lisplay You r Goods Where The Reader Traffic Is-Want Ads. 672-3321 Real Estate j) 4,000. 00 FH A appraised price 3 Financing Large corner lot, fenced back yard. 3 nice . tiied bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, forced air oil furnace, and a large single attached garage. Nice drape and curtains go with this mod trn home. J35.0O0.0O GROCERY STORE, gas pimps, on 4j acres of land includes 6 trailer spaces, duplex, 2 small houses and owners home which is nice. Business is gross ing $40,000 anna ilv and could be more. We feel this is one of the best small businesses offered in Douglas County, let us tell SI, 750.00 FHA appraised price Buy this one on Federal Gl nothing down to qualified veter an. 3 bedroom, two downstairs and one up that needs some finishing, nice large living room, dining area, kitchen, inside util ity, a large fenced In lot that helps make this neat modern houst a wonderful plact for your family. y, ' Stevenson Realty 967 S. E. PINE ST. OeSpain 673-5477 Stedman OUITY IN 2 bedroom house Keasey r nvDM 'ira. tail Oi'JJJO. IEAUTIFUI. SITE, 20 ac, all lotus, gooo A water, house and barn. Ph. 43-7869 feeatf i $14,900. BEDROOM, fireplace, electric garage, shop. On West side. 672-4296. NEWLY REMODELED 3 bedroom In t Winston. Gas heat, plastered and In $sula1ed. Low down. $9,250. 673-8016. IfOUR BEDROOMS, baths", den, separate guest or playroom. Westside t location on street of nice homes. Near schools. Y.M.C.A., markets. Dark. S22.- jj 500, 10 down. Owner will consider i" acreage or city property as oart trade. 445 W. Elizabeth. Phone 672- is atter 5 PM. 1 $5500 CASH ' OR YOU ARRANGE financing 3 bed- j room C lllord home, approx. 1 acre rlv ,! r bottom. Completely redecorated In ',Side a out. Across from Hull mill, back from road and mill. 679-5291. Outstanding Home OREEN DISTRICT Sewer paid 3 (large bedrooms, double closets, 2 baths, den, large Flagstone fireplace and filanter, wall to wall nylon carpet ng in living and dining rooms, dish , Washer, utility room, large breezeway, patio. Includes guest house, living room kitchen combination, 1 large bedroom, 2 large closets, baseboard heat. Land scaped. Call after 2 p.m., 673-4755. , 9 GOOD ACRES On a small stream in Glide area. 5 bedroom modern home with 2 baths, fireplace, oil furnace, part basement, two wells, small barn, permanent pasture. Priced at $16, 500, Va down, balance by the month. ROY O. YOUNG & SON. phone 673-6671. 672-2958 eves. TED SMALLE Real Estate. 672-4888 1355 SQ. FT. of Leisure Living on Keasey Rd. Large, new 3 BR home, V baths, fireplace, 100x170 lol, new lawn and shrubs In $14,800. HANDYMAN SPECIAL West side 3 BR home, living room with fireplace, family room with huge fireplace, large garage with storage area. Needs minor re pairs S10.5O0. FULLY FURNISHED, 1 BR, SMO ,dn, S60 mo. Just of Mulholland Drive. Orly $4700. List With a Multiple- Realtor At 812 W. Harvard Blvd. Muriel Thomasson 673-5646 Ed Andes 672-1476 Paul Davis 6V2-4594 ROYO. YOUNG Gr SON. REALTORS Roseburg's Oldest Real Estate Office 500 ACRE stock ranch, bordering Umpqua river. Nearly 70 acres river bottom in permanent pas ture. Other seeded pasture on bench land. Spring water piped to the older houses. 2 barr.s. interna tional Tractor and 9 pieces of equipment included in sale. Alt fenced with woven wire. 125' x 290' TRACT with good 2 bedroom home just outside city limits. Walking distance to Vet erans Administration and Mont gomery Ward. 17 x 19 living room, separate dining room 9 x 11, kitchen 9 x 15, bedrooms 10 x 12 and 11 x 14, bath and utility rooms. Sewer in and paid. Will consider trade on coast prop erly. Total Price SI 0,000. 