Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, November 20, 1909, Image 1

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No. 16.
New Sketch, “Fire in a Frat” Has
Only One Fault—It Is So
Funny, Even the Club Laughs
'I he local concert for the University
of Oregon Glee Club lias been set deli
nitely for December 3, the first Friday
after the Thanksgiving holidays.
An attempt was made to set it before
the vacation, but the short rest and ex
tra practice will only put the club in
better shape. All who have listened
to the daily practice admit that it is the
best club in the thirteen years since
one was first organized.
A month ago, the noise in Villard
Hall sounded to an untutored mind
much like the howling of a tribe of
aboriginal Icelanders. But under the
expert training of Professor Glen, aided
by his two able lieutenants, Tom Burke
and Melvin Oglen, these groans have
been toned down until it is the most
haronmious aggregation possible. This
is due mainly to the fact that there are
more trainel voices on the Club this
season than during previous years. Be
fore, there were always certain mem
bers on the club who were known as
"followers.” Every man on the Club of
1909-10 can read—there is not one fol
For a while Professor Glen was at a
loss for a stunt on the program. Be
lieveing that a poor "funny man” was
worse than no "funny man” at all, he
lecided to get along without one. But
at this juncture Tom Burke received
the “Fire in a Frat” sketch, a clever
take-off on a grand opera front his
aunt in Baker City.
1 here is only one bad feature about
the production of this sketch, and that
is its exceptional merit. The Club has
not as yet been able to keep their stage
poise during the performance, but have
succumbed to the humor of the situa
The Cross Country Club, of the Uni
versity of Oregon, held ;i meeting
Thursday afternoon, at which a formal
organization was effected, a constitu
tion adopted, and officers chosen to di
rect the work of the club.
About fifteen members have joined the
club, each class being well represented.
James Canfield has been chosen mana
ger and G. X. Riddell, captain. Active
work will begin at once, The purpose
of the organization is to develop dis
tance men for the Varsity track team,
and those back of the movement declare
themselves confident, from the interest
already shown, that it will prove itself
; n important factor in preparing for
die spring track work.
"1 he Kappa Alpha Theta girls gave a
luncheon Saturday to their house-guests
nd Aisea Hawley, Rosalie Friendley,
Norma Dobie, Lindley Welch and Nor
ma Hendricks.
if the Oregon Spirit has been slow
in awakening his year, it has more than
made up for lack of duration by inten
sity of feeling during the past week;
; nd the showing made at the game yes
terday was probably the best ever wit
nessed from the supporters of the lemon
I hough considerably outnumbered by
the visitors, they kept the Oregon yells
always well in the front, both sides
making about the same impression in
the grand stand. It was the first time
in years that Oregon has been able to
hold her own agahist the overpower
ing numbers from Corvallis.
A tew minutes after two o’clock, the
Oregon rooters marched onto the field
and, according to agreement went
straight to their seats in the bleachers.
Soon after came the O. A. C. regiment,
dressed in their uniforms and marching
m companies, led by their splendid band.
1 hey executed a magnificently drilled
formation of their letters, “O. A. C.”
which was loudly applauded in the
grand stand, and then took their seats.
As the Oregon team came out on the
field Alton’s rooters sprung the sur
prise of the day. Suddenly in the midst
pf the sea of green hats appeared a
solid yellow block “O”, formed by the
men in designated places wrapping
them elves in bunting. Nothing else of
importance occurred, however, during
the first half.
It had been agreed between Manager
Goodman and Manager Angell that the
Oregon rooters should have the exclu
sive use of the field between halves, and
Alton proceeded to lead his men out as
soon as the whistle blew. Everyone
was surprised, to see the O. A. C. yell
leader follow immediately after with his
men, utterly ignoring the protest of
Manager Goodman. As the Oregon
section formed their block “O” in the
center of the field, the Corvallis rooters
circled around them and broke into their
yells. Then, when Alton got ready to
lead his men out, they refused to break
for him and the attempt to force a pas
sage almost caused a riot. Quiet was
finally restored, however, and both sides
returned peaceably to their places.
Afler the game, the rooters carried
their men from the field, those from
Oregon in triumph and the visitors
proud of the fight their team had made.
