Cow Creek Rod And Gun Club Resumes Regular Meetings TLVTtreeEkRDandXr The Low t,reeK Hod and Gun h. ,.,,.,! . tiuu ... uirtun ai the Azalea Grange Hall. Meet,and Mrs. Williamson nave pur ings are nem on the second chased the KL.vrf Rn.i L.,v. nrl f.-...rlh l.l , .7 -- -" ui each montn 7:o0 p.m. cers are Fred Beerli, president Oliver Weischedel, vice presi. dent; oeorge wenneroth, secre urytreasurer: George Stack-I uuuavi ii"mvii ohm nj iuuiii,)tue weeKend executive cnairman. Church Holds Election The Azalea Community! Church recently named P. ul, Schimp as Sunday School super-i i"Wal 'Z2"t'!P' tm the JoVe! - ... ... otis departments of the church. It was reported that the new, parsonage will be completed in) the near future. i Mr. and Mrs. George Wen-Icy deruth of Azalea report the birth! of their fourth great-grandchild, a boy born Nov. 6 to Mr. andi Mrs. Roderick Head of G o I d prui-ii, uieu giduusuii ana nis; wife. Mr. and Mrs. Monte Bates Sr, had as weekend visitors their; son, lonimy canes, ana lam-' recently to visit lier brother-in-ily of Eugene. jlaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Moblcy of Glendale en ; Earl McXamara, and family, tered the Roseburg Veterans'j Mrs. Ed Johnson of Glendale Administration Hospital Mon- reports having received a let day for treatment for influenza. iter from Mr. and Mrs. Mel Da His wife has been ill at homclvis of Wolf Creek who are in with virus pneumonia, but is! Washington while Mrs. Davis is making a satisfactory recovery.! receiving treatment for injuries Mr. and Mrs. Robert Head received in an automobile ae spent the weekend visiting lier cident last summer. Mrs. Davis parents, Mr. and Mrs. George! has had further surgery on each Wenderoth of Azalea. !leg preparatory to fitting of ar- Mrs. Dave Williamson andjtificial devices which are x her two children drove to Port-Jpected to make it possible for land last weekend to join hen her to walk again. Elkton Alumni Reunion Set For June 14, 1964 By MRS. C. W. HENDERER home of her daughter, Mrs. "To See Old Friends Oncc,Lois Bowman, and family. More, It's EHS in '64" is the! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen motto adopted at a meeting ofiWatson and family of Falls City the Elkton High School 1964jwere recent housciuests at the reunion committee- as p!ans!parental Charles Watson home, were made recently to accom-i Diana Henderer spent last modate an estimated 450 peo- weekend in Portland with Pcg ple at the potluck alumni re-jgy Levenhagcn and visited union scheduled for June 14,Northwest Business College and 1964. IBM Business College. Featured at this reunion will be a "Rogues Gallery" of by gone days at EHS. Those per-l sons having appropriate pictures which they will loan, are urg ed to contact Mrs. Doris Swear in. en, who is in charge of the gallery. Other members of the com mittee are Mrs. Sherry Baker, food; Mrs. Marilyn Willey, reg istration;. Don Mode and Cecil Tcnny, equipment; Don Abra ham, co-ordinator; Ted Taylor, entertainment; and Jerry Win- teriiotham, general chairman. Mrs. Charles W'atson, Linda and Zandria Watson attended, the dog show recently in Cot - tage Grove at the Cottage Grove Kennel Club. Mrs. Glad dcrer. The Rev.' and Mrs.: Ed West, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Comp ys Workman and Mrs. Emma Hedden of Scottsburg also 'at tended the show. ' Mrs. Watson's 3 - month - old Corgi took fourth place in the j working dog class. The group also attended the judges dinner held at the Rodeo grounds. Sharon Weatherly, freshman at Oregon College of Education at Monmouth,- spent the week end at her home in Elkton Tess WcathPi-lv nf F.ueenelidea was better: More persons spent the weekend at the home - et her sister, Mrs. C. G. Hen- ton, Herbert Moon and Mrs. D'ck Willey traveled to Beaver ton recently where they took a carload of canned fruit and veg etables from the Elkton Chris tian Church to the retirement home there. They all enjoyed a luncheon at the borne and spent the afternoon on a tour of the home and visiting all the ijiiesls. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taylor and son, Bob, spent the weekend in Han Francisco at the home of their son-in-law - and daughter, Mr. and Mrs., Tony Sievcrin. Mrs. Gladys Stewart spent Jionday in Reedsport at the Local News Joe Dent has returned to his home here, following a few days in Portland attending the Slate School Board Association meet- jng. . i : Mrs. J. Jarvis Robertson, who Benedict; weight 8 pounds fOR'lLAND (I 'D The underwent major ear surges in ounces. !oncl lk a !"" vlew of St. Vincent's Hospital in Port-I SLL'DER - To Air. and .Mrs. i1" setting a letter land this week, arrived back at i Alfred B. Sluder, PO Box 565, from a Canb" m8h scno1 ""V lier home here Thursday night j Sutherlin, Nov. 7. a daughter. The letter from Greg Rousctt. and ic nnwt oritur n Inctinn at hnfl I lea Ann WPttJht R IVMI nHe ifiu 16. said he had built an 18-inch home. AWARDS CONTRACTS j WASHINGTON (UPI The' Post Office Denartment award-! ed three contracts totaling more; than S1.2 million this week fori research on development of an; electronic brain to read zip coded mail addresses. ! Postmaster General John A. Gronouski said the contracts went to Burroughs Corp.. l)e- troit; National Cash Register Co., Davton. Ohio, and Rabinow Corp., Rockville, Md : The companies will work in-' drnpnrffntlv tn rievrinn nntiral j. ....... i i scanning ac vices- 10 rem ami sort 17,000 zip-coded address an hour. Gronouski said the de-! vices would be in use within, three years. i who had under coin? nM.i . i " -!