Real Estate 34 OCTOBER BARGAINS WONDERFUL VKw In this 1 btd room nucleus, ctaa-to-town homt. An economic! gas hirrvtct, nic bath, povod patio slab, shadt treas, saoaratt utility and oaraga. Well balow appraisal at t. 0,900 complaia with vltw and ftraplocc. C330 DOWN plus Closing buys this wastslda 1 btdroom. Gas turnact, qvq, flraplaca, nlca bath. A nlca homt on a nlca strati and tht full prfct U SlO.fU. WESTSIDE 9 btdroom, ctost to rlv tr. Nkt frat-soll lot. lovely lawn, on sawar I and 23 baths. Carport too and a quiet strtet with good ntighbort, 114.900 with 29 down or rttinanct. 3 NICE BEDROOMS, family room, big living room, paved street, sewer, oil furnace, carport, and many, many extras you find only In a bet ter homt. Close to Hucrest School and In very lint condition. Priced to tall at $15,750. A BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom homt In an area of beautiful homes. Locat ad on Azalea Drive, Immediate pos session. Forced air heat, dining room, separate utility, 2 baths, doo . bit garage, lovely trees. A real vahM at rw.SOO and appliances may be purchased. ROSEBURG Realty 3 & Insurance Hotel Umpqua Lobby 472-3344 EVESl Jim or Joyct Doyle 473-3553 Mirth. Thomas 471-1541 DANDY 2 BEDROOM homt close to market and school. Double car port with storage. Fireplace. Multi-purpose room. $9,500. Pos session on closing of deal. WESTSIDE . , LARGE HOME In choke area with paved street. Room to park four qprs. 3 largt bedrooms. 2 baths. Fireplace. Lennox oil furnace. All carpets and drapes Included. Ftnced yard. Early possession. Call for appointment $l,7. VIEW YOU WILL agree tht view from this lovely home Is tops, mint be seen at night as well as daylight. Room and more room. VA baths. Utility room. 3 large bedrooms. Appliances. 2 fire places. Wall-wall carpet In living . room and hall. Family room. Oil furnace. Thero Is so much In this homt wt could go on and on, paneled walls, breakfast bar. Double garage, let us show you today. 127,500. KELLER Real Estate 853 SE Stephens 673-3610 Evenings 672-1935 1 bath 2 LIVING ROOMS, 15X18 With fireplace and all brick wall, and 17X15, with lots of bulltlns. Car peting In both rooms. Large built In air conditioner with outlets In -all rooms. Kitchen Is 27X15', 2 sinks, natural wood finish, 500 Tappan range and oven, breakfast bar, lots of bulltlns. Home com pletely Insulated. Large separate guest house or extra bedroom 27'XlS' completely Insulated and heated, with attached garage and storage room. Small horse barn, on Vi acre tot. Largt con crett slab porches with wide over-" hang on homt. Beautiful yard, lots of expensive- shrubbery. All this for ust $15,000. Possession on closing. " WINSTON 2 BEDROOM on 90X200' lot. Beau tiful west view lot. Plumbed for automatics. Room on lot tor 1 or 2 more houses. Full price $7,500, $1,500 down $55 month on balance, $4500 VERY GOOD rental property or move In yourself. 2 bedrooms. Completely furnished. Cash or 11, 500 down and owner carry con tract. In town on S. E. Lane St. now occupied but you may havt quick possession. LOTS - ACREAGES MELROSE S acrtt approx. at S50O icn, 9 Mi J800 each or 11500 for both. GREEN AREA-Haime St. 100X 100. 11500, 1100 down sewer paid. WEST ROSEBURO-S1SOO, 1100 down sewer paid. NORTH ROSEBURG 2 lotl 100' X100, ;,ooo. . KANE ST.-tOXlJO", S3S0O-SS00 down. WINSTON-10 acres In City. lie,- 398 ACRES 7 ROOM home and 2 bedroom rental, plus other bldgs. (38,500. For mora Information call Reg Johnson. H.J. WINTER REALTOR "A Most Trusted Name In Real Estate' 833 SE Cass St., Roseburg Phone 673-7043 Evenings: Reg Johnson Ph. 473-3780 Lois Winter Ph. 673-4512 Lots and Acreages 35 II ACRES, 740 tt. frontage Garden Val ley Rd. Fenced. Phone 473-4W. LOT, 154'XIJ', east i' , city sewer and water. SI ,650. 