t (easey-Calkins US aster Plan Sever Ordered Page 2 The News-Review Tue. Kjov. 5, 1963 Rb'seburg's City Council will ask the engineering firm of Cor nell, Howell, Hayes and Mer- ryfield of Corvallis to prepare a sanitary sewer master plan for the Keasey-Calkins area. The council Monday authoriz ed City Manager Craig McMick en to' negotiate a contract with the engineering firm for such a study. The city wants to mjve ahead with the engineering studies this winter to pave the way tor possible annexation. Sever al requests for annexation have come to the city from Ktasey Calkins residents following a re port from Douglas County san itarians indicating the area fac es potential health hazards due to inadequate sewage disposal. City officials said today they have received 40 requests for annexation (or the Keasey-Calkins area. McMicken said funds for the survey are available in the city's Sewer Assessment Fund. Roquait Rejected In another council action, a request from Douglas County Housing Authority for a com mercial rate on sewer service charges was turned down. Charles Dondero, authority ad ministrator, said the authority felt its housing program (Rose wood Park Homes) deserved re lief on sewer charges due to the special public nature of the operation. Houses in the project are now charged on the same basis as other multiple dwelling unts as?ab,net ! Premier Giovanni result of a re-evaluation of sew-i1?0 resigned en masse today, er service charges undertakenlP1'ln(;ln8 this . Nrtt A"a""c by the city a couple of years:1"' Orgamzauon (NAJJ ago. This hiked the Rosewoodcoun,ry. bf wto the political Italy Faces Political Crisis After Stop-Gap Cabinet Quits ROME (UP1) The stop-gap to stop it is taken. Ordinance Calls For Hearing On Kline-Calkins Annexation An ordinance calling for pub lic hearing on proposed annex ation of property lying east of NV Kline Street and north of NW Calkins Rood was adopted by the Roscburg City Council Monday night. The hearing was set for Nov, 25. Three ownerships are in volvcd in the annexation, and all have consented to the plan. Owners are Elliott E. Perkins Man Draws Fine On Alcohol Charge Tommy Joe Ray. 18, Winston, was sentenced Monday to serve 60 days in the Douglas County jail and fined $100 and $5 costs, on a plea of guilty to giving al cohol to a minor. - District Court Judge Gerald R. Hayes suspended the jail term on provision he pay - the fine. Ray was accused of giv ing liquor to a 16-year-old girl Oct. 31. In other District Court ac tions, John Domingo Uborauga, 21, John Day, pleaded guilty to driving with suspended opera tor's license. He was fined $1501 and $5 costs' and sentenced to serve seven days in the county Jail. In Rosuburg Municipal Court of Judge Warren Woodruff lion day, Randolph Nowlin Brooks, 55, of El Monte, Calif;, pleaded gullly to drunken driving ami was fined $150 und $5 costs. Ho was arrested by city po lice, after his car sideswiped a city street cleaning pickup early Monday morning. Miko Perry, 18, Rt. 1, Box 1112, Roscburg, forfeited $35 hail by failure to appear Mon day in answer to a charge of disorderly conduct. He was ac sued in connection with an as sault on a 15-year-old boy, George Simpson, Sept. 14. who has two lots on the Kline Calkins corner on which new homes are to be built; Frances M. Shepherd, who has an acre' age east of Vale Court which will be subdivided into 12 lots: and Clarence II. Berg, owner of a 30-foot strip between the oth er two properties. If annexed, the area would add about four acres to the city. Although other property owners in this section have re quested annexation, the city is moving ahead with action on these three parcels due to im mediate property development needs, city officials explained. Applications Okayed Several liquor license appli cations were approved by the council, based on recommenda tion by Police Chief John Tru-oil. Renewal applications for dis pensers licenses were approv ed for Swede's Tavern, 937 SE Stephens St.; Pat's Tavern, 721 IE Jackson and The Club, 624 IE Cass Ave. Renewal