Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, September 29, 1909, Image 1

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Prospectj for Football, Track and
Baseball Discussed and Student
Body Activity is Stimulated—
Hayward Given Ovation.
♦J* <£+ *5* *£• «£♦ *£»
* 4
❖ Program 4
❖ 4
❖ 4
* Introductory—President Campbell. 4
4 Old Oregon—Geo. Hug. 4
4 Football—Captain Clarke. 4
4 Football—Manager Goodman. 4
4 Oratory and Debate—C. W. Rob- 4
4 ‘ 4
* ison. 4
Glee Club—Arthur Geary. ^
4 Baseball—Harper Jameson.
4 Publications—W. C. Nicholas. ^
4 Track—Cecil Espy. 4
4 Track—Bill Mayward. 4
4 The Spirit of Old Oregon—Prof.
4 Glen. 4
Splendid enthusiasm and a general get
together spirit characterized the mon
ster student body rally held in Villard
Hall this morning. Songs, speeches and
rousing cheers furnished an excellent
program that did not drag once during
the entire hour which it lasted.
“Get the Oregon Spirit,” said George
i lug, and the following speakers echoed
the command. Time and again was the
injunction repeated. Fervently, earn
estly, heatediy, did they plead with the
freshmen to support their university and
the rooters followed with a cheer for
each man.
"The Oregon Spirit is love for Ore
gon, reverence for her ideals, desire to
work for her, sacrifice yourself for her,”
said Professor Glen. “When she needs
it, yell for her; when necessary, keep
still for her; stand up for her or sit
down for her as occasion demands.”
“Even our rivals admire our spirit,”
said Hug in closing. “Every college
man in the Northwest thinks most of
Oregon outside of his own college. The
Oregon Spirit is the spirit of democ
racy; honor and cherish it.”
“Prospects are bright for a winning
football team,” said Dudley Clarke, “but
the freshmen must get out if the record
is kept up in other years.”
“And the debaters are just as full of
fight as the football and track men,”
added Robison, speaking on oratory and
Manager Espy of the track team paid
a fine tribute to Bill Hayward, calling
him the peer of any trainer in the
Northwest. "Oregon,” said he, “can
not offer Hayward as much money as
can some other colleges, but he stays
because he loves her spirit. Keep up
the Oregon Spirit or we will lose him.”
President Williams introduced Hay
ward as the “greatest trainer in the
West,” and as he rose to speak he was
greeted by a burst of applause that last
ed several minutes, the like of which
has never been seen on the Oregon
campus. And when he sat down the
(Continued on last page)
Mr. Adrian, of California, represent
ing the Teachers’ Institute, delivered a
lecture before a large audience in Vil
lard Hall, Monday night on "Luther
Burbank and His Wonderful Work.”
A personal acquaintance and an ard
ent admirer of Mr. Burbank, his ad
dress was strong in features of human
interest and his characterization of the
gentle wizard of horticulture was at
tractive in the extreme.
In describing the methods of selection
employed by Mr. Burbank to achieve
his remarkable results, Mr. Adrian ex
hibited a number of specimens of the
plants which he had originated. Among
these was an obpect of especial interest;
the new thornless, fruit-bearing cactus,
which seems likely to revolutionize the
agricultural industry of the world. Mr.
Adrian supplemented his lecture with a
number of tine stereopticon views on the
Burbank farm near Santa Rosa.
Vocal selections by Professor I. M.
Glen and two piano selections by Mr.
L. R. Geisler were given before the lec
ture, both being received with the
heartiest applause.
Coach Kelly, of the baseball team,
passed through 'Eugene on the 10th of
this month on his way south. He talked
enthusiastically of the outlook for base
ball next spring and spoke of several
new men of known ability that he was
expecting to have on the team. He will
take charge of the Oregon team about
April 1st.