Coach Forbes was also unceremoniously
borne on the shoulders of the admiring
crowd. Then Alton and his followers
proceeded to arouse the few people in
Eugene who had stayed away from the
game and instruct them as to the re
sults. They filled the streets with noise
until supper time when they disbanded
from sheer exhaustion.
Thanksgiving recess begins Wednes
day noon. Regular work will be re
sumed the following Monday morning.
I he Library will be closed on Thanks
giving, day, hut on the other days it
will he open as usual during the day,
but will be closed in the evening.
Margaret Nicoli and Florence Star
bird of Corvallis were guests of the
Gamma Delta Gamma girls, Friday.
The Y. W. C. A. girls will give a
"Hyacinth Fair” in the Armory, Dec
ember the tenth. Many pretty and
unique features are being planned.
Hilda Tooze has returned to her
home at Oregon City.
1 he football squad left at noon today
for American Lake, where they will rest
and recuperate for the Thanksgiving
game with the University of Washing
ton at Seattle. There were twenty-one
men in the squad who left in the care of
Trainer Bill 1 lay ward and Coach
The men who went are Capt. Dudley
Clarke, Louis Pinkham, Bill Main,
“Chuck” Taylor, George Sullivan, Win.
Kiltz, Ralph Dodson, Elmer Storie, Glen
Scott, Robert Kellogg, Lewellen McKin
ley, Ben Chandler, Graham Michael,
Lester Means, Ben Harding, Dean Walk
er, Wm. Bailey, Donald Johnson, Oliver
Huston, Sap Latourettc and John Hick
son. Dan Mitchell and Gilles were
forced to stay behind on account of
serious injuries. The team was ac
companied by two coaches, Robert
Forbes and George Hug, by Trainer
Hayward and Manager Dean Goodman.
The men will leave Portland tonight
and arrive at American Lake tomorrow
forenoon, where they will remain until
the afternoon of tin day before Thanks
giving, when they will take the electric
train for Seattle.
American Lake is a popular health
resort in the woods of Western Wash
ington, about nine miles from Tacoma
and thirty from Seattle. It is there
that the militia regiments of Oregon
and Washington hold annual encamp
ments. And the great drill grounds
will serve excellently for the light sig
nal practice that the team will go
through. The place is quiet in the win
ter and is, said Manager Goodman this
morning, the best place that could
have been selected for the team to rest
up and recuperate in for the Thanks
giving struggle for the Northwest cham
pionship. There is a fine hotel at the
lake, where the men will stay. Every
thing possible will he done to get the
crippled members in shape to enter the
game next Thursday.
That the rally Thursday night was
the most elaborate and successful they
had ever seen, was the emphatic state
ment of many alumni men who were
present. All were loud in their praise
of “Tubby” Alton, the man who super
intended the performance.
The people of Eugene witnessed some
real Oregon spirit. Not less than 250
shouting and howling football enthusi
asts, armed with horns, cowbells, tin
cans, rattles, crackers, etc., marched
from the Dormitory down through the
business part of the city.
While the students were assembled in
front of the Smeede hotel, the sound of
beating drums and the regular clatter of
marching hordes was heard, and Cap
ain Tillitson and his trusty company of
war scarred veterans marched holdly
through the crowd. After a few rous
ing yells and an exhibition of O. A. C.
military tactics by Captain Tillotson’s
company, the mass of students returned
to Kincaid field where enthusiastic
speakers addressed the rooters in the
light of a record-breaking bon-fire.
In the list of speakers apepared I^res.
P. L. Campbell, Pat McArthur, S. H.
Friendly, Bill Hayward, Gordon Moores,
Coach Forbes and Dean Goodman.
MORE ON 0. A. C.
Record of Oregon-O. A. C. Games
.. 0....
.. 8....
.. 0....
.. 5....
. 6.
.. 6....
.. 0....
.. 0....
.. 8....
0. A. C.
. 0
. 4
. 0
. 0
. 0
. 5
. 0
. 0
. 4
. 0
. 0
Total .173.55
An exceptionally hard game on a
sloppy field yesterday afternoon re
sulted in a clear victory for the Uni
versity of Oregon over their old rivals,
the Oregon Agricultural College.
Two touchdowns and resulting goals
made the score 12 to 0. Sap Latour
ette made the first by a 60-yard run
through the entire Agricultural team
after 15 minutes of the second half had
elapsed. Fifteen minutes later Chuck
Taylor made a well earned touchdown
from the 6 yard line.