677.-4610. LARGE LOTS on paved street, sewer in. ibh er-esr. MYRTLE CREEK homeslle or acreage, river bottom. Build to suit. S63-32S. Rt. 1 Boa S6, Myrtle Creek. IDuAL for treiler, elec. and water In, 1 acre. Wash room, hot water heater, SIJ00. Ph. 47J-1J78. 1640 NE Hooker Rd. SMALL Inside lot, walking distance from town, with enauoh used hmber for a house. 11950 cash. Inquire at 124 Mosher. Phone 6714514. FOR SALE Choice lot overlooking river neer Winchester, 100x200', excellent tor apiir-ievei home, price, szw, terms, 473-47TO North Umpqua River 720- FRONTAGE with 1)3 acres of native trees. A netural park with gentle siom to river and the best of steethead fishing. Phone 4H-1145 Wllliem R. Megness, Whistler's Lane. Koseourg. Farms and Ranches 36 STOCK ranch for rent. ISO ecret, 4 ml. W of Wilbur. Contact Guy Cole, Umpqua Rt., Box 55V Oakland, ore. t ACRES, Large 5 bedroom ranch style noma, 7 bams, I Dams, crew, horn Road. Glide. 44-5706. Timber and Sawmills 40 WANTED Douglas nr. cedar tun and cordwood m multiples of I ft. We load and haul If oiled along accession road. Keller Lumber to. m-ini. Building Materials 41 14.000" MIXED tied lumber. tSUT JX14- Ar umbers. 67-45TO after 5 p.m. PLYWOOD BLOWS. Good slock, la. us for your buy. Mt. Scott Retail yard. Phone 438-1737 Sutherlln PLYWOOD blows. U H. Vi, H. High! queiny, we prices. Quaker on, wood stoves, sutherlln Hardware. 4H-1V4I BOARDS SHIPLAP RUSTIC FENCING ALL GRADES, U4's and wider. Clean up loads at special pricey Custom cut tings direct from sawmill. rKltcD FOR YOU Lumber Sales Co. Garden Valley near RR TRACKS 473-7M1 PLYWOOD BLOWS V SANDED shop SHEATHING shop Phone 672-1641 National Plywood Fuel 43 PEELER CORE WOOO Call Myrtle ireex eej-aeej, eaa-nra, erv-esu. PLANER ENDS 516.50, (17.50 Includes delivery. R1C FIREWOOD 672-3252. DRY FIR WOOD, Can deliver. Phone Fritz Peck, 67V-57W. WOOD FOR SALE. We deliver or you neui. nnynie (.reek s&j-jmj. 24" PLANER ENDS, S16.50. Call alter! 4130 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., 672-2979. GOOD DRY oak fireplace wood. S20 cord. Call 473-5438 16" and 24" DRY OAK WOOD, you haul. i-none 67J-470V GREEN or DRY PEELER CORE 17" LENGTHS' Sawdust Blower or Dump JAMES H. COMPTON FUEL Rt. 1, Box 1221 673-7749 PEELER CORES Cut To Any Length Desired Dry 16" Fir Heater Wood O & C FUEL CO. 673-7508 - YOU HAUL Pond Lillics Cora Blocks Nordic Veneers, Inc. N.W. Diamond Lake Blvd. Across from Boyer Meat Co Peeler Core & Hardwood Pond Lilies FREE SAWDUST Red Diamond Fuel Co. 1767 N.E. Airport Road 673-5082 , WOOD (Dry or Green) SAWDUST (Blower or Dump) Dry Oak And Laurelwood LARGE PEELER CORE PLANERS ENDS All Orders C.O.D. Roseburg Lumber Co. PH. 679-8741 or 673-5508 Auctions 44 VALLEY AUCTION AT TRI CITY Has changed their sale date and time, for the winter, to Sunday 1 p.m. NEXT SALE SUNDAY NOV. 10 1 P.M. FREE COFFEE AND DOOR PRIZE Phone Myrtle Creole 863-3665 Auctioning Service FARM SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy Sell Trade Auction every Friday, 7 p.m. Roseburg Auction Col. V. Munlon, Owner and Auctioneer 673 5076 Miscellaneous to Sell 45 RAPIOAYTON filter, brand new, 550 oil. Phone 44-3402. CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE Call 473-5638 LATE model Frigldalre refrigerator, 550. Phone 679-5566. SMALL FRIGIDAIRE relrlgerator, good condition, 530. Phone 673-6401. ANTIQUE rockers, Set of cane side arm chairs and rocker, oisnes. tb-wt. USED GUNS bought, sold, traded. UMPQUA GUN STORE BLACK DAVE NO, 40' Frigldalre range. Phone 673-8737. 