Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, April 13, 1910, Image 2

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Pubished Wednesday and Saturday dur
ing the college year by students of the
Application made for second class mail
One year...$1.00
Single copy.$ .05
Editor-in-Chief _W. C. Nicholas, ’10
News Editor .Ralph Moores, '12
Assistant .Wrn. E. Rowell, ’ll
City Editor .Calvin Sweek, ’ll
Asistant .Dean Collins, ’10
Reporters .L. L. Ray, ’12
.R. B. Powell, ’12
.W. S. Main '12
.H. L. Cash, ’13
.F. S. Waite, ’13
.Geo. Shantin, ’12
.Dan Mitchell ’13
.W. R. Bailey, ’12
.Karl Onthank, ’13
.Helen Higby, '12
Business Manager. .Fritz Dean, ’ll
Circulation .C. A. Osterholm, ’12
Advertising ....James Caufield. ’12
Wednesday, April 13, 1910.
The Suggested Resolution and
While the form of the resolution that
Professor Young intends to introduce
before the faculty is as yet unknown,
the real intentions of those who are be
hind the movement uncertain, and the
attitude of the faculty in regard to the
proposed mystery, it is hardly worth
while to waste words discussing the mat
ter. However, there may be nothing
lost in making a few speculations.
Our attitude is not antagonistic.
If these resolutions read as they may
read and mean what they may mean,
there may he much good in them. We
appreciate the desirability of extending
athletics to the remotest parts of the
student body. ,
But as things now stand, these reso
lutions may he intended for anything,
from nothing at all to abolishing inter
collegiate athletics altogether. And,
moreover, likewise they can he so word
ed as to mean anything between the same
two extreme^. We would therefore
plead lirst and above all things that they
he worded simply and directly, stating
without the usual confusing technical
wordiness exactly what is intended.
In the second place, we would sug
gest that they be constructive rather
than destructive. Every student should
he stimulated to athletic competition.
If this is the true intention of the pro
posed resolution, then it can not limit
athletics, and all fear of such a result
is unfounded. To limit intercollegiate
sports is not in the least to increase in
tracollegiate sports. In fact, it is rather
t;> discourage them as valuable acces
sories in the way of stepping stones for
raw material to gain experience for the
Varsity team.
In any case, a limitation of intercol
legiate sports is not desirable. Granted
that athletics are overdeveloped. Granted
that they lower student efficiency and .are
false to the intentions and desires oi
the originators and supporters. Yet they
are so inextricably interwoven with all
that is dearest and most inspiring in
college life, they have so great a part
in producing one of the greatest products
of our age that quality of spirit and
habit of bearing which has come to be
typical essentially of only what we term,
perhaps for want of any abstract ad
jective, the “college man"—that their
eradication would most seriously lowvi
the final sum total of efficiency m tin*
\merican University.
Trade In Eugene
It is strange tint students should wait
until they go home for the holidays to
do their spring shopping. Eugene mer
chants are enterprising, moderate, and
above all they arc, with a few exceptions,
loyal to the University. WLty not give I
them the benefit of our pat nonage?
The merchants of Eugene support the
Emerald, not because it brings them ini- j
mediate returns, but because it is a
Varsity enterprise and they are recom
pensed indirectly through the trade of
University students. We would ask,
therefore, that the students, whenever
possible, would trade in Eugene and al
ways with Emerald advertisers. There
is little encouragement for business men
ijo help us if we do not distinguish be
tween them and the ones who do not
help us. Help the Emerald by patroniz
ing our advertisers.
Rhinehart will make good all right.
Yesterday was his first game, and he
could not be blamed for getting nerv
ous. A little more experience when
there is less at stake will bring-him
Twelve Men On Squad—Eight
Games On Schedule—One
With Professionals
The Oregon baseball team, accompa
nied by Manager Jamison and Coach
Kelly, left for Seattle on the early
train this morning, where they will meet
the strong University of Washington
team Thursday afternoon for the first
game of the ten-day trip. The Oregon
squad is in fine condition and confident
of landing their share of the games
The schedule reads, At Seattle U. of
O. vs. U. of W., Thursday, April 14
.It .Spokane, U. of O. vs. Spokane
Club, N W. League, Friday, April 15;
At Pullman, U. of O. vs. W. S. C„ Sav
urady and Monday, April 16 and 18;
At Moscow, U. of O. vs U of T.. Tues
day and Wednesday, April i9 and 20;
.It Walla Walla, U. of O. vs Whitman
College, Thursday and briday, April 21
and J2 An attempt will be made by
Manager Jamison to arrange for an
extra game Saturday, Aprd 23.
