Sucrrtij Uraitil Society Brand and L System Clothes are the correct clothes for you as fhey are dignified yet stylish and have a certain hang and snap about them that distinguishes the fellow who wears them from the one v/ho don’t. THE NEW L SYSTEM Coats are made to appeal to the college fellow who wants something different, by having a broad military shoulder and loose, easy hang, while the trousers are made big and peggy. THE NEW SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES are classy, yet dignified; coats made plain, but with .harp, clear lines. The paten'ed “PERMANENT CREASE” in all Society Brand trousers appeals to yaung fellows. Correct College Clothes $15.00 to $40.00 Correct Evening Clothes Blue Serges, Blacks, Blue Blacks, and Dark Worsteds i 1 large variety of styles and qualities, as well as Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits made by people who know tailoring as an irt. Evening- Clothes $20 to $60 Overcoats and Raincoats in all new models and every late fabric, Your Clothes Pressed Once a We?k for One Year by Fine Experienced Tailor Absolutely Free S. H. FRIENDLY COLLEGE CLOTHIER, HATTER AND FURNISHER 5 to $40 CITY WATER AT LAST TO BE USED AGAIN Alter a lapse of four years, during uliieli first boiled and then unboiled "'ell water was used exclusively in the buildings at ihe I Diversity of Oregon, the administration office lias at last de cide! to go back to the old beverage dispensed In the municipality as the of lieial "city water ' \ew pipes are be ing installed in all the buildings and '-peek'd basins and fittings are already in place, I lie experience of the university with city water and with the water question has furnished some exciting history in the past few years. In 1905 a great typhoid epidemic broke out in the citv ol Kiigeue, during which the University of (begun seemed likelv to he com pletely depopulated, I'hey decided to take no chances and began boiling all wan r used for drinking on the campus. \s the scare gradually blew over, they beeame less strict and finally went back tii well water straight. Ihit al though (Jure has been little typhoid for three years and almost everyone is now using it, the- old prejudice kept the city water out until the present year. It wa decided when school opened to begin using city water again but not until the past week could the required plumbing be installed. When tin- water did so much damage four years ago it was pumped partly from the river and partly from a shal low well on the bank and was dispensed by a private company \ovv the plant is owned and operated by the city government and the old well, from which all physicians declared that the aernts originated, is no longer used Ihe water is either (tumped from the river or from some wells across the river, no one apparently knowing pre cisely which It is also claimed that the water is well filtered before enter ing the pipes Two Nights for Senior Play _ I he committee in charge of the Sen ior Play has decided that it will be given on two nights in order to accom odate better the large crowd that an nually packs every inch of the Eugene 1 heatre. On former years the play has been staged so late that it was dif ficult to find time for more than one production. Accordingly, while no definite date has yet been decided upon, it is the intention if possible to present this year's play some time in January. I he committee is hard at work look ing for possible plays. Professor Glen has suggested a classical play and it is probable that the class will fall in line with the idea. If they succeed in find ing one that scores the unexampled hit of the "College Widow" last year when hundreds were turned away at the door, the treasurer says that he may be able to get along with a material reduction of the tax that he first thought would he necessary to successfully finance the closing year of 1910. As an alternate, in case the classical da\ idea is not satisfactory, the com mittee have sent to an eastern company lor s uuples oj three well known plays, from which they may choose one to use here I he final decision in the matter, however, will not he made for some time. Cap Edict Effective I lie proposal ot the upper classmen to ignore all freshmen who do not wear green caps has resulted in a much fetter compliance with the rules dur ing the last lew days. All freshmen trom the club houses are also forbidden by the members to wear hats. It is said that one or two local stu dents are ■'till recalcitrant, however, and tlu\ are being noted. After Mon day no one will even speak to them when passing. OREGON’S CONGRESSMAN TO ADDRESS ASSEMBLE Representative Willis C. Hawley of the second Oregon Congressional Dis trict, will speak at the student assembly next Wednesday morning on the sub ject of “How a Committee in