Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 14, 1910, Image 2

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Pubished Wednesday and Saturday dur
ing the college year by students of the
Application made tor second class mail
One year.$1.00
Single copy.$ .05
Editor-in-Chief . . . .W. C. Nicholas.
News Editor .Ralph Moores,
Assistant .Win. JO. Rowell,
('Ey Editor .Calvin .Sweek,
Asistant .Dean Collins,
Reporters .L. L. Ray,
.R. B. Powell,
.W. S. Main
.H. Jj. Cash,
.F. S. Waite,
.Geo. Shantin,
.Dan Mitchell
.W. R. Bailey,
.Karl Onthank,
.Helen Higbee
Business Manager. .Fritz Dean, ’ll
Circulation .C. A. Osterholm, ’12
Advertising . . . .James Caufleld. ’12
Saturday, May 14, 1910.
It is !<> lie regretted that more stu
dents do not remain for Commencement.
I he University of Oregon is now be
ginning a strong upward movement to
take its place among the greater State
Universities, and the Commencement
program here, as in other of the older
and larger institutions, will he the
greatest event of the year.
\side from the interest and pleasure
which the right kind of a Commence
ment program should hold for the indi
vidual, there is a distinct utilitarian val
ue to the University itself in the occa
sion Commencement, as the closing
scene ot a life that Inis become attached
to the pleasant customs and happy tra
ditions of a college community, and as
a means of bringing to mind .again to
those who have come hack to partici
pate in the event, all the happy days
that tire lett behind, is distinctly the
means of cementing lirmlv the alle
giance n! students and graduates alike
to the interests of the institution.
I hat the University needs all that is
best in her adherents is no idle thought.
I he next few years should see a won
derful development in her growth, .as
the whole West is expanding, and the
state of Oregon in particular is opening
up her resources and tilling in with
population. Ihe growth in the number
ol high schools in the state in the last
few years has been phenomenal. The
( niversity must claim its share of
the graduates. In order to raise its
standards ot clliciencv and service to
the side of Berkeley, Stanford, Wash
ington. appropriations will have to he
secured from time to time This will
demand a Meadv campaign of educa
tion among the voters. \nd who bet
ter can do this work ol education than
the alumni and students of the Uni
versity. who realize the benefit and
value to the tone of citizenship which
comes trout the I niversitv s maintc
nance ?
So let every one this \ ear plan to
attend ('onnneneement The Ihiiver
sit> needs your attendance and co-ope
ration in the various events which are
being planned Slu also needs work
ers throughout the summer and the
coming year. Let every one rally to
her standard
David Starr Jordan, President of
Stanford l'diversity, will leave for a
vacation ol nine months in F.uropc at
the close of the present semester lie
"'ll devote part of the time to recre
atioii and part in the interest of the
National Zoological Congress and the
lnitrnation.il School of Peace,
lie sine and see Oregon yy in the state
championship in baseball .and track Fri
day and Saturday.
I hc honor sy stem has been introduced
at the Rhode Island State College.
Oregana Announces New Fea
tures in Advertising and
Literary Departments
A series of mock or fake advertise
ments, consisting of clever take-offs on
prominent and near prominent college
men, will he one of the features of this
year's Oregana, copy for which is now
in the hands of the printer. These ads.
are expected to serve the double pur
pose of helping out the regular patrons
of the advertising section of the hook
and providing interesting reading for
the students.
The literary department of this book
is expected to prove a sensation, as it
contains several stories that are said
to he far above the average found in
the ordinary college annual. This de
dartment is not often given much at
tention, but Editor Robison has devot
ed his best efforts to it this year.
Two stories are particularly worth
mentioning. One is “The Last of the
Class of Thirty-two,” a story that Pro
fessors llowe and Tlnirber declare will
live in the world’s literature. “The Man
Who Smiled” is another that, while
shorter, is of high merit. Dean Collins
has also consented to have his master
piece, “The Alchemist,” appear for the
first time in the Oregana. This is a po
em of unusual merit an dwill be looked
forward to with interest by the stu
dents, whom he has entertained by his
clever work in the Monthly during the
past year.
“He Who Hesitates Is Lost,”
Declare the Managers of
"Everyone seems to be afraid of ev
eryone else,” said Manager Xewlancl
this morning, “and wants to get in
just a little more practice on the ce
ment court before meeting his oppo
“So far only a small part of the
matches in the handicap tournament
have been played, and with the final
round due Junior week end, things will
have to be hurried.
“As was announced Wednesday, all
matches not played off by today will
be liable to default, and those in the
second round must have their matches
played off early next week.”
The following tennis matches have
been played since Wednesday:
First Round
(lion Hrit'dwoll from bowler, 6 to 4,
6 to 1.