4 BEDROOM MODERN home on average sin lot, In a district of good homes. Black top street. A good buy (or the large family. Only $8000. Terms. 3100' x 100' lots on black top road near new 99 Highway. $600 each. 4 miles out. OtTWMh Year In Roseburg me uia iimers 733 S. E. Cass Ave. 673-6671 Eves except Frl. Call LeNofr Kruie 472-29U OCTOB ER BARGAINS WONDERFUL' value In this 2 bed room, spacious, close-to-town home. An economical gas furnace, nice bath, paved patio slab, shade trees, separate utility and garage. Well below Appraisal at '..0.900 complete with view and fireplace. $330 DOWN plus closing buys this westside 2 bedroom. Gas furnace, garage, fireplace, nice bath. A nice home on a nice street and the full prict fl J 10,950. WESTSIDE 3 bedroom, close to riv er. Nice free-soil lot, lovely lawn, on sewer, 1 and 2 3 baths. Carport too and a ouie! street with qood neighbors. $14,900 with 29 down or ' refinance. 3 NICE BEDROOMS, fomily room, bg living room, pavpd street, sewer. Oil furnace, carport, and many, many extras you find only in a bet ter home. Close to Hucreit School and in very fin condition. Priced to sell at $15,750. A BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom home In en area of beautiful homes. Locat ed on Aiatea Drive, Immediate dos session. Forced air heat, d.nir-g room, separate utility, 3 baths, dou bt oarage, lovety trees A real vahft a rn.500 end appliances may be purchased. ROSEBURG VpH Realty Cr Insurance Hotel Umpqu, Looby tri-JJU SVE5: Jim or Joyce Doyx in-US) Merttia TnomM IttliM 34 I5-5O0.CO-THIS Is th.-t 1 bedroom doll houM 750 '.qua re toot of neat, comfortaot living area, electric heal attached garage, and walking distance to town. Good terms. $4,000.00-2 BEDROOM, living room, kitchen. This is a small home on a large Vj acre tot on Roberts Creek Rd. Needs some finishing, it could be nice with a little work. 111.900.00-3 FHA or nothing down Fed. Gl 3 bedroom, oil heat, attached carport, large cor ner lot, fenced back yard, land scaped beautifully, this one is really nice for the money. $12,000.00 FHA appraised price 3 Financing 10 x 160 ft. lot, 3 bedroom, living room, dining room, fireplace, electric heat, single attached oarage, wail to wall carpeting, you mort. WE HAVE one nice river lot and several view lots ottered for sale if you are planning on build ing, let us furnish Ihe land. PHONE 672-1614 673-3334 Shultz 672-3686 Hi ACRES, 3 bedrooms. Near Hucreit ana Aaventist school. Ph. 073-7477. SELL or trade equity in 2 bedroorr. noma tor t Dedroom mobile home. Phone 673-SS60 after 2 PM. PAGE ROAD SACRIFICE large 3 bedroom beauty, IVi! oam, 1 1 replace, ou-in ksu, oircn cabi nets, z car alt. garage, ? acre, $17,990, .ltn an. owner. Phone 672-1133. ARE YOU LOOKING tor a home? Have you thought about buying a mobile home? Mobile home living Is convenient carefree practical anc becoming more and more popular. Come out and see the exceptional values we have In mobile homes. See our aa under Mobile Homes, Classification No. 32. Shady Point Trailer Sales. One; mile South on Old HWY 99 BR. Phone 672-1438. Want to sell your property? Who, Me? This space reserved for your prop erty listed with us. We will ad vortise 11 daily until sold or tor the duration of your listing a -cement with ts. Call Jim Sev ens Real Estate, 672-3731 anytime. 957 N" Stephens Member Multiple Listing Service Lots and Acreages 35 21 ACRES, 740 ft. frontage Garden Val ley Rd. Fenced. Phone 673-4907. 100x1 IB (t. LOT, off Landers Lane. $25 down, $25a monlh. Call 673-3BBB. LOT, 154'X$2', east s' , city sewer and: water, si, 650. 