Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 21, 1910, Image 9

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    This is Junior Week End, and every
one is looking, forward to the social gai
ety of the University life with keen an
ticipation. Guests from all parts of the
state are here to take part in the fes
tivities. Many students from the pre
paratory schools are getting their first
taste of college life.
What with the Dramatic Club play
and the circus on Thursday evening,
the dinner at the boys’ dormitory at
noon on Friday, the dual track meet in
the afternoon, the Junior orations in
the evening, the two baseball games to
day, and the prom tonight, time does not
drag to say the least.
Then there are various picnics and
out of door luncheons up the race for
the canoes are all doing double duty
these days.
I he crowning event of the week end
is the prom tonight at the new gymna
sium. As this is the only class dance
of the year which is not exclusively for
students and alumni, many out of town
friends have been invited. Everyone
anticipates a delightful time, as the Jun
ior class has spared no pains in prep
aration. The floor will be better than
heretofore, and the regular dance or
chestra has been secured.
'I he lower hall will be decorated with
Indian blankets and cushions, while cosy
corners are to be found in inconspic
uous places.
T he roof porch of the gymnasium
will be converted into a garden, bright
with Japanese lanterns. Here refresh-"
ments-will be served. As this is the so
cial event of the season many beau
tiful dresses will be worn.
1 he patronesses are: Mrs. P. L. Camp
bell, Mrs. E. W. Benson, of Salem,
Mrs. G. E. White, of Portland, Mrs.
J. W. Hamilton, of Roseburg, Mrs. J.
J. V. Beach, of Portland, Mrs. R. F.
Kean, of Portlaivd.'^fc Mrs. S. PI.
Friendly, of Eugene.
I he chairmen of the executive com
mittees for the prom, under Calvin
Sweek, are: Floor committee, George
White; decoration committee, Sam Da
vidson ; music, 'lorn Burke; programme,
Fritz Dean; refreshments, Pearl Wil
T hat University students are not too
old for the joys of a circus, was shown
by the interest taken in the parade and
the attendance of college people tit the
performances Thursday. If it had not
been for the counter attractions, the
University would have been well rep
resented at the evening show.
Friday evening' the Chi Omegas and
their guests enjoyed their supper behind
Skinner’s butte. A huge bonfire was
built and a pleasant time was spent tell
ing stories and singing.
The Gamma Delta Gammas enter
tained informally at luncheon this noon
in honor of their guests. The color
scheme throughout the house was yellow,
California poppies and yellow roses be
ing used effectively. Luncheon was
served at small tables by the freshmen
of the house. The guests were Mrs. G.
F. White, Mrs. G. E: Jamison. Mr. and
Mrs. Cutter, Clair Oakes. Ellice Shear
er, Emma Reuter. Elsa Koerber, Grace
Richardson, Beatrice Lilly, Charlotte
Baufield. Nellie 'Banlleld. and LeConie
Thursday night alter the Dramatic
Club play, the guests at the Kloshe Til
lacum house were entertained at an in
formal supper.
I here have been numerous comet par
ties this week at the various fraternity
ami sorority houses. Much sleep has
been lost and not much comet has been
One of the delightful features of the
week end festivities of the Lambda Rho
girls was a picnic on the millrace Sat
Miss Emma Belat entertaned Wednes
day evening in honor of her sister, Miss
Margaret Belat.
After the Junior prom the members
ot the Kappa Sigma fraternity delight
fully entertained their guests and part
ners with a supper at the fraternity
I he Chi Omegas entertained their
week end guests I luirsday night with
a Line Party to see the Professor’s Love
The Gamma Phi Beta house has the
following guests: Mrs. Kendall, the
Misses blorence Kendall, Ruth Beach,
Edith Sheeliy, Florence Davis, Lessie
Gray, Agnes Beach, Blanche I Listen,
from Portland: Alsea Hawley, Essie
Carson, Catherine Carson and Gladys
Farrar, from Salem; Lavelle Florence,
from Pendleton.
