Dillon Drug Company Hotel Smeede Building Cold end Hot Sodas WHITMAN’S CANDIES MCDONALD’S CANDIES If you are thinking of having your eyes fitted for Glasses, don’t fail to see Dr. Watts and have him explain the merits of the new Health Ray Lenses. WATTS’ OPTICAL PARLORS 611 Wilamette St. m to see our new stock pattern “Orleans” for vour new Dinner Ware. You are able to always keep your set full when you buy from us. Geo. Rail * Son Staple ana fancy Groceries i. hi. FINE CUTLERY Che Store that Saves you Itionev The only Exclusive Sporting Goods House in Eugene Spalding Reach Stall St Deart AGENCY We carry everything needed for Track, Field and Gym. Eugene Gun Co. Phone P.lk 1511 534 Willamette IN ARTISTIC STYLE Dainty Evening Slippers in Patent, satin and Kid Stock. Burden &Grrham ’s Cash Store Eugene Oregon Hampton J. W. HARTLEY Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HIGH GRADE CIGARS AND TOBACCOS 595 Willamette Street. Sid Smith Jay McCormick BILLIARDS AND POOL College Men’s Retreat FRANK E. DUNN The Leadingg Dry Goods Store DRY GOODS, AND CARPETS CLOTHING, SHOES Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings The Oak Shoe Store Leader in Footwear Successor w David Link 587 Willamette St. THORNTON TO CAPTAIN IDAHO FOOTBALL LEAN University of Idaho, Jan. 23.—At ; banquet given by the Dormitory girls o the college last Wednesday evening ii honor of the Idaho football team. Jame: Thornton, '12, was elected captain toi aext year. Thornton hits played on the tean for three years and has been one o; die most sensational and heady footbal dayers on the team for the past tvvc rears. \\ hile not officially named ar All-Northwest man he has been given ; losition by several football critics ii heir naming of a team. Undobutedly le is All-Northwest material but his general ability to play any position las lost him a place as in no two of his liree years played has he been in tlu same pasition. playing at different times end, fullback and half. The college a! arge is delighted with his selection as eaptain. as he is extremely popular, and feel that he will without doubt do much text year to retrieve his lost laurels At a meeting of the Athletic board ast Wednesday evening, James Gwinn 10, was elected football manager for text year. The Board also voted tc iward “I's" and sweaters to members >f the football team. ANOTHER SMITH FOR NEXT FRIDAY NIGHT Next Friday evening at 7 o’clock, the •egular hour for the Men’s Meetings, Mr. If. S; Smith, director of the Y. M, 3. A. Training school at Seattle, will -peak on “Fundamentals of the Y. M. 3. A. and What It Stands For.” By i queer coincidence, this man, a protni tent Y. M. C. A. secretary and a man }f strength on the platform has the same name as the speaker who ad Iresscd the men of the University last right. Smith is thoroughly acquainted with :he Y. M. C. A. work all over the world and is considered an authority dong this line. In his address Friday lie will not take up in detail the prop erty and work of the association, but will tell of the real character building force which it exerts throughout the world in its effort to’ produce “The Strong Man.” Laureans Nominate Officers I lie Laurean program commencec last Saturday evening with a shorl speecli by C. A. Steele. L. L. Ray ant Ralph Murphy also gave short address es. The debate, on the question: Re solved, that the Representatives to Con gress should lie chosen by a system o proportional representation, followed Waite and Robinson, defending the neg ative, won the decision over Barnes ant McFarland, who supported the affirm ative. Nomination of officers followet the debate. The election of officers wil take place next Saturday evening. The program on that occasion will b< as follows: Selection.11. H. Clarl Extemporaneous speech.J. E. Luck; Extemporaneous speech'...M. M. Stastn; Debate: Resolved, that the appropria tion of the student body of the Univer site of Oregon to oratory and debat should be increased to fifteen per cent Affirmative—II eider, Kimmel. Nega tive—Dunton Yaden. The Philologian and Eutaxian Liter ary societies have discontinued thei meetings for the remainder of the se mester. Y. M. C. A. Elects Officers The Y. W. C. A. elections were hel Tuesday afternoon. The following of ticers were elected: President, Edit Woodcock; vice-president, Ruth Met rick ; recording secretary, Jessie Ferris corresponding secretary, Ruth llowell treasurer, Alice Stoddard; and edito Esther U’Ren. Best 25c meal in the city Oysters, and Chili Con Carne OPEN ALL NIGHT Razors, Cutlery, Stoves COCKERLINE & WETHERBEE FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS LADIES’ AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS Men’s, Youths’ and Children's Clothing PHONE MAIN 42 Gillette Razors POCKET EDITION EXTRA BLADES Chambers Hardware LI. of 0. Students The place to get your Lunches, Hot Drinks Ice Cream & Confectoneky -ivS the Koh-i-noor Parlor 5 3 3 VV l I, I, A M K T T K STKE R T Marx Barber Shop AN UP-TO-DATE BARBER SHOP First Class workmen 565 Willamette St. J. F. STERNER Dealer in STAPLE AND FANC|Y GROCERIES Fresh Vegetables 20 East Ninth Phone Main 18 55 E. Ninth. Phone Main 737 The House That Quality Built 1.11 College Brand, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Extracts. Pure Olive Oil ye Oregon Critic of Critics visit the - Palace of Sweets -and be pleased TOLLMAN STUDIO While attending photo convention? at ! Seattle we purchased new back grounds, new photo mounts and some thing you will all like, the latest photograph ma terial. Watch our sample case. f HZ BEST PLACE TO EAT IN THE CITY IS Otto’s Grill on East Seventh Street, next to Otto’s Confectionery Grateful for Student Patronage F. BERRY, Proprietor T. G. Hendricks, Pres. Luke L. Goodrich, Asst. Cash S. B. Eakin, Vice Pres. Darwin Bristow, Asst. Cash P. E. Snodgrass, Cashier Eugene, Oregon Capital and Surplus, &200,000 Student Patronage Solicited Yoran’s Shoe Store The Store That Sells Good Shoes H * M HARDWARE SchwarzschiId’s Book Store KODAKS, STATIONERY STUDENTS’ SUPPLIES FOUNTAIN PENS ALLEN EATON Books - Stationery - Art Goods