67z-io. LARGE LOTS on paved Street, In. Call 679-8877. MYRTLE CREEK homesite or acreage, river bottom. Build to suit. H3370a, Rt. 1 Box 356, Myrtle Creek. IDuAL for trailer, elec. and water In, 1 acre. Wash room, hot water heater, $1500. Ph. 673-327B. 3640 NE Honker Rd. SMALL Inside lot, walking distance from town, with enough used lumber tor a house. $1950 cash, inquire at 124 Mosher. Phone 673-B5U. North Umpqua River 720' FRONTAGE With 13.3 acres of native trees. A natural park with gentle slope to river and Ihe best ot steel head fishing. Phone 496-3145 William R. Magness. Whistler's Lane, Roseburg. Farms and Ranches 36 9 ACRES, Large S bedroom ranch style home, 2 baths, 2 bams, ere. Buck' knffl Burl r.llrll JOA.IVUt . ft Ml in limner ana oawmuis u . -- rr-rr, ; -- - r.vji. .u. ii'civt Mis. logger. Phone a;i-7t7t. WANTEO Owglai fir, cedar Icqi ana cordwood in multiDles of I It. We load and haul If piled along accessible road. Keller Lumber Co. 677-1791. building Materials 41 PLYWOOD BLOWS SANDED shoo SHEATHING shop Phone 672-1641 National Plywood PLACE YOURSELF In WW rtader'l Do- sifton and ak veuntlf What you wouWiGOVEPNVENT GRADED Quality mti lia to know (about your offer). Th for btst trr satisfaction. Custom answer you tjivt will mafct a oooti cutting, wrappim) and quick freezing. Classified Ad! WINSTON LOCKERS, 79-M33. Building Materials 4 1 16.000' MIXEO ised lumber. 1.000' JXltVCOUCH and chair, good condition. $20. imoei . '4--ov tiiier p.m. PLYWOOD BLOWS. Good stock. Sue us! r your st buy. Ml. Scon Retail yard. Phone 459-2737 Suttttrlin PLYWOOD blows. U, H. W, . Ply press bas. $2.9$. 4 shop, $2.50. Hi quel. w prices. 5utlierlin Hdwe. 459-2961 BOARDS SHIPLAP RUSTIC FENCING ALL GRADES, 1x4' I and wider. Clean up loads at special prices. Custom cul ling direct from sawmill. PRICED FOR YOU Lumber Sales Co. Garden Valley near RR TRACKS 673.7361 Fuel 43 CORE WOOD $13 cord split and deliv ered. Lasn. 673-71 OS eves 5-7. DRY FIR WOOD, Can deliver. Phone r-riTz recK, 7?-52W. WOOD FOR SALE. We deliver or you naui. my me v-reeK bwjmj. 24" PLANER ENDS, $16.50. Call after 4:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., 672-2979. 16" and 24" DRY OAK WOOD, you haul. rnone oj-4w PEELER CORE WOOD Call Myrtle ireeK 50J-444J, eWJ-JJO, eV-B43. PLANER ENDS $16.50, $17.50 includes delivery. R&C FIREWOOD 472-3252. GREEN or DRY PEELER CORE 17" LENGTHS Sawdust Blower or Dump JAMES H. COMPTON FUEL Rt. 1, Box 1221 . 673-7749 PEELER CORES Cut To Any Length Desired Dry 16" Fir Heater Wood O&C FUEL CO. G73-7508 YOU HAUL Pond Lillies Core Blocks Nordic Veneers, Inc. N.W. Diamond Lake Blvd. Across from Boyer Meat Co, Peeler Core & Hardwood Pond Lilies FREE SAWDUST Red Diamond Fuel Co. 1767 N.E. Airport Road 673-5082 WOOD . (Dry or Green) SAWDUST (Blowwr or Dump) Dry Oak And Laurelwood LARGE PEELER CORE PLANERS ENDS All Orders C.O.D.' Roseburg Lumber Co. PH. 679-8741 or 673-5508 Auctions 44 Auctioning Service FARM SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy Sell Trade Auction every Friday. 7 p.m. Roseburg Auction Col. V. Munlon, Owner and Auctioneer 673-S02 Miscellaneous to Sell 45 200 STEEL wedges for holding concrete forms. 672-1144 eves, USED ASHLEY wood hcatet, $50. Phone 677-7925 FRIGIDAIRE RANGE, like new, (150. Phone 677-1534 ELECTRIC TRAIN SETS. All 672-1144 evenings ROYAL gas heater. Like new. $40. Call ELEXTROLUX vacuum sales, supplies and repair. Phone 63-5045, STANLEY H OAAE PRODUCTS Call 673-4773 8' METAL garage door, radio, toy fire t. JCk, mlSC 673-5900. KENMORE automatic washer and dry $45 each. Guaranteed. 673-654?. CERAMIC lessons free Wed. Kilns for sale. Ceramic sup. Treva's 679-5133, "USED GUN rbought, sold, traded."" UMPQUA GUN STORE BLACK DAVENO. 