Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, November 24, 1909, Image 1

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No. 17
Miocene Period Without Moun
tains, Followed by Inundation.
Man Now Guides Its Formation
Professor Barker, of the Department
of Mining and Metallurgy, gave a
highly interesting lecture before the
Faculty Colloquiam last night, outlining
the reasons for the geographical pecul
iarities of the Willamette Valley.
Beginning at the Miocene period, he
showed that at that time the Cascades
did not exist, tho Willamette river did
not send its waters to ihe Pacific Ocean
and that th. Coast Range was sub
merged in the sea. T he land between
was an almost level plain, covered with
tropical vegetation, and the river flowed
through it directly westward wearing
away the land and forming what is
termed a peneplane,—almost a plane.
Later, a series of volcanic eruptions
formed the ranges of the Cascades and
Calapooia Mountains, and a series of
convulsions following this, formed the
Coast Range at the outer edge of the
plane. The land between sank and
formed an inland sea connected with
the ocean by what was formerly the
mouths of the rivers. Then a slow up
lift of the entire Pacific Coast took
place, so slow that the rivers which
flowed westward continued in the same
course that they had previously used.
After this change, at the time when
the Willamette river began to flow, its
valley had already been prepared for
it by the uplifting of the mountain
ranges on each side of its course. The
Willamette river cut down its bed until
it reached the hard rock formation
which causes the falls at Oregon City,
reaching a point where it could cut no
further vertically, and began to change
its course bed laterally making the pe
culiar forms that now exist. It has
now accomplished nearly all that it can
in this way and its valley has become
a plain.
A peculiar feature of the Willamette
Valley is the presence of a large num
ber of buttes, formed not by volcanic
action, as many suppose, but by a simi
lar action, which forced molten lava up
between the original beds of which the
door of the valley was composed. Dur
ing the process of erosion, the river
has cut away the softer rock, leaving
the harder portions exposed, so that they
stand out above the general level of
the valley in prominent masses, of
which Skinner’s Butte near Eugene is
an example.
The work of the Willamette river in
a purely natural way has gone practi
cally as far as it may, and in future
its forces will be more or less under
the control of man. Erosion at the Ore
gon City falls will be prevented as much
as possible and the power created there
will be applied to manufacturing pur
poses. Other natural forces will be
diverted and used for the benefit of
mankind and the Willamette Valley of
the future will be a product of human
Following Coach Bucken’s suggestion
the series of four preliminary try-outs
that are to be held this year for the
purpose of selecting the members of the
debating team which is to represent the
University of Oregon will begin next
Tuesday evening. This will be the first
time that such a series of try-outs has
been held at the University of Oregon.
Among the old students who are ex
pected to make strong bids for places
on the team are: Robison, Collier, Ray,
and Cash, while the work of a number
of new men, among whom are Warner,
Norton, Spencer and Nott will also be
watched with considerable interest. The
order of speaking will be determined by
lot and each man will be expected to
appear in every try-out, where he will
be allowed to deliver a five-minute
The season's work leading up to the
Oregon-Idaho debate will be begun on
Tuesday, December 30, with the first
of the preliminary try-outs of candi
dates for the debating team. The sec
ond try-out will be hel l on Friday af
ternoon of the same week, and the last
two try-outs on Tuesday and Friday
respectively, of the following week.
Coach Buchan, Professor Gilbert, Pro
fessor Glen, and Professor DeCou. who
are to act as judges, will render their
decision on the Saturday following the
last try-out.
All contestants are expected to be on
hand fifteen minutes before each try
out in order to d-aw for places. Those
who have not hande 1 in their names
can do so at the first meeting Tuesday
Though the new gym will not be com
pleted before New Years, basket ball
enthusiasts are hard at work getting in
shape before January, when a regular
team will be organized and a captain
and manager elected.
Even with the limited facilities for
the game, basket ball has always been
popular at Oregon and in spite of dis
advantages the men were put to in the
way of a gymnasium the teams have
always been a credit to the Varsity.
As practice was carried on with so
much difficulty basket ball was discon -
tinued last year but with the prospects
of a new gymnasium the rabid ones
have taken it up, determined to put out
a winning team in the spring.
Until January, when the team’s or
ganization will be perfected, the sport
will be under the supervision of Train
er Hayward, who has granted it the
exclusive use of the gym from 4 to 6
daily. He is also arranging a schedule
of games which aside from the ordinary
intra- state games will probably include
trips to the Inland Empire and South
ern Oregon. Bill has sized the bunch
up and pronounced it good.
Dick Charman elected captain last
year, says, “Prospects are good. From
10 to 20 fellows have been turning out
regularly and there are some new men
among them that are showing up es
pecially well. Several of the freshmen
will make us work hard. Stine, Jami
son, Johns, Means, Bates, Fisher, Kay,
Allen, are all doing well.
ingenuity, just as the Willamette Val
ley of the past was a product of natural
geological forces.
By R. Burns Powell
The second faculty recital of the
University School of Music, given in
Villard Hall Saturday evening by Miss
Eve Stinson, soprano, and assisted by
Miss Abbv Whiteside, pianist, was at
tended by a large number of the music
loving people of Eugene and the Uni
The program was divided into three
parts. Part one consisted of old songs
and airs, part two of modern French
songs and part three of modern En
glish songs.
Miss Stinson has not a large voice,
but what it lacks in quantity it amply
makes up in quality and polish. Es
pecially is this true of the high notes;
in the numbers “Per la Gloria” and
“L’Heaure Exquise” the high tones
were taken with perfect ease and re
sembled the soft clear notes of a flute.
In interpretation Miss Stinson displays
Washington’s Quarter-back.
