Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 01, 1910, Image 2

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Editor-In-Chief.Ualpli Moores, 12
Editor.ffm. E. Lowell, 11
Assistant.A. E. Houston, ’12
City Editor.It- B. Powell, 12
Assistant.Fen Waite, 1 •>
Business Manager.I >. L. Bobie, '11
Advertising.R. C. Kennedy, 12
Circulation .
Published Wednesday and Saturday
during the college year by students of
Application made for second class mail
One year_$1.U0
Single copy --- -C5
Saturday, October 1, 1910.
Give 1914 A Chance
The class of 1913 was blamed for all
last year's calamities. The freshmen
were harangued, cajoled, derided by
every budding orator in the college,
h'or a popular theme, the assembly
speakers had only to touch on the
utter worthlessness of 1913, and the as
sembled seniors, juniors and sophs
would respond like magic and applaud
Soul stirring addresses arraigned him
for the decay of Oregon spirit. Pain
fully aware of his own shortcomings,
the freshman blushed under the linger of
scorn, while his open, ingenious coun
tenance betrayed total and blissful ig
norance of any such terms as spirit
or tradition.
1913 was the goat.
It certainly made some errors, but
i1 is possible that these were committed
more through ignorance than willful
ness. Conditions were not helped by
everyone running amuck bewailing the
dead "spirit" and telling his neighbors
that the college was going to the dogs.
Hazing is a thing of the past. The
freshmen must be broken in some way,
and last year has proven that nagging
will not do it Why not take 14 into
our confidence, tell him kindly, but
firmly, what is expected of him, and
enlighten him as to the meaning of
“Oregon spirit" as nearly as it may be
defined. Mien it moral suasion fails,
iiigenuitv must suggest some more for
cible wa\ of making the appeal.
Yell Leader by Election, Not
I;or tin' lust low > tlio bleaehets
have ln'i'ii turui'il over to tlu- candidates
for tlio position ol \ i ll loadin', tlio oh
jivt being to give tlio executive com
mittii- t a ng ibh proof of the candidates'
abilities to arouse and sustain enthu
I ike a sensitiv, instrument, the bleach
ers respond to their master's touch, but
pile fatictes that it is not with their
wonted enthusiasm I lie bleachers can
not help feel but that they are merely
being t >1 as labor itoi ies for expert
mental < rk ml do mu respond with
tin old time eager roar
I lie leaders, loo, ticci airily lack the
leadi rsl u and command tlut comes onlv
from \ -ted authority. t housing' the
veil le. dei In competition is proba
bly tin l>st uid fairest available plan
vet propo id. but it is humiliating to
both candid.tti and rooters, it would
seem more p- ctical to elect the yell
leader in the 'ling with the other A.
S Ik l O ottii i s Popular elections
bring out the p >pul - men, and after
all popularity is tin . hirf reipiisite in a
yell leader, tor the r :ers only respond
for a leader they liki ' sotuillv.
No "prep school paraph rualia should
Ik tolerated around the l nivcrsitv.
loo many freshmen come to Oregon
wearing gaudy pennant pins with the
initials of their high schools, or the nu
merals ot their cherished senior classes.
These latter art generally as eh \
and chastly designed as the average po
lii'enian's star.
It is not becoming to traditional
freshman modesty thus to blazon forth
their antecedents. None of us here
care much about them. When freshmen
enter Oregon the important thing is
what they will do for the Varsity, not
what high school or senior class they
belonged to. The less said on the latter
point the better.
Often, too, brilliant monogram Jer
-eys appear on Kincaid field proclaim
ing the athletic prowess of the wearer
at some insignificant high school. Most
of these schools have never been heard
from and most of the freshmen will
never be heard from, at least in an
athletic way. Anyhow it is real merit
not self advertisement, that will make a
hit with “Bill” and the coaches.
Kincaid is strewn with the wrecks
of scores of “prep” athletic reputations.
No freshman should make his disillu
sionment any more conspicuous than
'l'lie Emerald would like to enlist the
services of about a dozen enthusiastic
freshmen desirous of doing newspaper
work. The Emerald cannot promise
that all of them will he immediately
pi iced cu tin staff or on the list of
regular reporters, but everyone will be
given a fair chance and abundant op
portunity to show what lie has in him.
Though previous experience on pa
pers will be ;m advantage, inexperience
should deter no one, as a style can be
acquired, while the newspaper dispo
sition can not. If a freshman is willing
reliable, and writes a hand that can be
deciphered tit all, there is no reason
why he should not make good and se
cure promotion.
Aside from the improvement in the
reporter’s English style, which will be
rapid, there will he the satisfaction
which should accrue from having done
something for the University.
Hand in your names at the Emerald
office, room 3, at the Dormitory.