40' Frlgidalra range. , Phone 673-8232. 1955 CHEVROLET steel pickup bed. Call 673-S4B3 etier p.m. RED cedar posts, Rock Creek Rd., 30c. K. F. Taylor, Idieyid Park. 9" EMERSON TV wilh stand, model. $80. Phone 672-2987. , WASHER, dryer, range, high chair and bathlnelfe. Call 672-4333 alter 6 p.m. Scripture Text Christmas Cards Sacred Records Bibles Books Gltts. Bible Book Center 415 SE Jackson MINK COAT Full length, sue 10, re styled, excellent condition. $500. 496 3389. WESTINGHOUSE DRYER, pood condi tion, 45. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC, 721 SE Oak, 673-5531. TV RENTALS. Rent may apply on down payment. Horn's Appliance. 473-MH. POSTS Taking orders. Also Yew cor! ner posis. Bill Badger. Drew. WE5TTNGHdusE''ranqeTptecrVoa dlfton. $79.H. TROWBRIDGE ELEC TRIC, 721 SE Oak, 673-5521. SHALE ROCK Carlson'i Contracting 472-411 NOROE APT. s-7e range, good condition, M.5. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC, 721 SE Oak, 673-5521. VACUUM CLEANER repairing. Airway, Compact, Electrotux, Hoover, K I r b y. ports. J. E. Newberry, 673-7010, 473 35?! FREEZER Wlirard, 27 cu tt chest, nice cend. stoo. inquire Earl Darby rest dence. Riddle, Ore. I Hr: tmail cai, track layer, toder, I USED vacuunt charter sale 110, 1$, us. J. E. N-wbarrv. 1332 NE Com. rnar:laL 173.7010. RUMMAGE sale Roseburg Woman's club ar Clubhouse, Mosrter. pri-sal. Nov. Clothing.furnjture. househotd Items. SELL or rent Floor polishers, vacuum cleaners, coftee urns, sewing machines, rug shempooer, SI per day. HORN'S APPLIANCE 173-SSlt REPOSSESSED Westinghouse portable TV. sold new for $77?. Now S13S. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC, 731 SE Oa 73-SSJ1 WHIRLPOOL combination, whr-d'y. tf. SoM iew (or $M0 Only tHt.5 TOWBRIDOE ELECTRIC, 73. &E Oak, 67J-J5J1. MEXICAN GATES New ih.pnitnl.iW. Roc hoo, J mltw lowth of yrli Oee, businttt rout n. Opm I dyi Ctowd Friday tnd Sunday. Miscellaneous to Sell 45'Seeds, Nursery Stock 59 rnone ez-jysa. NEW 1943 REVCO 1 eu. ft. refrigerator. Ideal for office. List price S22v NOW 1IS9. Phil's Appliance. 2741 w. Har vard. Phone 672-1700. CURIOSITY SHOP 324 Harvard ANTIQUES, fhe everlasting lft. Misc. items, rum. ret miming, restoring. Bee Supplies Honey A OOUOLAS COUNTY PRODUCT LeBleu Motors. 319 SE Jackson 673-757. 26" BOYS HAWTHORNE bike. Good condition. $20. 673-4849. GRAVEL SALES AND DELIVERY in the Look- inggiass area, e'v-uie. SOUTH BEND machinists lathe, a' can r aoe. como etc with motor and hit i It. up tables. 20" law chuck and othc? misc. toois. win iraae tor compar able tools, car or cash. 472-44M before; 5 PM. SUNDAYS ONLY Peonies, 50c, J fl nedge Lr-rei, 50C. I ft Rhododen drons. SI. Boxwood and Juniper. SOc. 5000 shrubs to choose from. Pi Kit Gardens, out Mu I hoi land to Airport. inen to n. eno or Broad St. e34113. ELECTRIC range. GE refrlg., htde-a- oed, i mapia tables, Prlcilia curtains, portable TV with stand, braided ruos. GE vacuum, wing back chair, patio furniture, barbequt. Hollywood bed with springs and mattress, roll away bed. metal book case, Westlnghoust roasTer. misc. items, call 672-3500. CARPET Odd Sizt Room Rugs. (Roll balances) Wool or Nylon,' 25 OFF MODERN FLOORS 1367 NE Stephens ' 67J-1 FURNITURE ANNEX NEW & USED OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK SEE OUR SUPPLY OF GOOD PAINT at our FRIDAY NITE AUCTION Also a new shipment of HIDE-A-BEDS $159.95 To $179.95. WE FINANCE Roseburg Auction Co. 1297 NE Grandview 673-5026 V. Munlon, Owner, Mgr. Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WILL PAY CASH for IB', 19' or 20' house trailer. Phone 673-7810, WANTED used turn, and misc. Roseburg Furniture. ' se jacKson, WANTED ANTIQUE coins, guns, china, glassware, jewelry, clocks. Priscma's Antiques. 