OREGON VOLUME 11 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1910. No. 51 PRESENT ATHLETIC SYS TEM WILL NOT SUFFER BY ACTION That intercollegiate athletics tend too much toward specialization and not enough to a general physical develop ment of the students at large, is the trend of the resolution passed at the last faculty meeting, or in the words of Professor Young’s original resolution “They take up the exuberant physical spontaneity of the physically strong but turn some toward athletic professional icm.” This is the first attempt in the West to make college athletics intra-collegi ate instead of intercollegiate. President Eliot, of Harvard, instituted a similar movement two years ago, and it has since been adopted by several Eastern Universities. Good and Bad Features J lie resolution enumerates the good and bad features of intercollegiate ath letics. First, they make for unity. Sec ond, they measure physical prowess. Third, they promote good will. And fourth, they supply needed exercise. These are ideal as purposes, but in prac tice their very efficiency, in the first, is is baneful; they lead to physical apoth esis, they cause antagonism instead of good will, and they tend to encourage athletic professionalism. Against the possible good features, the following indictments are enumerated: First, facilities and instructors being limited, the many are neglected at the expense of the few who least need them. Second, the spirit of combat replaces the spirit of play. Third, the prestige of the University in athletics has a demor alizing influence on the high schools and engenders a false impression among the people. Fourth, the life of the Uni versity is dominated by athletics to the detriment of higher ideals. 'l'he resolution concludes with the statement that “Release from these con ditierrre-can be secured only, (a) by de velopment of a rational system of recre ation within the University, the provision of adequate facilities therefor, and the recognition of the higher purposes to be served; (b) through an appeal to the other institutions in the Pacific Northwest to co-operate in this move ment of reform. To this end, President Campbell will appoint five of the faculty to begin cor respondence immediately with the other Colleges in the Northwest Conference and it is purposed to bring the matter up before the annual meeting of the Con ference at the beginning of the next school year. When the purpose of this movement is understood by the people of the state, it is expected that it will alleviate the opposition evidenced in former years to appropriations for the State Cniver sity. Oregon owns thirty-four acres east of the cemetery. On this land it is the intention to establish race courses, baseball diamonds and tennis courts. Kincaid field will also be moved to this new location when the present location is needed for college buildings. It is the opinion of President Camp bell that present intercollegiate athletics do not tend too much toward specializa tion, but there is a tendency which if allowed to grow unchecked might as GERMAN CLUB GIVES TWO PLAYS MONDAY Hit Verein Germania will present two short plays, "Liner Muss I leiraten" and “AIs Verlobten empfehlen sieh.” in Vil lard Mall Monday evening', May 9, at 8:00 o clock. I he cast is as follows: Liner muss heirateu— Jacob Zorn Francis Curtis William Zorn, Wm. Rueter Brothers, professors at a University Gertrude, their aunt, Lffie Rhodes Louise, her niece, Lthel Evans Als Verlohten empfehlen sieh— Frau von Grumhach, Mattie Hyde Malvina, her daughter, Mayhelle Larsen Franz von Grumhach, student, her nephew, Homer Maris Adelaide I I opt'Stengel, governess, Bertha Comings Andreas Langcrhans, inspector, Alexander Martin A servant girl. Mabel Timmerman Everybody cordially invited. Admission free. The Gavel Is Mightier Than the Typewriter Percy Methuselah Collier, the “Desert Bletonist,” has had more experience pre siding than anyone except Prexy Wil liams. “From the knowledge in the head the face speaketh," and he has be come a debater of great renown. Motto: “The president should be a parliamen tarian.” Paid Advertisement HIGH pun SHOWN IN OREGANA PICTURES