applications for package beverage licenses were approved for Mark's Shopping Center on West Harvard, Mar tin's Grocery at 1224 SE Booth nd Tho Food Mart, 930 SE Stephens. Application for dis penser s license and package beverage license was okayed for B & M Tavern, 809 SE Cass. The applicants were Miles C. i and Vcrna I, lluagy and Joyco 1, Proctor. Work Started On New Bridge Eugene contractor Merlin R. Main lias started .pouring con crote. for pier footings on the Blllzeif Bridge ' which, Is being constructed ; across the North Umjqiiu Uivor about 30 'ii)iles vuki mi ituscuurg. , t . . Umpqu'a National Forest uffi rials, said the contractor has in stalled., a temporary "shoo-fly" bridijo (a wooden access struc turo) in connection with prelim inary work nn tho main bridge. The Ei Parked Car Gets Fender Damaged Jane S. Pcttit, 393 SE Rasl St., Roscburg, Monday report' cd to city police that her car was sideswiped and forced onto the sidewalk by another car which did not stop at the scene of the accident. The accident occurred on W. Harvard Ave. near the Rosc burg High School ' entrance about 7 p.m. She (old officers woman witli a small girl in the. car was operator of the car. Fender damage was caus- ed. ; i ' ' '" . Another minor ; accident In-! volvcd tho car of. John Thomas Worden, of 322 SE Pitzer St., which was stopped at a stop sign on Diamond Lake Blvd. at Winchester. It was struck by another caV opcratod by Fred Delberl Town; Myrtle Creek, Who Has making a wide turn at the intersection. Damage was minor. The accident occurred at 5:20 p.m. Monday. Irene Day, of 845 NE Dixon Park charge from $300 to $1,100 annually. Dondero contended the au thority will be unable to pay the higher rate without curtail ing its maintenance program. He said it is also impossible to raise rent of tenants to offset the higher charge since the rents are based oir fixed sched ules predicated on the fact that most of the "low income" fam ilies living in the homes have unchanging incomes. City Attorney Paul Geddcs said the city cannot grant ex ceptions or relief under the present ordinance which cov crs sewer service charges. The council did not favor amending the ordinance to provide a spe cial exception Mayor Thomas Garrison said such an exception would have the clfecl of "subsidizing" the authority's operation in some degree and slated the city is in no position to stand such a loss. "The city already has a prob lem of providing sufficient rev enue to pay the costs of the sewer program, he said Dondero indicated the author ity's board would pay the charg cs without further protest. Discussion of a proposed pro. gram in which street improve. mems would be "iniatiatcd" for selected streets in the Cloakcs Ferry area was postponed until next council meeting by Mc Alicken. The city plans to in troduce a new policy of initiat ing ' street projects and the Coukcs Ferry area is the first target. Public Works Director Ken neth Mcng reported on a plan to provide a splash shield to protect pedestrians crossing Washington Ave. . Bridge during inclement weather. He present, cd for council inspection a ma terial known as alsynitc plastic glare-shield which is used on the Santa Monica, Calif., free way. He said the material could be used to form a fence shield running the length of the side walk. The council called for further studies on the proposal and ask ed the public works director to report on the feasibility of wul ening the sidewalk by two feet in connection with the improve ment, ; In' 'other action, the council ordered that an agreement be executed with the slate High way Department in connection with the traffic signal installa tion at the West Harvard Boulc vard-Bcllows Street intersection and set Nov. 25 as public hear ing date for assessments on the completed West Pilgcr Street sanitary sewer improvements. crisis that has plagued it for most of the year. The cabinet, formed after general elections last April, voted to resign in a 24-minutc session, ending its 137 days in office. The development had been expected. ine mgni oi money aoroaoixhe n,an heW ms Ught is a result of a steady ina- snut. He took of his glasses tionary spiral. Little has beenland ezed ni - , situation, according to econo- Prosecutor Tells Trial Jury Thompson Set Up Wife's Death MINNEAPOLIS, Minn (LTD see who it was. But he never.hire." 3esides the "other worn It was only a smiling picturejsaw it as Segell held it at closeian" motive, he offered to prove but it bad a most telling effect. 