1955 CHEVROLET steel pickup bed. Cell' 6r3-S4B5 alter a p.m. REO cedar posts, 30c. K. F. Taylor,! Rock creek Rd., idieyid park. 19" EMERSON TV with stand, 1962 model. 5o. Phone 672-2V87. WASHER, dryer, range, high chair and oainmetie, (.an ez-ajJJ aner a p.m. Scripture Text Christmas Cards Sacred Records biDies books oms. Bible Book Center 415 SE Jackson MINK COAT-Full length, sue 10, re styled, excellent condition. 5500. 496- 3319. WESTINGHOUSE DRYER, good Condi lion, 545 TPOWBRIDGE ELECTRIC, 721 SE Oak, 673-5521. TV RENTALS. Rent may apply on down payment. Horn's Appliance. 673-5516. POSTS Taking orders. Also Yew cor. ner posts. Bill Badger, Orew, roRTABLC sewing machine, S3S. Call 6737211 after 5. DITCH DIGGING Carlson's Contracting Phone 677-4117 TWO PAIR boys shoe skates. Ilka new, with cases. Sites 4V1 and 7VV 815 and 820. Phone 673-1005. 30:06 REMINGTON rifle with scope. Oak land wood heater, bed daveno. Phone 672-3875. WESTINGHOUSE 40" range, perfect con. ditlon. 879.95. TROWBRIDGE ELEC TRIC, 721 SE Oak, 673-5521. SHALE ROCK Certson'l Contracting 73-tt. NORGE APT. ! ran?, good condition, 151.95. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC, 731 SE Oak, ?S5J1. VACUUM CLEANER repairlna. Airway, Compact, Eieclrolux, Hoover, Kirov, pan, j. e. Newtwrry, tva-TCio, i'j-iwi SHALE rock, top soil, reject gravel. For Hire: imi cat, track layer, loaoeri dump trvek. Charles Keety. USED vacuum cleaner tele $10. $U. $15 J. E. Newberry, UJ3 NE Com mercial, froio. BLONDE O-'-K, desk type, dining room table and 4 chairs; round coffee tablet end table, green l pece sectional ov enpori; also 2 western saddles. Ph. 75477. It 55 CE automatic washer, very good cond., iss aim ieo GE 30" deHe range, evceptional cond., US. See ny time evenings, or mornings before 11 vm. ai zti it Finer. Miscellaneous to Sell 45 COUCH and chair, good condition, 520. rnono UMni REFRIGERATOR and IS' trailer house tor sate, vt-izw. THREE PIECE sectional, oeww SS0., pn. e?-3ve CERAMIC lessons troil Wed. Kilns tor sale, ceramic sup. Trove's 67f-5l33. 200 STEEL wedges for holding concrete forms. 672-1144 eves. FRIGIDAIRE RANGE, like new, 1150. pnone 672-1534 ELECTRIC TRAIN SETS. All gauges. e7-1144 evenings ELEXTROLUX vacuum sales, supplies ana repair, pnone era-was. STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS Call 673-477 KENMORE automatic washer and dry. , w each, uuaranteea. era-ejev. SELL or rent Floor polishers, vacuum cleaners, conee urns, sewing machines, rug shampooer, si per day. HORN'S APPLIANCE 473-5518 REPOSSESSED Westlnghouse portable TV. sou new for S77f. Now 5134 TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC. 721 SE Oak 63-SSZI. WHIRLPOOL combination, washer-drv tr. soia rew tor swo. only 114V. Vi. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC, 721 SE Oak, 673-5521. MEXICAN AGATES New shipment. Rock Shop, an miles south m Myrtle Creek, business route te. Open S days ciosco i-naay ana sunaay. GOVERNMENT ORADEO quality meets tor post freezer aensiaciion. custom cutting, wrapping and qukk freezing. WINSTON LOCKERS, 679-5133. NEW 1963 REVCO 7 cu. ft. relrlaeretor. aeai tor ottice. List price S279 NOW siav. rnii-s Appnence, 241 - w. ner vard. Phone 672-1700. CURIOSITY SHOP 324 Harvard ANTIQUES, the everlasting gilt. Misc. nems, Turn, rofimsning, restoring. Bee Supplies Honey A DOUGLAS COUNTY PRODUCT LeBleu Motors. 319 SE Jackson 673-7567. 26" BOYS HAWTHORNE bike. Good 'condition. $20. 