Poge 14 The Newi-Revicw Apartments for Rent 26 0N6 BEDROOM furnished downstairs apt. SS monlh. a754, after i pi". THREE ROOM furn. apt. mar An.W. iter: Apply 731 0. Vally N. 6. FUP.NISHED nlct larpa I BR apt., near Wards, all alec. a3-arr.. I . COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping fZ 4- I llpC unlls. wlncMslerjl(!09.VJl CU I I U IN CO UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom apt. Phon j-54u FURNISHED apt., water, garbage service fuDPF onflM (urn. aot. Water, oarb. pd. Gdn. Vly. Blvd. 1433 W W. Fairmont.) TWO BEDROOM apt, picture window, partly turn. Phone 473-3092. TWO BEDROOM apt., range, f el fig turn, untitle paid. Call 67.M536. UNFURNISHED 1 bdrm duplex apt. Elec. heat, carport. Aduitt. 1019 SE Roberta. SMALL furnished duplex, adult. Walking distance from town. $50 mo. Inquire at 124 Mosher. Phone 6a-ai4. f HREE NEW 1 bedroom apartments. $75; a mon n. wry, no cmnrvn o ii. 126$ Ne Stephen!. 6734305. nfw furnished aott. ready now. Maid and linen service available if desired. Hotel Umpqua. . TWO bedroom, unfurnished duplex apt. Clean, close in, on paved it reel, mo. Phone 473-42? Rooms (or Rent 27 LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms, also a 2 room apt. 672-1 SB I CLEAN comfortable sleeping rooms. 312 S.E. Stephens SLEEPING room. Gentleman. 817 SE Blakely. H block SE of Bus Depot NEW ROOMS Including telephone and linen service. eo par monin ano up. Hotel Umpqua, 6-wi. Room and Board 28 HOME AND cart for elderly people. Nice rooms, 5 nines sown. rn. o'j-yr. ROOM AND board. Delicious noma cook ing. Phone 473-797?. ROOM tnd board, lunches packed. MO per mon in. pnone e'J-iv. Houses for Rent 29 FURNISHED 1 bedroom house. Adulls. No dogs. 073-KW5. 4831 N. Stephens. WINSTON 2 bed. unlurn. Utility room, 145 a mo. Vacant 21st. 679-5133. SMALL 2 bedroom unfurnished Dixon, villa home. MO. 673-7J07. ONE TO FOUR Bdrm. homes for tarn!. Ilea or single) elderly. Phone 473-6548. WINSTON 3 bdrm.. unlurn., oil heat. Ca port, utn. room. sea. e73-z, ey.sue. FOR LEASE only. 2 bedroom modern home on live acres, inq. at tnrtr. NICE ONE bedroom house. US. Phone 673-4703 FURNISHED cabins, weekly rates, 4620 N. c. Stephens, pacific moiqi. TWO BEDROOM modern furnished col fade. Hall's Cottages, mile soulh ol suinernn, uia Hignway. FURNISHED one bedroom house, adulls only. $65. 530 nw Belnel. call 672 2870 after 6 p.m. LARGE t bedroom. Electric heat, fire- place, nice yard, close-In. 672.165 673-4072 alter 6 PM. TWO BEDROOM house, weslslde, S65. Also 2 houses on Calkins Road., unfurn Ished, need some repairs. 672-3178. TWO ADULTS to pioneer thru wet months In the counlryl Comfortable nome. pnone tu-Mfi. CLEAN unfurnished 2 bedroom house, on! paved tt. In Winston. $70, Ret. Req Inquire Dixie Auto Court, Winston. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house, Si I miles south, $35. Phone 673-4667. No. I aoiuraay cam, VriNSTON Unfurnished 2 bedroom dup lex, water and garbage paid. $50 peri monin, no aogs. rnone uij-tm, NEW MODERN 2 large bedroom home, I Insulated, bit inboard heal, close In, with garage, svo. Adults prat. Ret. req, write tsox si, ncwi kbvibw. FURNISHES CABINS. Utilities paid, t, Weekly rates or by tha monlh. Close1 to stores, bus line, Rowland Courts. m NE Slph,n3 M0" ara72-27C$. jONEf BEDROOM, furnished, wafer and. , garbage disposal supplied, at 2485 ul I emond Lake Blvd. Also 26' trailer , nou house for rent. UNFURNISHED small modern 2 bed room home, near Senior Hloh School, 160 per mo. Williamson Real Estate. Mobile Home Rentals 30 EXTRA NICE 1 or 2 BR modern turn, trailers. Adults only. Tlmbor Town Trailer Park, 2010 NE Stephens 672.3152. Mobile Home Parks . 3 1 SPACE for 35 Ft trailer, walking distance to town. 1431 SE 5horl SI. 673-7I05. TRAILER SPACE AVAILABLE Winchester Village 62.1945 Mobile Homes 32 Gl LLEY Trailer Sales FLEETWOODS COLUMBIA Travel Trailers By ARISTOCRAT Used Trailers - Supplies Complcto Trailer Insurance BANK FINANCING 980 NE Stephens 673-3356 (Formerly Earl Smith Trailer Homes! ALTERATIONS . SEWING COUPLE BREASTED lulls rt lWId to single. Ilt.ts, altrallons. T4H. APPLIANCE REPAIR MYT0 Ptrts Salts Strvlca Wa Strvlct All Homt Appliances BERGH'S APPLIANCE ?MMI BUILDERS.jCARPENTERS CARPENTRY, rtmodtllrig and rat7a!rV Harry E. Young. Ph. al3 4lf. R E MODE L iNGNo Tob "too" smaii, caibT ntls. carports, ntw construction. Win Itr rates. No bus. Sun. aJ-laM all. 4, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR - alto cablntt work. II Vtert ttptntnet. Frtt ttnmaitl. work guarantrtd. rt-.nrt. CUSTOM BUILT homts, ramodtls. cabin- tls. carports, garagts. Fret at!. IOC' finance. a;a-M5f. Grady Robtrson. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION repair and: elding. Pree estimates. Call Bob BoHMASONRY. fireplaces, veneer, none. 'ng at 4ff-U44 alter s p.m. I fiock. Free est Olvin Mergel. T 4is REMODELING HOUS! LEVELINO. new foundations.'. -, . ... . ... garages, carport.. Pree Est. loos ,,.! tXPFRT cement rk Side., k. d.iv.. naming. Gunler Conilrucllen irt nit , balk). Free estimates HI 3J4S. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS, cleaned . checked and repaired. Reasonable tic- es. All work guaranteed. Call PHt or '-Di.''"a' E'I'"t ERV'cli; k.vwvvweww.ivMww. ' IRI EQUIPMENT fire"extinguisher fates and ServKe l. B. Nalton sl NE Winchester Wed., Dec. 18, 1963 Mobile Homes 32 ANGELUS Troveleze New ond Used Trailers J & J TRAILED SALES 491 NE Garden Volley Blvd. . 672-3441 Don't Hunt Any Further For A New Home! Let RAINBOW Trailer Sales show you how easy you can move into a new mobile home with a low down payment and payments like rent. Your homo comes with all basic furnishings in cluding an ultra-modern kitchen. A home that lets you combine luxury with ec onomy. Drive out now to RAINBOW Trailer Sales on Old Hiway 99 North Winchester, Ore. 673-7272 Wo Also Have a Fine Selection of Used Trailers RELIABLE TOWING SITE for your dream home could be in "Lots ond Acreages". Take a look! Wiley's For Real Estate 5'ii ACRES IRRIGATED, 3 BR OLDER HOME MILE from Country Club. Fireplace, Cool Top furnace, shade trees, shrubs, very comfortahle home. Barn, chicken houses, shop. Irrigation system. V mile to school. Milk delivery, garbage service. 6 miles to Roscburg. $17,000. Will take clear house in town in trade. Must have at least Vt down. WEST-SIDE, 3 BEDROOMS, electric baseboard heat, fireplace. Paved street and city sewer. Close to Grade school. $16,900 $3600 down, F11A at $125. Immediate possession. EARL WILEY REAL ESTATE 1433 SE KANE Ph. 672-2629 " :'. (Go south on Main to Germond 2 blocks on Germond to our sign.) Roland Springer 673-3903. DECEMBER LISTINGS I 4,000.002 BEDROOM unfinished house on targe lot Eest of Kelly) cor ner, try $300 down and balance less than rent. Will consider trailer house trade. $19,100.003 ACRES of good tree soil with beautiful large trees. Two ex eel lent wells tor garden end yard. Situated on a knoll that gives a view to all points ol the compass. With this Is a largo, 3 bedroom home, lovely built-in kitchen, large living room, dining room, family room with built-in bar-b-cue, oil Cool Top ' turnace, fireplace, double garage, large doubit carport. Let us show you this lovely country home. $17,000.00 FHA APPRAISED 3 down or nothing down to qualified Federal Gl veteran. Threo bedroom, dining room, large living room with fireplace, nice kitchen, large fat I ached single garage. B0 x 6 toot lot. Located on paved street, sewer and Roberts Creek wa ter district. $23,500.00 LARGE 4-bcdroom home, 2 full baths, formal dining room, fam ily room, living room with fireplace, oil furnace, full basement large beautifully landscaped lol, covered patio with fenced in back yard. Located close In on East Lane. 119 91 ACRES. NEW LISTING. 2 older houses, one Is rented at S50 per monlh. This ranch is located two miles East of Roscburg in Glide (low tax) school district. 23 of land Is level rest Is rolling, most all of It Is cionred. Sub-dlvlslon possibility in this prop erty, 121,500 00 wilh $6000.00 down. I 4,200.00 4 ACRES, city water available, nice viow, located across (tee way from the lair grounds, good terms. Stevenson Realty 967 S. E. PINE ST. DvSpain 673-5177 Stcdmun GARDEN fQUUMENT Sales-Service-Parts SMALL AIR COOLED ENGINES Jacobion Mowers Rolo-Hoe Tillers Brlggs 1 Stratton Clinton Lauson Pover ProOucttWltconiln, Etc. Le Bleu Motors 3lt S E. Jackson uyniT HEARING AIDS HENRY A. KIRKLANO-CertTlled" Hear ing Aid Auttlo'oglsl. Seivlce on all make, of hearing aids Pnont at.Mi?4 HEATING EQUIPMENT " KOCKY S OIL HEATER " SERVICE' Repairs on all makes of oil heaters. Call Rocky .S, "Jum; i tturiv PAVING PAINTING, DECORATING Painting. Taping I. Te.ture By hour, lob or anything of valve All work guaranteed. Free estimates. Phone l.tl-44,. Glendale PLUMBING LICF Nut O PLUVHFR. "yll . lar son Rn , Rt Dot tt.i Can are-s).; emvwv.mU. RUBBER STAMPS DO CO Rubber Stamp' Sirpntv, PO Bo. atl sn-'ja? Usually overnight service C ASmIsTaS . Yioo7si hTrT you use a Omsilicd Ail to sfll orl.clcs. Dial 672-332 1 to plocg o tost octmq od. 32 '63 10x50 TWO BR trailer. Like new. 000 equity for WOO. 46-3255. 