-- - -_
Dr. Robert Carlton Clarke of the His
tory department, and Miss Anna Wal
lace were married at Clifton Heights,
Penn., September the eighth. The bride
was formerly a student at Bloomburg
Normal, where Dr. Clarke was an in
structor. They will be at home after
October first, at their apartments in
the St. Francis hotel.
Harry Paddock, ’07. Walter Berry,
’08, Leslie Miller, ’08, and Clarence
Stoddard, ’ll, were married during the
summer vacation.
Rousing songs and an interesting
speaker are the features of the Y. M.
C. A. men's meeting. A well known
man from Portland is scheduled for next
Thursday and a special quartet will fur
nish music.
A new venture of the association and
one that has thus far proved a decided
success is the- mploynrent Bureau.
Through personal solicitation among the
businessmen and advertisements in the
city papers, enough work has been se
cured to supply all demands. This de
partment will be continued throughout
the year. A bulletin board will be kept
in the Dormitory and students wishing
employment can secure it by inquiring
there or at the Y. M. C. A. office be
tween 10 and 11:30 and 1:3 Oand 3.
Four Veterans Return and Many
New Men Will Compete—So
cieties Begin Early—Interstate
Question Submitted.
Co-education is to be extended into
the held of forensics this year if the
plans of the Eutaxian society to ar
range for an intercollegiate debating
league are successful. Miss Marion
Stowe, president of the society, has ob
tained permission from President Camp
bell to send a team against any college
that may be willing to meet them, and,
inasmuch as the University of Wash
ington was very anxious to arrange for
such a debate last year, it is probable
that that institution will be given the
first opportunity. With the arrival of
a Wisconsin man as assistant in public
speaking and coach for the debating
teams, interest in t1 •• -Upartriert ha®
taken a surprising start. A determina
tion that opponents may have cause to
regret characterises the preparations that
Mr. Buchen is already making to win
back the interstate championship that
was lost two years ago. Besides a gen
eral course in extemporaneous speaking,
he is offering one especially for those
who intend to try for the team. The
regular team will hold practice debates
every day after it is selected.
An early step toward determining this
year’s question was taken last week when
the committee on oratory and debate,
under Mr. Buchen’s advisement, sub
mitted the proposition of federal incor
poration as Oregon’s choice. Washing
ton and Idaho have not yet expressed
their preference but manager Steele is
endeavoring to get from them an early
response, so that candidates may have
plenty of time to prepare for the try
Societies Active
All three literary societies are busy
with preparations for the year. The
Lanreans led off Saturday night with a
short meeting addressed by President
Campbell and Mr. Buchen both of whom
spoke enthusiastically but insisted on
hard work by each and every member.
Clarence Steele, '10, was elected presi
The Philologians will hold their first
meeting next Saturday evening at seven
o’clock. They have announced that they
want twelve freshmen who want to
work; no more. By thus limiting their
membership they expect not only to get
men of the best quality, but to give
them all thorough practice at least once
a month. Mr. Buchen will address the
meeting Saturday night, after which the
old members will take part in a short
extemporaneous debate.
Eutaxians Will Meet at Night
A revolution is to take place in the
management of the girl's society by the
arrangements Miss Stowe has made for
them to meet evenings, instead of after
(Continued o. last page) 1
i he faculty has undergone some im
portant changes since last year. Most
prominent is the installment of Profes
sor Thurbur in the English depart
ment to fill the vacancy created by the
resignation of Dr. Luella Clay Carson.
Professor Thurbur comes highly rec
ommended. Graduating from Yale in
1891, he studied one year in Paris and
then took his M. A. degree from Har
vard in 1894. Since then he has taught
in the Universities of Nebraska, Wis
consin, Missouri and Yale.
In the department of mining Prof.
Richard S. Grider will assist Professor
Barker. He is a former Oregon stu
dent, a graduate of the Coloradjo
School of Mines and has had twelve
years’ practical experience in the mines
of California.
A much needed addition to the faculty
is that of Dr. Bertha Stewart as physi
cal director for the women. She will
be established in the old gymnasium as
soon as the new one is opened for the
use of the men.
