MYSTERIES REVEALED AT LAST TO PUBLIC EYE WITNESS GIVES VIVID ACCOUNT OF STUNTS April Frolic Brings to Light His trionic Talent of Co-Eds, Here-1 tofore Unsuspected. Big girls and little girls, fat girls and tliin girls, long girls and short girls, girls who presented pretty stunts and girls who gloried in the horror of their part. I he llaha 11 aba Man and a pretty ballet girl; Dutch cleansers valiantly chasing dirt; a trio of naughty waifs from the bowery; a multitude.of smudgy babies, all marching solemnly along to gether this was the grand march at the April I'Volic. There were two pretty girls as hollies, all decked with pen Hants, to lead it, and a ragged child, till ditl and meanness, brought up the rear, while in between inarched the girls of the (adversity, all trying their best to he "just something else,” and all suc ceeding marvelously. I lien came the stunts! The girls who gave the little shadow play certainly rivaled the l.adies ol Burgomaster fame for the stock company honors. If true was only more substantially rec ognized, probably most of us would he spending our week ends in Drain or Coburg, ga/ittg at onr friends as they climi) the ladder of fame. I here were many aspirants to vaude villc a gypsie lady who knew till the i is and outs of a "song and dance” stunt, an illustrated song, and a truly gur\ impersonation of Blue Beard’s \\ ives. I expect it will he, “Oh, you Orpliciun Circuit ’ for some of the IJ. oi ( ). damsels anon. I he I’unktalmns were till there, well trained and docile; indeed, their most I renchy little mistress had no trouble at all in guiding their nimble feet. I he "(rice ( lub" rendered several charming selections, which were highly appreciated. \ml the Buggies family all tried to be so polite from the lanky, long legged hoy. to the wee stubby lit t lest one who chewed furiously on sticl>\ licorice all evening. I hroughout the entire program live large lire crackers stood near the stage, nobly applauding and piteoitslv weeping t appropriate periods. After the pro : lam the most appetizing ice cream uies were served. I lieu everyone danced w ith everyone, i gardless ip state, rank or color scheme, i Jirt w altzed mcrrilv w ith a sweet little girl, while the llaha llaha man galloped tranticall\ with Burette One solemn bahv ran around all evening with a lagged, naught) person, who had just strayed in from the street. I' mall) . evervone went home, resolved to begin at once to originate an entirely new stunt for next April h'rolic. ye Oregon Critic of Critics visit the Palace of Sweets ‘•and be pleased SCHWARZSCHILD’S BOOK STORS Kodaks, Stationery, Student’s Supplies, Fountain Pens Leading Lady in Dramatic Club Play Thursday night. /sct7W zpcarMiy . V. \\ . C. A. Conference Party A Y. W. C. A. conference party is being made up and several girls have already decided to attend. I lie con ference is to be held at the Breakers llutel, The Breakers, Wash., from June 24th to July 4th—ten days by the sea shore. !• very girl who can attend should hand in her name to Kditli Woodcock. 1 lie entire expense of the trip will he about $30. Dr. Brown Will Speak \t an important meeting of the Y. M (' A next h'riday night, Dr. Brown, of Portland, will deliver an interesting address on "IIfaith." Because of Junior week end, no meeting was held last h'riday night. A large attendance is desired this week, as the address prom ises to be one of more than ordinary interest. \fter the lecture, business id' unusual importance will be considered. Contest Washington Montana and Oregon Friday night JUNIOR ORATORS TELL THEIR AIMS AND IDEALS (Continued from First page) response to an encore, she rendered charmingly a Japanese song. I he First oration was by W. M. Beals, whose subject on “Heretics,” was well developed and splendidly delivered. Charles Robinson delivered a very dra matic oration on “The Coast League,” comparing the modern civilization with Grecian, and closing with an appeal as to which one the American people shall choose. Miss Alice Stoddard’s oration on “Ac tion, the Criterion of Character.” was an appeal to action, not indifference. The keynote of her speech was that great men had always made their path against all obstacles. Miss Naomi Williamson spoke next on the subject of the “Relation of Re ligion to the Educated and Scientific Men.” Miss Willetta Wright gave the lasr woman’s oration. Her subject concerned the Responsibility of the College Woman Towards Life. Miss Wright’s oration was delivered with more than usual presence. I lie second oration on the subject of "Heretics" was delivered by F E. Dun ton. It dealt with the relation of think ing men to the progress of h.r wo Now Open Main 62 COR NINTH AND WILLAMETTE