Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 14, 1910, Image 1

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New Scenery and Costumes in
Readiness for Play at Eugene
Theater—Vic Voight in Lead
ing Role.
Probably the most elaborate and pre
tentious dramatic effort ever attempted
by the students of the University will
he “The Professor’s Love Story,” under
the auspices of the Dramatic Club, in
the Eugene Theatre next Thursday night
as the opening event in this year’s Junior
Week End program.
The members of the cast, under the
directorship of Professor Glen, are
working industriously to make their
most ambitious effort a success. Over
a hundred dollars’ worth of new scen
ery and properties have been ordered
and the girls are to appear in new cos
tumes prepared especially for this oc
casion. Vic. Voight, in the title role,
as the forgetful Professor, acquits him
self creditably, being especially good at
forgetting, .as bis teacher can doubt
less testify.
I he following is the cast of charac
ters : Professor Goodwills, Victor
Voight; Lucy White, his coy little sec
retary, Ruth Duniway; Miss Goodwil
ls, his sister, Maud Reals; Dr. Cousins,
the Professor’s London physician, L. j.
Canfield; Dr. Yellowleaves, who attends
the Profesor in the country, Lair Greg
ory; The Dowager, Juliet Cross; Lady
Gilding, who wants to marry the Pro
fessor, Bertha Cummings; Sir George
Gilding, intimate friend of the Pro
fessor, Edward Himes; Efifie, the ser
vant of the Professor, Naomi William
son. E. E. Dunton as Pete, and Ro
land Kennedy as I lenders, are Scotch
workmen, both of whom are in love
with Elbe.
The play begins in London, where the
overworked Professor meets the Dow
ager and falls in love with her. How
ever, his breakdown compels him to
move to his country home, Tullocmnins.
Doctor Cousins does his part hy admin
istering to the Professor the proper
remedy for every catalogued disease,
from the chilblains to lumbago. Each
cure, though, fails to touch the scat of
the disturbance, which is, in reality, only
ihe Professor’s love-laden heart. As
the Professor regains his strength, he
finds himself in love with Lucy. He
confides his infatuation for his secre
tary to Dr. Cousins and the Dowager
suddenly discovers that she has been
turned down hard. The engagement
of Lucy and the Professor is implied
if not announced, and they live hap
pily ever afterward.
The Scotch servants manipulate a
rich plaid broque, like headliners, and
the perfidious Henders mixes them into
a humorous by-plot.
The play is particularly rich in fun
and comical situations. It is too elab
orate to be given in Villard Hall, as
the club's former sketches have been,
and will be played in the Eugene Thea
is Oregon dead in track.- Never!
Fun, Mixed With Errors, Fur
nish Sensation On Prac
tice Diamond
A comedy of errors was enacted on
the practice diamond when Kilpatrick’s
Pleasant Hill team took the long end
of a 4 to 0 score fro mthe University
second team last night. The second
team furnished the errors, while Kil
patrick’s urchins—some of them taller
than the hats they weilded—furnished
the comedy. Their pitcher had every
thing and used his curves effectively,
allowing hut one hit. He was given
perfect support by his baity-giant field
1 lie visitors earned one run, and the
others just slipped in while their oppo
nents were booting the ball around the
I he second team expect to do some
hard practicing during the next two
weeks, and hope to retrieve themselves
in a return game.
1500 Rooters Coming From Cor
vallis to Back Their
The sunshine of the past few days
has helped in getting in shape the men
who tire to pile lip a score against O. A.
C. next Friday afternoon, livery man
who has trained this spring will be given
a chance in this meet, for Hayward
promises to enter three men in every
event; thus making the Agrics work
for every point they .attach. The try
outs to determine the three best men
for each event will be held next l ues
The (). A. C. supporters have built
high hopes of at last defeating Oregon’s
weakened tea.m and adopting the rhet
torical slogan, “On to Oregon May 20,”
they promise to be here about fifteen
hundred strong to root for their team.
Xot an Oregon man, however, will
acknowledge that there is a possibility
of (). A. C. winning.
All the Oregon men, with the excep
tion of Jim Johns, who was overtrained
before the Seattle meet, tire in perfect
condition. Fat Hailey tosses the hammer
137 feet, Hilly Will throws the javelin
140 feet, while McClure promises to
clip a few seconds off the Northwest
record in the mile before the year is
Bristow, Jim Neill, Art Means, Kay, I
and Doc Elliott tire all working hard i
and till show good form in their events.
Miss Agnes Miller, a Phi Beta Phi of
j Berkeley, is spending a few days with
her cousins tit the Chi Omega house.
Sophia Catlin and Bertha Masters
are spending the week end in Salem.
Pearl Wilbur and Ann McMieken
went to Halsev for a few days.
See Fielder Jones and his team at
| Midway Park Saturday
Special Sporting Edition a Feature
—Emerald to be Sold at the
Ball Game Saturday.
* ***** * ***** *
* A meeting of the women will be *
* held after assembly Wednesday. It *
* is requested that all women be pres- *
* ent for a few minutes. *
******* *****.,
1 he staff of the Women’s Edition
declare their issue of the Emerald, to
appear Saturday of Junior Week End,
will surpass all former editions of the
This issue will be much larger than
the regular issue, and will contain all
Junior Week End news and articles of
special interest to the University, as
well as to the visitors.
A feature of the big souvenir issue
will be a special sporting section, with
accounts of all athletic events to he
(pulled off next week. Fair feminine
hands will direct the pen that tells of
the deeds of brawn to be perpetrated
<h ring Junior Week End.
