Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 25, 1910, Image 2

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Pubished Wednesday and Saturday dur
ing the college year by students of the
Application made for second class mail
One year.$1.00
Single copy.$ -05
Editor-in-Chlef . . .. W. C. Nicholas, '10
News Editor .Ralph Moores,
Assistant .Wm. B. Rowell, ’ll
City Editor .Calvin Sweek, ’ll
Asistanl .Lean Collins,
Reporters .L. L. Ray, ’12
.R. B. Powell, ’12
.W. S. Main ’12
.H. L. Cash, ’13
.F. S. Waite, ’13
.(ieo. Siiantin, ’12
.Lan Mitchell ’13
.W. R. Bailey, ’12
.Karl Onthank, ’13
.Helen Higbee ’12
Business Manager. .Fritz Lean, ’ll
Circulation .C. A. Osterholm, ’12
Advertising ....James Caufleld, ’12
Wednesday, May 25, 1910.
We Come Into Our Own Again
It certainly looked good to see Hay
ward’s lads romp around the track last
I riday, when they administered the most
crushing defeat to O. A. C. that has
been recorded in years. Oregon has
nei'ii a little can less about track for
some time past ; victory lias become a
habit, but tin tort imau ly not a fixed
habit. Washington’s victory, it il only
have the effect of spurring us up to a
realization of wiiat negligence means,
may do a great deal of good. I here is
evidence that this happy result is ex
aetly what it will accomplish, the vic
tory Friday being the long hoped for
turn when we shall come into our own
Ilaywanl considers the W. S. ('.. team
that we meet next Friday the toughest
competitor in 1 lie Northwest, and if
we are to continue the good work we
can not rest with the one victory. Let
us all get behind Captain Williams and
Ins men in this meet and make sure
of victory.
Something Worth While
It should he an excellent oratorical
contest that the students will he priv
iliged to hear next hriday night. This
is a rare chance, coining only once in
three years, and everyone should take
advantage oi it.
I lu re is much rivalry for positions
as delegates to the slate contest. The
interstate contest is iulinitcly superior
in every way. This year it is to he
“on the home grounds." I low can any
student allord to miss it
I here was some criticism recently
because the members of the faculty did
not attend a musical entertainment.
1 hi' hitler rivalry among some mem
hers of the faculty surely does not lead
them to hope to he supported by any
sense ol loy alty . 11 one prolessor is
not interested in the work of his col
leagues, why should he waste his time
on it under these circumstances ? Imr
thermore, how can one professor ask
another t*> attend Ids pel performance
it he is continually knocking the other
professor's pet hobbies: I here is no
more reason to support a musical per
iormance out of loyalty to a fellow
professor than there is to support a
lecture on History, h'cononiics, or Lit
\’ow that the women are to major in
physical culture, it is time for the men
to he given equal opportunities. Have
"c not co-education? It may occur
to some, however, that the change
would lie only in name
I'lie John Hay library, which has been
miller construction for nearlv a war
at Brown l ni\ iTsity. is almost com
Track Manager Thinks Eugene
Merchants Are Unfair In Meth
ods of Dealing With Students.
Kugene, Oregon, May 25.— To the
F.ditor.)—As manager of the Oregon
track team, I believe I should place be
fore the students some facts in regard
to the track meet last Saturday.
(Mans' will doubtless wonder why it
did not pay belter, and will blame me
for an> deficit in my department. For
these reasons, I wish to make the fol
lowing explanat ions.)
For many years it has been the custom
of the F.ugene merchants to make the
afternoon of University Day a holiday.
Accordingly, I and my assistant asked
them to continue the custom again this
year, and apparently most of them were
willing to do so; but through their
orgam/at ion, the Merchants' Protec
tive Association, they refused.
In order that there may be a full tin
derslaudiug of the circumstances, 1
will briefly review mv dealings with
them. Before 1 went to California with
the team, I called upon Mr. Green,
the president of the association, and
other leading merchants, and asked
what action would be taken. They
seemed perfectly in tavor ol continuing
the custom. While I was gone Mr.
Barbour went before the association at
its regular meeting and was informed
that they would close, provided the mer
chants not affiliated with them would
do likewise. Accordingly, we obtained
a signed agreement from every outside
merchant to close up. But after all
this, and in spite of their promise, the
association board of governors, a se
cret committee, went back on (their
word and revoked the action of the
main body.
I lad flu* association turned ns down
in the first place, I would not have so
much complaint, Hut I do seriously
object to their action after giving' me a
promise on which I persuaded the mer
chants outside the association to close
up their stores.
What is the association for, an\ wa\ .
Is it a protective association, or an or
g mi/ation to use lor purposes that no
tin reliant would individually dare to
stoop to? And what is their govern
ing hoard?
Ih not a secret "star chamber" in
which the leaders ol the organization
deleat the will of the members? I do
not believe that the business men of
I’.tigene, or a majority of those in the
Merchants .Protective Association, were
in lavor ol discontinuing their custom.
I believe that till' board of governors
deliberately thwarted their wishes. If
this is the case, why should these bus
mess uii'ii tolerate such an organization?
II I am w rong, and the merchants of
hugene are realh using this form of
org mi/ation to hide work that the\ are
ashamed to do openly, then it is time
the students were uniting against the
Merchants Protect i\e \ssociation and
patronizing merchants not affiliated with
t hi entering the cit\ of I 'ugene, one
ot thi first objects that claims the \ is
hors attention ’s a large sign at the
cast end ot the depot park It is an ad
\ertosenient ot tin inducements for set
tling here. Thief among tins, induce
incuts, blazoned large at the ver\ top,
is I he Home ol the University of
t )regon."