10x50' TRAILER home, 2 bedrooms, weth er and dryer. 13500 cawi. none ez 2379 a Her 4:30 and weekends. VVai'aMeN''a'sWsaaeF Real Estate 34 EQUITY nicer 4 bdrm. 2 oaths. Call 473-S6S6. garage, 51000. BY OWNER. Westside. 2 bedroom, plus large family room, could do ra ok. Large 2 car gar.. 672-4554. EQUITY In 3 bedroo i (could be 4) older home, 7 batrts. on furnace. tun sc Main, Phone 472-4267. OLOER HOUSE, large and roomy, 4 bed rooms, ? bams. acre. laiKins ko. area. Phone 473-5411. WINSTON 3 bedroom home. Very nice. Lot 15' 175. F MA approved MiJW, w dow.t payment, can 49-evw. MFuv home 3 larae bedrooms, huoe liv ing room. Oil rum. itnm, pom. iu.wu. 343 W-W. sweiprir. iwiujj. NEW 3 bedroom home. Dining area, built- in appliances. Dircn caomen, n rep , tile bath, fully Insulated, attached car port. By buildtr. Phone 62-32??. Tuun bfqrooaa house, i acre, needs a t:!!fl repair, uarage, an tencea, nice bulidme spot, garaen spate, mrtfe w aae. small barn. $7500. $500 down, terms. Ph. 672-1388. thbpf bedroom home, IVa baths, de- Mh i I ront v no ana amino room area, attractive colored brick circu lating fireplace with planter, large garage and storage room, fenced back yard. Variety of trees and shrubs. Call 672-4380. Pick Up Wanted WILL ACCEPT PICKUP as down payment on 4 bedroom home. At tached garage, gas floor furnace, large lot with garden space, lawn and trees. Full price $9250. Bal ance on F.H.A. Financing. 5 ACRES ON PAVED R0A0, Glide district. Level tilled lend, fenced on 3 sides. Well on adlacent properly Is 55' deep wilh 32 It. of water. 13000 each. 6 ACRES 13 MILES TOWARDS GLIDE. No hills, no brush, no stumps. Ready to build. Trailer could be placed now. $3500 cash. $6,900 $55.00 MONTH payments for this 2 bedroom home. Excellent for the Soulh of town worker who wants an Inexpensive home in good condition, on sewer. Oil heal. Garage. Lot 90X200. H. J. WINTER REALTOR "A Most Trusted Name In Real Estate" 833 SE Cass St., Koscnurg Phono 673-7043 ssUlmiC' Evenlnps: Reg Johnson Ph. 873-3780 Lois Winter Ph. 673-4582 lMi BATHS, 2 CAR-GARAGE, Ralph L. Wiley 673-7523 PHONE 672-1614 673-3334 Sluiltz 672-3686 SAW SERVICE SAW SHARPENING Circular Band Chain Handav.s Saw bar reconditioned ALL WORK GUARANTEED SAW SERVICE & SUPPLY CO. 38 NK Channon Ave 673-4234 Nrar N. Sitleway Market SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS AJAX Septic Service, tanks cleaned Promot service. Reasonable. M47i. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANEO. Roseburg January service Phone trj-JJV TOOLS . RENTALS SERVICE PLOW SHARPENING, welding. 33H Sv Castle Ave. Machine Shoo. ,73-461'. FOR RENT WcCuitoch chain mms any wt McCuiloch roi hole auger McCutfoch stump avgr HUNT'S CHAIN SAW Sales & Service Oarden vty Jet. Ace.s from M-a'ds TREE SURGERY i TRF E TRIMMING, topping removing. In ; U"-d F.ee e-i. OaM.v.d WELL DRILLING Water Well Drilling" Nothmg dcn co rcro-ed crtdt MOh WELL DRILLING Ptxmt efi-MIt or Jotfrltr. 45-J It Pays To Patronize News-Review Mobile Homes 341 Id 17 ACRES with 2 bedroom home AAelrose Area. aTWMI. Vt ACRES. 3 bedrooms. Near Hucresi and Adventlst Scnosl. Ph. .73-747 'St ACRE, 3 bedrooms, Cherfer Oaks. tjll.MO. Ph. tlytm. OWNER TRANSFERRED 3 bedroom home, oil furnace, new hardwood floors, fireplace. N.E. Location. Can move In after January 1st. Priced for quick sale, (.all 672-4750. KEN DRESSER OFFERS TWO BEDROOM HOME ON HALF ACRE IN SURPRISE VAL LEY. Living-room, kitchen-dining room combination, utility, bath, fruit room, one car garage, stor age shed, on paved street, fruit trees, berries, good garden soil. Selling Price $6,500; terms, 150 down, $60 per month Including in terest at a per cet. KEN DRESSER REALTY 410 S.E. Jackson Koseburg, Oregon Bus. Telephone 672-1787 If no answer call e72.j896 Real Estate LACKEY REAL ESTATE 368 S.E. Jackson SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU OWN HOME. You'll get the real meaning of "Merry Christmas." Whether It's a small cottjne or a mansion, it doesn't matter, as long as It's YOUR OWN. We have a 3-BDRM home, 7 vrs. old, ranch style, in Green area. Heat Is dependable electric, ard the house Is insulated. Sin gle garage, good lawns and shrub bery, and a 100x100' lot. Full price: $10,700, $350 down FHA, $60 monthly. Nothing down to vet. WANTED! A LOVELY WIFE WITH HUSBAND and 4 or 5 Chil