673-4849. SOUTH BEND machinists lathe, V car riage, complete with motor and bu t- up tables, 20" law chuck and other misc. tools. Will trade for eomoer- able tools, car or cash. 472-4488 belore 5 PM, SUNDAYS ONLY Peonies, 50c, 2 ft neoge L"rei, wc. 1 n Knoaoaen droni, 11, Boxwood and Juniper. Sac. 5000 shrubs to choose from. Plxle Gardens, our mu no and to Airoort, then to N. end of Broad St. e73-el13. LARGE executive desk, 150. 3 new wal nut uanisn moaern occasional cnairsi turquoise cushions, MS each. New wa1 nut end table, $7. Early American love sear, grey-oiue rweea, ix. Moaem oc caslonal chair, 15. Birch French Provln- cial occasional chair, 17.50. phone 473- B36Z. Christmas Special GET ACQUAINTED OFFER Bio dli- cuum iron, now i tnr simas on STUDIO KNITTING MACHINES-Also nice selection or machine yarn. Mrs. George Kottke, Phone 49e-347S. Are you Interested In a Knitting Machine .iuor nrase can me. ELECTRIC ranae, GE refrla.. hlde-a- oeo, z snapie taoies, pricnia curtains, portable TV with stand, braided rugs, GE vacuum, wing back chair, patio furniture, b&rbeque. Hollywood bed with springs and mattress, roll sway bed, metal book case, Westlnghouse roaster, misc. items, tan 6723500, WARD'S 22 cu. ft. deepfreeze S10S uacu refrigerator, good cond. . s 25 GE auto, washer, good cond. S 25 Vi HP electric motors, each ft 5 lall us tor appliance needsl GAT-WAT APPLIANCE CO. 1611 SE Cobb 6734773 CARLOAD PRICES VI NYL TILE 4x7 Bathroom ONLY $9.12 MODERN FLOORS Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WILL PAY CASH for 18, or 20 house trailer. Phone 73-7;:c. WANTED to buy, small concrete mlxur. 4-s cu. ft. Phone Roseburg 473-53M WANTED used turn, and misc. Roseburg r-urnuure. u 5b jacKSon, A735iu4. WANTED ANTIQUE colni, guns, china, glassware, leweiry, ciocks. Prisciiia's Antiques. 24 SE jaCKSOn. 672-1421 ELK'S Hospitalized Veterans toy program needs old toys. No cloth or plastics please. May be left at any fire station. Xmas tree stumpage wanted. Ponderosa. l.p. pine. Any arm. w h caul, 7301 aw 26tn ave. port ia no, ore, cm 4-M86, PRIVATE collector wants targe U. S. Pennies and Indlanhead Pennies. Top honest prices paid. Write what you nave tor my otter, box jm Ntwi-Re view. RFADY CASH FOR CHRISTMAS TREES. Roadside or stumpage. Send size and price Immediately. Stanley Ross, 4995 Franklin Blvd.. Sacramento, cant, pnone 76211. Musical Instruments 50 HAMMOND spinet organ, model M3. $400 on. pnone sutnernn. CONN tenor taxaohone. excellent con- a i non. can Roseburg 673-4340 after : p.m. or see ai 1676 w. Brown. ACCORDION LESSONS And music furnished during 6 weeks course! Only $15 Ricketts Music Store Corner Cass & Jackson Phone 4I3-3JOJ Only Twice A Year We Say SALE TIME Pianos Organs Stereos TVs Records REYNOLDS & , RUSHTON MUSIC 516 S. E. Jackson 672-1621 Sporting Goods 53 WESTERN FIELD Traveler camp t r a 1 1 e r, folds out to make a 15' x 7' x V tent. Sleeps' 6. Grey enamel steel trailer. Regularly $469, SPE CIAL at $377. 25 HP SEA KINO motor, regu lar $440 value at $327. MONTGOMERY WARD N. Stephens at Garden Valley 672-4811 Market Basket 57 WALNUTS LARSEN'S PHONE 77U APPLES Spltzen berg, Orfley, Pomes Voohrles Ranch, Look logo lass Valley. APPLES Delicious, Spiti, Wlnesep, Ort ley. 11.50 up, bring containers. Marsh Ranch, LOOkinggiass. vj-5. WANTED Walnuts and Filberts to dry.l Bacon's Dryer, Curry Road. Phone1 47J-7I. APPLES Jonathan, Delicious, Wlnesap, 81.50 op. Bring containers. Neal Meyer, LOCingg;ss. aT-eais. APPLES Jonethon, Delicious, Solti, Wlnesao. Rome. Bring contelners.' Wesley's Orchard, Lower Garden Val ley, tn-un. LOCKER BEEF Cut and wrapped te your StTtciffCetwn BOYER MEAT CO. 673-6323 Rt. 1, Box 35! B. N. Umpqua Hwy. 57 WALNUTS, dried. JSC lb. Cell 47M144 WALNUTS, IS CENTS Phone 4JM04I Seeds, Nursery Stock 59 THREE to 4 tt. El wood Cypress. 