'range. He dug ms rigm nana uiai m a apace oi auoui a year mists, is reaching the critical point . The other for.n'da for a polit ical solution based on right wing support has been tried repeatedly over the past years. Because a number of small right-wing parties, must give Women Voters Set Meetings Foreign economic policy, with emphasis on private investment and commodity arrangements, will he discussed at the two unit meetings of the League of Women Voters in Roseburg Wednesday and Thursday. The Lciiguo supports U.S. eco nomic policies and programs which promote world develop ment and maintain a sound U.S. economy Leone immediately went toisuPPort in order to form a par present his resignation to Presi-fiamentary majority, it usually dent Antonio Segni, a Christian i'eafls to ; a short-lived gov Democrat like himself. eninieM. Other Possible Action UnlcsJ they call new elec tions, the Christian Democrats appeared to have only two pos-! sible courses of action: To form another center-left coalition or. to set up a new government based on right-wing support. Either could lead to serious trouble, with the Communists the second largest political party in the country waiting in the wings to cash in. The Com munists also might stand to gain by elections. In April, they picked up another million votes To form a new center left under Christian Democratic Party Leader Aldo Moro prob ably would mean bowing to the left-wing Socialists who are op posed to any nuclear arms in Europe. It also would mean giv ing the Socialists cabinet posts, ending their government opposi tion which has stretched over most of their 71-year history in Italian politics. , Money Leaves Country A center-left also could open the road to numerous economic problems. During the past months, the industrialists who have been mostly responsible for Italy's tremendous economic growth have been depositing lire worth hundreds of millions of dollars in Swiss banks. The drain on Italian currency already has had an effect, and a new center-left government is almost certain to increase the flow unless some definite action Assault Charge Jails Husband Joe Marshall Dixon, 33, Myr- tic Creek, is booked at the Douglas County jail on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon, in connection with an alleged knifo assault on h i s wife, Nancy Ann Dixon, Nov. 2. He asked to soo an attorney on appcaranco before District Court Judge Gerald R. Hayes Monday. The assault is alleged to have taken place at the Tri- Cily Drive In Theatre. Dixon was arrested initially on a charge of being drunk in public place, to which he pleaded guilty before Judge Hayes. He was fined S30 and $5 costs on arraignment Monday. rlic assault charge was prefer red after his arrest on the drunkenness charge. In Circuit Court. Monday, Dav id Edward Jobson, 18, Portland, pleaded guilty to a charge of burglary not in a dwelling, in connection with the burglary of l' rank s Chevron Coffee Shop on Oct. 14. Throe other persons al-i legedly were involved. - Judge Charles S. Woodrieh! asked for a pre-sentence inves tigation and set bail at $500 Glide Board Gets Building Report Supt. Donald Fluke reported to the Glide School Board at its Monday meeting on the progress of the new elementary building under construction. Fluke said that the building was not completed, and it would probajly take a week longer than expected. This would make the completion date Nov. 18, at which time the board will make its final inspection. The board aiso discussed giving a right-of-way and easement on the grounds where the new building is being