In order to prepare better for the
Saturday issue, the regular edition will
not he published Wednesday. The en
tire news of the week will therefore ap
pear in the Women’s Edition.
Extra copies for souvenirs of Junior
Week End may be ordered from Car
oline Dunstan or Emma Waterman.
They will also be on sale at the base
ball grounds after the game Saturday
I he paper will contain fourteen pages
in all, including the cover. This will
he of heavy paper and will be embossed
in green with the Oregon seal.
Special departments, showing the work
of and describing the different women’s
organizations and activities will be writ
ten, including an article on origin and
idea of the April Frolic.
An effort will be made to have the
paper out by 4:00 o’clock in the after
noon, so that extra copies may he sold
at the ball game. Miss Helen lligbee
Iris been appointed City Editor, and
Miss Fay Clark News Editor.
Local Athletes Win Track Meet
By Score of 91 to 37
A fast interscholastic track meet on
Kincaid field this afternoon was won
over the Corvallis High School by the
Kugene High School by the overwhelm
ing score of 91 to 37.
The day was fine and a fair sized
crowd of students, both high school and
Varsity, attended. Some fast time was
made and star work done by Captain
Abshire of the local team.
Manager Espy Detained in Cali
fornia, Leaving Assistant
Manager In Charge
Manager Kspy writes from Portland
that, on account of the illness of his
brother, lie will he unable to return to
college for several weeks. This will
leave the management of the big dual
meet with O. A. C. next Friday after
noon and of the Pullman meet a week
later, entirely to Assistant Manager Har
bour, who will consequently have his
hands full with the work.
Harbour is rising to the emergency,
however, and hopes to overcome the
disadvantage. lie especially asks that
the students come to his support and
make the meet a success. The contest
Friday afternoon will begin at 2:30
and will be the biggest of the season in
Fugene. Admission is seventy live cts.
Only Four Baseball Games Yet
To Re Played on Local
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Won.
* Washington
* O. A. C. _ 7
* Oregon_ <X
* Whitman _ 3
* I’nllman _ 1
* Idaho __ . 1
* 4! * * * * *
I >sl.
Pet. *
.833 *
.700 *
.615 *
.375 *
.250 *
.143 *
* * :|£
I'lie contest for tlit* state baseball
championship will begin next Saturday,
when the (). A. C. nine will meet Coach
Kelly’s men on the local diamond for
two games, one at 10:00 o’clock in the
morning and the other at 2:30 in the
afternoon. These will be two* of the
four remaining games in Eugene, the
other two being scheduled for the fol
lowing Wednesday and Thursday with
the Washington State College.
'I lie games Saturday will be the most
interesting of the year. Richer and
Kernes, the great twirlers of the Agri
cultural College, will lie pitted against
Word and llenkc!. Word will per
form in the morning and Henkel in the
afternoon. .
I lie re have been no changes, an
nounced in the Oregon line-tip, hut there
is talk of moving McKenzie hack to
third base. Coach Kelly is working
hard with his men and is determined
to get the best they have into their
playing form.
O. A. C. went down before the Wash
ington nine yesterday, so chances ap
pear about even for the contest with Or
Should Oregon win these two games,
it will place her n second place and rel
egate <). A. C. to the third station.
Manager Jamison makes an urgent plea
for everj loyal student to he on hands
both games and encourage the home
team to win.
See the game Saturday.
Both Games Full of Sensational
Fielding Stunts—Two Home
Runs Off Henkel’s Delivery
lu the second game of the series played
at Midway Park Thursday afternoon,
the Cniversity of Washington baseball
artists trimmed Torn Kelly’s Oregon
club by the score of 100 to 1. Word
was on the mound for Oregon, and
though hit freely, the overwhelming
score fails to do credit to his pitching,
l lie ()rcgon inlield was decidedly off
color. I'lieir booting the ball at crit
ical times was mainly responsible for
(Iregon’s defeat. Jamison at first, how
ever, accepted difficult chances and wild
throws without an error. In the out
field Captain Clarke played his usual
reliable game, accepting easy and diffi
cult chances with equal certainty. For
Washington, every man was a bright
and particular star in some department
id' the game, and without doubt made
up the fastest and best balanced team
seen on the local diamond this year.
Wednesday’s game, however, tells a
different tale, and the Oregon nine an
nexed a hard earned victory by the
score of 3 to 2. The result of the game
was questionable, and the big crowd
of students in attendance were kept
"on their toes” until the last visitor was
retired in the ninth chapter. Henkel,
the big Oregon southpaw, was in good
form and, aided by consistent support
at critical times, managed to keep the
Washington sluggers under control.
1 he game was tilled with sensational
fielding and hard hitting, both the Wash
ington scores being due to home run
clouts by Baker and feats.
Jamison on first starred for Oregon,
accepting everything that came his way
in big' league style. Dud. Clarke saved
the game for Oregon in the eighth
(Continued on last page.)
Both The Women’s Debating
Team and Law School Lose
Hard Fought Contest
Washington won a double victory
from Oregon last night when the Var
sity co-eds and the Law Department’s
debating teams went down before them
in closely contested debates.
I he former was a two to one decis
ion, in which the honors were extreme
ly even, .and many thought the losing
team did the better work. Miss Birdie
Wise, 12, was leader of the Oregon
team. She was ably supported by Miss
Fay Clark, '12, and Miss Corinne Deg
I erntark, ’13.