-. .una iy ireai- ments for a har-i- ,i,., t. , ",V " DODXe una win move in as soon as Offi-,Bufkins find anothpr nnnrtui-c Mr. and Mrs. Claris rvvoii and Mike of Bend, former Glen- dale rfirtnntc and Mrs. HeVb Webber over Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baxter kii. wiiru it isii riirtant rn... v. -, Barents n Vi t- i" T Scott, of Coeur dAlene Idahoihouse P Carl Stnvall nf ai', ...-.j . " ...... u:- ...... ,lulc ui-iit-rai Hospital recently dead " She collapsed 1,1 a! " ' ll'l"nl '" for strained muscles reportedly ' bling circles and how incurred while at work ! Anthon-v was not dead- He much to bet (from $2 to $42) Clinto Branun, a freshman at!was alive LDd cr'inS for hisjo.i the basis of information fed Portland State Coleee and Nan.i molller- to it on each play. Clare, a freshman ot i and Clark College, visited their families over the weeV-omt i Kenneth Johnson, who brokers conscious and suffered no his foot on Aug. 24 recently re-iD"en bones. turned lo work. Washington Trip Made Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth son drove to Brewster, Wash., Th:- monthly Cub Scout -Pack meeting has been moved up a week due to Thanksgiving and will be held Thursday, Nov. 21. Theme for this month is "Sound." Hearse Stuffing New College Fad FORT COLLINS, Colo. (UPI) Fifty Colorado State Univers ity students have put a new, pensive twist on a college craze stuff something with stu 'i' Last weekend all half a-hun- drcd of them were jammed in side a 1941 hearse at the same time. Thursday they challenged anybody to break the record The owners of the hearse which, by the way, is a Pack ard are ten CSU freshmen who each plunked down $12.50 for the near-relic The CSU Collegian, the stu dent newspaper, said the hearse stuffing idea was derived from telephone booth stuffing which spread across many campuses a few years ago. But students thought the new can participate, and the pres tige is higher. The owners of the car -also n ay start another craze five-way double date. BIRTHS at the City Hall. The Rev. E. " MercV Hospital u Aschenbrenner will visit the GIBE0XS - To Mr. and, yoncalla Methodist Church on Mrs. Lawrence Gibbons, Crcstijec. 8. This will be a family Drive box 9l, Myrtle Lrccn, Nov. 5, twin sons: Roy Lynn, weight 5 pounds 4 ounces; Roby Lee, weight 3 pounds 11 ounc- ntLLS 10 .nr. ana iirs. , u.. r- iir-n.. nn. Mil, t ncuuy c. nctis. itn ftras- ev, Roseburg, Nov. 5, a ! lnlA Vm.i V!Ib. ...A.nM O i po",n?HouncTn LINDEH To Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Linder, PO Box 87, Riddle, Nov. 6, a daughter. Rebecca Jean; weight 8 pounds 4 ounces. HEIDT To Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Heidt, PO Box 175. diMinrlin 'nv 7 a enn TlaviH ounces. rocket that would fly more than I Forest Glen Hospital ia mile high. lie said he planned ROCERS - To Mr. and Mrs.! to fire it at an 80-deRree angle! Jerry Rogers, Canyonville, Nov.jtard the general direction of 9. a daughter. Carrie Louise; -the base. weight 5 pounds 13M. ounces, t The youth went on to request SWANSON To Mr. and the colonel for any information Mrs. Lars Swanson, Canyon-ihe could provide as to its peak ville, Nov. 12. a son, Lawrence i altitude and "in any case tell Darnell; weight 6 pounds 12 i your radar operator so he will ounces. inot be alarmed if he picks il JOHNSON To Mr. and up." Mrs. Milton Johnson, Riddle.! Col. Alfred Johnson, the base Nov. 6. a daughter, Terri Kim; i commander, asked the sheriff's weight 8 pounds 2 ounces. joffice to look into the matter. HARRIS To Mr. and Mrs.; It did and found out that Greg Floyd Harris, Glendale, Nov. 6. has been making and firing a son. Johl.nie Wayne: weight rnrkpts fnr four vpur that tho t r.,,rln ill- n,.nf.n. ; n. BARRON To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barron. Myrtle Creek, Nov. 8. a son. James Brian; weight 6 pounds lUi ounces. Boy, 4, Survives Nine-Story Fall; "UNS MinuT aAAStA, wates tt-ru Four-year-old Anthony DavieS:pu(er WJ carled into Ho.lS3"iS ."ISe SnT lZ looked up from his hospital cot id Tmnii-ana's eamhlins r.sinni" ,h 'tKn ot uid territory. ina said: "i new like a Dirov dad- He