VOL. XII. EUGENE. OREGON, SATURDAY, OCT. 1, 1910. No. 3 FOOTBALL PRACTICE AT CAPTAIN-ELECT WALLACE DID NOT RE-ENTER COLLEGE First Game In Agric Season Will Come October 15, With Alum ni Game. By Special Correspondent Corvallis, Sept. 29.—With a new coach, a new captain, new rules to play under, and practically a new team, the the football season at the Oregon Agri cultural College, just opened, bids fair to present some pretty problems for so lution. G. H. Schildmiller, a Dart mouth man with an All-American rep utation as an end, is the new head coach, and it is expected that he will repeat here his success of last season with the University of Maine team. One of his difficulties at the outset is tlie fact that the captain-elect, E. W. Wallace, of Independence, has gone to Yale this year, and thus the team will be deprived of his experienced leader ship. His place has just been filled by Bird X. Hawley, of Star, a senior stu dent who was guard of the first team last year, and for two seasons before that did excellent work on the second team in pounding the regulars into shape. James Evenden, of Warrenton, last year’s captain, is another of the old men who will not return this year, a serious loss to the line. Walter Keck, of Hammond, a junior civil engineer, and Floyd Huntley, of Gold Beach, a sophomore in the agri cultural course, both of whom made places in several selections of All Xorthwest teams last year, are back in the moleskins again. With his speed, weight, and ability as a kicker, Keck will be most useful in the new game, and Huntley, though new to the game last year, should also be a powerful addi tion to the new line-up. Clifford Dunn, of Cloverdale, a senior student in the mining school, and John Enberg, of Baker City, another miner, are both back again to add their strength and experience to the O. A. C. grid iron material. Dunn was a good, con sistent player at center last year, and Enberg, though somewhat slow, has weight and experience of several seasons to aid him in making good in the back held. I he first game scheduled is that with the alumni October 15, at Corvallis. I he game for the 22nd of October has not yet been settled, but Corvallis will see the game with Washingeon State College October 29, and that with Whit man College November 5. Decision as to playing the Oregon University team in Portland or in Corvallis has not yet been made, though the date has been set for November 12. The season will close November 24 with the game be tween O. A. C. and the University of Washington, at Seattle. Bill Williams and Jim Neill are work ing in the shops of the General Elec tric company at Schenectady, N. Y. Herman Witterberg plans to join them there November 1st. All three of these men graduated from the Electrical En gineering department last spring. YOUNG STATESMEN MEET —PERFECT ORGANIZATION Yaden of Klamath Secures Presi dency—Flow of Eloquence The freshmen held the first class meeting in their University career on Monday, September 27, at 4:00 o'clock, in Villard Hall. Officers were elected and committees appointed. Professor Straub called the fledglings to order and made a few interesting and timely remarks. Mr. Houck, of Portland, was made temporary chairman, and then the chief business of the day, the election of officers, was taken up. After all the nominations were in the various nom inees for President spoke, giving their classmates a full account of their pedi grees, and promising great works for the future, in the event of their elec tion. Those elected were: President, Vin cent Yaden, of Klamath Falls; Vice President, Alsea Hawley, of Salem; Secretary, Peter Crockett, of Pendle ton ; Treasurer, Oscar Haugen, of Port land; Sergeant at Arms, Harold Young, of Eugene. After the ballots were counted and Mr. Yaden declared President, he made a short speech expressing his gratitude for the honor and his desire to be an efficient officer. Arrangements were made for the ap pointment of committees on debate, football and track work among the freshmen, and for an executive meet ing at Professor Straub’s home on Sat urday afternoon. STINE CHOSEN MANAGER Business Meeting of Glee Club Held Thursday At the first meeting of the Glee Club, held in Villard Hall Thursday after noon, Harry M. Stine was unanimously chosen to manage the club this year, in the place of Calvin Sweek, who was elected to the managership last spring but did not return to college. President Ogden, in a short speech, outlined the work for the year, and predicted a suc cessful season for the club. He an nounced that regular rehearsals will commence next Monday at 4:00 o’clock. The management announces that the trip this year will include the Willam ette Valley and Eastern Oregon towns. 503 STUDENTS ALREADY REGISTERED—TEN PER CENT GAIN There were a total of 603 students registered in the University in the de partments of Literature, Science and Arts, on Friday afternoon. Total registration for this semester will easily reach 700, with good pros pects of a larger number next semester. The freshman class numbers 250. Al though the number of daily registra tions is daily diminishing, it promises j the gain of ten per cent. The increase i over the count taken this time last year j is from 40 to 50. Mrs. E. T. Thrall is with the Chi | Omega fratermtv as house mother a [ gam this year. CARLETON SPENCER WILL LEAD SOPHOMORE GLASS MISS CLEVELAND SECRE TARY, MARTZLOFF TREASURER Pres. Spencer Has Announced His Committee Appointments For Coming Year. At the sophomore class elections held Thursday at 4:00 P. M. Mr. Carlton Spencer, of Cottage Grove was elected class President; Miss Corinne Deger rnark, of Portland, Vice President; Miss Florence Cleveland,, of Portland, Secretary;'Mr. Carrl Martsloff, also of Portland, Treasurer' and Edward F. Bailey, of Eugene, Sergeant at Arms. An interesting feature of the election was the reading of personal letters from Mr. Vawter and Mr. Kay, appealing in “all humility” for the right to vote by proxy. This right was granted. President Campbell, in his address to the class, commended the class for its attitude towards hazing. “The soph omore class,” he said, “have done no bly. Angels could do no more.” The class showed an appreciation of these remarks by a scarcely perceptible Hap ping of angelic wings, creating a rus tling, ethereal sound that pervaded the whole building during a lapse of sev eral seconds. 