OREGON EM6RAED UNIVERSITY OF OREGON VOLUME 11 EUGENE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10, 1909 No. 13 DRAMATIC CUB WILL PLAY “A LIKELY STORY” CAST IS CHOSEN FOR WIL LIAM D. HOWELL’S CLEVER SKETCH First Play of fthe Year Promises to Furnish Fun for All—Miss Burgess Will Coach Actors. “A Likely Story is the title of the lirst. sketch which the Dramatic Cub will produce this year. 1 he program committee has announced the follow ing cast : Mrs. Campbell. Jennie Lilly.. Mr. Campbell.Ronald Kennedy Mr. Welling.Mr. Murphy Miss Greenway.Helena Hughes Miss Rice.Helen Beach Maid., Jane.TCIsie Seachrist This sketch will he put on between the Thanksgiving and Christmas vaca tions. William 1). Howells is its au thor. anil like most of Howell’s sketches, it is humorous and lively. Miss Burgess will probably coach for its production. Sophomores at Y. M. C. A. 'i he Men’s Meeting on Friday evening has been turned over to the sophomores, and Sweeney who has charge of the meeting has arranged a brief but inter esting program for the occasion. Five minute talks will he given 011 various phases of the Y. M. C. A. by four of the sophomores. Cash will speak on "The Y. M. C. A. as a Student Enterprise.” Walls will talk about "The Work the Y. M. C. A. lias Done in Other Institutions.” Os terholm will tell "How Much 1'ime Should Be Reasonably Given to Y. M. C. A. Work.” Sweanoy will close this part of the program with a few re marks on “The Effect of Active Y. M. C. A. Work in the Lift of a Student." A violin duet has been arranged for by Roscoe Lyons and Beuford Roach. Although the ittendance has not been very prompt, the meeting will be called at seven sharp so that it may be' dis missed at 7:50. Decide Yell Content. The yell and song contest will actual ly be decided this evening. After hear ing the different contributions in real practice last Saturday, the committee be lieve they are able to judge, and their report will be made tonight. The yells and songs which appeared most acceptable, have been printed free of charge, by the Eugene Register of fice, and it is presumed that the report will contain most of the specimens in the yell book. Grand Opera for Glee Club. The Glee Club is working on a sketch that gives promise of being the great est hit in years. The sRetch is entitled “Fire in a brat" and is a screaming burlesque on grand opera. 1 he words are from the pen of .Geo. Ade and the SCHEDULE PREPARED FOR DEBATE TRYOUTS At a meeting of the Oratory and De bate committee Monday afternoon it decided to hold the tryouts for the Ore gon-Utah debate during the two weeks following the 1 hanksgiving vacation un der the following rules: 1 here will be four tryouts—the first on Tuesday yevening, November 30; the second on Friday afternoon. December 3; and the remaining two on the same days of vhe following week. Every man will appear in every tryout, only the judges and two other contestants being present to hear each speaker, hive minutes has been set as the limit for the speeches, but this may he extended in the last tryouts if the judges deem it advisable. At these tryouts two men will be chosen to represent Oregon against I'tali on January 14th and they may also lie given places in final tryout for the triangular teams, in which only eight men take part. The short time limit was made necessary because of the large number who will try out, over thirty having already signified their in tention of doing so. The order in which the men will appear has been arranged so that each will hear the opponent preceding him, answer that argument, and then listen to the op | ponent following him to sec- where, if at all, his own argument is refuted. In irder to prevent one speaker from al ways answering the same argument, they .vill be shifted in each tryout. This •will also avoid the chance of one man meeting a strong or weak argument in every case. The order in the first ;ryout will he determined by lot. '1 he judges for the contest will be Coach Buchen, Professor DeCou, Pro fessor Glen, Professor Sheldon and Dr. Gilbert. Each debater will be left free to choose his own side. He may change at any time, may vary his speeches, or always follow the same argument. In short, he will be the sole nidge of how to impress the judges nost forcibly and convince them of his ability'. ___ . _ Calendar Wednesday, Xovember 1()— Eutaxian Literary Society, 7 p. m., Library. German Club, 8 p. m., Avavia