83.50. uwan ano Tree Boxwood. 51.50 to 52.50. Irish Yew. 422 W. Belli, phone a3-4oe or e?-4S43. FALL PLANTING TIME. Large selection or rockery pianrs. conifers. Aiaieas, Heathers. Junipers, etc. Winchester Nursery, Pege Road. Dean Bartktlt, 673- 867 Hay and Grain 61 GRAIN HAY and grass hay. O. E. Clay. ion. pnon, 672-174. HAY L. E. COON Dlllerd 4-se ALFALFA 3 cuttings - Melrose Area. Call 673-7502 L. C. P. PELLET MILL Custom pel-' lenng. uvesioca peners always in stock. L. c. Perrm, Rt. 1, Box 19, Oakland. Phone 459-2833. EASTERN OREGON ALFALFA HAY, ton toads or more. Delivered, can creswen tw 5-Z3M. Livestock 63 FOR SALE Yorkshire Boar, 830, Call 4JS-U54 Oakland. POLLED HEREFORD bull, J year old, lan ev-sz4 WOOL RECEIVED DAILY Nichols Store 47WW7 WEANER PIGS Phone n-e4 CALVES FOR SALE $11 and up. Call ey-MM. SHETLAND PONY and saddle. Across from Peuls Shoe Repair on Highway 4, Winston. SADDLES, saddle repair. Riding gear, wstrn wear. Green Stamps. Allen's West e n Goods, 195 SE Stephens. 73-7Ml. 55 INTERNATIONAL pickup, clean. Sell or trade tor livestock, 8400 value. lan Azalea N-ee. FOR SALE One Guernsey cow, noisiein neiter, t wnne tece calf, man Artificial Insemination American Breeder Sarvlr. Beet and Dairy Cattle 479-5320. 471-4435 13 DAIRY COWS S Holstelna. 1 Guern. seys, is jerseys. DeLaval magnatlcl milker, 1 double, single buckets, pumpl and motor. 1 Lett haychopper, Henry j. rnmpps, kt. i, vox uaa, toqulllOi Ore. Phone 3M-374I. SCHRICKER tc SON AUCTION Phono Sull)rlln 4JMI44 Livestock sale every Saturday at IJ:30 p.m. Always good active market for all Kinoe or livestock. O. A. Brown, Welghmaster Dr. Don Rone, Veterinarian Schrlcker and Son. Owners Mgrs. Pets & Pet Supplies 67 BLACK AND tan hound pups for sale. AKC poodle puppies. 4U3-303? Myrtle POODLE puppies tor sale. Reasonable, ARtregisiered. 496-347B. MAI E Elkhound, 3 months old, AKC regisierea. 672-4608. AKC REGISTERED Collie puppies. Luard voiire ienneis. fnone 63-3144. AT STUD Black toy Poodle. Clipping, AKC miniature poodle pups, sliver or """' rnnsi up. rn. ffitif. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society wiinwi 3nnr. rnone e2jyor. AKC Reg. mln. Dachshunds pups. Bill wioeri, iuiyia i-orn Keson. 4V633U. nn en i cure tmaiu vaub nn Boerdlna. Griwrnlna nri Tpmlnlnn BOLEN KENNELS 673-4013 BART'S BOARDING KENNELS, cats and uogs. vj mi. nc or uiamono Lane Bivd, on NB Rifle Range Road. 473-7514. LOOKER'S BOARDING KENNELS, for menv jbcod's. doqi. cats, or n nt Ph. before 10 AM or aft. 3 PM. 73-4fl79. REGISTERED 7 month old Enollih Point. er dogs, lust right now for this hunting wwiit rnotT ett'drj i ovtiTiings. FREE Rusilan blue kitten. Also hall grown buck female cat, part Siamese. Phone 673-4293 AKC miniature and toy poodle puppies, Jj ana up, ierms, inquire ST "76 " Union Service Station, Canyonvllle, Ore, Phone 839-4930 Poultry and Rabbits 68 TURKEYS Sanders Farm, Phone 073-4WJ YOUNG BREEDER RABBITS N. Z. While end Calif. 473-17S3 Farm Equipment 70 3 POINT PLOWS 314 MM. very aood cond e4 2-14 OLIVER, late style 8I5S I II FCRGUSON, felr cond 8113 i ia i-nguson, very good 8155 BUY, SELL or TRADE at Ranch Equipment Sales CLOSED SUNDAYS Days Creek 825-3241 Trucks for Sale 76 LOCKWOOD MOTORS Used Commercials '52 CHEVROLET M ton Dickuo. 