Page A-8 The Newt-Review Thur., Oct 31, 1963 Wheat Sale Might Increase Shortage Of Railroad Cars PORTLAND (UPI) -If the government crc uiiuubuj with its plan to sell wneat to Russia, a railroad freight car shortage is likely to get worse, Robert S. Wacfarlane, president of Northern Pacific Railway said this week. Macfarlane, in Portland on an inspection trip, said the Cana dian wheat deal with Russia and talk about a similar American deal has caused the market price for wheat to climb above support prices. He said the result has been that farmers decided to sell their wheat which was thrown on the market at a time when the peak movement of sorghum and soybeans was under way. He said the present embargo on shipments of grain by rail to Pacific Northwest ports is considered unfair by the rail roads and they are trying to get it lifted. He said, however, there were still between 3,000 and 4,000 carloads of grain on sidings in the Northwest waiting for unloading. rlir PTn itTN hJ 171 IK'!n II M r I A l L. I II I t II W " Mk I III " I I I J 11117 III' I I . I STORES I Vital Statistics Dlvorci Suits Filed Arthur E. vs. Ida Holdridge. Married in Reno, Nev., Aug. 3, 1963. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks award of 1901 automobile, also 1956 automobile and mis cellaneous household furniture and fixtures, Roberta vs. Leland Haight Harried Jan. 17, 1963, at Rose- burg. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks custody of minor child and $50 monthly support, plus $50 monthly support for herself, and attorney fees and court costs. She asks award of house' hold furniture located in rented home in Dlllard. She asks award of 1952 automobile with 1955 pickup and 1957 sedan go ing to defendant. She asks that defendant pay outstanding bills. Motion and affidavit of plaintiff asks order restraining defendant from coming on the property of the plaintiff's par cnts in Rosoburg and restrain ing him from interfering with her or their minor child, that defendant bo restrained from disposing of their personal prop crty. Show cause order issued as to temporary child custody ana support. , Gaylord vs. Botto Lucas. An swer and cross complaint "De fendant asks divorce charging cruelty. Married Jan. 7, 1946, in Reno, Nev. Defendant' dsks that their property rights be equitably distributed between them. Property listed as equity in fine Motel, automobllo, mis cellaneous household goods and appliances and tlio furnishings in the motel's rental units. Dlimltut Elgin Losllo vs. Bonnie M. Bartlctt. On motion of the plain tiff, case dismissed. MORE STORES DO GIVE GOLD BONO STAMPS WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS Management Change At Store In Curtin j.: By IRENE AMES 11 Mr. and Mrs. Flnvrt MnMl chnel, former oporators of the lurun btoro, hnvo assumed the management again. Visitors this week at the homo 01 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Olcson wore Mrs.'Oloson's brother and sister-in-law. Air. nnil Mr. John Dormath Jr. of Bandon and her sister and brotlicr ln law, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Aason or juyruo yam. Dcnnv Snnils ivrnl In TWI land last week with the Future Fanners of America to attend the International Livestock bliow. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sands celebrated their ntlli w.wl.iimi anniversary Saturday, going toj mo village Ureen for dinner. Mrs. Otis underwent surgery at the Cottago Grovo Hospi tal on xnursaay. Oregonians Winners At Livestock Show SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -19th Grand National Livestock Exposition, horse show and ro deo began the second half of its 10day stand at the Cow Pake with another full program of events, Tuesday's winners and own crs included: Horse Show: $500 pacific coast walking horse amateur stake The Fly ing Dollar, Dr. and Mrs. II. G Roberts, Walla Walla, Wash. Rodeo ! Bareback brono riding Jackie Wright, Dayville, Ore. Bulidogging Bob Ragsdule Caldwell, Idaho. Livestock Champions: Hereford bull Lost River Hereford Ranch, Klamath Falls, Ore., Hereford female Wolfe Hereford Ranch, Waliowa, Ore. Senior Angus bull Hoots An gus Ranch, Grants Pass, Ore. Grand Champion Angus Bull Hoots Angus Ranch, Grants Pass, Ore. ' WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS IN WINSTON JUST SOUTH OF THE JUNCTION . OPEN 7 DAYS 8:00 to 8:00 Sweet Potatoes & Yams cranberries Mr0 to) L H V 'i'm s MORE STORES DO, GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS 0 c ROMA lINE APPLES GRAPEFRUIT SNOBOY FRESH CRISP RED DELICIOUS EXTRA FANCY INDIAN RIVER PINK BACON 2- 1 17 1WI1 Swift's Premium Pkgs. I CHUCK ROAST , 55' ROUND BONE ROAST 65 7-BONE ROAST . ....... 59' BLADE ROAST m , 49c 2m i 2 hdi 25 g 225c 1 BEEF STEW 8EEFSTE.V N ALLEY'S 30-OZ.CAN MAYONNAISE N ALLEY'S FULL QUART PILLSBUR Y PANCAKE FLOUR (0)(0)e fO) LB. BAG LI U Nalley's LUMBERJACK 3YKUIT scion r II 21-oz. Decanters Chili Con Carne WITH BEANS 30-OZ. CAN CHIUconCAR wih mams HOT AND ' PLAIN PLANTERS MIXED NUTS MEADOW COLD ICE CREAM 1 I U U II ll PHEASANT No. 1 cans DOC FOOD CHETS 8 oz. MEAT PIES 489" CHEI S 12 oz. IAMALES Minute Maid Grape Juice 6oi 235c Crape Orange Drink 377c Cold Hill Peaches N,2r,can,. 5$l Shecpherdor . English Muffins Dinner ROUS Shecpherdor Sour Dough Chicken Noodle Soup Li, Lipton's Soups Lipton's Tea Bags Lipton's . All Other Varieties 48-count . 269' 289c 4$1 3$l 59' - SL. 3RQe M ch.,, J 07 t3 Turkey t M 9 'Ml HIM I IBMII I I imiJ smQ Wish Bone Dressin s ii'rJr L 3 SI P Whole Kernel or k va, wurn Cream Style, Stokeley's 303 cans . Cheese 154 o Sausage 17 oz. I.. D. ki! Cheese 154 or JW1IU I lAAd ITIIA 2 Jtalian, Monaco French, 8oz. 699c 289c Nestle's Quik 2Ib 6oi tin 77 Umpqua Cottage Cheese Pt. 23cQt45c Waxtex Sandwich Bags isocount 29 6rtnr nd predut print (end ThurwJaif threujh Sunday. Meat print aed Thundar Arou9B Saturdaf. No to In to daeltrt. Wa mer th right to Kmit quonhtio, Kal Kan Cat Food tIr 659' Easy Clamur 1.1.. 79 WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS MORE STORES DO GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS ml mm Pi '111 3