I he Kappa Sigmas are entertaining
Jack Latourette, Gordon Moores, Fran
cis Galloway, Craig McMicken, Herman
Oberteufifer, Earl Cobb, Del Stanard,
Jack Hickson, Robert Hickson, Alfred
Clarke, William Bibee, Robert McMur
ray, Edward Eastham, Murrill Moores,
Paul Ciiesy, Chet Starr, Arthur Beverly,
Dick Jones, of Portland, Oudin Roberts,
of Salem, and John Hawkins, of Al
A number of the Lambda Rho girls
took advantage of the week end vacation
and made an excursion to Pleasant
Hill. They exress themselves as having
had a delightful time.
1 he Kappa Alpha Thetas entertained
their week end guests at a theater par
ty Thursday evening.
Tomorrow morning the Thetas in
tend to give their guests a taste of ca
noeing on the millrace.
The Misses Kvelyn Conklin, of Grants
Pass; Elsie Bain, of Albany; Vivian
Goss, of Olympia, Walt.; Ramona Kane,
of Los Angeles, Cal.; Agnes McLauch
lan, Helen Cake, Marguerite Thomas
and Marguerite Sheehy, of Portland, are
week end guests of the Chi Omegas.
I he girls of the Mary Spiller house
entertained at dinner Thursday night
in honor of their guests.
At the Kapa Alpha Theta houe are
the Misses Catherine Whitmer, Louise
Emmons, Shirley Eastham, Prances
Brady, Katherine Carrol, Noma Graves,
Marguerite Getz, Evelyn Wilson and
Margaret Weber, of Portland; Bertha
Eskerline, of Salem; Margaret Mon
:eith and Prances Nelson, of Albany.
At the Beta Theta Pi house for this
■veek are: E. E. Brodie, George Sanford,!
Seorge Baer, Waldo Miller, William
Burnish. Clark Burgard, George Frazer,
md Byron Hock, all of Portland, Carl
Kenton, of Dallas, Rollo Ralston, Earl
Kortmiller and Bufford Paine, of Al
I he Beavers are entertaining during
week end the Messrs. Howard Word
and Harry Black, of Portland.
I he Khoda Khans have as their
guests: S. Russell Smith, C. V. Kverett
Bert Hawkins, 1'om Coberth, all oi
Portland, Herbert Siglund, Fred Per
not and Connel Hyer, of the Oregon Ag
ricultural College.
I ho guests ;il the Sigma Nil boast
aro Virgil Nolan. Harry Lyttle, Hallel
Maxwell, Rob Roan, William Vawter
Joseph Lambert, Kent Weaver, and Pal
McArthur, of Portland, Wallace Rea
son, ot Salem, and llerold Rarhour, ol
the Oregon Agricultural College.
I he Lamina Phi Rota sorority gave
a theater party at “The Professor's Love
Story” Thursday night. After the play,
the guests enjoyed a chafing dish supper
at the chapter house.
Miss Rlanche Huston and Mr. Harold
Clifford, two former students of the Uni
versity of Oregon, will be married in
Portland June the fourth.
Miss Huston, a graduate of '09, was
very popular in college circles, hemg a
member of the Gamma Phi Beta soror
ity and taking much interest in college
activities. Mr. Clifford is a member of
the Sigma Nil fraternity. For the last
two years he has taken work in Ann
Arbor. The young couple will start
immediately after the wedding for Mich
igan, where Mr. Clifford will take his
degree. After next fall, they will be
at home in Baker City, Oregon.
Miss Lena Miller, a former student
of the University and a member of the
Chi Omega fraternity, will be married
on May 26 to J. LeRoy Wood, graduate
’09. I he wedding will take place at the
bride’s home in Albany. Two of her
fraternity sisters, Miss Belle VanDyne
and Miss Helen Washburne, will he the
bridesmaids. The house is to be deco
rated in pink roses and tulle. The bride
is to be married in her travelling dress,
as the newly married couple expect to
take the north-bound train, on a wed
ding tour, before taking up their resi
dence in Albany.
Miss Kate Fullerton, a former student
of the University, and a member of
Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity, is to be
married on June sixteenth to Tom Gra
ham. Mr. Graham is a cousin of Tom
Townsend, a popular student of last
The wedding is to be held at Rose
burg, and a number of the sorority girls
expect to attend it.