Professor Glen has an able assistant
in G. VV. Buchen of the University of
Wisconsin. He will also coach the de
bating teams, a position for which he
is well fitted by four years as an active
varsity debater and orator.
Oliver Huston will not be allowed to
run for Oregon this year on account of
the well known four year rule, the fac
ulty having decided last week that he
would come under its provisions. His
loss will greatly handicap the Oregon
team next spring but Hayward is al
ready considering plans for developing
his successor.
A new captain will be elected next
Monday afternoon. He will Take charge
of the fall training preparatory to the
track meet which is scheduled for Octo
ber 23.
Has Oregon a man for yell leader this
year ? The executive committee is un
able to decide, so is holding a practical
tryout each night, when candidates take
turns in demonstrating their ability.
"Tubby” Alton, R. Kennedy, and Arthur
Geary have each led the rooters for one
night. The leader for tomorrow (Thurs
day) is Roy Terry and for Friday is
“Doc” White.
A Bible Study campaign is being con
ducted this week by the Y. M. C. A.
Bulletins will be posted form day to
day giving the results. Two hundred
students is the mark set for this year,
and solicitors are around signing the
men up. A special rally will be held
Thursday night.
An enthusiastic crowd came to eat
doughnuts and coffee at the Y. M. C.
A. stag social Saturday night. Verner
Gilles, last year’s champion, won the
rooster fight. Short speeches were made
by President Campbell, B. II. Williams,
Harper Jameson, W. C. Nicholas and
Percy Collier.
Taylor, Scott and Grout Come to
Fill Depleted Ranks and All
Positions Are Contested.—Geo.
Hug Will Coach Linemen.
*<8*»J»*&*$*<£»»**♦>.♦■».}■ .
|j Football Schedule *
|j October 9: Oregon vs. Alumni at T
* Eugene. £
a October 30: Oregon vs. Willamette
at Salem. *
* November 6: Oregon vs. M. A. A. &
* C. at Eugene. ||
f November 13: Oregon vs. O. A. C. %
T at Eugene. *
* November 25: Oregon vs Wash- %
* ingon at Seattle. ||
"Prospects? Great!” This was Cap
Lam Clarke s answer when questioned as
to Oregon’s football chances this fall,
and the same opinion seems unanimous
among the rooters. Coach Forbes and
"Bill” are well satisfied with the out
look, though they .varn against over
As yet Kincaid field is too hard for
scrimmage, but the men are put through
daily signal practice while the bleechers
are lined with rooters. Geo. Plug, ’07,
is assistant coach, taking special charge
of the linemen. Clarke is kicking his
long spirals farther than ever, Pinkham
is in fine condition, full of his old fight
ing spirit, and Taylor is again making
those beautiful end runs that were the
feature of the Idaho game two years
Through a fortunate combination of
circumstances, thirteen of last year’s
team have returned. “Chuck” Taylor,
Glenn Scott, and Ben Grout—all mem
bers of the 1907 team—have also re-en
tered school, making the total number
with varsity experience sixteen. Be
sides, there are several new men that
are showing up well and, while they are
not certain of places, enough is known
of them to convince critics that they
fill make some of the old men work to
keep on the team.
About thirity candidates, all heavy and
fast enough to be in first team class,
make the competition keener each day.
Mitchell, a freshman from the Eugene
High School, Henderson and Apple
gate, are among the promising men out
for the line positions.
With old men like Pinkham, Gilles,
Voight, Grout and Main, as a nucleus,
this part of the field would seem to be
filled, but other places will be even
more hotly contested.
Kiltz, Dodson, Michael, and Hickson
of last year’s team, are trying for end,
and Kay, of Salem, and Broughton, of
Portland, are attempting to break into
this already o\er-crowded place. Lat
ourette and Chandler are again calling
signals, and Coach Forbes has recently
been trying “Chuck” Taylor in the po
(Continued on last page)