House. Thursday, Xovember 11— .Meeting of Senior Git Is. 4 p. m., Vi Hard Hall. Triday, Xovember 12— Promenade Concert, 8 p. m., Vil lard Hall. Y. M. C. A., 7 p. m„ Heady Hall. Engineering Club, 8 p. m., Mc Clure Hall. Emersonian Club, 8 p. m., Heady Hall. Saturday, Xovetflber 13— L uirean Society, 7 p. ni.. Heady Hall. Philologian Society, 7 p. in., Mc Clure Hall. musical setting was done by a lady in Chicago. The number was procured by ’! homas Burke through his aunt, Mrs. \ homas Carrick Burke, of Baker Cite. It Has never been played before. I'he roles will he sung by Burke, Gush er. Frazier, and Vaughter. Probably Prof. Glenn will be persuaded to take a star role. OREGON TEAM PREPARES FOR IDAHO CONTEST MEN ARE IN GOOD FORM AND EXPECT TO WIN FROM RIVALS Game WTill Show Comparative Strength of Varsity Team Be side Washington, Whitman and W. S. C. The Oregon football team will Imre tomorrow for Portland for the big game with the University of Idaho. Tins will be Oregon's first game with a confer ence college this season and should give the critics a chance to compare her strength with that of Washington, Whitman, W. S. C, and somewhat with O. A. C. Contrary to the haid luck stories in some of the daily papers, the Oregon team is not made up ■>! cripples" nui expects to give a good account of itself. Coach Forbes has not ‘been for md to abandon his system." Fa is going right ahead with it and will make tew changes in the regular line up. The students have confidence in h s ability and say they will back his methods to the finish. Thanks to Trainer 11 ay warn, every man on the team is in the p m< of con dition with the exception of a few minor bruises. In spite of the unpropitious weather, they have been working i.aider than ever this week, the competition be ing especially keen for pi ices. Coach Forbes has he t specializing on team work and will cut down 'hr squad to about seventeen men, as lias mum Ins intention all along as soon as the pre liminary games were played. Latourette is in his old position at quarter and will probably remain there me rest ot the season. Captain Clarke ins been moved to bis half back position where his weight is most advantageous By Sat urday the team will be m .added int o as good a scoring machine as has ever represented the University. Idaho has had hard luck this year, but it is well known that the team itself 'S weak and has no chance for the cham pionship. Washington, Whitman and W. S. C. all overwhelmed them, and though they put up a good fight In the last game, they were unable to hold out in the second half. Ludstrom, jewel I and Thornton are till back in the game now and they are probably somewhat stronger in team work, although 'hc.v can hardly he fully recovered from that terrible struggle last Friday night with W. S. C. Considering all the factors, then— conceding that Idaho is stronger than formerly, but remembering that Oregon should also he further along than were Washington and Pullman, those who are speculating on Oregon’s chances feel that if she is in line for the champion ship, she shoud run up a fair score against her rivals in Portland. Wash ington's score was fifty to nothing. This was not all deserved perhaps, yet all admit that if Oregon is to hop for victory against I) Tie's men on Thanks giving day, her team must run up a good score against Idaho. The two MORAL BOYCOTT ON UNRULY FRESHMEN A moral boycott is to be started next week on all freshmen who refuse to wear the green caps. This was de cided last night at a meeting of repre sentative men from all the clubs, and fraternities and from the Dormitory, All the houses agreed to see that their freshmen wore caps and then it was felt that the outsiders would have to fall in line. It is said that most of the opposition comes from Eugene students. beginning next Monday, every freshman wearing a hat will be quietly ignored by all the upper class - men. It was also agreed that the green cap rule should not apply at rallies and games if the freshmen wore root er's hats. On all other occasions, how ever, no one will speak to a freshman unless he wears a green cap. Co-eds Will Debate. (iirls of Oregon and Washington are rejoicing over the fact that the facul ties of the two institutions have given their consent for an inter-state Co-ed debate. Manager Steele iconfcring with the Washington debate manager over tin' terms of a two-year contract. If the debate is held this year it will be in Seattle some time in the spring. 