OREGON VOLUME 11 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1910. No. 54 DRAMATIC CLUB PLAY IS A GREAT SUCCESS ACTORS SHOW SUPERIOR ABILITY IN RENDERING DIFFICULT PARTS Characters Were Well Sustained and Audience Is Enthusiastic. “The Professor’s Love Story,” pre sented last Thursday evening at the Eugene Theater, scored a great suc cess for the Dramatic Club. Under the competent directorship of Professor Irving M. Glen, the cast was able to produce one of the best plays ever given by the Oregon students and to establish the Dramatic Club as an im portant organization aomng student ac tivities. '1 he story is of an absent minded professor, so absent-minded, in fact, that he is absolutely at a loss with out his maid, Elbe, who constantly re minded him of some of his forgotten intentions. 1 he Professor was watched over by his- sister, Miss Goodwillie, but lie sometimes acted without consulting her, and it was on one of these occasions that he engaged a good looking young lady to act as his secretary, lie falls in love with her, without realizing what is the matter with him. Even his wor thy friend, Dr. Cousens, is baffled by his mysterious disease. But soon both the doctor and the secretary find out the ailment and the doctor feels it his duty to acquaint the Professor with his knowledge. The Professor decides to leave London, but since he is unable to determine the person with whom lit is in love, he takes the very, one, his secretary, with him. There is a pretty young dowager, Lady Gilding, who desires to marry the Professor, "he is so different from the other men, she knows.” All her plans to captivate him fail, however, while the attempts of Miss Goodwillie to prevent his marrying the secretary are equally unsuccessful. Victor Voigt, in the leading role of the Professor, carried out his part per fectly. He was a typical, ideal college professor. Miss Ruth Duniway took the part of the secretary, and showed remark able dramatic talent. One could not blame the Profesor for forgetting his books and work in her charming so ciety. Juliet Cross, as the young dowager, was particularly attractive and deserves especial praise for the successful ren dition of a difficult part. Another difficult part, carried out with equal ability, was that played by Maud Beals as the hard-hearted sister of the Professor. The two doctors, Lee Caufield and Lair Gregory, were both clever actors. The other members of the cast, who contributed much toward its success, were: Naomi Williamson as the charm ing maid, Effie; F. E. Dunton and Ro land Kennedy, her two ardent admir ers; and E. J. Himes and Bertha Cum mings, who, as Sir George and Lady Gilding, executed strenuous efforts in helping their stepmother, the dowager, toward success. On the whole, this first large play given by the Dramatic Club cored a tremendous success. The' members of the cast were the recipients of many beautiful bouquets from an enthusiastic audience. CIVIL WAR VETERAN ADDRESSES ASSEMBLY Evolution of Oregon Territory Described by Brigadier General Beadle Brigadier General Beedle, a veteian of the civil war and Ex-President of the State Normal College of South Dakota, spoke before the assembly Wednesday on the “Evolution of Oregon Territory.” General Beedle has watched the growth of the West since its pioneer days, when the Oregon trail was marked by the graves of massacred white men, up to the present day, when there is com paratively little unsettled territory in this part of the country. General Beedle spoke of the part a University plays in the history of a state. He called the present students of the University of Oregon the coming rulers of our state. They hold the des tiny of Oregon in their hands, and as they are trained in reliabliity and in tegrity, so will the state be governed by honest and reliable men. General Beedle is the father of Mrs. brink, and has many friends among the faculty of the University. For that reason, and also because the college marks the growth of the state, he feels a keen interest in the development of this institution. JUNIOR ORATORS TELL THEIR AIMS ANDIDEALS SUBJECTS RANGE FROM HERETICS TO GREEK LEAGUES Scholarly Addresses and Excel lent Music Make Oratoricals a Success. I lie crowning event of University Day was the twenty-first annual Junior Ora tions, held