^ Chocolates and Confections Deliciously flavored, temptingly boxed FOR SALE BY DILLON DRUG CO. Hotel Smeede Building 527 Willamette Street If you are thinking of having your eyes fitted for | Glasses, don’t fail to see Dr. Watts and have him explain the merits Of the new Health Ray Lenses. WATTS’ OPTICAL PARLORS 611 Wilaniette St. m to see our new stock pattern “Orleans” for your new Dinner Ware. You are able to always keep your set full when you buy from us. Geo. Rail $ Son Staple and fancy Groceries FINE CUTLERY Che store that Saves Vou money The only Exclusive Sporting Goods House in Eugene Spalding Reach Stall & Dean AGEN3Y We carry everything needed for Track, Field and Gym. Eugene Gun Co. Phone Blk 1511 534 Willamette For Fresh Groctries GO TO BAILEY'S GROCERY 494 Willamette Main 865 HASTINGS SISTERS BEAUTY PARLOR WORK FIRST CLASS PRICES REASONABLE Register Bldg., Eugene, 485 1-2 Willam ette St., Phone Red 6481. Hampton’s Cash Store Eugene Oregon Overton Wall Paper £ Paint Go. Paint for all purposes we: frame, pictures 16-18 W. Seventh St. Red 161 J. W. HARTLEY Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HIGH GRADE CIGARS AND TOBACCOS 595 Willamette Street. Sid Smith Jay McCormick BILLIARDS AND POOL College Men’s Retreat LUCKEY’S Established 1869 JEWEL RV OPTICAL. GOODS COLLEGE EMBLEMS FRANK E. DUNN The Leadingg Dry Goods Store DRY GOODS, AND CARPETS CLOTHING, SHOES Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings The Oak Shoe Store Leader in Footwear Successor to David Link 587 Willamette St. CHORAL SOCIETY HAS HOPE OF FUTURE LIFE Big Crowd Certain at Concert— Splendid Entertainment Now Assured \\ itli tickets rapidly selling and grow ing assurances of a capacity crowd for the May Festival, stock in the Univer sity Choral Society is rising and the members have strong hopes ol living beyond the present season. Indica tions are that the entire student body is going to stand behind the enterprise. I'.dith Woodcock, president of the Y. W. C. A., and her corps of boosters, are working hard and intend to make it pay financially if it is possible to do so. Professor (lien loses ten pounds by perspiration at each rehearsal of the chorus in his efforts to get Sta-bat Ma ter do-lo-ro-sa sung with proper“pip;” and at each rehearsal of the orchestra he simply explodes if the first violins, as they express it, “Strike just one note a little off," or the trombones blow a blast when they should have presented him with a soft, velvety tone. Profes sor Glen says of his efforts: "I have never worked so hard with a chorus and orchestra in my life as I have with this chorus and orchestra, but 1 have never obtained such results before. The way both these organizations respond to the baton is a joy forever to me. I tell you they are going to be bully by next week.” Several important changes have been I made in the orchestra. Mr. Andrew Svarverud and Mr. Frank McReynolds, who were playing first violin, have been switched to second violin, and Mrs. Susie Fennell Pipes, teacher of violin in the University School of Music, and Henry Bettman, of Portland, will play first violin in their stead. This will give the second violins two old and expe rienced players and the first violins two of the most finished artists on the Coast. Another trombone has been added to the orchestra, making three in that sec tion. HURRY STONE TALKS TO MEN AT Y. M. C. A. Interesting Presentation of Work of the Association Given by Popular Secretary 1 farry Stone, secretary of the Young Men’s Christian Association of Port land’, concluded the series of Life Work Meetings that has been running' for the past two months with a stirring address on “The Call of the Y. M. C. A. Sec retaryship to the Young Man." Air. Stone is one of the most success | ful secretaries in the I'nited States and has brought the Portland Association to a high degree of efficiency and power. He is an expert in bis line and his ac count of the activity of this great al I truistic organization made an appeal of ! strength that was appreciated by every j man who heard him. lie showed bow the Y. M. C. A turns its attention to ward the young men of the nation be j cause they are the ones on whom the responsibilities of government and busi ness fall and if their energies can be di rected along right lines the salvation of society and democracy is assured. hi spite of counter attractions nearly fifty men were present to hear this .ad dress. Mr. Stone is an enthusiastic single tax advocate and prior to his address he took occasion to recommend very highly E. T. J. McAlister, of Portland, who will speak this evening in Heady j 1 lull on the Single Tax. Broders Bros. wholesale and Retail Dealers In Fresh, Corned and Smoked MEATS COCKERLINE & WETHERBEE FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS “ LADIES’ AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS Mon's. Youths’ and Children’s Clothing PHONE MAIN 4d Gillette Razors POCKET EDITION EXTRA BLADES Chambrs Hardware U. of 0. Students The place to £>et your Lunciiks, Hot Drinks Ice Cream ,v Coneectonery -is the Koh-i-noor Parlor 5 3 3 W I I, I, A M K T T K S T K li K T Marx Barber Shop AN LJP-TO-DATE BARBER SHOP Eirst Class workmen 565 Willamette St. J. F. STERNE Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCjY GROCERIES Fresh Vegetables 20 East Ninth Phone Main 18 55 E. Ninth. Phone Main 737 The House That Quality Built li Bros, icn lv College Brand. Teas, Spices, Extracts. Olive Oil Coffees, Pure yc Oregon Critic of Critics visit the Palace of Sweets -and be pleased TOLLMAN STUDIO While attending photo convention? at Seattle we purchased new back grounds, new photo mounts and some thing you will all like, the latest photograph ma terial Watch our sample case. Otto’s Confectionery Sodas Candies Lunches k • toc.»jnsnMaa«rmai«MBi «■ ■in mnuMiiMain—bm————■— PAINLESS DENTISTRC See DR. M. M. BALL BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS 567 Willamette Street, Eugene, Or. Lady Attendant Always Present Grateful for Student Patronage F. BERRY, Proprietor T. G. Hendricks, Pres. Luke L. Goodrich, Asst. Cash S. 8. Eakin, Vice Pres. Darwin Bristow, Asst. Cash P. E. Snodgrass, Cashier III B Eugene, Oregon Capital and Surplus, $200,000 Student. Patronage Solicited Yoran’s Shoe Store The Store ,TH« t Sella Good Shoes Mil l HARDWARE Schwarzschild’s Book Store KODAKS, STATIONERY STUDENTS’ SUPPLIES FOUNTAIN PENS ALLEN EATON Books - Stationery - Art Goods