247 SE Jackson. 672142,. ELK'S Hospitalized Veterans toy program needs old toys, no cioin or plastics1 please. May be lett at any lire station. WASTED Good used electric wall heat er, at least 4000 watts, no Friday eve ning or Saturday calls please. Phone aj-avi PRIVATE collector wants large U. S. Pennies and Indian head Pennies. Top honest prices paid. Write what you have for my offer. Box 734 News-Review. Musical Instruments 50 LATE BALDWIN Orgasonic organ. 1800. pine violin, can bJf-aui. CONN tenor saxaphone, excellent con dltion. Call Roseburg 473-6540 after p.m. or see at .66 w. Brown. PIANOS & ORGANS FOR RENT NEW BALDWINS RICKETTS Music Store Corner Cass B. Jackson Phone 673.3202 Only Twice A Year We Say SALE TIME Pianos Organs Stereos TV's Records REYNOLDS. & RUSHTON MUSIC 516 S. E. Jackson 672-1621 Sporting Goods 53 HEAVY DUTY 600 wall light plant, t95 7"i H.P. Scotty outboard, '62 model, $145. 1 set 6:50x16 heavy duly tire chains, new, $16.50. Roseburg MCwUl loch, 1092 N.E. Stephens. Ph. 672-3621 WESTERN FIELD Traveler camp trailer, olds out to make a 15' x 7 x 7 tent Sleeps 6. Grey enamel steel trailer. Regularly $469, SPE CIAL at $377. 25 IIP SEA KING motor, regu lar $110 value at $327. WARDS SEA KING, 40 hp (el ectric start) deluxe outboard. Was $575. NOW $397. MONTGOMERY WARD N. Stephens at Garden Valley 672-4811 Market Basket 57 WALNUTS. 75 CENTS Phone 477-1011 WALNUTS WALNUTS You pick on shares. Call evenings 677-Mig. WALNUTS LARSEN'S PHONE 673-7766 APPLES Spilienberg, Ortley. Romes voohries Ranch. Lookingglass Valley, APPLES Delicious, Spill. Winesap, Ort ley. 61.50 up. bring containers. Marsh! Ranch. Lookingglass. 6734486. WANTE 0 Walnvtscrid FllWrtTionrry. Bacon's Dryer, Curry Road. Phona 673-67ltJ APPLES Jonathan. Delicious. Winesap, $1.50 up. Bring containers. Noel Meyer, Lookinggl.-is. 6.9-11 1 5. APPLES Jonathon, Delicious, Spltf, Winesap. Romes. Bring containers. Wesley's Orchard, Lower Garden val ley. 673-5697. WALNUTS, Filbert), Home Made Cider. All varleti-s of apples. St. 50 and up. Dried prunes squash, other fruits and veqetables. Harvard Avenue Fruit Stand. LOCKERBEEF" Cut and wrapped to your Specification BOYER MEAT CO. 673-6323 UmpQtia Hwy, Seeds, Nursery Stock 59 THlVfrToT"f1E iwoocTpresv" " I? '.50. Dwarf and re Bovwood, SI JO to S? Irish Yew til W. 6a I If, phorw aXMI or 7-4MJ. FALL PLANTING TIME. Large selection oi roctery plants, conifers. Azaleas, Heathers, Junipers, etc. Winchester Nursery, Page Road. Dean Bar I lett, 473- M7 BLUE BERRY BUSHES LARGE 4 and 5 vr, old plants ready to proouct tor you. only $1.00 each HERBERT I, BERKELEY varieties, the kinds tor luscious pies and freezing Phone 673-4858 Hay and Grain 61 FOR SALE Yorkshire Boar, U0. Call 4-423e Oakland. HAY L. 6. COON Dlllard 479-529 ALFALFA 1 cuttings Melrose Area. call S73-WZ L. C. P. PELLET MILL Custom pel- wung, uvesiocK petieis always in stock. L. C. Perrln, Rt. 1, Box W, Oakland. Phono SM33. ETERNOREGON ALFALFA HAY, r ton loads or mort. Delivered, can creswen tw $-2389. Livestock 63 POLLS D HEREFORD bull, 3 year old. iaii av-ai4 WOOL RECEIVED DAILY Nlctols Store 679-8907 QUARTERBRED weanling filly. $150. i3i sw Medtord, above Fairgrounds. SHEEP PASTURE for rent, 133 acresl Fesque. Lookingglass area. Call h!S12. no Sunday calls please. Artificial Insemination BEEF and dairy cattle. 6795320, 671-463?. SADDLES, saddle repair. Riding gear, wslrn wear. Green Stamps. Allen's West- iooos, IH5 5c Stephens. 673-7501. '55 INTERNATIONAL pickup, clean. Sell or iraae tor livestock, S6W value, Call Azalea (07-5566. 