Rather than publish the half com
plete list of staff reporters, the space
at the head of the editorial column has
been left blank, not through any desire I
to disparage the work of the staff or |
detract from the credit due them, but |
because it is yet dopbtful who of them
will make good and because the ap
pointments cannot be legally made ex
cept by the executive committee. The
selection will, however, be made as
soon as possible, and if it is ratified
by the committee the list will be con
tinued if possible throughout the term
of the present editor.
\n important meeting of the Emer
ald stall will be held in the office, room
3. Dorm., Monday at 4. Everyone con
nected with the paper should attend.
W eekly bulletin
I'.ilitor Chester Moores reports that
the 1912 Oregatta is well tttuler way,
ami front present indications will be
distributed at nine o’clock on Friday j
ot Junior Week Knd. Photographers
h;t\e been on the lookout securing in
teresting snaps and some startling cuts
are promised. Mr. Moores plans to
bring this year's Oregana fully up to
the high standard set by the class of
1'dl, ami for the sake ot class rivalry
hopes to go Charles Robison one better.
Manager Wendell Harbour is already
soliciting ads and subscriptions.
Die reception given yesterday by the
ladies of the \dvtsory Hoard in honor
of Mrs Brown, at President Camp
bell's. was enthusiastically attended, and
many "new'1 girls met the "old” girls
in an informal way. Sherbet and cake
were served by the members of the Cab
inet M's. Hr vn, Mrs Campbell. Mrs
Sweetscr. Mrs Clark and Miss Wood
cock stood in the receiving line.
The Kappa Sigma house shelters
seven freshmen that are little more than
nervous wrecks. A heavily loaded apple
tree had bee n discovered in the neigh
borhood, and late Thursday evening the
“frosh”, provided with laundry bags,
started for the harvest. But meantime
Fen Waite and “Cash” Hawley had
overheard the plans and designed a
sounter attraction. Armed with a six
shooter, the sophomores hid ii^ the tall
grass. When, like a pack of monkeys
robbing a cocoanut grove, the freshmen
were fairly started, Fen Waite began
execrating them in a gruff voice while
“Cash” fired the blanks.
The effect was startling and instan
taneous. The freshmen left, but stood
not on the order of their going. One
fat one threw up his hands exclaiming:
“My God! I’m shot!” But revived
suddenly and ran very well in spite of
his wound. Several tripped over each
other in their efforts to "beat it.” Going
too fast to turn, the bunch ran to the
end of the street and crawled home via
the banks of the millrace. The sophs
hopelessly distanced, stopped the ur
suit after the first block and speculates,
as to the winners. By unanimous con
sent of participants and spectators. Cady
Roberts, in spite of his corpulency ac
quired the speed and distance record,
his fleet legs having carried him to
Willamette street.
As they collected at home one by
one, the hysterical freshmen were given
the laugh, but it will take considerable
inducements before any of them will
again violate the tenth commandment.
Big Demand for Graduates
Special Correspondence.)
Corvallis, Ore., Sept 23—That the de
mand for college trained men to iill po
sitions of importance for the govern
ment, for educational institutions, and
for hig agricultural enterprises, is
greater than can readily he supplied
at present is proven by the number of
vacancies which the Oregon Agricul
tural College has had to refuse men for
because those fitted for them were al
ready placed.
In the past two years many graduates
have receive dappointment in govern
ment departments or elsewhere. One
went to the University of Idaho as pro
fessor of horticulture; five more became
assistants in experiment station work,
including a horticulture instructor in
the University of Maine; another in
Washington State College, and others
in the Canadian Department of Agri
culture, the Hermiston Experiment Sta
tion, and that at Union, as well as ex
pert for the l\ S. Department of Ag
riculture in horticultural work. Seven
are now orchard foremen, and a num
ber more have obtained instructional
appointments at their alma mater at
A large majority of the graduates of
the college have refused remunerative
offers of the sort, and instead have re
turned to the farm to apply in actual
practice the knowledge gained in their
d'h.' joint reception by the V. M. and
W \\ . C. A. to new students occurred
Friday evening in the new gymnasium.
Xew students were out itt force and the
"door managers” were kept busy. Mu
sic and sherbet were dispensed in the
gallery, and an enjoyable program of
several musical numbers was rendered.
Miss Lila Prosser, as usual, was en
cored, as was Hums Powell and his
trombone. 1 he real applause of the
evening, however, was accorded Wil
liam Lai and Harry Ding's ducts. Those
in the receiving line were President
and Mrs. Campbell. Professor and Mrs.
Boynton. Professor and Mrs. Straub.
Mr and Mrs. F. M. Brown. Miss Edith
Woodcock. Mrs. Pennell. Mr. C. W.
Foyle avid Professor Dunn.
It is up to
you to give it
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