Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 30, 1909, Image 1

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No. 10
Satisfactory Work By Oregon
Team in First
Heavy Field Prevents Fast Play
But Weight Is Used to Crush
Opponents in Gruelling Game.
i> Record of Oregon-Willam- |j
' ette Games
1895, Oregon, 8
i 1895, Oregon, 6
<*> 1903, Oregon, 37
1904, Oregon, 16
1905, Oregon, 11
^ 1906, Oregon, 4
* 1907, Oregon, 11
1908, Oregon, 15
Salem, Oct. 30—Oregon won the first
regular game of the season this after
noon, defeating Willamette University
29 to 0. The field was heavy and fast
playing impossible.
The line-up:
Oregon. Position Willamette
M itchell .C.Blackwell
Kellogg Winslow
Gilles, Harding R. G. L.Belknap
Storie, Bailey.. . .L. G. R.Reeves
Henderson, Main R. T. L.Wesley
Scott, Pinkham . .L. T. R.Hamilton
Hickson, Kiltz .. R. E. L.Low
Dodson, Michael L. E. R.Sullivan
Lattourette, Clarke . Q.Booth
'I ay lor, Sullivan R. H. L.Cummins
McKinley, Huston L. H. R. .. McMackin
Walker .F.Rader
O. A. C. Surprises Whitman
Whitman College, Oct. 29, (Special)—
In what was undoubtedly the most dis
tinct surprise of the season, the heavy
team from the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege completely outplayed the local team
this afternoon, defeating them by the
decisive score of 10 to 6, which repre
sents very well their relative strength.'
Whitman showed more speed and bet
ter form in the open play, but could not
use their advantage on the heavy field.
They stood no chance whatever in
straight football.
During the first half Whitman fought
desperately and it required twenty min
utes for the heavy O. A. C. backs to
work the ball within scoring distance.
Both goals were missed.
In the second half the Whitman team
was plainly worn out and could not keep
up the pace. It required only four min
utes for the visitors to negotiate their
second touchdown. Immediately after
the ball wras in play again, Borleske
caught a punt and made a sensational
{run through a scattered field for a
tochdown. He kicked goal, making the
score 10 to 6.
Whitman had one more chance to
score when Fee caught a forward pass,
The wagon bridge across the river at
Springfield is unsafe or nearly so, ac
cording to Professor Frink’s class in
Bridge Design, which inspected the
Springfield bridges Wednesday. They
found that the roller bearing for taking
up expansion wa out of order, which
causes greater stress in the members
of the trusses than they are designed
for. They also found that the bridge
vibrates excessively because of the rigid
ness of the joints and the lack of rigid
ity of the tension members, thereby
causing more undue stresses in .the
Th* rai'road bridge, however, is in
good shape, although it is somewhat out
of date. The plate-girder bridges across
the mill race at opringfield, too met
with the approval <>f the class. These
bridges are proper!/ designed and cared
While inspecting the plate-girder
bridges someone stole Professor Frink’s
overcoat, which he had left on the rail
ing of the wagon bridge.
Requiescat in Pace
Rowdy was a good dog. The past
tense is used advisedly, for last Sun
day morning while the church bells
were pealing, his young soul flitted dog
heaven-ward. Perhaps by this time he
is barking an accompanyment to the
music of the spheres—another dog star
Till his young career was so untimely
cut short he belonged to “Bill” Hay
ward and as a good dog should, fol
lowed obediently at his master’s heels,
guarded his master’s house, and
growled at his master’s enemies, if in
deed Bill ever had any.
Rowdy was a bull terrier and a likely
looking pup—age, two years. He suf
fered from some mysterious disease.
He received medical attention regularly
and it was at the veterinary’s that he
The class in topographic sur/eying
has planted three permanent monuments
near Mechanical Hall, from which to
make astronomical observation^. 'I hese
points are steel pins imbe!de\ m a
solid block of concrete two feet deep.
within 5 yards of the visitor’s goal, but
he was downed n his tracks and their
line held like a wall.
O. A. C. played safe after getting in
the lead and rested easy on their ad
vantage. Keck and Bergman played a
star game behind the little midget Rey
nolds and Captain Borleske once more
distinguished himself by playing about
the whole game for the locals.
The teams lined up as follows:
O. A. C. Position Whitman
Dunn .C.s.. Clemen
Hawley .L. G. R.Matthews
Sendart, Wallace R. G. L.Morrow
Evenden, Davis..L. T. R.Neil
Dinges.R. T. L.Wilson
Huntley .L. E. R.Fee
Breithaupt .R. E. L.Lewis
Gilbert, Reynolds .. Q.Belt
Bergman .R. H. L.Cox
Endburg .L. H. R.Borleske
Keck .F.Dresser
Referee—Hockenbury, Portland. Um
pire—Cutts, Harvard.
Names of Those Trying Out Are
Due Week From
Two Contests for Oregon This
Year—One at Eugene—Inter
Collegiate Is Goal of Beginners
One week from next Monday all who
intend to enter the tryout for the In
ter-collegiate Oratorical contest must
hand their names to the committee on
oratory and debate. On December 11
the preliminary tryout takes place to
select iive orators to enter the final con
test on January 28th. One of these
will then be chosen to represent Ore
gon at Salem early in March.
The University of Oregon will enter
two oratorical contests this year: The
"State Inter-collegiate” and the “Inter
state Oratorical.” Any regular student
of the university is eligible to try out
and is free to choose his own subject.
The representative in each is awarded
the official oratory “O”. The limit of
words in the former oentest is 1,500 and
in the latter, 2,000. All orations must
be typewritten and placed in the hands
of the committee two weeks before any
The Inter-state Oratorical contest,
between the Universities of Idaho,
Washington, and Oregon, will be held
in Eugene this year about the first of
May. The preliminary tryout will be
held on February 3rd and the finals on
February 18th. Contestants must hand
in their names before the second Mon
day in January. This contest is the
goal of all orators in the university.