constructed to the East Glide Water Corp. No decision was reached. Further discussion is scheduled after Fluke checks several points with the school district's attorney, George . Neuner. Representatives of the high school student council were present at Monday's meeting to discuss the possibility of secur ing lights for the football field. The students were instructed to gather facts and figures which will be presented to the board at a later date. Glide is the only school in the Umpqua Val ley League that does not have a lighted field. In other action, the board ex crcised its option to place a 20- year bond on the roof of the new elementary building, and excused Patricia Hays from the compulsory attendance law, re ports correspondent Mrs. Arthur Sclby. Vacation dates for Glide stu dents during November will be Veteran's Day, Nov. 11; county school institute, Nov. 12; and Thanksgiving Nov. L8-29. The next regular meetins of the Glide School Board will be held Nov. 25. into his eyes. His neck red-jDelore carols nornwy botched dened. His left jaw muscloislaying last March 6, Thompson worked. his eyes with his right hand His eyelids were clamped in a grimace. Tilmer Eugene Thompson, the former elder of the Presbyter ian church in St. Paul in which his 34-year-old wife was a choir singer, had heaid himself de scribed Monday at his murder trial as a faithless husband who sneaked off with another wom an for nights in motels and hotels. The st-te of Minnesota had said it would show he took the "other woman" dining, dancing, j paid for her baby sitters, had! her teeth cared for, financed I her secretarial training, and begged her to give him 111 months to get enough money for both of them to live on. The begging the "other woman" had informed Thomp son she intended to marry an other man took place 15 months before the slaying of Thompson's wife Carol, prosecu-j tor William B. Randall said the state would show. Late in the afternoon, Randall Will Ask For Life took out $1,055,000 in term and accidental death insurance on Randall will ask this jury to! her, with himself as ben- send the crewcut criminal law-lefieiary. yer to prison for life, the maxi- Randall told the jury he mum sentence for first dcgreclwould snow inompson sent murder in Minnesota. " j$2,500 in cash to his police He told the jury in his open.- character acquaintance, Nor- ing statement Monday tnat.man J. iiasirian, wno went Thompson "instigated, planned "shopping for a killer" and and helped" in what the statejfound one on his fourth try. expects to show was a three-This alleged killer has con man conspiracy in "murder for;fessed the crime. Officials See Berlin Blockade As Move To Seek Political Gain WASHINGTON (UPI) - U.S. I tact do not change the Soviet Union's long-standing goal to whittle away the Western posi tion in Berlin. Post World War II agree ments provide for Western ac cess to West Berlin, and the officials today viewed Russia's latest Berlin highway blockade as part of a Kremlin campaign to seek political gain through repeated incidents of "brinkmanship." The State Department saidjUnited States has declared that that the blocking of an Ameri-jthis access is one of its "vital can troop convoy since early, interests" to be defended at all Mondav had created a situation! costs. was in the middle of question-0f -quite serious dimensions." - ing his third witness, a fnend Diplomats of the United I ni J of the Thompsons who told howiStates Britain, France andly I IVWOOu rlffll he had advised the husband to Wcst Germany met at the Statcl ' take out insurance on his wife. Department Monday night to e CtAA By Dfivic plan counter moves and were,' "J expected to meet again today. Other Allied consultations were: going on in Bonn. . The new incident appeared to have removed any thoughts ad ministration officials still held Suddenly the prosecutor from St. Paul produced -the smiling picture, identified it to the court clerk as state exhibit H, and handed it to defense attorney Hy Segell. Segell sits five feet in front of defendant