Congiess Does Its Work." The oppoitunily af forded for the students to learn at iirst hand from one who knows, of the actual workings of our legislative system, will be something that few will care to miss and the attendance will probably be one of the largest of any assembly thus far held this year. Special musical numbers will complete tbe piogram. Mr. Hawley is serving his second term at Washington ai d is considered one of the ablest men that evei repre sented the state. Previous to his elec tion, he was professor of history in Willamette University at Salem, where his students showed great appreciation for his services. Students Work Prof os- tors \ In locating their practice railroad from Eugene to the highest point in Hendrick’s Park, the class in railroad surveying is making rapid progress ow ing to the presence of several students who have had practical experience in railroad work. These men, it is said, take the work in hand and keep the instructors so busy making and driving stakes that they have not time to hold things back. 1 he class last year could only run one preliminary line became, having all the rudiments to learn, they were kept back by the constant ne* essity of refer ence to instructors and needless delays over tribes. 1 his year they are already starting on the second preliminary line and expect to run the final location line before the year is over. , Klosche Tillacum Entertains Dining the past week, the Klosche Tillacum girls were visited by Mrs. T. A. Knott of Chicago. Mrs. Knott is a Delta Delta Delta of Northwestern. The K. T.s entertained for her Tues day evening by a dinner party. The guests were: President Campbell, Professor Dunn, Professor Howe, Prof essor Sweetser, Dr. Sheldon, Dr. Gil bert. Mr. Tiffany, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Howe, Mrs. Sweetser, Mrs. Sheldon and Miss Pennell. On Wedneslay evening a five hundred j arty was given. The guests were Messrs. Calvin Sweek, Cecil Espy, Hal Bean, Wilbur Schumacher, Chester Moores. William Mott, Frank Stern, Gerald Eastham, Alonzo Perkins, Mel \ in Ogden, Leon Farks, Carl Gabrielson, George White, Ben Williams, Fritz Dean, Lee Canfield, Edward Flynn and George Olten. Prizes were won by -Miss Clare Giboney and Mr. Chester Moores. Salad, ice cream and coffee were served by way of refreshments. Thursday afternoon a rec-.ptidn was given to town women, faculty women and University girls. The rooms were beautifully decorated with chrysanthe mums, rose berries and sword ferns. Pineapple ice and wafers were served in the dining room. Mrs. Knott, Miss Johnson, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Sweet ser, Mrs. Kuykendall and Miss Wil liams stood in the receiving line. The afternoon was pronounced a great suc cess. Mrs. Knott left Thursday evening on ■ he five-thirty train. She is on her way to Seattle where she will assist at the installation of the Washington Chapter of Delta Delta Delta. All students using the Library are re quested to register at the loan desk, if they have not already done so. Miss Ermel Miller is spending the week’s end in Portland. OREGON ADOPTS PROF FRINK’S TRIGONOMETRY Professor F. G. Frink, head of the department of Railroad Engineering at the University of Oregon, is joint au thor with Arthur G. Hall, professor of mathematics at the University of Mich igan, of a text hook on Trigonometry that is being adopted by many of the large Universities in the United States. The freshmen engineering students at the University of Oregon will begin using the book next semester. Professor Frink has just received word from Henry Holt & Co., the pub lishers, that the new text has already been adopted by the Universities of Chi cago, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, and a number of smaller universities and colleges. Nine hundred copies are re quired at the University of Illinois alone. Professor De Cou, head of the math ematics department, who recommended the book for use at Oregon, says that it is an excellent text; simple, but well written. However, it will not be used in the three hour mathematics course because it is felt that these studnets, not being engineers who intend to con tinue the study, should use a more complete work. 1 he new book is briefer than most trigonometries and the fact has caused much comment. For example, it is criticized because it does not work out the transformation of the functions of two angles. Professor De Cou, how ever, says that it. is just as well for the engineering students to master these formulae when they study calculus. Besiles. he says that the Engineering Department should say when it wants students to take up any part of their work, so, while he will insist on the more advanced texts for the other stu dents, he will permit the engineers to use the new book.