did, too nine floors and suffered only minor chest in- juries in the fall. Women saw him plunge 100! r.,nt from hie n,nit' hu,ir,v, m,im lito n hnn,ii. nf ,oc, i i .t.. i : T u" ',,c'"?:nt hv h Ifi-wrt Wre St.ld ,ur little tay is Doctors who were awaitind ;nim were astonished when lieiknown here, is a card game in arrived at the hospital. The boy I John-iUeritKHI vIM Visits In Riddle By ERMA BEST Ingrid Siedel of Stuttgart. Germany, spent the past weekicard. as a guest at the home of Mr. Commented dealer Radan: and Mrs. Willard Preston in Riddle. The visitor became ac- quainted with the Preston's! daughter, Mrs. Leslie (Noralou) Roos, when she was attending Stanford University in Germany. Miss Siedel visited for two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Roos in Boston before coming west. She is spending 10 months in the United States visiting in the honiis of Stanford students she met while they were in Ger many. Upon her return to Stutt gart, Miss Siedel will enter the Stuttgart University. Others Visit Here Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bis sonette were the latter's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kidder of Peace River, Can ada, who arc visiting other rel atives in the area. They were accompanied to Riddle by an other uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hector McGinms of Elkton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ford of Mill Valley, Calif., are guests at the home of the hitter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs. John Durgin. Mr. ard Mrs. Francis Staf ford and daughter, Judy, of Belle Fourche, S. D., were re cent visitors at the home of Mrs. Stafford's brother and sis ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Evenson. . Visiting at the same time; was , another sister; Mrs. Emma Durks of Alma, Wyo. ; Yoncalla Men Hospitalized By MRS. KARL HUMMEL James Dodd of Yonct lla has returned home from Cottage Grove Hospital where he under went minor surgery. Charles Emery is still a pa tient at Douglas Community Hospital Delia Wise is staying with Mrs, Lulu Lindscy of Roseburg for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allen are preparing lo move out to the Earnest Warner farm and Mr, and Mrs. Tvrell Wise will move into the AMnn hniKP ' Thi tunlc"n or ,or ca!n ""rl crM"' into ine Alien nouse. me ioia, the law offices of Long , Neuner, Dole lamines Dian 10 comnicic inciri& ,nin,nn nA. Th-inbcn v nn it-nnL- end. Officers of the Halo Squaws are planning a Thanksgiving dinner for members and guests to be held on Tuesday, Nov. 19. notluck night and the regular board meeting will be held in the afternoon. Aschenbrenner is Methodist district superintend ent and will conduct the auar- lerly conference at that time. Th ..:., ,.i u-ij ,i, - Hvl edly was very successful and ;a repeat sale was held in the lold drug store building Nov. 10 A J D--, fV n --I, a. C-- . .... j currcni one was mane in we, high school chemistry class and j will be fired with his instructor! ;on hand. i The air base relaxed. Computer Wins At Blackjack LAS VEGAS. New (I'PI) A 01 nti ,Mn ninlrorl lin an easy $360 at blackjack tliis Weok. Thf Rn.nmmri i r:p.?i com- Wednesday afternoon. Fifty! rrirutes later, it was $360 ahead of the house and called it a day. I Emniett Hutchins, 29-year-old research Programming director at General Precision Co. in Los Angeles, handled the computer rmirps nn zmiiii nannn linrm il brain, dealt for the house. The coniDuter decided whe- not to draw a card - Blackjack, or "21" as it is which the dealer and player at tempt to get a hand totally as close as possible to 21 without going over that number. , Hutchins would indicate to the machine on each play what his two cards were and what card the dealer was showing in his hand. If nothing happened, this meant not to draw a card. But if LGP-21 flashed a green light lit was time to take another "The machine had a run of luck, ASKS PERJURY COMPLAINTS LOS ANGELES (UPI) Night club comic Lenny Bruce has asked that perjury complaints be filed against some members of a jury that convicted him of narcotics possession, he said recently. Bruce, known for his so-called "sick" jokes, contended that some of the jurors who heard his case lu-A May have commit ted perjury by saying during pre-trial examinations they did not know he had been arrested as a narcotics user. He said he had hired a pri vate investigator who learned that at least six jurors later said they did know of his ar rest. LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS All oersons havlno claims aaainst the Estate of Harry H. Krug, Deceased, now pending in the Circuit Court ot Douglas county, Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as re quired by law, to the undersigned at law offices of ueortie Luoma. Umpqua Savings and Loan Building,! Koseburg, Oregon, wunin six