1 he twelve men who compose the
squad taken on the trip are Pitchers
llenkel and Word, Calciums Gabrielsoo
and Taylor, 1st base Jamison, 2nd base.
McIntosh, 3rd base Dobie, short stop
Xcwland, left field Chandler, center field
Capt. Clarke, Right field .'an Marter,
utility! Barbour.
Washington Said to Have Violat
ed Conference Rules In Mak
ing Matter Public.
Considerable discussion and criticism
lias liccn aroused by the action of the
University of Washington authorities
in violating the conference agreement
and projecting the dish eligibility mat
ter before the public in the newspapers.
Some time ago Trainer Hayward
wrote to Manager Zednick, of Washing
ton, stating that there had been some
question as to the amateur standing of
Brailey dish, the star point winner of
the Seattle institution, and asking that
an investigation be made. Contrary to
the conference rule forbidding • it, the
Washington manager immediatelly made
the matter public, and the Washington
faculty, instead of investigating the eli
gibility question, passed it up on the
technical ground that the protest con
tained no definite charges.
Mr. Hayward says that he was simply
giving them a chance to look up Gish's
record, and he fails to see how the
manner of protesting can affect the na
ture of his standing.
Bread, Pies, Cakes and
Confectionery, also Ice
Cream and Fruits.
4 E. Ninth St. Phone Main 72
Barber Shop
6 E Ninth St., Opp. Hoffman House
Students, Give Us a Call
Preston & Hales
Johnson Dyes Johnson Wax
CIk Combination
Barber Shop and Batbs
Six Chairs. One door north Smeede hotel
606 Willamette St.
Wholesale and Retail
513 Wilaniette St.
Register Job Dept
Gilded, Embossed and Engraved Fraternity and Club
Dance Programs that are different.
Invitations and Calling Cards, Printed and Engraved.
Chapter Letters and Petitions Given Expert Attention.
Window Cards and Advertising Matter of all Kinds.
Punched Sheets to fit any Loose Leaf Note Book*
Kodak Books Made to Order, 25c and up.
l The /Viorning Register
Ralph Cronise. University Correspondent
The Morning Register will have complete reports of all
$ student activities, both on the Oregon campus and from other
J Northwest colleges. Watch our Bulletin.
J Delivered to any part of the city, per month 50c.
W. A. Kuykendall, Pharmacist
Chemicals, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Stationery ^ Free Delivery
So Says An Eastern Man After
Viewing Hayward’s Splendid
"The new gymnasium of the Univer
sity of Oregon contains better equipment
than that of Harvard,” was the state
ment of E. E. House, a Harvard alum
nus, after having carefully examined
the new structure a few days ago. In
speaking of it further, he said that
although Harvard had a stone building,
which contained more lockers, yet it
did not contain nearly so complete and
up-to-date equipment as that installed
in Oregon's new gymnasium.
The totai cost of the equipment as
installed is $3,600, which consists of
all kinds of apparatus for the develop
ment of muscle. In the basement are
thirty-six splendid showers and enough
steel lockers to accommodate a student
body much larger than is now enrolled.
I he swimming pool, when finished,
will be one of the best in the North
west. Above the main floor is a track
by means of which runners may keep
in condition all winter. To the left of
the main floor s the handball court,
which is now ready tor use.
The selection and arrangement of the
equipment was dom by Trainer Hay
ward after a careful - tudy of other gym
nasiums. and shows conclusively that he
is a premier all-around physical culture
expert, as well as track trainer.
The Sigma Xu fraternity house of the
University of Missouri was recently
robbed of $500 worth of jewelry, cloth
ing and other valuables.
Are in charge of a registered graduate Optician and a competent Jeweler.
557 Willamette St. Phone Main 546.
For the Newest, Nif- TC\Y7"C,T P V
tiest and Up-to-Date JL< VV LtL/Iv I
Special Attention given to Repairing and Stone Setting in Rings, Etc.
if You would look
^jpQAix Over town
Nowhere could you find FOOTWEAR that
embodies as many qualities of superiority
Prices to suit your ability to pay
Styles to please the most careful buyers
The complete lines we are now showing are the
result of careful selection, including every
thing from the dainty strap pumps to
heavy walking shoes