1 he nominations for the office of Ser geant at Arms brought out most of the avoirdupois in the class, also quite a remarkable percentage of brains. On the nomination of Mr. Edward Bailey, the opinion was brought forward that physique need not be the only deter mining factor, and that, contrary to common belief, brainy men were needed for this office. The same plea was made for Mr. Wentworth. President Spencer lias announced the appointments of the following commit tees: Executive, Brosius, Collier and Briedwell; football, Mount, Walker, Waite, Wentworth and Morrison. PAJAMA ROOTERS RALLY Charles Robison Leads Cohorts Througih Houses Seventy-eight enthusiastic students in pajamas opened the rally season last night with a house to house campaign. The trouble started at the Avava club at 11:00 P. M., under the leadership of the redoubtable Charles Robison. Sing ing and cheering, the men in lock step marched to the different boys’ frater nity and club houses. A cheer would be given in front, and then the serpen tine would march through the house, annexing the pajama-clad inmates. The serpentine was kept up through town, terminating at the St. Francis hotel, where speeches were called for from Coach Warner and Trainer Hay ward. Though strictly informal, the affair was enjoyed by all and succeeded in arousing considerable preseason en thusiasm. Utah has but five old men back for the football squad. TWO ASSISTANTS FOR HAY WARD IN MEN’S GYM Professor Kurtz and Chuck Tay lor Take Charge of Classes. The new gym is a busy place these (lays, with men training for football, i track, and besides the regular gym I classes, and the classes in boxing and wrestling. At this time of the year it is particu larly true that a greater amount of work and supervision is needed. Trainer Hay ward is kept busy registering the men and looking out for new material along all the lines in his department. There are now two assistants in the regular gymnasium work—Mr. Kurtz, a Cornell man, who is registered in the Engin eering department, and has four hours a day in the gym; also “Chuck” Tay lor, captain of the football team, who has two hours of regular class work. Although college has only begun, there are already one hundred and liftv eight men in regular gym work, sixtv cight in the boxing classes, and 34 in the wrestling classes. So there is op portunity for plenty of enthusiasm along all these lines. In an interview with Mr. Hayward yesterday, in speaking of football, he said: “The football material is good, but there is not enough of it. We need the entire support of everyone on and off the field. It is up to the students to show the old time enthusiasm that existed when T took up work here at the Varsity. And it may he that some of the freshmen will make places on the team over the old men.” BILL STARTS GQ-EO TEAM Cornelia Pinkham Will Captain Girls’ Eleven Will the Varsity girls come through, and show their interest in football and incidentally the men, by attending foot hall practice? This is the question. And if they will, thus showing their loyalty and helping to increase the Oregon spirit, then Trainer Hayward has promised to give a banquet at the close of the foot ball season to the eleven girls who have attended practice most regularly and shown the most interest and enthusi asm. Mr. Hayward said yesterday: “I wish the girls would show their old time interest, and I hope this little proposition of mine will he taken up. 'I he banquet will he a good one—the Oshurn Hotel will he made to do its hest.” Cornelia Pinkham, ’ll, will he tem porary captain, and will keep a record of the attendance. Several of the alum nae who have been taken into the secret | are very much interested in this new ! plan. -- ♦ -- Rae Zimmerman, Fielda McClain, Tone Lambert and Ethel Clark, who have all been in Eugene for the week, | returned to Portland Sunday. O. A. C. is trying a new system of not help but feel that they are merely | gell, who last year was general mana ger, has left the college and Malcolm Cox, ’10, will be general graduate man i ager. RHODES SCHOLARSHIP EMM HELD OCT. 25-26 PROFS. STRAUB AND DUNN PRESIDE—COLLINS WILL ENTER Oregon Already Has Two Gradu ates at Oxford, Cecil Lyans, ’10, and Wistar Johnson, ’06. .Examinations for the Rhodes Schol arship will be held in Eugene at the Uni versity campus October 25 and 26. These examinations will be in charge of Pro fessors Dunn and Straub. All candi dates are urgently requested to com municate immediately with these men. Examinations will include Latin, Greek and Mathematics. The questions arc sent out from Ox ford College, and are also corrected there. I he papers are marked either as passed or failed. Those marked passed are returned to the place where they were written and from the owners of these papers the successful candidate is chosen. 1 he selection is made by a comm'ttee consisting of the presidents of the six universities and colleges in Oregon, Willamette University, Pacific University, Albany College, Dallas Col lege, Oregon Agricultural College, and the University of Oregon. I he Rhodes Scholarship sends (he holder to Oxford College, England, for three years, with a pearly allowance of about $1,500.00, enough to pay for the schooling expenses and a continental trip each summer. Oregon now has two of its graduates in England on this scholarship: Cecil Lyans, '09, and Wistar Johnson, ’06. So far Dean Collins is the only local man who has announced himself as a contestant. NEW ORATORICAL COURSE MODELED ON HARVARD’S I he department of public speaking is offering three new courses this semes ter. The most important is that of Public Discourse. Ibis course is mod eled after a similar one at Harvard. It includes tse greater part of the work offered last year in the course in argu mentation, with the addition of con siderable work in the other forms of discourse. A course m parliamentary law has also been added, as well as one in ex temporaneous speaking for girls. Lee James Canfield, ex-’12 in Engi neering, is running for county surveyor of Clackamas county. He has held the position of deputy since the close of college. Lloyd II. Hamren, leader of Utah’s debating team against Oregon last year, is now editor of the U. of U. Chron ! icle. I he Chi Omega fraternity was enter tained by Miss Vivian Simms, from Northwestern, Saturday afternoon. I he Y. YV. C. A. had a reception for the freshman girls at Mrs. P. L. Camp bell’s Friday afternoon from 3:30 to 5 :00. Refreshments were served in the | dining room.