months; from the date of the first publication of this notice, which date is November 16, 1963. LOIS G. KRUG. Administratrix of the Estate of HARRY H. KRUG. Deceased i . NOTIC E0F" F I N ACH B AR1N O NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Tuesday, the 17th day of December 1963. at 10 o'clock a.m. in Court Room B. Court House, Douaias Countv, Rose' burg, Oregon, has been fixed for time and place tor hearing of objections. If anv there be, to the final account filed by the undersigned in In; matter ol the estate of Albert R Zimmerman, deceased. Da led and first published this 16th day of November, 1963. CARL M. FELKER. Administrator of the Estate ot ALBERT R. ZIMMERMAN, Deceased. No. 7(33 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY HE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN STATE OF OREGON FOR .... DOUGLAS COUNTY Probate Department In the matter of the Estate ) ol ) JOSEPH B. SYNAN, deceased ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned administrator ol the estate of Joseph B. Synan, deceased, pursuant to an order ot the Circuit court or tne Stale of Oregon for Douglas County made and entered in the above entitled estate on the 30th day ol October, 1963, will oiler lor sale and sell from and alter the 3rd day of December, 1963. for caiev. bio s.e. Douaias Avenue, Rose- rg, urcgon, an o. me rigni, line the loilowfng described parcels of real prop erly: Parcel A: Beginning at a point on the West erly Side of County Road No. 151 (also known as Cornutt Road), said point of beqlnnlng bears North 48 degrees East 17171 leet and North 47 degrees West J3S.44 feet and North 63 degrees West 313.84 leet and North 43 degrees West 339.4 feet from the Northeast cor ner ol the original Town of Riddle; Ihls point then being the true point of beginning; Ihence South 3a de grees West 845.6 feel; thence North 38 degrees West 10856 feet to the Easterly side ol the new Riddle Bypass County Road; thence NNE 610 leet along said County Road on a l degree 00' curve to I he right whose radius is 5730 leet and whose delta angle is II degrees 41') Ihence leaving said County Road end running South 42 degrees East 558 leet: Ihence South 51 degrees West 31.68 feet; thence South 4? degrees East 128.7 feet; ihence North 51 degrees East 153.4 feet lo a point on the Westerly side of County Road No. 151; Ihence South 42 degrees East 501 . feel along said County Road No. 151 to the point ol beginning, all situat ed In I he NE'i ol Section 23, Town ship 30 South, Range 4 West, W.rVU Douglas County, Oregon. Parcel Bi Beginning al the quarter corner common to Sections 14 and 23, Township X South, Range 6 West, W.M., Douglas County, Oregon, thence Norlh 0 chains along taid North-South mid section line of said Section 14, lo center of said section 14, thence East along the East-West mid section One ot said section 14, a distance of 630 feet, thence South 50 deqrees East ?J7 feet, thence South 944 feel, more or less, to the Northeast corner of parcel ol land deeded to James H. Roswell and wile, as Shown in Recorder's No. 310446, 310447, end 310441. Deed Records of Douglas County. Oregon; thence North 15 deqrees 16' West along said Ros well parcel S.5 feel; thence South 24 degrees X' West along said Roswell pare! 100.5 teet, thence along said Roswell parcel South 42 degrees East 102.5 leet to the Southerly corner thereof thence South 24 degrees X' West 264.5 leet, ihence south 42 degree East 500 leet, more or less, to point on the Westerly right of way line of new Riddte Bypass County Road. Ihence Southwesterly etorig sad Coonly Road 175 feet, Ihence North 38 deg ees West 785 leel. fhetxe South 3 degree 3' yvt;t 4?.71 feet, to a pomt on the Sec tion Hne between said Sections 14 end 23. thence South It degrees X' West 4i2 S fevl to the place of beginning The sale w.h be wblecl to In confirma- Uon of ,h above-entttie-j court and r,r,f pub,,,rd: N"' Stanley synam JoSJph r a" ivnm, ehm LEGAL NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE HEREBY 1$ GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Rose burg, Oreoon, will hold public hear ing In the Council Chambers of tht Municipal Building in said City at 7:30 n m i MAvmiMr J il whlh I c ? CXTl land b hMrd on th question es to whether or not the tolk(nn described lo-wil Beginning at a point on the pres ent city limits boundary at the Nonneasi corner ot tot ? or Eden dale Addition to Roseburg, Ore gon, said point being North II degrees t' 02" East feel, j South 0 degrees 23' Wist 60 feet, 1 North 19 degrees a V" East 60 teet. North 19 degrees r East 49.1 feel. South 0 degrees 41' West U'.U feet, and North 19 degrees 3' East 3l.4 feet from the section corner common to Sec tions 10. II, 14 and 15 Township 27 South Range 6 West, Willam ette Meridian, Douglas County, Oregon; thence South 0 degrees 23' West along the East line ot said