1 here is little doubt that satisfactory terms can be agreed upon though it may take a little time to arrange all details. Manager Augevine of Wash ington wrote last week that they fa vored the debate but asked that each institution should have half the ex pense. Inasmuch as this year Oregon will be under a heavy financial burden and next year under a very light bur den Manager Steele preferred to make a two-year contract for Washington to finance the debate this year and Ote goti next year. 1 le has not yet re ceived a reply in the matter. The institutions have never held such a contest. Last year it was suggested by Washington, but the Oregon faculty objected to the plan. This year there seems to he on such objections. The girls believe that they have a right to represent the University in some line of activity, and look upon debating as their best opportunity. The Eutaxian Society is strongly in favor of it and is said to contain many worthy de baters. I he question and arrangements for selecting the team will be deter mined later. teams will line up as follows Saturday: Oregon. .Mitchell (188) Bailey (236) Position. Idaho. C. Jewell (177) L. (,. R. Stokesbury (’85) Capt. (lilies (188) R. G. L. Hayes (198) Pinkham ( 175) L. T. R. Williams (195) Main (176) R. I . L. Dosett (175) Michael ( 172) 1.. Is. R. Rdmundson (140) Hickson (160) R. K (..Armstrong (147) Clark (182) L. ! 1. R.Thornton (166) Latourette (157) ij. Perkins (150) Taylor ( 164 ) R. I I. L.Lundstrom( 150) Walker (166) P Hillman (170) Average weight—Oregon, (179); line, (189); hacks, (172). Average weight—Idaho, (171); line, (173); hacks, (170). Oregon substitutes— Kellogg, Storie, Scott, Sullivan, McKinley, Dodson, Kiltz. Idaho substitutes—Bennett, Cook, Montgomery. ■i NEW CUSTOM— SOPHOMORE HOUR PROVES SUCCESS ASSEMBLY TURNED OVER TO 1912, WHO RENDER FINE PROGRAM Large Crowd Only Complains That Time Is Too Short— Speeches Made and Much Spirit Manifested. I hi' Sophomore class initiated a new custom in the University of Oregon, this morning—a "class hour" at which the Class of 1912 took full charge of the regular student assembly, and the entire program was furnished by its members. I he musical numbers, consisting of a piano solo by Raphael (icislcr, a vocal solo by Miss Alma l’ayton, and a trom bone solo by l\. Hums Powell, were ex ceptionally line and all received enthu siastic encores. Ralph Moores delivered a short address on "Class Spirit," draw ing a very pointed moral for the benefit of the underclassmen and appealing to them to uphold the traditions of the University and not to let themselves be known as the first class that ever llew in the face of student opinion in the University of Oregon. The entire program was received with the heartiest appreciation by the stu dents who attended, and their applause seemed to show that they thoroughly agreed with the sentiments of Benjamin Williams, president of the student body, who said later, "It was line, and the only possible fault I can line! with it is that there wasn't near enough of it.” It is the purpose of the students to continue the custom initiated by the class of 12, each class taking upon itself at some one of the student assemblies during the year, the work of preparing and giving a program. After the close of the Sophomore pro gram, R M. Alton, who had presided, turned the assembly over to the student body for a short football rally Dean Coodman, manager of the team, made a plea for a revival of the real “Oregon Spirit” which, he declared, appeared to be .almost lacking in the support that the student: accorded their football team that represented them. He appealed to the men of the University to turn out on every possible occasion and do all in their power to make their team feel that they were really hacking it. “The team,” lie said, "is discouraged with the lukewarm support it is receiving, and Trainer I l.ayward, who is usually about as optimistic a man as one can lind, told me yesterday that the players were thinking serioush of disbanding if the support from the students continued as half-hearted as it has been thus far." He called upon the men of the Univer sity to come out on Saturday mornings and assist in the completion of the new bleachers in time for the game against (). A. C. I he bleachers on the north side of the held have been promised to the rooters who are to come from Cor -, .. i ( Continued on hist page.)