23 DAIRY COWS 5 Holstelns, 3 Guern seys, is Jerseys. DeLaval magnetic milker, I double, 2 single buckets, pump and motor. 1 Lell hay-chopper. Henry J. Philipps, Rt. 1, Box 3555, Coquille, ure. pnone 3Vtw. SCHRICKER & SON AUCTION Phone Sutherlin 459-2146 Livestock sale every Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Always a good active market for all Kinas ot livestock. G. A. Brown, Welghmaster Dr. Don Rone, Veterinarian Schrlcker and Son Owners Mgrs. Oregon Purebred Sheep Breeder's 6th Annual EWE SALE 200 HEAD ofr registered owes and ewe lambs, all breeds. Nov. 9 10 A.M. Polk County Fairgrounds Rickreal, Ore. , LUNCH served on the grounds, Fair grounds located 'A mile south of Rlckreall on 99W and 10 miles west of Salem on Hwy. 22. Order of sale: Romnty, North Country Cheviot, Dor set, Lincoln, Corrltdale. Columbia, Cheviot, Hampshire. Southdown, Suf folk, Shropshire. AUCTIONEER: Roy Ben son , Hill sboro SALE Every Saturday 1 P.M. Livestock of all . kinds. Pickup and delivery service, Proper feeding facilities. Livestock received at any time. DOUGLAS LIVESTOCK MARKET WILBUR OREGON 672-4071 Pets & Pet Supplies 67 BLACK AND tan hound pups for sale. KITTENS TO GIVE AWAY 673-3595 AKC poodle puppies. BU-303V Myrtle Creek. MAI E Elkhound, 3 months old, AKC regisierea. ez-uus. AKC REGISTERED Collie puppies. Luard Collie Kennels. Phone 673-3 1 . AT STUD Black toy Poodle. Clipping, AKC miniature poodle pups, silver or DiacK, s5 and up. Ph. 672-3217. TOY POODLES, oet supplies, trimming ana Doaraing at impcrest poodle Ken nels. UK N. JE. Beacon Way. 472-1552. OBEDIENCE f RAIrTYOuTobG" Boardina, Groomina and Tralnlna BOLENKENNELS 673-4012 uART'S BOARDING KENNELS, cats and dogs. Vj ml. NE of Diamond Lake Blvd. on NE Rifle Range Road. 673-7SU, LOOKER'S BOARDING KENNELS, for merly Jacob's. Dogs, cats, or any pet. Ph. before 10 AM or all. 3 PM. 673-4979, DOUGL AS COUNTY HUMANE Society Animai snener, pnone tfi-mt. AKC Reg. mfn. Dachshunds pups. Bill iiperi, idieyid Parte Resort. 4?63s. REGISTERED 7 month old English Point er dogs, ust right now for this hunting season. Phone 472-792) evenings. AKC miniature and toy poodle puppies, J3 ana up, terms, inquire ai "76" Union Service Station, Canyonviile, Ore. Phone (39-4930 Poultry and Rabbits 68 TURKEYS Sanders Farm, Phone 173-4907 YbuNGBR6EDER Rabbits-" N. Z. White and Calif. 677-27SJ Farm Equipment 70 1 POINT PLOWS 314 MM. very good cond $365 214 OLIVER, late style II tS 212 FCROUSON, fair cond 1115 1 II FERGUSON, very good tISi BUY, SELL or TRADE at Ranch Equipment Sales CLOSED SUNDAYS Days Crctk 825-3241 Heavy Equipment 72 Cranes Rental!) Sales Service Equipment to do any ob. Log load ers II to 26 ton mobile lining cranes for construction. Booms up to 110 available. ENGLE & SONS 1SJ0 NE Diamond Lake Blvd. 67J-4337 Eves call 46-3347 In rear of old Pipe' Building Trucks for Sale 76 TWO 'St MACK log trucks, BU S. Peer lest trailers. Ph. m-lill. SI INTERNATIONAL plctuo, clean, lell cr trade for livestock. I6O0 value. Call Atalea I3MI66. 21' $EMI trailer with Slh wheel and brake control. I4S0 cash. Phone 46f xn Oakland. CASH buyers of livestock, watch "Livestock" ods. Diol 672-3321 to place your ad. 76 1961 Chevrolet pickup. 4 speed with posl iracnon ano caitopy, tj-ruM. 4U west Umpqua alter S p.m. '41 CHEVY ton. 4 speed. 2 speed rear end or trade tor VW station wagon. Call 459-373L INTERNATIONAL 4x4 trucK, with front end wtnch and boom. $475. See at Wlnslon-Dillard Water Dislrlct. Phont 6V-467. LOCKWOOD MOTORS Used Commercials '52 CHEVROLET ton pickup, 6 cylinder 4 speed, green $ 498 '56 FORD i ion pickup, 8 cylinder, 4 speed, custom cab, green .... $ 548 '52 CHEVROLET W ton pickup, G cylinder, 4 speed, green $ 498 '58 DODQE V4 ton pickup, 6 cylinder, 3 speed, bluo $ 798 '57 FORD V8 long wheel base pickup with Ford- omatic and custom cub $898 '52 CHEVROLET IVi ton with van, 6 cylinder, 4 speed, gray $ ! '37 CHEVROLET 1 ton truck, 8 cylinder, 4 speed, flat bed $ 398 '48 CHEVROLET 1V4 ton truck, 6 cylinder, flat bed $ 498 '46 CHEVROLET 1V4 1 0 n truck. 