lot 9, the east end of Northwest Vale Court, and the East line of Lot 10 of Edendale Addition, a distance of 260 (eel, more or less, to the north line of parcel of land conveyed to Clarence H. Berg, et ut, as described In Recorder's No. 326938. Douglas County Deed Records, thence South 89 degrees 25' West along the North line oi said Berg parcel, 10 feet to the east line of Kline Street, thence South 0 degrees 23' West along the east line of Kline Street, 195 feel to the North right of way line of Calkins Road, thence North 89 degrees 22' 30" East along the North right of way line of Calkins Road 126.73 feet to the most South erly Southwest corner of said Berg property, thence North 0 de grees 08' East 195 feel to the North line of satd Berg properly, thence North 89 degrees 25' East along the North line of said Berg property 75 leet to the Northeast corner thereof, said point being the Northwest corner ot parcel of land conveyed lo Elgin J. Bailey et ux and Bruo O. BaMey, et ux, as described in Recorder's No. 309238. Douglas County Deed Rec ords, Ihence North 89 degrees 25' East along the North line of satd Bailey parcel 200 feet to the North east corner thereof, said point being on the West line ol parcel of land conveyed to Francis M. Shep-ha-d, as described In Recorder's No. 307953 Douglas County Deed Records, thence South 0 degrees 07' Wist along sa'd Shephard line 15 feet to the Southwest corner of said parcel, thence Norlh 89 degrees 22' 30" East along said Shephard south line, 200 feet to the Southeast corner thereof, thence North 0 degrees 03' 30" East along satd Shephard East line 275 teet to the South line of the Plat ot Dee Vine, thence South 89 degrees 22' 30" West along the South line of the Plat ot Dee Ville, 520 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. This notice is published by order ol the Common Council of said City. FRANCES JELLISON, Recorder Clly of Roseburg, Oregon NOTIC6 OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice Is hereby given that under and pursuant to an order of the Circuit Court of Ihe State of Oregon (or Doug If ; County, duly mode and entered ol record In the mailer ol the Estate ot FREDERICK HERMAN SCHULZE, De ceased, authorizing the undersigned as Administratrix ol said Estate to sell the real property hereinafter aescrmea. NOW THEREFORE. I. LUCV Scha1 tenkerk, Administratrix of the Estate of I REDERICK HERMAN SCHULZE, Do redierl. will, at Ihe Office Of Kellcv & Garrison, Lawyers, 205 Douglas Coun ty Stale Bank Building. Roseourg. wa gon, on ana niier me yin aoy ai December. 1963. Oder for cash in hand or on credit to Ihe highest bidder al privaii sate subiecr to confirmation oy the Court, the lol lowing described real property belonging lo said estate, to-wii: PAHLLL K aii mai pgriion ui sec tion 16. Township 38 South, Range 6 West, Willamette Merldaln, de scribed as beginning al a 3i" Iron rod in a fence line from which the South East corner of Donation Land Claim No. 53 bears S. 00 degrees 26' West 3011.53 fl-. thence S. 2 degrees 12' 10" West 70.0 II. to the center line ol the Looklngglass Qreek; thenco S. 49 degrees 56' West 234.36 It. along said center lino to a point; thence S. 33 decrees 05' 20" West 450.91 ft. along said center line lo a point In the East right ot way line of the New County Road No. 47; thence along a curve lo the right. Ihe long chord of which bears N. 19 degrees 45' 30" West 142.76 II. to a ." iron rod In the East right of way line of said County Road. Thence along a curve to the right, the long chord ol which bear N. 16 degrees 06' 50" West 559.27 fl. lo a n" Iron rod In said right ol way line ot said County Road No. 47; thence along said right ol way line the three (3) following courses and distances: N. 13 degrees 17' 30" West 154.31 It to a H" Iron rod and N. 21 degrees 4? 40" west 202.31 ft. to a 3" Iron rod and N. 13 degrees 17' West 417.1 ft. to a 'V Iron rod In the South line ol Ihe Otto R. Welsz and Virginia M. Wei si (hus band and wile) properly as de scribed In Volume 295, Page 543, Deed Records ol Douglas County, Oregon; thence along the South line of satd Olio Weliz and Vir ginia M. Welst properly the live (5) following courses and distan ces: N. 73 degrees 51' 20" East 1SS.22 It. lo a i" Iron rod. N. 83 degrees 20' 40" East and 373 95 II. lo a ' j" Iron rod, S. 9 degrees 28 SO" East 290.17 ft. to a W iron rod, S. 69 degrees 58' 40" East 148.16 It. to a 1 j" Iron rod, and N. 87 degrees 14' X" East 145.92 It. to a HV Iron pipe at a fence corner; thence $. 