The cuts for this y,ear,'s Oregana have been received, and the proof sheets indicate that they are of the highest class ever put between the covers of a college annual. The most striking are the title page, in color, and the beautiful collection of campus scenes—something absolutely new. Full page cartoons, typefying the classes and well known college fixtures, from the pen of Fritz Dean, are expect ed also to strike a popular vein in the students’ fun indicator. The pictures of the seniors will be featured, six on a page, in a prominent part of the book, with a complete sum mary and brief obituary of each. I bis part, because of its clever insight into the tvpical characteristics <>l me sen iors, will be among the most readable features. The cover of this year’s book will be cloth, with leather back and corners. The cuts were made by the Bureau of Engraving at Minneapolis, and the print ing will be done by the Portland Print ing House, of Portland. Elect Hippo and Hear Him Sing Verner Agamemnon fTiles, the “Wood burn Warbler,” candidate for vice-presi dent. The smallest and most musical office-seeker on record. Renowned for grace and beauty. Motto: "The foot ball team should learn to sing.’ (Paid Advertisement.) Verne Hutchinson, Marie Howell and Alice Waring, of Portland, are visit ing at the Kappa Alpha 1 heta house. NO NEW CANDIDATES AMONG OFFICE SEEKERS ELECTION day CHANGED FROM WEDNESDAY TO TUESDAY I’olitical lever has reached ils /.cnilli the past tew days, and the various can • dutaies are all ready lor next I tiesday, the date to which the executive com niittee litis changed the annual election instead of \Yednesday as provided in the Constitution. Up to the present time no new can didates have been put lot ward, the onU change being that Carl (iuhriclson has withdrawn from the nice for athletic council. I here s little betting on the election, and most of the work is going on quietly. Xo posters or handbills have as yet been circulated. I he big contest, of course, is for L’res ident, and the three cnadidates seem to be running neck and neck. I he two candidates for secretary are also making a pretty race, with honors practically even. The following is a full list of the can didates as they will appear on the hallo! Tuesday: Tor President of Associated Students 1. Calvin Sweek. 2. Cecil J. Espy. 3. Percy M. Collier. For Vice President Associated Students 4. George White. 5. Verner Gillis. Tor Secretary Associated Students Vote for one. 6. Edith Woodcock. 7. .Mary DeBar. Tor Executive Committee Associated Students—Vote for two. 8. Charles Koyl. 9. John Kcstly. 10. Sam Dividson. 11. Philip Brownell. 12. Raphael (Easier. Tor Athletic Council -Vote for three. 13. .Martin Hawkins. 14. Charles Taylor. 15. David McDaniel. 16. Ferdinand llenkle. 17. I larold Cockerline. For Editor of Emerald—Vote for one. 18. Win. A . Lowell. 19. Ralph Moores. T'or Business Manager Emerald Vote for one. 20. L. J. Caulield. 21. C. A. Osterholm. For Assistant Manager -Vote for one. 22. Philip Hammond. For Editor of Monthly- Vole for one. 23. Olive Donnell. 24. Dean Collins. For Associate Editor Monthly Vow for one. 25. Alma Payton. 26. Birdie Wise. 27. Clarence Walls. >8. Lucile Abrams. 29. F. S. Waite. 30. Jean Allison. 31. Willetta Wright. For Business Manager Monthly Vote for one. 32. Ted Williams. T'or Assistant Manager Monthly—Vote for otic. 33. Lee Huggins. Fva Roche, ’13, was called to Port land yesterday on account of tile death of her father. STUDENTS MAJORING IN HI STORY E N T ERTAI N E1) Professor and Mrs. Schafer and I'm lessor and Mrs Clark gave a party at thn home nt‘ thr former on Friday evening in honor of the students who major in history. The evening was a thoroughly enjoyable one. Two inter esting history eontests were given wl tar ry Cash won the first contest, and J. h'. I ,neke\ triumphed over his competitors in the second. Several musical selee lions were given during the evening, which were especially appreciated Main tv refreshments were served by Mrs. Schafer and Mrs. Clark, ass’stcd by b'.thcl Johnson and Frances N oting. Elect a Business Man and Make Money Cecil Jefferson lisp)', the ''Prophet of ()\ stervillef has had four years practical cxperien e in administrative affairs. Is a student of present da yiptes lions and has successfully managed cv cry thing he has 1" n eonneeted with. Motto: "The president should he a Inis incss man.” Paid Advertisement I he sophomore class will hold an im port,ant meeting next Friday at four o’clock in Professor Schmidt’s room. Treasurer Walls will ask for an assess ment to cover the present delieiency in the treasury. I'lic withdrawal of one contestant and the disqualification of another made the ircliminary tryout for the Failing and I'lcekman prizes unnecessary. I here were hut eight at first and the six which re left, being the required number, did not expound their "spread eagle.’ Kssic K. Sechrist was the one who de (lilted to expaeiale before the judges and Karl V Not! was the victim of cir cuinstances and an adverse ruling. He had not been a student of Oregon (hir ing his junior year and entered late it the beginning of this year when the rules governing the contest were no longer posted on the board, and in ac eordancc with the catalogue which says "anv member of the Senior class, he filed his subject and prepared his ora lion. When the contestants were as scmblcd to give their orations it was suddenly discovered that Mr. Noll was ineligible to compete. President Needs Preacher If He Dies (ieorge Mohammed White, the "I tea coll of I tillhltl \ Cross,” is the quietest man in college. Noted for great pa tience, the essential quality in a vice president. Motto: "The vice-president should wait for the president to die." ( Paid Advertisement.) Mrs. Wilcox, ol Independence, is vis iting her daughter Cecilc at the Ixappa 4h>ha Theta house. Olga I Iallingby. of Portland, is vis iting at the kloslic I illacum house. OREGON MEETS U. OF W. TEAM HERE NEXT WEEK Xcxt tuesday and Wednesday after noons tin- strong l uiveisity of Wash inglon baseball team will meet the Oregon nine in two games at Midway Park. \s a result of (he recent defeat ad ministered to the Oregon team, tlte V\ isliington cluh is confident of taking oth panics at Kugene. Since the game at Seattle the Oregon team has been materially strengthened, and Coach Kelly expects to spring a surprise on the Washingtonians. Manager Jami sou wants every student out to support Oregon against the formidable Wash ir.glon club. TRYOUTS KEEP VARSITY TENNIS COURTS BUSY Drawings For Handicap Tour nament In Singles Made Last Night I he concrete tenuis court has been doing double time since the return of good weather, with Varsity tryouts, handicap tournaments in singles and doubles and endless practice games. I In Varsity tryout matches played oil up to this morning resulted as fol lows: llond won from Collins, 6 to (J, (>, 1 ; Shaltuek from Moores 0 to 3, () to 3; Robison from Baer 0 to 3, 6 to 3; Cray from Jamison 0 to 5, 6 to 3; Rothschild from Wells (> to 3, 6 to 4. I he drawings for the handicap tour nament in singles were made last night. I he men classed to play in the prelim inaries were matched as follows: Gregory and Shattuck, (jet/, and Gray, Moores and Welch, Collins and Robi Mm, Wells and Karris, Otten and Moore, Stewart and Luckey, B. Kastham and Fra/icr, I a) lor and I lodge, Fowler and Bricdwell, Barks and Davidson, Jami son and I’ovvell. I hose who are handicapped to play the first round without preliminaries are: Shangle with Prescott, C. Moore with Rothschild, P. Bricdwell with Bates, Brown with Huston, I erry with I homns, Bond with Newland, G. Fast ham with Dunlap, Baer with Stine, Smith with Cahrielson, Waite with | Strang. I lie drawings for the doubles have mil yet been made, so there is still time in sign up for them. Listen to Tramp of Cow Hide Boots Calvin Lawrence Sweck was raised ill the Blue Mountains of Grant County, here steam engines, automobiles and ' i.ig machines are still unknown, lie .in,, handles the feathered (pull as he ed to handle the bucking broncho, and i a life long friend of the common pen i pie. Motto; "Democracy. Paid Adverti ement Mir mi B. ( onihear, aquatic trainer at Hie. i'niversity of Washington for the la 4 four vear-d ha°s been re engaged for the next year at a salary of $1,800.