Shnttuok from Gregory, (> to 8, 6 to
4. 6 to 4.
Gray from (lit/, 2 to (>, 6 to 3, 6 to 2.
Second Hound
Lastham front Dunlap, 8 to (>, 0 to 2,
Stroni? from Waite, (> to 0, 6 to 0
In the l'nirersity Tryouts
Komi from W illiams, 6 to 0, ft to 2.
Robinson from Oomvoll, 6 to 0, 6 to 0.
I lu' girls’ tournament is being pluvial
off slowly. Miss l’erkins ttrses that
the bust rotmils he played off by the
end ot next week.
I he largest traek meet ever held in
the South will he held at Birmingham,
\la . this week. I'exas, Louisiana, \1
abama, Mississippi, Vanderbilt, Geor
gia, and I ttlane, will partieipate.
Miss h'lora Dunham, of Portland
and Miss Josephine Meisner, of Seattle,
are guests ot the Ixappa \lpha Theta
Bread, Pies, Cakes and
Confectionery, abo Ice
Cream and Fruits,
4 E. Ninth St. Phone Main 72
Barber Shop
6 R Ninth St., Opp. Hoffman House
Students, Give Us a Call
Preston & Hales
Johnson Dyes
Johnson Wax
On Combination
Barber Shop ana Batb$
Six Chairs. One door north Smeede hotel
Wholesale and Retail
513 Wilamctte St.
The Latest Out
Are In
1 iifffil iflJttTTMfcT'IVF W>
Spring Styles
Sophomore Clothes
Stetson and Regal Shoes
Stetson and Mallory Hats
Cluett and Star Shirts
Correct Apparel for Every Occasion
Roberts Bros. Toggery
W. A. Kuykendall, Pharmacist
Chemicals, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Stationery *£ Free Delivery
Home Made Pies, Large Sandwiches
and Good CofTee. Everything Clean
and neat. Endorsed by students.
Open All Night. R. H. BAKER
Men’s Hats Cleaned and Blocked
The Hatter
4-->p Olive St.
Rhone At 691
Have us deliver your Trunks
and Suit Cases. We supply
Wood to Clubs and Fraternities
Main 65 r l ps/arrs, opposite Otto's
12 1*2 West Seventh Street
Manicuring Hairdressing
Shampooing Singeing
Vibratory and Electric
Facial Massage
Radio Bell Face Bleach. Scalp
Treatments, Electrolysis
Switches, Cosmetics, and Hair
Eugene Dye Works
Everything possible In
Cleaning and Dyeing
125 E. Ninth St.
Main 122
For the Newest, Nif- TCYY7T7T DV
teist and Up-to-Date JC* W IJil^IV I
Special Attention given to Repairing and Stone Setting in Rings, Etc.
Students Must Work If They
Eat Junior Day This
Friday morning at 8:00 o’clock, Mana
ger Ralph Dodson and his sub-mana
gers will assemble every male student
in the University and begin the most gi
gantic task of improving the campus
that has ever been undertaken.
Fveryone w ho possibly can is expected
to bring a shovel, a hammer, a saw,
or some other useful implement of do
mestic warfare and be prepared to bat
tle with every form of incumbrance j
around the University grounds.
\\ bile the men tire engaged in this
work, the Varsity women will be busy
preparing the feed that is served in the
Dormitory at noon, and that is easily
worth the price of a day’s work itself.
It is said that no one will be served
unless his clothes show some respecta
ble sign of work or he has a written
excuse from Manager Dodson.
I here will be an important meeting
of the Junior class Monday afternoon
at 4:00 o’clock.
Mrs. Hradley, ol Portland, is visiting
her daughter at the Klnshe Tillacum
See the big track meet Friday after
noon. Admission 75 cents.
Class Plans Brilliant Ball As
Culmination of Junior
Week End
'1 lie big social event and climax of
Junior Week End will be the Junior
Prom, next Saturday night. Varsity
society will be out in force and the
numerous visitors will make it an event
of great importance in the year’s hap
I he boor'of the new gymnasium is
being replaned for the occasion, elim
inating all doubts among the pessimistic
as to its condition. The music will be
the best that can be procured, and no
pains will be spired to make this the
biggest event ever held in Eugene.
i he following have been asked as
patronesses: Mrs. P. E. Campbell, Mrs.
K V . Henson of Salem, Mrs. (1. E.
White of Portland, Mrs. J. W. Ham
ilton o1 Roseburg, Mrs. J. V. Beach
of Portland, Mrs. R. E. Bean of Port
land, and Mrs. S. II. briendlv.
Mrs \. McNair, of Tillamook, is
visiting her daughter Hazel at the Kappa
Alpha Theta house.
Big baseball game, Saturday morn
ing and afternoon.