dren to own a roomy, 2-story house 6 blocks from elementary school. No dodging furniture in these 4 spacious bdrms (2 are 11 x 13 and 15 x 13); a spacious living room and a separate din ing room (seats from 8-10 people!. Kirchen has ample space tpr both working and eating. Two bachelor rental units In the back. In addi tion, s workshop with concrete floor and a 100-foot well. Nearly a- acre (40,000 sq. ft.) In lot. Full price: $12,000. . PLEASE DON'T GO ... out today, unless you look at this new 3-bdrm home ready for 'Christmas occupancy, It boasts a grand view of west Rose burg . . . can see the river from front window. The lot Is good sired (90x130'), and the square footage Is nearly 1200'. The dou ble carport is a real feature, and the 2 BATHS are probably an even greater feature. Regarding heat, If you don't choose well here, you will pay and pay and pay. The heat here Is gas, a large tank Is provided now, and later when the natural gas hook up Is made, there is no charqe lor same. You can't beat this $14,800 buy In a new home any where in the area. Call today. DEAR ABBY This Is the home you asked tor. 10 reasons you should inspect: . 1. 3 bedrooms 2. large living room 3. dining room that will seat 12 4. carpeted living room 5. rugs tor dining room and back bdrms are included 6. automatic gas furnace, gas hot water heator 7. separate utility room 8. well landscaped lawns front and back 9. would trade for 2-bdrm home or acre ant home 10. Only $9850 THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS But It Isn't Your Landlord SO BUY a new home of your own and be satisfied and happy I Want 4 bdrms and 2 bath? Or a den wilh mahogany paneling, as well as a separate dining room seating 8-10 people. The heat Is twotold both oil t furnace and good fireplace. The kitchen has a built-in electric range, a garbage disposal, formica countertop; and the cabinets and kitchen door have a natural finish. The chil dren would enjoy hide-and-seek In this 1600 sq. ft. home on 'j acre lot, and father would enfov the huge double garage. GO WEST tor $18,900. Call now. OWNER PUSHING the PANIC BUTTON! PRICE SLASHED way below ap praisal on this 2-bdrm (lar fie bdrms 12x12, 14x141 home in Roseburg. It has a workshop wilh a new roof, a garage (which Is great for your car during (reel ing weather), double carport off front of garage, and covered pa tio. Besides a U-shaped Miction, there is a large living room with beautiful hardwood floors, Roman brick fireplace with built up hearth, lovely view of hills from fr nt window. Because he is being transferred, owner will not only sell below appraisal but will ac cept as low as $350 down on this now $10,900 home, Payments $83 monthly. You transfer In, and let this fellow transfer out. Call today. JUST ONE THING WRONG WITH THIS HOME It Isn't Yours Yet! THIS LOVELY new home will de lioht the whole family 7t$ sq. feel of comfort and down right happy living. Kitchen Is a womar s dream of convenience There's a built-in range and oven, plus a garbage disposal ( no more dishwater hands or n.e.?y garb age oroblems). 1'i BATHS. J BEDROOMS, separate utility room. Oil heal and lovely lire place (with rainbow rock), slid ing glass door to palio, and a garage that Is big enough tor two cars, with storage left over. Poession of .this St 8.000 WEST SIDE beauty may be had bet trt be had Immediately. Only $1100 down. 2 FIREPLACES FOR SANTA t floor to ceding fireplaces (Roman brick) with ratted hearths bunt -(n intercom system perimeter hMt (oil forced air) tj all parts of this jtCO jq. ft. daylight basement home hiiicrt site that captures magnificent view beaulirul trees. lwv shrvtss to grace this ideally land reaped too m kit automat electric eve trlgof'- tng doubt garaqe poors isaf fr; saves steoil Insulation in both walls ard ceilings modern kttchen bu-nn raoqe and oven n4 garbAoe d'oosal: btrcn cbnt. cer amic ttle cwntertixss 1 baths, ceramic tied utility room in K'H bemenl party room m tNi'emenl ceram'c t window smis air COryMlone iCt?0 , to (coverd) steel retntorced t" wait in batement $?e,?oo want to har more? Cati ' Lackey now I EVENINGS: 673 Sfitfl 672 -1SS6 673 34 'LARGE 3 or 4 bdrm, 1400 so- ft. 're-! place, cerport. 