Thompson He held the picture in front of that recent Soviet actions chal- mill auu siuuicu ll. It was Carol. Thompson must have had a glimpse earlier to Oregon Sheepmen Told Of Imports PORTLAND (L'PI) Oregon sheepmen were told Monday lamb imports from Australia and New Zealand have doubled since last year. The statement came from Jean Wyckoff, Denver, manager of the market research depart ment of the American Sheep Producers Council. Wyckoff told the Oregon Wool Growers Association that last year imports were highest on record and the 1962 figure now has been doubled. He said that under the gov ernment's present trade policy of lowering tariffs and liberaliz ing trade it did not appear the trend would change. He said the A bench warrant has been is-Lucsl c".anee 01 so,,mon .woT sued for the f Tlmm-d e wonting out agrcemem wim Eugene firm is racing to complete the bridge before rains'st., driving south on SE Steph and high water endanger-lliciens near Douglas, struck the temporary crossing. . !ri.r f tic parked pickup of Ihe bridge will provide accessiCarter Tire Co. Monday about to new timlier areas. liiditi p.m. She was cited for viola amount was $52.Xi8. i lion of, Ihe basic rule (control). The lineup members will rp view information concerning the! Reginald Voach. who has her.nl forcl'!n Producers. International Monetary Fund, ordered to be brought to Cir-! wyckoff added an effort is ne and the Interhatlon.il Bank forjeuit Court to show cause. if,ing made to coordinate imports Reconstruction and Develon. i... i,;. .u' ....'so that the market will not be ment (World Bank). Also JwTrH'' duri"S tl,c ncav' 'lo the agenda are problems of pri-iimnn.iti,. r ..., " mcstic production season. vote enterprise in international 0(1 on Dcc. 7,' 12. should not New Social Work Chief Joins VA Southern Oregon Plywood Inc. of Grants Pass has been sold to Clear Fir Stiles Co. of Spring-. field for more than $2 million dollars. . The announcement was made Monday by Robert G. Davis, one of the owners. Davis is for mer district attorney and for mer circuit court judge f o f The Roscburg Veterans Ad ministration Hospital has a new chief for its Social Work Service. He is Jimmy D. Barr. for merly chief of the psychiatric social work section for a VA hospital at Palo Aito. Calif. Barr takes the post vacated by Gain Wnppnpr whn ic nnw phinF social worker at a VA hospitalgram sales m hepulveda, Calif. The new staff member receiv ed a BA degree from Fresno State Collor-e and a master's degree in social work from the lenging Western access to Ber lin might have resulted from "misunderstanding." was that Russia probably still j Do"gl(ahs was sincere in us cooperation with the Kennedy administra tion to reduce the risk of nucle ar war; for example, through the recently signed limited nu clear test ban and the "hoi line" communications link be tween Washington and Moscow. Officials also believe the Kremlin still wants to purchase American wheat, although Rus- ci. hoc m.t tint i.nnlinrl In in cent American proposals for;1106 rp Named as, "vvnel-s , .-(- o "-iCinlH triTmt n...n,. nf 1 t ... .. Southern Oregon Plywood is the oldest plywood firm in Southern Oregon. It was owned by Davis and Jackson Bea man. Beaman will remain as general manager of Ihe opera lion, and Davis will slay for several months as full-time ad viser. He will serve as part time adviser after that. The purchase was made by Clear Fir under the name of But the Russians have made clear, officials feel, that these forms of cooperation and con- JIMMY D, BARR . . joins VA Hospital Plywood of Myrtle Creek, and Jay Pritzker of Chicago, III. The sale includes all stock, the plant and timbevlands. Southern Oregon Plywood em ploys about 240 people in the mill. Timber holdings of the company are located in Jose phine, Douglas and Jackson counties. Clear Fir has inter-1 100 nersons were Dres-'cs,s in Pan,s at bo11' Mvrtle Rose Open House Well Attended Creek and Roseburg. Over ent for the November meeting of the Rose School PTA Mon ! ; day night. An open housq, was, TV VlPWPfC frill Kott a feature of the evening's pro-! 