2 de grees 12' 10" West along a North Snith fence line 511.27 fl. to the point ol beginning, all in Douglas County, Oregon. Containing more or less 17.06 acres. PARCEL 2: All that portion of Sec lion 18, Township 28 South, Ranqe 6 West, and Section 13, Township 28 South, Range 7 West, Willam ette neridian, described a begin ning at a iron rod in the West right of way line of the New County Road No. 47, from which the South East corner of Dona tion Land Claim No. 53 bears S. 12 degrees 06' 10" East 2578.51 ft.; thence along a curve to the left, the long chord of which bears S. 19 degrees 57' 20" East 201.18 It. to the center line of Looking Qlass Creek; thence along the cen ter line of said Creek the four U) following courses and distances- S. 53 degrees 47' 50" West 430.15 feel. S. 44 degrees 00 50" West 550.76 feel, S. 49 degrees 22' X" West 98.08 leel, end s. 47 deqrees 59' 50" West 508.97 feet; thence N. 17 degrees 52' 10" West 103.74 ft. to a H" iron rod; thence continuing N. 17 degrees 57' 10" West 285.6 leet to a Iron rod; thence N. 78 degrees 00' Wesl 52 leet lo point In the East right oi way Una of the Old County Road No. 47; thence along the East right of way line of satrt Old County Road No. 47 the lour (4) courses and distances: N. 2 degrees 05' West 138 37 leel, N. 26 degrees 46' 40" East 296.97 fet, N. 10 degrees 06 40" East 220 0 feet, and N. 77 degrees 10' 40" East 1669.55 feel to a nail In a fence post at lis Intersection with the West right of way Una of the New County Road No. 47; thence along the West right of way line of said New County Road No. 47 v'S follows: S- 13 degrees 16' East 1.75 feel to " Iron rod; thence S. 13 degrees 14' East 137.2 feet to a h" iron rod; thence S (0 degms 35' East 20051 feet lo 4" iron rod; thence S. 13 de grees 16' East 154.14 leet to a ." Iron rod; thence along a curve to the left, the long chord of which bers S. 16 degrees 07' 50" East 569 16 feet to the point of begin ning, all of Douglas County, Ore gon, Containing mora or less 32.385 ecru. 4aid parcels may be purchased separ ateiy or as one unit, one parcel may be purchased without the purchase ot the oiner perce. LUCV SCMATTENKERK Administratrix of the Estate of FREDERICK HERMAN SCHULZE, Deceased Everyone Reads The SALES AND SERVICE DIRECTORY ADS IN CLASSIFIED LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS All parsons having claims against the Estatt of Dell Rov Peirsol, Deceased, now pending In the Circuit Court ot Douglas County, Oregon, art hereby no- Prtsenl the duly Verilied as required by law, to the undersigned at the law offices ot George Luoma, Umpqua Savings and Loan Building, Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which dale is Novemtter 14, 1963. LaVERNE L. PEIRSOL. Admin istratrix of the Estate of DELL ROY PEIRSOL. Deceased. CLASSIFIED SECTION CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIAL 672-3321 CASH RATES AQvert.smi tor business vmnin Rcsibu'i lrd Area Cord of Thanks $2.00 .-Day rote 3 lines .... $1.50 3 -Day rote 3 lines .... $2.75 6-Day rate 3 lines .... $3.75 30-Day rate 2 lines .... $6.00 1-Day rate 2 lines .... $1.00 3-Day rate 2 lines .... $2.00 6-Day rate 2 lines .... $2.75 30-Day rate 3 lines .... $8.00 CREDIT Above rites subject lo 50 rents stivice chj'ie loi ctidit DEADLINES Private Party Aiivettismj 2 P M. Dsi Pnot to Publication. The Neei-Review relives the nM to classify, oM or teject any classified Ad Copy. ADJUSTMENTS If vour aavt'tisrnwnt appears incorrectly, notify us immediately. We will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Such resnonsibility is limited to a c(t"e:t insert'on of fdvrtismen. Refunds Will Nit Be Held Mire This M DIVS CLASSIFIED INDEX AIRCRAFT 69 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 26 AUCTIONS 44 AUTO INSURANCE 79 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 7a AUTOMOTIVE WANTED SO AUTOS FOR SALE 81 AUTO TRUCK PRTS 75 BOATS AND MOTORS S5 BUILDI"? MATERIALS 41 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 BUSINESS PERSONALS 8 CARD OF THANKS 5 COMMERCIAL RENTALS 24 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 38 FARM EQUtPMtNT 70 rARMS AND RANCHES 34 FLORISTS 4 FUEL 43 HAY AND GRAIN 61 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 72 HELP WANTED 14 HELP WANTED MEN 15 HELP WANTED WOMEN 14 HOUSES FOR RENT 29 HUNTER'S ATTENTION 9 INCOME PROPERTY 37 INSTRUCTION - 19 LIVESTOCK 63 LOANS AND FINANCE 21 LOGGING EQUIPMENT 74 LOST AND FOUND 12 LOTS AND ACREAGES 3S MARKET BASKET .... 57 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ... 45 MISCELLANEOUS REN.ALS 23 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 46 MOBILE HOME PARKS 31 MOBILE HOMES .... 32 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT .. 30 MOTORCYCLES 77 MUSICAL INSTALMENTS 50 NOTICES 11 OFFICE EQUIPMENT ........... 51 PERSONALS 7 PETS AND PET SUPPLIES ... 67 POULTRY ANU RABBITS 68 POWER SA'VS 71 REAL ESTATE 34 REAL ESTATE WANTED 33 ROOM AND BOARD 28 ROOMS FOR RENT 27 SEEDS NURSERY STOCK 59 SPORTING GOODS 53 TIMBER AND SAWMILLS 40 TRADE MISCELLANEOUS 48 TRUCKS FOR SALE 76 WANTED TO RENT 25 WORK WANTED , 17 WHERE TO GO 10 Where to Go Turn Around now featuring DANCING , To a Live Combo 9:30 p.m. to 2 o.m. Candlelight dining charcoal broiled steaks and sea food our specialty! 