Though the victory was clean cut it
was far from being a walk-away. In the
first half, especially, the Oregon rooters
were worried as O. A. C. started out
with snap and dash, tearing great holes
in the Varsity. In five minutes of play
the ball was worked back to the Varsity
goal and a blocked punt resulted in a
touchback. This was the crisis of the
game and from then on Oregon’s goal
was not seriously threatened.
The game was largely a punting duel,
in which Latourette’s running back
made up for Keck’s and Wolf’s out
kicking the Oregon punters. Neither
team could gain consistently through the
line and resort was had to fakes, end
runs and forward passes, making the
game ideal for the spectators. At open
versatile football, Oregon was far su
perior, handled punts better and nego
tiating four beautiful forward passes,
while the Farmers failed in all their
attempts. Two of these forward passes
were intercepted by Oregon men who
made 20 yards each time.
One of the best features of the game
was O. A. C.’s stonewall defense in
side their own 10 yard line. Three
times Oregon worked the ball inside
the last white line and three times Cor
vallis held and punted out. In one in
stance after three terrific bucks the ball
was lost on downs within two feet of
the goal.
In a general sense, the victory is due
to every one of the eighteen men in
the Varsity line-up for striving mighti
ly every minute. Latourette’s spectacu
lar run was the great feature, and as he
crossed the goal line the Oregon root
ers literally went mad. Playing deep,
he took one of Wolff's long punts on
the bound and with Clarke McKinley
and Chuck Taylor grouped around
him, went down the side line through
the whole O. A. C. team. Wolff
missed him by two feet. He dodged
three Agriculturists. McKinley dis
posed of one and came np in time to
knock Enberg away. Once an oppo
nent had him half down, but Clarke
pulled him up. By this time six Ore
gon men had come up, and, forming a
phalanx, they went together. As in his
80 yard run against Idaho, latourette
used his head by pausing twice to wait
for interference to form. Coach
Forbes has surely impressed interfer
ence on the men. It was almost per
fect yesterday.
Chuck Taylor who made the second
touchdown, was in the game every min
ute. While not so spectacular as La
tourette’s, his work was invaluable to
the team. Whenever Oregon was in a
hole, Taylor was the man called upon
and he always made good. Once after
being tackled he rolled 15 yards.
Scott was given a chance at tackle
yesterday, and made good with a ven
geance. Three times he tackled Wolff
and Keck behind the line. Hardly a
yard was made through him.
After 10 minutes of the second half
Keck, who was the backbone of the
O. A. C. team, was taken out and in
spite of an understanding to the con
trary. Wolff took his place. Coach
Forbes retaliated by sending in Cap
tain Clarke, despite his injuries. These
changes seemed to put ginger into both
teams. Latourette’s run took consider
able "pip” out of the Agric’s and
though lighting hard, it was evident that
they were already defeated.
Forbes had hoped to get through the
game without using either Clarke or
Main, for it was plain that one game
would be all they could Hand. But,
for awhile, prospects looked so dark
that it was decided to sacrifice them
both. It was unfortunate that Clarke
had to be used, as he was hurt almost
immediately. Although the first score
was m. le while he was in the game,
it would doubtless have been the same
without him and he could then have
been used against Washington.
Oregon won the toss. Michael kicked
olT, hnt there was a foul by Oregon.
O. A. C. refused the penalty and the
hall was returned to center for another
kick. Keck received and ran to the
30 yard line, putting out Taylor on the
way. O. A. C. made yardage once and
punted to Oregon 35. Midi:! 1 returned
it immediately. Reynolds made 5 and
Oregon was penalized 15. hakes by
Keck and Fndberg put the ball on the
Varsity 22 yard line when O. A. C. was
penalized 15. Keck punted to Varsity's
15 yard line. Latourette’s punt was
blocked, rolling back of the goal where
he fell on it. The ball was brought to
Oregon’s 25 yard line and after three
exchanges of punts Taylor ran 20 yards.
Oregon made 27 yards more on a for
ward pass and then punted, Keck mak
ing fair catch on his own 27 yard line.
Kellogg then replaced Dan Mitchell,
who had a wrenched knee. After O.
A. C. made yardage ami an exchange
of kicks, Chuck Taylor intercepted an
Agric pass and it was Oregon’s ball on
her own 35 yard line. Both teams
(Continued on last page)