The Acacia quests are: Charles Rey
nolds, ex-'12, of Portland, Jessup Strang,
of Salem, and Virgil Strang, of Med
Acacias hack in college visiting arc:
Calvin Welch and Edward Flynn, both
Portland guests for Junior week end
at the K. T. house are: The Misses
Hazel Foster, Alverta Kraeft, Mildred
Simpson, Etta Welch, Helen Temple
ton, Claire Oakes, Alice Shearer, Helen
The Gamma Delta Gammas are enter
taining Mr. and Mrs. Cutler, Miss Elsa
Koerber, Miss Emma Reuter, Miss Be
atrice Lilly and Miss Grace Richard
son, of Portlartd.
Mrs. I). A. Belding, of Ontario, Mrs,
Jno. Swope, of La Grande, Mrs. L. F.
Farrell, of Hood River, and Mrs A K.
Hall, of Portland, are visiting their va
rious sons at the Avava Club this week.
Lynn Coo vert", ex-’12, is a guest of the
Klioda Khans.
Miss Ruth Stillman, ex-’ll, is a guest
of Miss Jessie Fariss.
Miss E. L. Nickels, of Berkeley, Cal
ifornia. is a week end guest at the Mary
Spiller house.
Mrs. R. R. Steele is visiting her son
Clarence this week.
John Krauss, of Salem, is a guest at
the Bristow home.
Curtis A. Gardner, 118, is visiting this
week with Harold Dal/ell.
Miss Lois Powell, of Portland, is a
guest ot Miss Erma Campbell this week.
Miss Vivian Miller, of Ashland, is a
guest of Bessie Wagner at the !\. I',
Mrs. George 1C Jamison, of Portland,
is visiting her daughter, Miss LeConie
C. E. Johnson, from the University
of Nebraska, i.s at the Alpha 1'an Ome
ga house.
Mrs. llagney, of Canyon City, is vis
iting with Mrs. A. 1C S. Steam at the
Mary Siller house.
Mrs. A. 11. Roberts, of The Dalles,
was a guest of Mrs. Prescott at the dor
mitory this week.
George Hawley is visiting here on his
way home from Palo Alto, where he has
been attending Stanford.
Old Khoda Khans back for the col
lege gaieties are Arthur Lewis, ex-T2,
and Sam Robinson, cx-'lO.
Mrs. 1C E. Hyde, of Portland, is a
guest of her daughter Hattie, at the
Kloshe Tillacum house.
Miss Ella Gabriel, of Dayton, is spend
ing Junior week end in Eugene with
her brother, George Gabriel, '12.
Mrs. Job, of Cottage Grove, and Mrs.
I erry, of Corvallis, were midweek vis
itors of Emma Job at the K. T. house.
Mrs. F. P. Kendall, of Portland, is a
week end guesj of lire daughter and
Miss Ruby I lammerstronT at the Mary
Spiller house.
Miss Vivian (lose, of Olympia, Wasli
j ington, is spending the fortnight with
Miss Ray Woodruff. Miss Gose is a
graduate of Anna Wright Seminary.
Miss Beatrice Lilly is visiting her sis
ter at tlie Gamma Delta Gamma house.
Miss Charlotte Bantield, of the Lin
coln High School, is visiting her sister.
Miss Nellie Banfield.
For the Newest, Niftiest, and Up
(iO to
Special attention given to Repair
ing and Stone Setting, Etc.
Bangs Livery Co.
Phono Main 21
Fina Livery Stables
Gerald Eastham, Edward Eastham,
Leslie Weidler, Shirley Eastham and
Jack Latourette.
Mrs. (icorge F. VVliile is visiting her
daughters, the Misses Roxauna and Hel
en and her son George.
Ilarry 1 lawkins, of Albany, drove up
bringing Mrs. Nelson, Frances Nelson,
Miss Mason and Mr. Roberts.
I he University of Montana has re
cently been successful in the first tri
angular meet ever held in the state-.
A number of out of town guests who
are up for the week end are: Mrs.
Weber, Catherine O’Hara, Inez Stockton,
from Portland, and Mrs. A. N. Moores,
Althea Moores and lateen Moreland,
from Salem.
Several automobile parties drove up
from Portland Friday for the week
end including Varnal Beach, Mrs.
Beach, Leslie Smith, Evelyn Wilson and
I larold Bates.
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