1023 NE Stephens 672-4754 It's Easy To Place A News-Review CLASSIFIED WANT AD Mail Your Want Ad Today! Please publish the following classified1 ad for days Enclosed $. Be iurs to enclose Count 5 words per line. CWicotion NAME ... ADDRESS Mail Your Classified Ad With Payment To The Classified Advertising Deport ment, The News-Review, Roseburg, Oregon. News-Review Classified Want Ads MARKET PLACE OF DOUGLAS COUNTY Read For Profit Use for Results! Sot, Nov. 16, 1963 The News-Review, Poge LEGAL NO. 789 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON I FOR DOUOLAS COUNTY I Probate Department In the Matter of the Estate of MYRTLE FAIRBANKS, deceased 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Ihe Undersigned administrator of the estate ol Myrtle Fairbanks, deceased, pursuant to an order ol Ihe Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon lor Douglas County made and entered In the above entitled estate on the 6th day ol November, 1963, will offer lor sale and sell from and alter the 10th day of Dec., iber, 1963, tor cash or for part cash and part credit, al Ihe law ottices ol Long, Neuner, Dole & Caiey. 110 S. E. Douglas Ave., Rose burg, Oregon, tht following described reai property: Lot I, Paul Allen Subdivision, Douglas County, Oregon, excepting therefrom the South 50 leet ol said lot. The sale will be subject to the confirma lion ot the above-entitled Court. Dated and first published; November 9th, 1963. RAY E. ALLEN Administrator ot the Estate ol MYRTLE FAIRBANKS, de ceased SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUOLAS COUNTY FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ROSE BURG. a national banking corporation, Piaintilf, vs. VARY E. DANIELS and JOHN DOE DANIELS, wile and husband, HAR RIET ELLEN MENDENHALL and RICHARD ROE MENDENHALL, wife and husband, AL ICE MAY MOOR E and JOHN DOE MOORE, wife and husband, KATE WORDLEY Mc- CREA and JOHN DOE McCREA, Wife and husband, unknown heirs ol HENRY BROOK, deceased, GEORGE BELDON and MARY G. BELOON, band and wife, unknown heirs ol GEORGE T. BELDON, II deceased, EDNA MAY SCOFIELO, also all other persons or parlies unknown claiming any right, title, -state, lien, or interest In the real property described In the complaint herein, Defendants. TO: Mary E. Daniels and John Doe Dank Is, wile and husband. Harriet El len Mendenhal and Richard Rot Men- den hall, wile and husband, Alice May Moore and John Doe Moore, wilt and husband, Kate Wordley McCrea and John Doe McCrea, wife and husband, unknown heirs of Henry Brook, deceased. George T. Beldon and Mary G. Beldon, husband and wife, unknown heirs George T. Beldon, II deceased, also all other persons or parties unknown claim-1 tng any rigm, nue, estate, uon, or inter est In tht real properly described In the caitpiaini here n. Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint tiled against you in Ihe above-entitled Court and cause within four (4) weeks from Ihe dale ol ihe first Dubllcation ol this summons, and il you tall to so appear and answer said Complaint, for want thereof the Plaintiff will apply lo Ihe Court for Ihe relief demanded therein, a succinct statement of which is as lollows: That you and each of you and any persons claiming by, 'hrough, or under you and each ol you ba required to appear and set lor the nature and character ot any ciaim, ngr.?, line, es tate. Hen, or Interest In and lo the follow ing described real properly in Douglas County, Oregon, to wit: B. ginning aI a point one chain East of Ihe Norlhest corner ot Lol 16, First Addition lo Brookslde, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon; running thence Norlh 100 feel; thence West to the East line ol Ihe present lo cated County Road known as Rifle Range Road; Ihence South and West along the East lino ol the Counly Road known s Rifle Range Road lo the Norlh line of said Lot 16; Ihenco Fast lo Ihe place ol beginning, and that upon the hearing thereof, It be decreed thai Plaintiff Is Ihe owner ol the hereinabove described real prop erty and none ot said Defendants nas any right In, upon or lo said real property; thai Ihe rights of the Plaintiff be forever auieied aoainst anv claims dv ine De fendants or any ol them, or any persons claiming by, through or under thorn and a other persons or pontes unxnown claiming any right, tide, estate, lien, or Interest in and to said real properly described in Iho Complaint herein bo and they hereby are forever enjoined from asserting any right, line, estate, Hen, or Interest In or to the real property aescrmeo in ine lompiaini nerein. ana for such other and further relief as to Iho Court may seem lust and oquitabie This summons Is served upon you by pubiicaion in ihe Roseburg News-Re view, a legal newspaper ol general cir culation, published in Douglas County, Oregon, pursuant lo order of the Honor able Don H. Sanders, Judge of the above- emmed court, made and entered on the mn uny ot uciooer, ivoj. GEDDES, FELKER, WALTON & RICHMOND Attorneys for Plaintiff P. O. Box 1245, Roseburg, Oregon 10 Inn , Lines ! 