778 NE Cnurcil. Ul-iXi- A CHRISTMAS ODE Tit the week before Christmas and this brand new house U loaded with features tor you and your spouse. Tha kids can hang so by the chimney with care St. Nick has the address and 'II surely be tnere- Ceramic tile kitchen with range - top and oven. Forced air oil warmth in a home you'll be lovin'. At Fourteen Two - Fifty tnere's no better buy. Just 10 per cent down, why not give f a try? Santa will say, as he goes out of sight, "Merry Christmas to vou in this home that's iust right! ALL POINTS REALTY John M. Fleck, Realtor 938 SE Main Y 'Phone 672-1618 Phone 672-1659 1 V2 ACRES NO. UMPQUA BEAUTIFUL view of river Irom this l-yr. old, 3-bedroom home. , Fall asleep at night to the pleas ant sound of a peaceful river. Kitchen has double sink and spray; garage is 16x32, good lawns and shrubbery; reliable 62 foot well. $10,700, $3200 down. NOTHING DOWN TO FED. CI. FOR MY WIFE I HAVE a new home on my Christmas list lor the one I love and wish to honor, and her choice may be A one-floor, 2-bdrm home with paneling and large closets, a liv ing room with a Roman brick tire place and built-in bookcases, a large party room with a Frank lin heater, a bath with both tub and shower, dining room area wilh a big breakfast bar, double Siarege with lots of storage, and oca t ion near Mark's Market. . . $14,500, $450 down, $106 monthly. PAUSE IN YOUR CHRISTMAS rush and ' let us show you this 2-bdrm home In North Roseburg. It has a new perimeter (heat vented to each room) heating system, the kitchen has excellent new coun tertops and new floor. The big bdrm has a walk-in closet, and the bath has a new tub wilh a shower over It. Sewer is in and streets are paved and curbed: 19, 000, $300 down, $64 monthly. For favorable showing, call Lackey. TRADE 10 x 40 TRAILER FOR EQUITY In 2-bedroom home on 100x100' lot. Mahogany panel Irg In 1 bedroom. Wall to wall carpeting In living room. Home . has effective gas furnace and good Insulation for winter warmth. In addition, there is a separate utility. You'll like the brick plant ers and partly brick front. Be cause owner must move, he ur gently needs to sell and is willing to pass on a real bargain to you $5500. HEADS OR TAILS . . .THAT'S A GOOD WAY to settle a lot of things, but not choosing a house. The way lo buy a house is to compare the features' of all those available that suit your needs, such as, perhaps, low down payment. This owner now offers his home for . only $300 down a home with good paved streets, well-established lawns, fenced back yard, and single garage. The living room Is pleasant, and one of the three bed rooms Is 14x12. Lots of closcis i and storage space, and the built Ins in the kitchen are numerous. Home Is in good local I Ion in Win slon. Price: $9250, $300 down, $75 i onthly. Call now. Wont To Spend Christmas With Some New Neighbors? WE ARE offering for sale a beautiful home in a restricted area south of Roseburg. You'll i exclaim at the view of the river. j The yard featur. s good lawns and lots of flowers and shrub beryroom for garden, too, on ! this large lot (150x167). In this large home, nearly 1500 sq. ft., the living room Is Ideally suited for furniture arrangement. Kitch en has double sink with spray and garbage disposal. TWO FIRE PLACES (the screens stay) and the lovely drapes (al:to included in sale price). You'll like the 15 hallway, the separate utility room, and the large family room with knotty pine paneling and one of the two fireplaces. Two cus tom designed balhs with quality features such as colored fixtures and lots of bullt-ins. Finally, Consider the double garage with much storage space, the beauti fully terraced backyard, and the 16x26' patio. Price: $21,200, $1300 down, A REAL SURPRISE FOR THE $$ WISE TWO-BEDROOM home very clean, painted inside and out. It has large single carport with slor ag and paved driveway; good heat : new Quaker oil stove. A step-saver kitcrcn without that crowded feeling. Lot enhanced by view up the canyon you have country living In town. THE SUR PRISE? Because owner is leaving country, he is Including in sale price of this $8500 home: 1. Lovely 3-piece walnut bedroom suite 2. new tivinq room sola 3. 2 occasional overstuffed chairs 4. TV set 5. clock-radio night stand 6. 4 chair dinette 7. electric refrigerator I. electric stove 9. living room carpet 10. 