It is the big oratorical affair of the
year, and this year especially because it
is to take place in Eugene. Cash prizes
of 75 and 25 dollars are given to the two
first place men.
For this very reason, however, the
Inter-collegiate contest is more favora
ble to beginners. Many of the older
men will not try out for it because
their time is taken up in football and
debate. These men will all be ready
for the Interstate contest, leaving small
chance for beginners.
B. H. Williams represented Oregon
last year in the Inter-state contest and
is the only veteran left in the univer
sity. He lays much emphasis on the
fact that l ew men should take advan
tage of the Inter-collegiate contest to
gain experience for the larger one.
Students from University of Oregon
who are enrolled at Yale are Fred Kerr,
Lloyd Mayer and Sam May.
Kerr is in the Yale Forest School and
is preparing himself for the government
service. Fie spent the past summer in
the woods near Milford, Penna., get
ting practical experience. His course
will take about three years, at the con
clusion cf which time he will be quali
fied to take a lucrative position.
Cary V. Loosley, Manager of the 1910
Oregana, has been forced to discontinue
his course at the University on account
of his eyes. He will leave for his home
in Klamath Falls tonight.
The yell and song contest was to
have closed last Wednesday, but owing
to lack of material, the committee de
cided to extend the time to Friday
night. The committee in charge are
disappointed with the songs, and the
yells are not as good as was expected.
These yells will be printed as soon
as possible, and by Thursday evening
there will be copies distributed among
the rooters in the grand stand. Yell
Leader Alton, earnestly requests every
student to get out and learn the yells
and songs. Alton said today: "If we
expect to compete favorably with O. A.
C., who no doubt, will outnumber us
ten to one, we must have practice. No
more than twenty rooters have been
consistently getting out to yell.”
The roar of battle grows louder each
hour as the braves of the Sophomore
and freshmen classes strenuously train
for the coming game. After a long
"pow wow” between the two chiefs last
Wednesday, it was decided to settle
their differences Thursday evening on
Kincaid field. The two teams are even
ly matched and a good game is assured.
The individual players on both teams
have all had experience in football.
There is some talk of a peace confer
ence at Alton’s after the game—the
peace pipe to be filled at the expense
of the losing team.
To Hold Alumni Reunion
Are the members of the Oregon
Alumni boing to keep the ties that held
them together in former years or will
they dfirt apart? This is a question
the senior often asks himself as the
time for graduation approaches.
Melisa Hill, ’01, has conceived a
unique idea for renewing old acquaint
ances that will be of especial interest
in this reard. On her farm at Castle
Rock, Oregon, she is keeping a careful
record of old graduates, where they go,
and what changes occur in their names.
She also has on file the names of any
children they may have.
She intends to hold an alumni re
union just after each commencement,
when all graduates will be expected to
make themselves at home and live on
the delicious cream from her live Jer
sey cows that she keeps especially for
that purpose. Every one is extended
a hearty invitation to visit her.
Saturday, October 30—
Laurean Society, 7 p. m„ Deady
Philologian Society, 7 p. m., Mc
Clure Hall.
Sunday, October 31—
Professor Schaefer, 11 a. m.,
Methodist Church.
Monday, November 1—
Tuesday, November 2—
Wednesday, November 3—
Assembly, Professor Terrill, 10
a. m., Villard Hall.
Eutaxian Society, 7 p. m., Library.
Concerts and Oratorios Will Be
Given During Year.
Music Department Has Many
Good Singers—Gratifying Re
sults Will Follow Earnest Work
A woman’s Choral club and a large
mixed chorus of from sixty to one hun
dred picked voices are to he organized
at the University this year under the
direction of the School of Music. They
will he used for oratorios and concerts
during the early spring.
Miss Kva Stinson of the music de
partment, who is going to organize the
woman's chorus, intends to start work
within the next few days. She believes
that she lias already found a number
of exceptionally line voices and expects
to give a concert in the spring and pos
sibly an operatta.
Prof. I. M. (lien. Dean of the School
of Music, will organize and take per
sonal charge of the mixed chorus.
They will study chorals and probably
give an oratorio later on in the year.
In speaking of the chorus. Professor
Glen said, “There are enough good
voices in the university to make a large
chorus. .Many students have come to
me asking for such an organization and
if they will assure me that they will
come regularly and take an interest in
the work, I will be glad to direct them."
Junior Executive Committee
The president of the junior class has
appointed the following members on his
executive, committee: Calvin Sweek,
Cecil Kspy, Mary Stiewer, Ada Coffey,
and Percy Collier.
Mr. Terrill, of the local Y. M. C. A.,
formerly head of the department of
mining in the University of Oregon, will
deliver an address at the student as
sembly next Wednesday. No definite
arrangements have yet been majie for
the assembly on the succeeding Wednes
day, November 10, but suggestions have
been made that it be taken by the stu
dents for a student program and rally.
II. Williams president of the Student
Kody, says that he hopes that arrange
ments may be made definitely for such a
meeting before the time of the foot
ball game with the (). A. C, for the
purpose of stirring up “Oregon Spirit”
for the big event.
The executive committee of the
freshmen class, in a meeting Tuesday
evening, condemned the action of the
members of their class who, through
ignorance of the customs at the Uni
versity, painted their class numerals on
the grand stand.
Marean llurd, ex-’lO, and Austin P.
Farrington, ex-’ll, have prepared them
selves for the examinations for forest
ranger. They have already been at
work for some time, gaining practical
experience in the rough and remote
Lane County woods.