8 rvllntW 41 speed, green $ 498 '56 FORD H ion pickup, 8 cvllnder. A neH custom cab, green ... $ 548 '52 CHEVROLET V, ton Dickuo. 6 cylinder. 4 speed, green 498 '58 DODGE Vi ton pickup, S cylinder, 3 speed. blue 7B8 '57 FORD V8 long wheel base Dickuo with Ford, . omatic and custom cab $898 CHEVROLET 1V4 ton With van. 8 cvllnder. 4 speed, gray $ 998 CHEVROLET 1 ton truck, 6 cylinder, 4 speed, flat bed $ CHEVROLET 1V4 ton truck. 6 cylinder, flat bed $ 498 CHEVROLET 1'ton truck, 6 cylinder, 4 speed, flat bed T $ 398 FORD F250, LWB, speed, custom cab .. 4 , $1218 WILLYS Universal Jeep new rubber $ 598 CHEVROLET peed, LWB V-, 3 . $ 998 TWO BIG LOTS Oak and Rose Ph. 673-6334 1430 SE Stephens Ph. 672-1441 Market Basket Heavy Equipment 72 Cranes Rentals Sales Service Eqvlpment to do any lob. Log load ers - II Is IS Ion mobile lilting cranes tor construction. Booms up to HC availed. ENGLE & SONS 1S10 NE Diamond Lake Blvd. en-4Ul Eves cell 4H-3347 in rear as old papa' Building Auto, Truck Parts 75 'a) CHEV. angina, 40 cu. In.. 380 HP, complete. 8473. 8'4-lsW, R'ddle. Trucks for Sale 76 4 CHEV Panel, good tires, radio, heat er. new palm. SJQO. eTi-3874. 53 CHEVROLET station wagon, good shape, trede lor llaloed paup. tn-mi. TWO 'St MACK log trucks. Bel's, Peer less Irallera. Ph. 473-7477. J5 INTERNATIONAL pickup, clean. Sell or iraoo tor iivestxa seog value, can Azalea 837-uaa. 21' SEMI trailer with 5th wheel and brake control, tan cash. Phone an ion Oakland. 1943 Chevrolet Dickuo. 4 speed wild posl irocuon ana canopy. a4-vee. eu West Umpqua alter S p.m. 41 CHEVY Vi ton, 4 speed, t speed rear and or trade for vw stetlon wegon. call 459-3731. INTERNATIONAL 4x4 truck, with front end winch and boom. 8425. See at Wlnston-Olllard Water District. Phone Motorcycles 77 51 HARLEY DAVIDSON 74. Phone 173- 1B58, no Frldey eve. or sel. cells. 58 CUSHMAN scooter, sell or trade tor cair. phone 72-i7e4. SIMPLEX GO-CART, new slicks, with MC . 8150, with Homellte K92, 8125 Will sell separate. 874-2507, Riddle. Saxon Harley-Davidson Sales New I, Used Motorcycles. Financing Avail. Parts a. Accessories Sales & Service 544 N.E. Clover Lane 872-1225 Automotive Service 78 Automatic Transmission We Repair, Rebuild Units and Transmission parts for sale. ' AUTO SERVICE Swede' Mickelson 610 SE Rose 672-3157 Autos for Sale 81 '61 FORD Fairlane, 2 door, R&H, stick $1395 60 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 2 door, R&H, over drive $1295 56 CHEVROLET V8 4 door station wagon. R&H, automatic trans. $ 495 53 FORD V8, V4 ton pick up, $ 350 TOP DOLLAR PAID for late model can and pickups. Will duv or rreae for equmes. NAPIER AUTO SALES HI lima n Sunbeam Salat and Service. 1240 SE Stephens St. 672-2243 HANSEN'S USED CAR CENTER '57 BUICK Century stotlon wogon. QQQ All power 770 '63 CORVAIR Monio conver tible, white and red, 4 speed 9RQR transmission - '! CHEVROLET V8 Impalo 4 door sedan. OIQQ Beiae. All oower l'U '60 CORVAIR deluxe 4 door. All black, whltewall tZP .....$1298 '57 CHRYSLER Windsor 4 door hardtop. (QQQ All power ... f J '60 FORD Country sedan V8, s;rfl..$1498 '62POh4TIAC Tempest Sport coup. Automatic transmis sion, new tires. II QQQ Whit and red I O 7 O '58 STUDEBAKER Howk coup. V-8 with JZQQ overdrive. Beige.. 