‘Wee” Coyle.
a delicacy of temperament few musi
cians are gifted with. In all the num
bers this taste of interpretation was
The most dramatic numbers of the
program were “Batti Batti” au Oria
from the Opera Don Giovanni by Mo
zart and “Haelili” by Coquard; but the
most popular number was the last one
“Spring” by Henschel. In this number
the bird calls of the cuckoo, the lark,
and the owl were very realistic and at
the same time musical.
Between parts one and two, Miss
Whiteside played the Tschaikowsky
Liszt polonaise. This number is a very
difficult one and Miss Whiteside de
serves praise for her rendition of it.
Her encore number was a Russian
peasant march—which she played with
the broad firm swing the number calls
for. Those who knew Miss Whiteside
before she went to Europe say that her
playing shows noticeable improvement
in technique, and breadth and power of
At the beautiful summer resort near
Tacoma, known as American Lake, the
sadoq aq; qqA\ pajstujua aau oqM uoui
of the University of Oregon against the
l niversity of Washington tomorrow
have spent the past few days recuper
ating from the contest last Friday. In
his simple interesting way, Bill Main,
the star tackle and half-back writes for
the Fine raid how they are enjoying
themselves and that they expect to lie
in good condition for the game.
1 his game will give the winner un
disputed^ title to the Northwest foot
ball championship. Both teams expect
to win and will be satisfied with noth
ing short of victory.
Several of Oregon's best men have
been injured but the probability is that
all will be able to play. The greatest
loss will be if Clark is unable to kick.
Forbes has abundantly provided for
every other emergency.
Without Clarke, or if his ankle pre
vents his kicking in good form, Oregon
will have to outplay her rivals to the
extent of about two touch-downs in or
^ler to make up for the wonderful work
of Eakins. Even with Clarke at his
best, the Washington man is probably
equal to one clear touchdown.
Nevertheless, all are confident that
Coach Forbes has perfected a team that
is able to do all this. Their defence is
impenetrable. In the use of the for
ward pass and other features of the
new game, they have proved superior
to every team they have met.
Washington has made larger scores
than Oregon in every game, but this is
simply the Oregon method. Moreover,
Oregon has without exception met
stronger teams than Washington has.
O. A. C. without Keck, Wolff, Hawley
and others, played the Northern men
to a standstill until they wore them
selves out making up for Eakins’ long
punts. Oregon took the same team,
strengthened by the addition of these
men, and won from them though out
punted. This fact has caused most of
her supporters and even ousiders to look
upon her chances tomorrow as more
than even.
Twenty-one men made up the squad
that went to Seattle, eighteen of whom
at least will be used. There is little
to distinguish regulars from subs and
all will be used with the one idea of
greatest utility. Six ends, four back
held men, two quarter-backs, three
tackles, four guards, and two centers
will be shifted in various positions to
suit any emergencies. Five of the men
are seniors, two are juniors, ten are
sophomores, three are freshmen, and
one is a post-graduate. Three were on
last year’s “All Northwest” team.
Captain Dudley Clark and Louis
Pinkham, the two veterans, are com
pleting four years of brilliant football.
Rivals during their high school days,
these two men have played side by side
during their college career. Former
animosities have been forgotten and
they have been fast friends, both im
mensely popular with the students who
know them as true representatives of
the famous Oregon democratic spirit.
In his freshman year Clark played a
star game at half-back. In his sopho
more year he was shitted to full-back
and made the "All Northwest” team.
Last year he made the same position on
both teams, his splendid work inducing
his team mates fo elect him to captain
this year's team.
Pinkham played guard in his fresh
men year and tackle in his sophomore
year. Under Coach Forbes last year,
he developed into one of the most bril
liant players that the West has ever
produced. Not only did he make an un
contested place on the “All Northwest"
team, but he was the only Pacific Coast
man to receive mention on Walter
Camp’s "All American” team. The
present year has only added to his
honors. In the absence of Clark he
has made an exceptional field captain,
and is being talked of for that place on
the "All Northwest" team.
One of the greatest merits credited
to Coach Forbes is his faculty for "find
ing out" men that other coaches would
overlook and developing them into good
players. To this can the possession of
at least three of Oregon’s best men be
attributed confidently. Dodson, and
Kiltz were juniors when the great Yale
end took hold of them. Sullivan had
already taken his degree. Other
coaches would have and indeed had
overlooked them, but under Forbes they
became premier men. Last year Dod
son made the “All Northwest" team.
Oliver Huston, denied a place on the
track team after three years of wonder
ful work, went out this year for foot
ball. Huston is not a man of the rugged
type best suited for the game but his
great speed at last won him recogni
tion. In the game Friday he distin
guished himself by making a sensational
forty-live yard run just before the whis
tle blew.
(.llles, Scott, and I aylor are the three
juniors who made good this year, the
lirst named, however, being unable to
complete the season because of an old
injury. He was on the championship
team that defeated Multnomah the first
time three years ago. The next year
he was not in school hut last year he
returned and played a good game at
guard under the new coach.
Scott was a guard on the champion
ship team three years ago. The next
year he played center, but was out last
year. This season he has been shifted
to tackle, in which position he showed
great versatility in the O. A. C. gpine.
Taylor went to Cornell last year af
ter playing a star game at half-back on
the 1907 team at Oregon. This year he
is better than ever, one of the few men
who can he depended on every minute
of the entire game.
Last year’s team was known as a
freshman aggregation on acocunt of so
many first year men. But their value is
now evident, ten men with a year’s ex
perience being available at the first of
the season.
Michael and Hickson are two of the
best ends in the Northwest, the former
from Lick High School in California
and the latter from the Portland High
School. Michael has also been used at
( Continued on last page.)