and Means
Those who look for something to hap
pen between the sophomores and fresh
men will not be disappointed. The
“clash,” however, will he characterized
by good feeling and healthy rivalry and
will take place according to the prear
ranged plans of representatives of both
President Spencer, of the sophomore
class, stated that as yet no definite plans
had been made, pending the meeting of
the student affairs committee this af
“After three weeks of harmony be
tween the classes,” was President Spen
cer’s comment, “it is safe to assume that
the crisis has been passed, and for the
first time in the history of the Univer
sity there has been no hazng. The nov
elty of the situation makes it difficult
to state just what will be done in the
way of testing the mettle of the newcom
ers. It’s possible, however, that a tug
of war may be arranged for, or a flag
rush. In the latter case a pole sur
nf&uffted by a flag will be set up in the
middle of' life- football field, for in
stance,,and at a given signal the two
classes r'usfj from opposite ends-of the
field and '\vflll endeavor to secure mas
tery of the flag. These are only sug
gestions; after the meeting of the stu
deufj affair committee, when we wll
learn the methods of other schools,
plans will be made public.”
Activities Are Graded According
To Amount of Honor
In Each
1 lie "official" senior honor society will
he formed some time this month, in
accordance with a plan evolved the past
summer by President Campbell, the pres
ident of the student body, and the com
mittee front the senior class.
d he first members of this society will
be chosen by a committee from the fac
ulty and alumni, composed of three
members from each. These committee
members will be elected respectively by
the faculty and alumni.
After the first members of the society
are named, they will draw up their own
constitution and by-laws, except that the
membership requirements shall not be
These members will also decide upon
a name for the society.
Both men and women are eligible for
membership. A man must have earned
eight points and a woman six. This
distinction was made because of the lar
ger held of opportunity open to the
men of the University. The credit points
must de distributed over at least two
lines of student activity and may not be
collected from more than four.
The following is the official rating of
honor points:
Office Points
President of Student Body_5
Vice President of Student Body_2.5
Executive Committee _2
Athletic Council_2
P'ditor Emerald _3
President Senior Class_3
President Junior Class _2.5
President Sophomore Class _2
President Freshman Class_2
President of any Society or Club_1
(Literary Society, Dramatic Club,
German Club, Tennis Club, Glee Club.)
President Y.M.C.A. or Y.W.C.A_1
(Continued on page two)
Former House Mother Dies Sud
denly in Chicago
Her many friend? .« college circles
were greatly shocked to learn this week
of the death of Mrs. Duff, the former
house mother of ihe Gamma Phi Beta
Though the news has just reached
the campus, Mrs. Duff died from a
stroke of apoplexy September 28, at the
home of her daughter in Chicago. She
was stricken with the disease on Sep
tember 14, and hardly regained con
sciousness during the next two weeks.
For the past four years she had been
house mother at the sorority, where
her sweet and gentle ways endeared her
to all who made her acquaintance.
The blow is keenly felt by all who
were associated with her, and deepest
sympathy is extended to the bereaved
-mr •—:
Edna Canfield is teaching at Oregon
City this winter.
Gladys Farrar, '09, s teachng n Eu
gene hgh school.
NOV. 12 IS DATE; .NOV. 5,
Manager Watson Will Organize
Big Bunch of Rooters For Ex
cursion to the Agric. Town.
After considerable bickering and de
lay the place and date of the annual
Oregon O. A. C. football game has
been finally arranged. The big game
will take place in Corvallis on Novem
ber 12.
The reason for scheduling the game
in Corvallis instead of in Portland, as
was once planned, was the insistence
of the merchants and people of Cor
vallis that they were entitled to the
one big campus game. Color was lent
to their plea by the fact that three
of the last five games have been played
in Eugene and the remaining two in
Manager Watson is arranging for an
excursion train to carry rooters to the
game. Last year C). A. C. brought a
chorus of about twelve hundred voices
to hack their team, and it is expected
that Oregon will send at least six hun
dred to support the lemon and green.
Manager Watson predicts that O. A. C.
will have in the neighborhood of fifteen
hundred rooters this year, and says
that it will take at least six hundred
Oregon backers to make a showing
aginst them. The excursion train will
leave Eugene at 7:30 or 8:00 A. M. and
return at 6:00 or 7:00 in the evening.
A round trip rate of one and one-third
fare will probably be arranged.
Manager Watson also states that now
the yell leader is appointed, the student
hand will he reorganized to lead the
A new feature in Oregon's football
schedule thk year will be the game
between the freshmen of Oregon and
those of O. A. C., which is being ar
ranged to take place on Kincaid Field
on November 5.. Freshman games in
the East arc said to be almost as good
drawing cards as the Varsity struggles,
and it is hoped they will become popular
here. If this year’s contest is success
ful, the game will probably be made
an annual affair. Owing largely to the
fact that Varsity freshmen are barred,
the chance that Oregon has to produce
a strong eleven of youngsters is any
thing but bright. Manager Watson
urges all freshmen who have had pre
vious experience to turn out and help
save the day.
1912 Organise* for the Year With
New Officers
The class of 1912 met this afternoon,
organized for the year, and elected offi
cers. The result of the ballot was:
President, David McDaniels, of Port
land; Vice President, Hazel Wightman;
Secretary, June Knox; Treasurer, Ed
ward, Himes; Sergeant at Arms, Wil
liam Dunlap, better known as “Punch.”
The presidency comes to McDaniels as
reward'fdr three years of achievement
on the track, where lie has bee none of
Trainer Hay ward’s star “quarter horses,”
having won many points for the Varsity