070 '60 CHEVROLET I ton crum my, crew carrier conversion, . V M898 speed. .... '58 DODGE 1 ton factory stoke, duel wheels, 1 COO new motor .... I J70 HANSEN'S USED CAR CENTER Douglas & Stephens 672-1309 Dm Iltek Perry Clutel IT'S AMAZING Dial 672-3321 the oction-power packed by a few lines In the CLASSIFIED ADS. What's your need? Autos for Sale 81 M STUDE BAKER Hewfc, tow mlleooe excel, cono. new svjmi. SAYRE Used Cars '62MONZA coopa, R&H, 4 speed trans. Local I own- car ..'1995 '60 FORD Starllner coup, Rl H, Cruise-O-Matlc trans., power steering and brakes, whltewall tires. $1 C Real clean It 7 J '56 OLDS 88 2 door hardtop, R&H, automatic trans., power brakes. On owner, has actually iLQ R only 42,000 miles OJ '62 VOLKSWAGEN sedan. Heater defrosters, wind khield washers $110R and whltewalls. 1 1 7 J WILL PAY CASH for late model cars and pickups SAYRE VOLKSWAGEN 404 SE Stephens 672 1647 NOV. Specials 63 PLYMOUTH Fury hordtop. Loaded with extras. A special CLEANUP discount PRICE '63 MERCURY Meteor V8, 2 door hardtop, standard transmission. BIG 7,000 miles SAVINGS 63 STUDEBAKER 2 door demo. DISCOUNT SPECIAL PRICE '62 LARK Reool 4 door, V-8, automatic. Loaded and only 13,000 miles ....BARGAIN '62 STUDEBAKER 2 door, radio and heater, $1 CQQ new tires JsO '61 VALIANT Signet hardtop. Standard transmission buc ket seats. A $ 1 O Q O real sharp car I O 7 O '60 LARK 4 door, V-8 ouloma- '.........'1098 '60 RAMBLER 2 door 6 and overdrive. $QQQ New paint 070 '60 PLYMOUTH Fury sports coupe. Fully equipped. A startling black $1 CQQ with red Interior U70 '59 LARK 2 door 6 with over drive. A real $QQQ clean car OO '59 LARK station wagon, 6 cyl inder, standard JQQQ transmission O 7 O '59 FORD Falrlan 4 door VcT Automatic- $QQQ trans, Tutone ' 'O '58 CHEVROLET BelAIr 4 door h a r d t op. V8, automatic trans, tutone $OOQ paint 770 '57 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4 door, V-8, outomotlc. A sharp LOOK car IT OVER CHEAPIES '57 AMBASSADOR, V-8 ond r; J498 '56STUDE BAKER 4 door Champion "6" UQQ with oerdrlve t70 '56 FORD V8 4 door, auto matic tronsmls- JOQO slon. Special at 070 '55 DODGE 2 door $01 Q hardtop, V-8 Z.tO '55 PONTIAC 4 door, stand ord 50Q tronsmlsion JO '54 OLDSMOBILE 4 $OQQ door, clean fcO '53 MERCURY 98 PICKUPS 63 DOTSUN 4 speed, MAKE 6,000 miles OFFER '63 STUDEBAKER, LWB, 3 speed, overdrive S o v $800 REPO '61 CHEVROLET Corvalr Sr: '1398 '59 CHEVROLET Vi $OOQ ton, 3 speed 770 OPEN (By Request) SUNDAY 10 o.m. to 4 p.m. See The '64: e Studebaker e Chrysler O Plymouth O Valiant McKAY Motors 1410 SE Stephens 673-4531 PLACE YOURSELF In the reader's po sition and ask yourself whet you would like to know about your offer). The answer you give will make e good nassiTiaa Ml Sot., Nov. 9, 1963 The News-Review, pagt 11 Autos for Sale FORD 4 door VS. stick, good tires. Phone tlHUi. Quality Buys eJ CHEVROLET Super Sport 1 door hardtop, V-S. automatic power steering. Factory warran ty. SAX) miles am V CHEVROLET t door hardtop, newly overhauled V-S motor. toad tires. An excellent buy at Slots NOTHING DOWN Used Cars tc Pickups Wanted CASH OR TRADE FOR EQUITY Don Gary (on approved credit) Johnson & Whelchel Used Car Lot 1358 SE Stephens 673-6391 BEST DEALS 41 CHEVROLET Bal Air 4 door. RSH, aula trans s!tS '41 CHEVROLET Inwata. 4 door. RtH, aulo trans, PS sl5 'St CHEVROLET 4 door station wag en. VS. automatic trans, ax- ceptlonally clean STtS Cash Paid for your used car or pickup KEN ELLISON Used Cars Jim Chrlslensen Ken Ellison Owner 1328 SE Stephens, 673-7412 HANSEN'S "OK" LOT No 2 '61 BUICK L Sobr 2 door. Whit, red Interior. Low miles. Deep tread white- '1998 63 CHEVROLET Corvolr Mon. ia coupe. White, 4 speed, bucket seats, Radio and IT: .!2498 '62 CHEVROLET Bel Air sta tion waoon. V-8, power steering, Powergllde. Green, ergllde. Green, J2498 whltewall tires. .... '60 CORVAIR deluxe 4 door, whit and blue, 3 speed trans- Hit, ft mission. I tO '60 FORD V8 station wagon, white. All "1AQR power. Real shop '62 RAMBLER Ambassador V-8, 400 series. All power. White and $OOQR ;, green, Nlc "70 '58 VOLKSWAGEN Karmonn Ghia sport coupe. Black '1098 '60 VOLKSWAGEN double cab Vt ton pick- $ OOP up, 4 speed .... I70 '63 CHEVROLET- Vi ton pick up, big 6 engine. Custom trim, all white $OOQO Low mlleog ..'J HANSEN'S OK LOT No. 2 Dusty Rhodes Byron Auer Lot Manager Salesman! Oak & Stephens 673-753 BUY WITH UTMOST CONFIDENCE That's what we mean when w talk about our Used Cars. You can buy with the same confidence you would have In buying a new car. 1963 CHEVROLET Impalo Sport Coup. Powerglld OOOQ transmission and full power. ' w 1962 PONTIAC Catallno 4 door sedan, 9A98 power steering and power brakes - -w ' w 1961 FORD Ronch Wogon, V8 motor, Fordomotlc $14Qft transmission, radio and heater I t Z sj 1960 MERCURY Montry 4 door hardtop, MalQR Mere-O-Matle transmission 1 ' J 1959 MERCURY Monterey 2 door sedan. Automatic $1 (Q Q transmission with low, low mileage IU' 1958 FORD Ronch Wagon, V8 motor 7QR with Fordomatlc transmission f 7 J 1957 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4 door station wogon with full power 1957 CHEVROLET 4 door sedan, V8 motor, Power glide transmission, power steering, newly 7QR overhauled engine. 7 O 1960 GMC Vi ton long wheel base, 4 speed transmission 1960 CHEVROLET Vi ton, long wide box, 6 cylinder with 3 speed transmission. .. 1959 CHEVROLET Vi ton, long wheel base, wld $1 OQQ box, 6 cylinder 3 speed transmission '' 1957 CHEVROLET Vi ton, 6 cylinder, 7QR 3 speed ; 7 O 1948 WILLYS Jeep " 4 wheel drive pickup. 1949 WILLYS Universol Jeep REMEMBER!! NO One Open Sundays 1 0 to A MOCK'S 1590 N. E.Stephens fHE FRIENDLIEST PLACE 81 4J CHEVROLET apart coupe, slick stun on floor. Phona 4JJ-CJ1. St MULTIPLA Flat, good condition. ni. o'uog, i juv a. e. namnton. 1S4 CHEVROLET 4 door, automatic transmission, (.an r-JAO. list CHEVROLET Impale Convertible. sea engine, solids, com and 3 carb, , stick shltt. Call Canyonvllle, SW-ull. SB EUICK SPECIAL, aharp, low miles. or win trade tor cemp ireiier 01 equal value. Cell 4J1-JIIJ. i EQUITY IN 'SO Chevy hardtop 148. Tr. power, a spoeo, posnracnon, good condition. Riddle, 174-1384, alter 3:10. Sell Buy Rent Hire To Place Your Ad Dial 672-3321 BARCUS BETTER BUYS TERMS TO SUIT YOU No Payments For 45 Days '63 DODGE Polora 2 door hard top. All power, low mileage with 50,000 mile warranty. Priced at a $OQQQ . very low price of 77U '62 DODGE Lancer 770 4 door sedan, pushbutton drive. R&H. Just like new with . factory 50,000 SIVQQ mile warranty I' 7U 62 VOLKSWAGEN Sedan n J1598 '62 CORVAIR Monio. Red with black vinyl upholstery. 4 SS? !!: $1898 60 PLYMOUTH Vollont, 4 dr, Siushbutton drive, R&H, ooks and runs $1 HO Q ' Ilk new. IU70 '60 RAMBLER station wagon. Standard trans $QQQ ond low mileage. O 7 O '59 FORD VB stdon. Standord transmission. $QQ Q Top condition r ' O '59SIMCA station wagon, a real $590 economy cor. w'U '58 OPAL Station Wagon, , excellent $OQ condition 070 '58SIMCA ' UQO 2 door hardtop. - t 7 O '55 CHRYSLER 4 door sedan, automatic trans- MQQ . mission, R&H t'O '55 CHEVROLET V8 4 door station wagon. Tutone paint, powergllde trans, R&H, Extra nlc $CQQ car for only J7U '52 CADILLAC sedon, real lux ury at a low SO Q Q low price. at-ZO PICKUPS '62 STUDEBAKER Vi ton, 3 speed,' low mileage S2T '1498 '48 FORD V8 Yi ton, 3 speed, extra $30Q good. 070 BARCUS MOTORS Dodge Imperial N. Stephens at Garden Valley Open 8 to 7 Weekdays 10 to 4 Sundays 673-5566 698 .....$1598 J1398 $698 '698 Under Sells Mock's Terms To Fit Any Budget MERCURY CITY ' 672-3358 IN TOWN TO BUY A CAR. AM