in Vitlard Hall Friday night, I lie Juniors may we'i he proud of the talent chosen (from their numbers) to represent their class. The orations showed careful preparation and were unusually well delivered. Before the orators were introduced several musical numbers were given by prominent Juniors. Melvin Ogden played a piano solo, which delighted the audience. Miss Mary DeBar's violin solo was well received. Miss Lilah Prosser, as usual, was en thusiastically received, and sang Chad wick's “O, Let Night Speak of Me.” In i ( nntimiofl WOMEN TO MAJOR IN PHYSICAL CULTURE Doctor Stuart Plans Attractive Courses For Future Gym nasium Instructors Next year it will be possible for Or egon women to do major work in phys ical culture. Doctor Bertha Stuart has arranged a course including such sub jects as Botany and Sanitary Hygiene, which will fully equip girls to till posi tions as physical culture directors. This enlarged department will be in stalled in splendidly equipped quarters. With the $5,000 appropriation, the “Lb tle Church" will be remodeled into a women's gymnasium, which will be a credit to Oregon. Thirty-five shower baths, forty dressing rooms, and two hundred and fifty lockers are a few of the new features being added on the basement floor. On the ground floors repairs are just as extensive. New floors will be laid and newly ceiled walls will take the place of broken plaster. Besides the regular gymnasium work, consisting of drills, military marching, fancy dancing, dumb bell and Indian Junior Week-End Hospitality STUDENTS CELEBRATE UNIVERSITY DAY LARGE FORCES MAKE NEEDED IMPROVEMENTS ON CAMPUS Outdoor Luncheon Was Novel Feature of Day—Hundreds of People Served. Between seven and eight hundred stu dents and visitors were on the campus yesterday, celebrating University Day. The men spent the morning at work improving the campus, while the girls prepared lunch. At noon lunch was eaten on the campus. A track meet with O. A. C. was the attraction in the afternoon, and Junior orations, in Vil lard Hall, in the evening, ended the program. 1 he weather was almost ideal for University Day work. Although the sunshine was bright, it was not warm enough to he uncomfortable. From 8:00 o’clock until noon many needed im provements were made on the campus by the men. Ccorge Poskey superin tended the building of a cement walk between Deady and A street. About sixty men worked during the morning. An enthusiastic force of students, led by Percy Collier, painted the large "O" on Skinner’s butte. Chester Dowils and his efficient aids are responsible for a splendid addition to our numerous ivuiiia Luuiis. uuicr men inaue exten sive improvements on the athletic field and elsewhere on the campus. Faculty members, as well as students, armed themselves with hammers, saws and paint brushes, and put their best efforts in the morning’s work. 1 he girls of the Univejsity, under an executive committee consisting of Bertha Dorris, Ruth Hansen, Marion Stowe, Cecile Wilcox, Fay Clark, May belle Larsen, Ha/el Fields and Alice Farnsworth, prepared lunch. Tables presided over by members of the four classes were spread on the lawn be tween the men’s dormitory and McClure Hall. The color schemes of the vari ous classes were carried out in the dec orations. A few of the girls assisting at the tables were: For the seniors, Ruth I lansen, Bertha Comings and Eva Allen; for the juniors, Conifred Hurd, I-ilah Clark, Marion Stowe, Naomi Wil liamson and Helen Beach; at the soph omore table, Birdie Wise, Lucia Camp hell, Alice Larsen, Hazel McKown, Jessie Bibee and Ruth Howell; and at the freshman table, Corinne Degermark, Lenore Hansen, Nellie Heinenway, Eliz abeth Busch, Ethel Clarke, Florence Bonnell and Bess Lewis. I he large crowd, seated on the lawn or standing in groups under the trees, made a beautiful picture. After lunch had been served, the Clee Club members gave an exhibition of true Oregon spirit by singing several rousing college songs. As the guests left the campus they were presented with souvenirs of week end in the form of booklets containing a complete program of University Day and the various committees under whose direction the work was done. Four automobile parties drove up from Corvallis yesterday, and several more came this morning, to attend the baseball games.