6 cylinder, 4 speed, flat bed $ 398 '60 FORD F250, LWB, 4 speed, custom cab .... $1298 47 WILLYS Universal Jeep new rubber $ 598; 58 CHEVROLET' V-8, 3 speed, LWB $ 998 TWO BIG LOTS Oak ond Rose Ph. 673-6334 1430 SE Stephens ,; Ph. 672-1441 Motorcycles 77 5fl CUSHMAN scooter, sell or trade tor call. Phone 7M7M. 51 HARLEY DAVIDSON 1. Phone 67J. 1858. no Friday eve. or Sal. Calls. Saxon Harlcy-Davidson Sales New & Used Motorcycles. Financing Avail. Parts & Accessories Sales & Service SU N.E. Clover Lane 6)2-1225 Automotive Service 78 Automatic Transmission We Ilopair, Rebuild Units and Transmission parts for sale. AUTO SERVICE Swede Mickelson 610 SE Rose 672-3157 Autos for Sale 81 57 PONTIAC 2 door, S600 cash or terms. Call 673-3B8J. 57 BUICK SPCL 4 dr H.T., R8.H, 1 own er. Good cond. $595, 4$9-2aOS Oakland. '57 FORD V8, 2 door stick shift, good cond. v.w. Phone 496-3229, Giiae. '56 OLOSMOBILE 2 door excellent con dltion. Phone 673-6135. - 57 OLOS ? door hardtop. Full power, Clean J595. Phone 472-3490. 1956 VOLKSWAGEN sedan. Good condl lion. S725. Phone 63-8683. i9 VW, radio, deluxe Interior. Nice in side and out. 1895. Phone 672-3490. M RAMBLER AMBASSADOR, $2500. Full power. Perfect. Call all 6. 673-601;. TAKE OVER PAYMENTS on 1961 COR VAIR. Honduras maroon. 672-4336. 62 CHEVROLET sport" coupor "stick shlllonJloor.Prione673-8232. 'jo'Vor'6 a" door VI, Hick, good tires Phone 673-4146. S2 MERCURY, new paint, tires, good motor. Phono 6723942. 55 MERCU3Y, Monterey. 1260. Excel, lent motor. Call 673-76JJ. 'S6 CHEV. 2 door, new paint and uphol stery, V I. very sharp. 1745. Call 672 2492 after 6 p.m. SELL OR TRADE equity tor older car. '69 ford station wagon, (.ail 6'3- 4095 alter 6 p.m. EQUITY IN '60 Chevy hardtop 341. Trl power, 4 speed, Poillracllon, good condition. Riddle, 174-2314, alter 3:30. Quality Buys ELEGANT 196? PONTIAC Bonneville door hard, top. 16,000 actual miles, power steer- Ing and brakes. A beautiful gold with matching Interior. A QUALITY value at $2995. NOTHING DOWN (on approved credit) Used Cars & Pickups Wanted CASH OR TRADE FOR EQUITY Don Gary Johnson Cr Whelchel Used Ciir Lot 13.r8 SE Stephens 673-0391 63 IMP LA 2 door Sport hardtop. R&H, auto matic trans, power atecring, 8.000 miles and guaranteed $2950 '62 CO MKT 4 door sedan. Standard trans, I o w mileage, sharp $1695 '56 CHEVROLET V8 4 door station wagon. Rill, automatic trans. $ 595 '57 INTERNATIONAL ' '14 ton. R&H, truck auto matic trans .. .. $ 695 TOP DOLLAR PAID for lata model cars and pickups. Will buy or trade tor equities. NAPIER AUTO SALES Hilt man Sunbeam Sales and Service 1240 E Stephens St. 672-2243 Trucks for Sale Wed., Nov. 6, 1963 The Autos for Sale 81 1959 CHEVROLET Impata Convertible. 341 engine, solids, cam and 3 carb, ltckshitl, Call Canyonviile, 139-433. 4I "uuick SPECIAL, sharp, tew mfltT or will trade tor camp trailer of equal valut. Call e72-3T5. REPOSSESSED Black 'SI Dodgt 2 door sedan, l? 500 motor, auto, trans, not running, best otter over 1150, can fi nance. Pacific Finance, Myrtlt Crttk, 43-3191, UMPQUA MOTOR Jeep values Open House Saturday November 9th NEW SHOWING , of the NSU-Prinz A compact, German make sport coupe Also NEW SHOWING of the 64 JEEP WAGONEER Station Wagon & GLADIATOR Truck UMPQUA Motor & Impl. Co. (NEW LOCATION) 1735 Diamond Lake Blvd. Phone 672-4825 BARGUS BETTER -BUYS TERMS TO SUIT YOU No Poyments For 45 Doys '63 DODGE Polora 2 door hard top. All power, low milcago with 50,000 mile warranty. Priced ot a JOOOQ very low price of- 7 7 J '62 DODGE Lancer 770 4 door sedan, pushbutton drive. R8.H. Just like new with factory 50,000 $1 yQQ mile warranty I 7 U '62 VOLKSWAGEN Sedan nL:k;. :.. $1598 '62 CORVAIR Monza. Red with black vinyl upholstery. 