2 i 3 I i 5 ; 6 I Above rotes i payment, Be sure to count the address andor telephone number WRITE YOUR AD BELOW LEGAL NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That Tuesday, December 17, 1963. at 9:00 o'clock a.m., in Circuit Court Room "B," Court House. Roseburg, Oregon, have been fixed as time and place tor hear ing oblections. If any, to the fine, ac count tiled by the undersigned in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor Douglas County, and tor settlement there of Dated and first published: November 14, 1963. FRANCES COLLINS BRIDGES Administratrix of tht Estate of FOREST DEAN COLLINS, deceased NOTICE OP FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I hat ffc undersigned as Executrix ol the Last Will and Testament ol ALBERT HElO- cNHtiLHi deceased, has tiled her Final Account In the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon tor Douglas Countv, and that Monday the I6ih day ol Oecember, 196) at the hour ot 10:00 In tho forenoon Of said day and Courtroom "A" of said Court have been appointed by the Court as the time and place lor hear ing ooiecirons inereio and settlement thereof. Dated and first published November 16. 1943. Date of last publication December 14, 1963. ELAINE HEIDENREICH, Executrix DANIEL P. KEOHANE Attorney for Executrix Pacific Bldg. Roseburg, Oregon Card of Thanks CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our gratitude for the many kind acts and expressions of sympathy In Iho recent loss of our moiher and slsler. Ha Jonas. Wt wish also to thank the slaff ol Mercy Hos pital for the care given her during her confinement. To all, e hearllelt "thank you." Mr. and Mrs. Donald Siebrasse and family Mr. and Mrs. Oarrell Marsters and family Mr. and Mrs. Dortls Doak Personals DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcoholics Anonymous, 673-6629. Y 6 U RA E T N AL 1 (e agent Is Vine Schuetie. Call 673-3031 or Res. 473-4819. YOUNG WOMEN of any faith needing confidents1 may contact Catho lic Charities, 278 W. Broadway, Eugene. Ortgon. Olamond 5-3442. ATTENTION: Will any persons witness ing the car running down the white German Shepherd about 9 P.M. FrU day, Nov. 1st, near Barney's Mkt. In Trl City, please call 863-4520, or stop In at the rock shop in Trl-Clty. Lost and Found 12 LOST 2 hounds, Black and Tan and Walker. Toketee, Black Rock area. Call 459-4264, Oakland, collect. LOST Pan ol mens glasses In tan open end case. Vicinity of post, offlct or Indian Lanes. Call 673-7416. Heto Wanted 14 RADIO CAB DISPATCHER steady em ployment. Apply in person. 661 5c Hose. ATTRACTIVE position full cr part. time available Immediately lor man or woman with good personality and appearance. Opportunity for advance ment. For local Interview call 672-2982. THE GREATEST READER ATTENTION can be secured tor your advertisement by using consecutive insertions. Play sale a six day order Is best and costs less! there are also very special monthly rales lor those who are de sirous of keeping their name or oiler bofore the i ubile every day. You can stop our ad In the event of results, and then you pay only lor the rata days It Is published. Help Wanted Men 15 SPrlEADER CREWS familiar with Incen tive pay. Sandorman and sander-grad-ers. Call 269-9381' Coos Bay colfocf. WANTED ReVlablelamTly man with car to sell Fuller Brush Products. $115 per week to slart plus quarterly and an nual bonuses. For Interview phone 672 1391 between 7 and 9 p.m. WANTED Exp. Core Layers it Bushel Glue Crews Call Supt. J. Hicks WESTERN STATES PLYWOOD Port Orlord, Ore. ED 2-3711 DRIVERS SALESMEN REQUIRED lor the following areaa. Roseburg (3), Myrtle Creek (2), Suthe-. lin (1), Rural (3). 1485 per monitv Bonus, commissions and advancemeir Lite and medical insurance, sickness and health benoflts, etc.. In the first steps of management. These are perm anent positions. Apply Wed.. Nov. 20, 10 a.m. sharp, Room 318, Umpqua Hotel. If married bring wite. NATIONALLY Organised 47-year-old Tex as uu Lompany oners unusuai oppor tunity to 4 men. Knowlodge of tractors and machinery helpful. Sales experi ence not neccssery. Wt train if hired. Drawing account when qualified. Must have late model car. This is a perm anent position offering advancement to man with managerial ability. Also have position open to man willing to travel 4 nights per week away from city. For personal Interview wrlle qual ifications, address, and phone number to MERLIN SHIPPEY, Dept. 11EI, P.O. Box 39i, Dallas, Texas. CASH RATES 3-Doys 6 Doyl 30-Days $ 6.00 BOO 10.00 12.50 15.00 S2.00 $2.75 2.7b 3 50 25 5.00 3.75 4 75 5,75 7.00 subject to 50c service charge for credit.