'ters V.UM JBB During the business portion of L0C2' Sj8r TOUigHt the meeting, .t was reported j Tonight is thc nighl-fol. a that around Sao had been rc-jvoung Iiosebllr;, Komiin Gav,e ahzed from the recent PTA food Gcdds Caldwell, to appear on sale and that the treasurer s;the Be Teephone Hour during T",""1 u":" a nation-wide TV broadcast. quireu. Plans were made PTA lo assist with ; development and their relations to balance of payments. Chairman of the "foreign trade" study committee is Mrs. James Pratt. attend the unit meetings. Unlli,u s,",'w" ms 1 meets at the homo of Mrs. I Jack Garnet, 2233 W. Harvard MfllTV E MdllOllOV Blvd., Wednesday at 8 p.m.l lilUnOllcy Unit 2 meets at the home of be imposed. Thc original chargciTOQSinKISierS HOVC was larceny under S75. Reasons1- a ! LI for probation revocation are SpeQKerS AVailQDie II.AI l. K... -I -.1 1 .imi in: nun uusi-uilMl'U 1IOI11 probation and that he has failed' University of Southern Califor nia. His experience includes as sociations with the Bureau ofiJi.hc -ih al,,i ti.n,,- ,,.,. i. Social Work in the California iDe st.'rvjcc Department of Mental Hygiene,! pn.i' n, i, Caiforn.a Youth Authority and:jng rcfreshm(,nts werc servcd Veterans Administration at le dc , Brentwood and Pah, Alto, Calif. I , ..Jo . ,e Jj,!f A" a1dmiss,ons s- World" will be used for the soc.a worker at Bren wod. ,,,,,. , hM J1' "e neuropsych.atr.c!Dcc 2 , school A ZE Z . ,,,c ,-os Cen-icnts an( (l.jpnds are m,,C(', ,.1 vS VTTi "'"Viattend. A special prosram will, in the U S. Navy Air Corps. ;bc prcscntcd. i The social work chief is a member of National Association! ..... , of Social Workers and has been 4-H SeWMd UTOUU nation-vvidp TV 'Tllft lll'il'iram will h nnn In. for the'cany at 10 m football! r.nvl.. Ihr ,l,ninl.l,..- .,f Mi- banquet Nov. 8 at 0 p.m. at!and Mrs Paul Gcrid tt.in ; the school honoring Pee Wccs.innnr in i;.iini Heavies and the rally squad.; mp. nf n, ,..,.., ,., The PTA will decorate for Ihelvw rhiku- Aiinsi..,,ic ihn .i.' banquet and serve dessert. Thc;ing Bl.oup 'fca,lln!d la's, scason affair will be potluck and those on the Andv Williams Show, attending are to bring mainl ''THE PEACEFUL B EAUTY ' . . ; ' , OF OUR HOME :; ; ''; . '. IS. A SOLACE TO ALL Throoahout ihe yeor. th dignilied. quiet lurround Ingj ot our Horn hovt tomlortcd our friend her in the tommumty. We con truly soy) "Our home it your home in time ot need " ' Frank and Jewel) Long A. F. (Tony) and Vera Shukle Serving Reiebure, Community (er Oter 37 Veen Long 6 Shuttle Elects New Officers Rosalind Aheene was elerted! president of thc Finger Slickers 4-H Sewing Club at a recent, Thc Roseburg Toastmasters Club is reactivating its Speak ers Bureau. jactivc in Toastmasters. He Spokesman Richard Harris rc-jmarried and has one child. ports that Toastmasters 604 Willi again offer its training and 11 I m v,,r,i .,,. ,..i,.i ..,.,.;. ,.. ..,,u,. ,. nousei VYiison Mrs.' Pratt. .120 W. Riverside;.,!,,,. Wnlni.riv .i i ui ,m ' .r0!.ni,.itinn i V1?' TiL"30. ''"! the Oakland Communil.v Pres-i Members of the speaking club!" Wilson. 68. died at " '"u " 4 bytcrian Church for llurrv E.iare from various professions, noscuiirg Hospital .Monday eve -., r;.,or now.i i,. chnP1,,. iMahoncy. 80, former Oakland and occupations and can speak!"'"!!- His home was at Rt. l,!cUrry was elected vice presi' l 'postmaster. Mahoney died Sun-! from personal experience on, Box 1110, Roseburg. idont. 'day in Salem at tlie home nfi many subjects. Mean"hile.it isl Wilson was born June 14. 1S35.I other officers named were his daughter, Mrs. W. E. Sand-' meeting at Its regulat time'in New York state. He had no! Mary Sceaice secretary- Hi.' .Mary Caroline Wells. 