2 new walnut end tables 11. extra 50x100' lot 12. possibly one other Item to SO PRISE YOU CALL NOW. Good deal for Fed. Gl. Promise Her Anything But Give Her A CHANCE TO SEE this So. Umpqua river view home In a neighborhood that will be cherKh ed by every member Of the fam ily. She'll delight in the serene atmosphere of gracious living th.M fittnds through its 3 large bed rooms and the bath with delicate ly accented vanity. You'il experi ence a sure,? ol setf-pride whn you see the glistening ol excite ment In hr eves as he fan? in love with the exquisitely des-gn-ed k ilehen, complete ''h built in oven rd range. a"d b"Cf cabinet. She W'll be DHASed with a oood-lrd partv room, and a living room with built in solid o-k book cases and a Roman bric fireplace. This Is truly a d'eam come trve lor the mot deserv ing o women your wife ic't the other fe ure. loo- 8'iggs fixtyres. stainless steel v. Hen xubtfoor. U lb felt throuoh out wails, floor, "d roof; $ ceilings irwlated bvild-ng w re in all waks and slabs. ruil trees, about 100 other tree. Bring your wife ana let her n? o u. to h!p wunfi( ae" vour family tp move no this te.u'v 0 1 ace. D'HCMmmatig bvve'S w it s'oo kc-no at'er ee-"0 Itvs. Ther wll sl down with vl a"d discuss orice fji'.eoct. down payment (sireo!. e'c. rte are rpM to litev Let s hear wht you hav to say. Call Lacxey. EVENIM'.S: 4U7 672 31M4 673-71T3 Real Estate 34 Real Estate ULTRAMODERN 3 bdrm home. 1 V3j acre on rt. umpqua mvoi, vii Ro., Rt. 7Bm 142J. 673-5921 eves. WESTSIDE 3 bedroom, family room, W batns, fenced yard, near schools and parks. $18,750. 673-6098. RIDDLE. ORE. Bargain $5,500, no oown payment. Buy nice rem, 4 oeu room house, needs repair and cleaning up. Excellent location off Canyonyiile Riodle Rd., on Ash Creek Rd. 2nd house from corner. Brown house. Go see if Interested write Norma Beaver, 7664 Williams Hwy., Grants Pass, Ore. TED SMALLE Real Estate 672-4888 List With a Multiple Realtor At 812 W. Harvard Blvd. FIRST OFFERING IMMEDIATE POSSESSION BRAND NEW 3 bedroom Hucrest home. Are you looking for some thing extra special in a family sized home? We have one, ust completed on a corner lot, 115 x 83 It. 1572 sq. ft. Many extra special features: Living room with wall to wall carpet. Fireplace Entrance hall bypasses living room " Large family room with 2nd fireplace - Kitchen with built In dish- washer, range and oven, hood and exhaust fan, natural cab inets, 2nd eating area. Large inside utility wilh cabinels. 3 large bedrooms. 2 baths, 2nd bath off master bedroom. Double oarage, 457 sq. ff. DON'T miss seeing this one! Call now for appointment, possession in lime lor Christmas to qualified purchaser with 10 per cent down. Muriel Thomasson 673-5646 Paul Davis 672-4394 THERE IS A SANTA "CLAUSE" In These New Listings LOTS OF BIG TREES on this North Umpqua front building site. $3000 full price. ANOTHER SITE overlooking North Umpqua fishing water. In cludes about 1'7 acres, trees, spring water and creek. $3500. COZY two bedroom close to schools and markets, on paved street and sewer. Only $6500 full price. Make offer on terms. Out of town owner. IMMEDIATE possession. 3 bed room older home In prime con dition, just 2 blocks from down town. Vi baths, utility, part base ment and concrete foundation and on sewer. Neat and clean, ready to be lived In, and only $7500 wilh $1000 down, balance on contract. This is a real buy. WONDERFUL LOCATION, two bedrooms, garage, sewer In and paid. Furnace heat, large kitchen with breakfast area. Sensibly pric ed at $10,950. $330 down plus clos ing costs. Vacant, immediate pos session, and a fireplace tor Santa. WELL KEPT, clean, excellent condition thruout. 3 bedrooms, huge kitchen, separate utility, fireplace, garage, sewer, big con crete patio. New 15 yr. roof, new paint. There's QUALITY HERE and It's apparent. $14,950 for a quick sale. See it NOW I SP AC IOUS older home, 2 bed rooms, enclosed sleeping porch, part basement with economical wood turnace and a 150 x 170 lot, Also, there's a 2 bedroom rental over the garage, complete with sun deck, which should rent for at least $70 per mo. $15,900 full price. i BEAUTIFUL home In a fine Westside neighborhood. 3 nice bedrooms, 2 baths, separate util ity and storage. Owner will con sider trade for smaller home, good lot. or duplex. $17,500 on good terms. 180 ACRES of nice, open, level and gently rolling pasture wilh scattered shade trees and 200 ft. of beautiful N. Umpqua River frontage. No buildings. $37,000. Mjf ROSEBURG Realty & Insurance Hotel Umpqua Lobby H7-33U Jim or Joyce Doyle 672-3553 Martha Thomas 7?-35 Lots and Acreages 35 21 ACRES. 