4 $1898 '60 PLYMOUTH Valiant, 4 dr, pushbutton drive, R & H, looks and runs $1 OQR like new. IU 7 O '60 RAMBLER station wagon. Standard trans $OQQ and low mileage.. O 7 O . '59 FORD V8 sedan. Standard transmission. . Q Q Q Top condition. '59 S1MCA station wagon, a real JCQR economy car z z j '58 OPAL Station Wagon, excellent AQQ condition i... U'O '58 SIMCA $ 498 2 door hardtop. '55 CHRYSLER A door sedan, automotic trom-tQQ mission, R8.H HZO '55 CHEVROLET . V8 4 door itotion wagon, Tutone point, powerglide trans, R&H, Extra nice tlQQ car for only J Z O '52 CADILLAC ledan, real lux- ury at a low 298 low price. PICKUPS '62 STUDEBAKER 'j ton, 3 speed, low mileage ' Z: '1498 '48 FORD V8 Vi ton, 3 ipecd, 398 BARCUS MOTORS Dodge Imperial N. Stephens ot Garden Volley Open 8 to 7 Weekdays 1 0 to 4 Sundays 673-5566 extra aood XiWAIlll1 CLEAR THE- LOT SALE 50 CARS TO BE SOLD WITHIN 4 DAYS! See Our Adv. Page 14 ROSEBURG MOTORS News-Review, Page 13 Autos for Sale 81 st CHEVROLET 4 door, transmiuion. Call al37U. ii CHEVROLET I ooor hardlw. Bal Air. VI. Sharp. n. Phona ill-UK. 'ii JEEP ttatlon wagon, hubs, naw paint, 14,000 mlln. Eicallcnl. Wi. ' Phone UMilt. 'to CADILLAC hardtop coupe, radio, heater, power iteerlrtg-orakea. 2313 Wal'en. Call e'' 4te alter 5 p.m. BEST DEALS il CHEVROLET i Ooor ttatlon wag on, va, automatic trans, ex ceptionally clean Ill) U MERCURY Monterey hardtop. RIH, lull power, well Kept .... HIJ Cash Paid for your used car or pickup KEN ELLISON Used Cars Jim Chrlttenien Ken Ellison Owner 1328 S Stephens, 073-7412 SAYRE Used Cars '63 COMET, local, 1 owner cor, standard trans, R4H, dlr ectionals, 6 cyl. Very nice ?r '2095 '62 CHEVROLET Bel. Air 2 door. R & H, automatic trans, whltewalls, beautiful tutone blue $OnOR ond white '61 OLDSMOBILE F-85 Deluxe 4 door sedan. R&H, auto matic tram, tutone point,, - whltewalls, plus oir con ditioning. 17Qt THIS WEEK. 7 U '62 VOLKSWAGEN sedan. Heoter defrosters, wind shield washers $1QkX and whltawolls. I T Z J WILL PAY CASH for lato model cars and. pickups . SAYRE VOLKSWAGEN 404 SE Stephens; ' 672-1647 '63 FORD Galaxie 500 4 door. RcVH, Fordomatic Irons, power steer- $070 Ing, low mileage at z J '63 CORVAIR Monza Coupe. Under 11,000 miles. 4 ..!2095 '62 RAMBLER 4 door Classic. R8.H, Auto- . none motie trans ' O Z J '62 TEMPEST 2 door. Automa tic trans, ro- J 1 7Q C dio and heater. I z J '61 B U I C K door sedan. . Special. 4 ...1795 '61 TEMPEST 4 door. Automa tic trans, ro- $ Z Q C dlo and heater, !07J '60 PONTIAC Catallna 4 door. Hydramatlc trans, R&H, ' power staring $1701 and brakes I z J 60 CORVAIR 4 dr $1 OQC Automatic Irani I at, z J '60 FIAT 1100 aOC 4 door sedan, U z J '60 FIAT 500 2 door sedan. ..$495 '59 D O D G E 4 door sedon. Radio ond heater, power steering, auto- Snnt malic lions '59 GOLIATH station wagon, '59 FIAT 750 tcdan. ' ............ ,$495 :.?395 '57 CHEVROLET 2 door 6 cyl Inder Stond- AQt ord tram O z J '57 BUICK Century 4 door hardtop. Power steering, brakes, ond )CQC windows JSJ '54 PLYMOUTH OQK, station wagon .... Z-Z J OUTDOORSMAN '58 WILLYS station wagon, .. wheI drlvB ...$1495 54 WILLYS pickup. 6 cyl, winch, Warn 95Q Riverside Motors Your Oldsmobile - Datsun Fiat Dealer 988 NE Stephens 672-3481 1 1 i t ! . i i n : .1, 1 1 1