45, of!l"st. Wednesday at the Umpqua Ho-i'mown living relatives. iannc Howell, reporter; Betty- 457 NE Kulton. Roseburg, died lk' was h""n April 4, 1883, in: lei to discuss further plans fori Funeral services are sched-anne Crcasv. recreation leader:1 at a Roseburg hospital Monday Oakland and had lived in the its Speakers Bureau. Meeting tiled at 3 p.m. Wednesday at, Susan Howell, recreation assist aftrrnoon. She had been ill for community almost all his life.jtime is 7 p.m. Any men interest-Long & Shukle Memorial Chap-ant; Gretchen Bladorn. health sometime. ;lle was postmaster (or 45 ed in improving their public! el. Harry Wallin, reader for the' chairman; and Dcna Scearce,! She was born April 9. 1918,' at ' until his retirement .Ma.v,Pcal.inj; may attend. Roseburg Christian Science community service chairman. ' Idaho Kails, Idaho. She had x- Mahoney was the son1 Further infor nation on the Church, will officiate. j On Oct. 3;i and 31 members lived in the Roseburg area for "f Mr- ni1 Mrs- JamM Malum- Speakers Bureau may be secur-j WOnt out trick or treating for; the hut 30 vears cominc here c- Pioneer Oakland farmers nv calling Toastmaster Pre- HEU MEETING DRAWS ,1'MCEF. from Idaho Falls. She was mar-lwno moved to the area from 'o' "ure onaner ai ok-vim. Twenty-one members of the; Moro information mav be se cured hy calling 673-6564. Mary C. Wells City, County, 5 Firms Add Payroll Plans i Riverside Home Extension Unit! , were present for the recent! luncheon and meeting which! featured a lesson on foods from! jthe freejer. Florence Engdahl.l" . HEU representative, was a il's ri.Ml Mirrh 31 inju .t v.. . .Missouri in lKKv to Donald Wells. ! Thf deceased hal hcen a Survivors arc her husband of IT'"0" ,0' Masonic Lodse No rj.,....i,.,n. . .... r. 1.1 , ..,16 AFsAM for 52 years. A iiimi'mH, m J...II, iiiiiaiw . Wl , , , . , , - ii.ii,.r... t..- rf.,.i.i.... member of the Oakland Com-i r. Ann Ml.r.i.n r B.h,'l "ty Presbyterian Church, he, rVmol.. rntv rill- nf Rncn Mrs. Mary U Ritchie of Spring ! . . " "'. "' , ' ' burn and five businesses and in-:u"1 ' '"" "V KO ! . , L " . .. .. ' .. . Singing Kith the Eroun for 56 j. . i j.u and Mrs Hurtfnrrt -nre in uriu; ner moiner, .Mrs. ril:...n - ,nuu-s nnw m-cn mint-., iu uic ----- -- Adams: and a sister Mrs Kl-r .. ' . . . . i11 0 those nst uting pavrol , c ,Mr ua projeci. i. Anacortes W.sfi ...""'i t h Reductions. - U.The next meeting will be held; ', , ,ne t,-cntrfli nouglas l nited v nren. iiis wile preceded mm Kund otlicc reported todav that in death Nov. 29. 1959. . the new firms in the pavroll de Long & Shukle Memorial Chap- P hv . Z . "V " ,u'" f.rf .tvans 'I0"' i ..in. ih. n,. n...M uns oi viincnesier. ror- ... ... .: ' """'ii ciaie at tne services. Inter- nt in,(,,.ir, r nm.rj Time For This! r-t..J FURNACE CLEWHO TtS Rt5iOE"Ai-- and six grandrhildren. Funeral services are sched uled Thursday at 3 p m at CORNER S.E. PINE AND LANE PHONE 672-2611 . " ciaie ai me services. Inter - ri Indtxtries of Dillard N- of the Westside Christian Church ment will follow at the Oakland tion, Plv" Inc of Rose- Mil follow at the Lookingglass Oakland Mortuary is in charge Glide and Mark s Department Cemetery . of arrangements. Store of Roseburg. MONEY TIME 3 . -3 tart 1 i m mi. a DREAMING 0- ' it true that Arramt lat only a few teconds rven thiMRh they seem In pro firenx at a rate comparable lo real experience? A. Recent investigations show that dreams do not occur in stantaneously. In the typical night, four or five dreams take place. The initial dream is about 10 minutes in length. After a period of about I'i hours of sleep, a second dream occurs which lastt about' 20 minutes. Further sleep is followed by a dream of about 25 minutes and still more sleep by a dream ot about 28 minutes. Although everyone has his own pattern, the average total dream peri od night after night is very consistent, making up 18 to 20 of lcep time. Dream re call seldom occurs unless Ihe. subject awakens during or shortly after the dream. DOCTORS KNOW ther run drprnd on o lo nupplr 1lii newe.t drui or rnniDotiml Ihe mail romplirtrd pre scription. You. loo, run ilr prnd on tin for the finrt' service at Ihe fairrnt prirr. Remember Ihe diagnosis and treatment of disease is the Junction of Ine pa tient's personal physician. -js TOZER'S Heatinf ft Sheet Metal liO S. E. Pin Ph. 673-3379 r ...V