740 II. Ironlaoe Garden Vol ley ho. S40O per acre, pnone 673-4907, NICE VIEW lots, 75' or 100' x 150' deep Restricted area, Westside Winston. Terms. Call 673-4694. Timber and Sawmills 40 WANTED Red cedar stumpage. Frank i nornion,i5A pme sr.. Eureka, cant. CHRISTMAS TREES. You pick It, we win cui it. page ho. Winchester. WANTED: Poles, 25 to 100' lengths. Mc- tormtcx piling Lor. co. Pole Yard.lvACUUM CLEANER repairing. Airway, iZ r i u ' .7 r J ;r.7 ; WANTEP - Port 0rfor? CM.r rro!SEWING MACHINE, Whiterotarv, An hA i Cnfth 'n P aP.S T 1 n.ZT aZ. . T.Vii' ' "v-'l WANTED uouQiaa nr, ceoar imis ano; eorawoM in moitjoies or i it. we toad, M " ,. , , . .. , , timber wanted LARGE or small tracts. Write PO Box1 62, Roseburg, Oregon. ' WE PAY .TOP PRIfES Ic- Red Cedar shake bolts, j blanks, logs and stumpaoe. We haul or vou deliver. Cedar Products Co. e'2-3S7S or Building Materials 41 BOARDS SlUPt.AP RUSTIC FENCING LL GRADES. !.4's and wider. Clean uo loads at special Drlces. Custom cut tings direct from sawmill. PRICED FOR YOU Lumber Sales Co. Garden Vallev near RR TRACKS e73-T367 ! PARWOOD Vx4x8 V-GROOVED PRIMED $3.30 Per Panel Sales Dept. will close at 12 nuon Doe. 24 and Dec. 31. PACIFIC Forest Products WAREHOUSE 679 8781. Ext, 70 Btn, Winston-Dillard Building Materials 41 j PLYWOOD BLOWS. Good stock. Sut us for your buy. Ml. icon Keren yaro. Phone 459-2737 Sulhtriin PLYWOOD BLOWS SANDED shop j SHEATHING shop Phone 672-1641 National Plywood Fuel 43 24" PLANER ends, double unit, $( de livered or you haul. Phone a-ji. PICKUP load of wood. S' box $5. Call 672-2324 CORE WOOD, 16" and IB". $12 cord. Split and Del. Over 5- mneage. ore-eei. 14" and U" DRY OAK WOOD, you haul. Phone 673-470 PEELER CORE WOOD double unit. $18 delivered. Call Winston 67V-S043 or Myrtle Creek 863-4356. PEELER CORES Cut To Any Length Desired 16" Split Peeler Cores GREEN OR DRV O&C FUEL CO. 673-7508 YOU HAUL Pond Lillies Core Blocks Nordic Veneers, Inc. N.E. Diamond Lake Blvd. Across from Boyer Meat Co, Peeler Core & Hardwood Pond Lilies FREE SAWDUST Red Diamond Fuel Co. 1767 N.E. Airport Itoad 673-5082 GREEN or DRY PEELER CORE 17" LENGTHS Sawdust Blower or Dump I JAMES H. COMPTON FUEL (FORMERLY GILL FUEL) Rt. 1, Box 1221 673-7749 WOOD (Dry or Green) SAWDUST (Blower or Dump) Dry Oak And Lourelwood LARGE PEELER CORE PLANERS ENDS All Orders C.O.D. Roseburg Lumber Co. PH. 679-8741 or 673-5508 Auctions 44 Auctioneering Service FARM SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Btiy Sell Trade ' Auction every Friday, 7 p.m. Roseburg Auction Col. V. Munion, Owner and Auctioneer 673-5026 Miscellaneous to Sell 45 EVEN-TEMP oil wall furnace, working order. Make offer. 673-4868. ANYONE wanting Knapp Alrtred shoes, dress and worn, can 62-36U. G.E. refrigerator, excellent condition, $65. 672-3230. 2B74 N.E. Douglas. TV RENTALS. Rent may apply on down payment. Horn's Appliance. 63-55 IB. USED"GUNSbouqht, sold, traded. UMPQUA GUN STORE USED ELECTROLUX or Kirby, rebuilt. J. E. Newberry. 673-7010 or 673-3591. CERAMIC lessons free Wed. Kilns for sale. Ceramic sun- Treva's 679-5133. HAVE A Stanley Party, get free gifts. Phone Delores Southwick, 672-34B3. SELL or rent, polishers, rug shampooers, $1 day. Horn's Appliance. 673-5518. MAROON davenport and chair, good con dition, pnone 63-66. 2 BIKES, boys, A-l. See "Terry", Frank's Food Mart, meat department. 5 PIECE sectional, 2 rockers, floor lamp, 5 piece dining set. 673-7760. SERVICEABLE range, refrigerator, $50 takes Loth. Phone 673-7445. LOST bright carpet colors. . .restore them wilh Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Roseburg Color Center. ROTOTILLE R, 3" H . pTVverseat lach ments. S65. Ludwig tenor banjo, $50. 209 Second Ave., Oakland. i3K CUT HOLLY Ideal lor Christmas ,.f decorations. Frank O'Br en, 679 6687 aft. 6 or weekends for orders. CLEAN1NGEST carpet cleaner you ever used, so easy too. Cet Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Western Auto Supply. SHALE rock, top soil, reject gravel. Foi Hire: smalt cat, track layer, loader, dump truck Cnaries Keely, 679-51 17. eac'' Electrolux, Hoover, Kirby, pans. j. t. Newoerrv. 6'3-oig, 63-J591 ,raih' Attractive vanity model cao., mci. attach. 673-5807. - I CI CrTDir rii.n. Vt" I'M k... 0f, Kevstone movie nroi-inr nrf screen, see at Fleoel Transfer Co., 414 ! Nt rasper, pnone 673-4436. Bee supplies Money A DOUGLAS COUNTY PRODUCT LBleuMotors. 31 SE Jackson 673-7567. SHALE ROCK Carlson's Contracting 673-411 SPECIAL THREE DAYS ONLY I Duncan Phvfe table. 