I do not in the least criticise the peo
ple ot I'.ugeno tor thus recognizing
tin'll duet asset Uoubtless the l niver~
sity and students bring their merchants
i much business. In our studies, some
' of us learn in a vague sort of way that
I this raises the value of real estate.
Neither do I object to this, for most of
the Eugene people are only too ready
to repay this debt by the best of treat
ment and support of all University un
dertakings. But I do object to a part
of them combining to grab .all they can
get out of it and giving nothing in re
Manager Lb O. Track Team, 1910.
Bond, Gray and Eastham Lose in
Round Robin to Stine and New
land—Handicap Still On.
Marry Stine and Ralph Newland, who
represent the University in tennis, this
year, left last niyjht tor Seattle, where
thev meet the l niversity of Washing
ton team in a series of games for the
Northwest ehampiimship.
The finals of the tryouts were not
played until the lirst of this week. In
the preliminary tryout-' Bond and Gray
were winners, and these then played a
“round rollin'' with Stine and Newland
and Kasthani. Stine and Newland won
the match, and hence qualified as the
University team.
1 he second preliminary Varsity try
out resulted as follows: hirst Round —
Jamison won from Bates (default);
Rohm son from Rothchild (default);
Shattuck from karris (default); Gray
from R. Moores, 5-7, 6-3, 6 3. Second
Round— Kohiuon from Jamison ( de
fault l ; Gray from Shattuck (>-4, 6-2;
and final—Gray from Robinson (de
fault ).
In the “round rollin'' Stine won from
B.astham 6 II, (>2; Stine from Newland
(default); Stine from Bond 9-7, 6-2;
Stine from Gray 6 3, (> 1 ; Newland from
Shattuck (default); Gray from East
ham 6-3, 7-5; Newland from Bond (de
fault) ; Newland from Gray (default),
j I her results qualified Stine and New
land as the Varsity team.
I he handicap meet is proceeding
! slowly. Matches played to date have
resulted as follows: first round—Shat
tuck from Gregory (i-S,. 6-4, 6-4; Gray
from Get/. 2-6, 6-3, 6-2; Welch from
Moore (default); I lodge from Rigler
6 0, 5 7, 6 2; G Briedwell from fowler
6-4, (i-1 ; Jamison from Powell (de
fault). Second round—Newland from
Bond o-O, 4-6, 014; fastlnm from 1 fun
lap S (i, 6-3; Strang from Waite 6-0,
0-0; I lodge from G Briedwell 6-2, 16-8;
Shangle from Prescott 6-4, 10-8; C.
Moores from Rothchild 0-2, 6-4; Bates
trout P. Briedwell (default); Huston
irotn Brown 6 I, 6-1 ; Thomas from
I cm 2-6, 0 4, 9-7. ’t hird round—
.Newland from fastham 6-4, 6-0.
lie iuterschol istic track meet which
was to he held a the Oregon Agricul
triad ( ollegc on May 28 was called off
because ot the nidi of other events. The
meet will he held next year, and Pres
ident Kerr has offered a hundred dol
lar loving cup to the winning high
I he l niversity of Missouri wil adver
tise the school B rough the presentation
ot moving pictures.
Have us deliver your Trunks
and Suit Cases. We supply
Wood to Clubs and Fraternities
/ psttuts, opposite Otto's
Uain 's/
' *J4 *54 ♦J* *5* *5* ♦*♦ ♦*♦**♦*£♦ •I4 *!♦ *$* »J4 ^ *Jh5» *J*
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Register Job Dept.
Gilded, Eml-ossed and Engraved Fraternity and Club
Dance Programs that are different.
Invitations end Calling Ca ds, Punted and Engraved.
Chapter Letters and Petition Given Expert Attention.
Window Cards and Advertising Matter of all Kinds.
Punched Sheets to fit any Loose Leaf Note Book
Kodak Books Made to Order, 25c and up.
The /Vlorning Register
Ralph Cronise. University Correspondent
The Morning Register will have complete reports of all
student activities, both on the Oregon campus and from other
Northwest colleges. Watch our Bulletin.
Delivered to any part of the city, per month 50c.
Established 1869
Gillette Razors
Chambers Hardware
T. G. Hendricks, Pres. Luke L. Goodrich, Asst. Cesh
S. B. Eakin, Vice Pres. Darwin Bristow, Asst. Cash
P. E. Snodgrass, Cashier
Capital and Surplus, $200,000
Student Patronage Solicited
Men's, Youths’ and Children's Clothine
It you are thinking of having
your eyes fitted for GLASSES,
don't fail to see DR. WATTS and
have him explain tile merits of
Oil Willamette Street.
Eugene Dye Works
Everything possible In
Cleaning and Dyeing
125 E. Ninth St. Main 122
Marx Barber Shop
First Class workmen
565 Willamette St.
Barber Shop
6 K Ninth St., Opp. Hoffman House
Students, Give Us a Call
Preston & Hales
Tohnson Dyes Johnson Wax
Cash Store
Eugene Oregon
the Combination
Barber Shop and Baths
Six Chairs. One door north Smccde hotel
12 1-2 West Seventh Street
Manicuring Hairdressing
Shampooing Singeing
Vibratory and Electric
Facial Massage
Radio Bell Face Bleach. Scalp
Treatments, Electrolysis
Switches, Cosmetics, and Hair