6 chairs and buffet, $135. Chest of Growers, sio. Chrome dinette set. six chairs, J47.50. AUCTION FURNITURE CO.. 3 miles south on old 99 In old auction Duilding. open daily. HOLIDAY SPECIAL LET US clean, repair, oil and tdlust vour sewing machine (Mel. sorc-al parts! for M.95. While machines, S5.95. Pinking hears precision sharpened. SI 50. Vacu um rrrsir. Fast Service MOLVER'S SEWING BASKET 540 S. E. Jackson Phcne 4:73l CARLOAD PRICES VINYL TILE 47' Bathroom ONLY $9.12 13t7 NE Stephens ! I'h. 672-1656 :-:-i-i'ii,i:m SHALE NOW READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY This is Hard Shale - Drilled and Shot To a Depth of 1 5 Feet 25,000 Cubic Yards Phone Sun Studs. Inc. - 673-4474 Or Roseburg Sand & Gravel - 672-3491 Miscellaneous to Sell 45 MAPLE TV cabinet with louvered doors. Excellent condition. Call 673-60,7. Scripture Text Christmas Cards Sacred Records Bibles Books Gifts. Bible Book Center 4t5 SE Jackson SwTdayONLV Shade" trees. Hedge Laurel. 25c and 50c lor I It. Rhodo dendrons and Azalea:. St up. Pixie Gardens, N. end Broad. W. ol Air. port. 673-6113. LARGE SIZE heavy swing set, boy's 26" bicycle, grrs 1" Dicycie. ah need a little paint and repair. The lot for $40. 672-2337 Of see at 374 W. Berdine. - irfc FOR MOM a new Electrolux vac W uum cleaner (gift wrapped) tor if Christmas. As low as $5 a month. Norma Jean Zeigler, 673-5042. GOVERNMENT GRADED quality meats for best freezer satisfaction, custom CJttlng, wrapping and quick freezing. WINSTON LOCKERS, 679-5133. WORLD BOOK Encyclopedia and Child- craft, irte how and why Library. The best gift for your family. Mrs. Robert Snider, 672-2982. NEW 10 yard dump and W yard shovel for hire. Also shale rock lea sale, delivered. Phcne 673-8001. nights 459 3853. Sulherlin. CEDAR POSTS. 3 grades ready now. You haul. Cross log bridge mile S. of Drew. Sign 2 miles. Saturdays. Sun days. Bill Badger. Drew. NEW HOM ELITE X-L-12 Worlds lightest direct drive chain saw. Wel&hs only 12 lbs. 12-16-20" bar. C. J. Peel i, 1928 SE Stephens. Phone 673 k 5333. ' SHALE FILL DIRT 1 Phone 672-4661 672-3453 Evenings & Sundays Iji'sedTohain" saws- SEVERAL with bar & chain $45 3316" bar & chain .: S-33 20" bar & chain $65 $85 1-8230" bar & chain $125 1-4624" bar & chain $135 Many More to Choose From USED MOTOR BIKES TOTE GOTE $125 80cc YAMAGt'CHI $250 55cc YAMAHA Trail $235 SOcc YAMAHA $265 125cc Demo, reg $459 NOW $399 NEW 6 hp TOTE GOTE, reg. $399, NOW $339 U3ED HYDRAULIC Wedge $95 NEW WINCH, reg. $139.50 NOW $109 V2 HP OUTBOARD McCulbch FAIRBANKS MORSE light plant $ 95 Roseburg McCulloch 1092 NE Stephens , 672-3621 Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WANTED used furn. and mtsc. Roseburg p urnlture. 343 S c JacKson, 673-5104. WANTED ANTIQUE coins, guns, China, glassware, (eweiry, ciocks. Priscma's Antiques. 247 SE Jackson. 672-1421, ELK'S Hospitalized Veterans toy program needs old toys. No cloth or plastics please. May be left at any tire station. Musical Instruments 50 GIBSON ELECTRIC guitar with case. 51 lis. pnone 6V-B668. BABY GRAND PIANO Phone 672-2727 SPINET PIANO, excellent condition. Good tone. Call 673-4754, after 6 p.m. HAMMOND CHORD organ. Good condi tion, $495. can 62-2517 betore 2 p.m. or after 6 p.m. "PORTABLE stereo PHONbS Largest single collection of name brands In town! New and Used, trom $69.95 Ricketts Music Store Corner Cass-Jackson 672-3703 Sporting Goods 53 PICKUP CAMPER, fully equipped. 164 NE Pleasant St. Near Log Cabin Groc. 20 GUAGE pump Remington, model 17, full ribbed barrel. Also 22 Remington pump. Phone 673-5802. A'RIFLESCOPE "makes a perfect girt for Xmas, from Umpqua Gun Store. 979 SE Stephens. Phone 673-S415. Boats and Motors 55 N EW 14' boat, factory made, flat 'bottom, ready to paint. 673-5802. SACRIFICE T4'ftflberglass boat' and trailer, '59 model 12 hp Elgin motor, S700 cash. Phone 672-2363. Market Basket 57 APPLES, C grade, Winesap and Romes. SI. 50 box. Neal Meyer, Looktnggla&s. WALNUT S 30c"lb Phone 672-2730 APPLES Spitr, Ortley. $1.50 and S2.S0 bushel. Voorhies Ranch, Lookingglass. APPLES DeUciousTpiti7Winesap6rf ley. $150 up. bring containers. Marsh Ranch, Lookinggtass. 673-64B5. APPLES Cool, crisp Delicious. Stay men, Spitr end Romes from cur new refrigerated room. Bring containers. Wesley's Orchard, Lower Garden Val lev Rd. 673-5697. CHRISTMAS TREES- walnuts, filberts, apDles all varieties, dried prunes, homemade cidar, farm tresh eqgs, oth er fruits and vegetables. Harvard Ave. Fruit Stand. - SOUTHERN YAMS. $3.95 a bushel; Yak ima arjples and Medlord's famous Com- tte pears. 10 lbs., $1. Grant's Fruit Stand. 1 mite south of Myrtle Creek on 99 business. Closed Saturday. U3-43I9, Myrtle Creek. LOCKER BEEF Cut and wrpod to your Specification BOYER MEAT CO. 673-6323 V Bc 352-B N Urrrxjut Hwy.