(Editor L a f fa 9 Page 4 The Newt-Review WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1963 Legislators Call For Special Session Advice The News-Review is hoping it will be able to help its county legislators decide which courses of action to fol low at the November special session of the legislature. A ballot appeared in The News Review yesterday was designed . to "feel the public pulse" on what steps they want the legislature to take. It will appear twice more this week for those who missed it yesterday. After the referendum election in which the people of the state turned down the proposed 1963-65 budget and tax s y s t e m, The News-Review called for action on the part of vot- . ers in letting their legislators know what they desire next. Sen. Al Flegel said he received a lot of letters as a result, but they don't follow a pattern. He said he and the two representatives, Mrs. . W. 0. Kelsay and Sidney Leiken, would like to get a firmer idea of public desires. . The big question still remains: Did the overwhelming "no" vote mean, the people of the state wanted to give up services in order to keep spending at the 1961-63 level; were they objecting to the proposed new income tax structure; or did they want to augment present taxation with a new type of tax, such as the sales tax. The thought was given to holding a special meeting for the public at which suggestions could be taken by the legislators. But obviously dis couraged by turnouts at pre-election explanations of the budget and tax measure, the legislators weren't en thusiastic. They expressed willing ness to hold such a meeting, but saw little hope for a significant turnout. A questionnaire may be a more favorable alternative. With simplici ty and convenience, The News-Review hopes all voters, particularly those who voted "no," will answer it. With significant returns, the leg islators will go to the Capitol Nov. 11 armed with a pretty fair indica tion of the action they should take or support. ' We urge everyone to use this method of showing their preference of actions to be taken at the special session. How Come? Not Enough in the Blood Bank for Both? The r Editor's Corner By Charles V. Stanton Immaturity Leads To Auto Accidents Immaturity has been pegged as another reason for . deaths on the; highway by, the "state Department of Motor Vehicles.,' ' Immaturity, which has been rec ognized as a key factor in such per sonal problems as job instability and marital difficulties, also character izes drivers involved in fatal acci dents, the department concludes. It reached this conclusion from a study comparing the previous driv ing records of 903 Oregon drivers in volved in fatal accidents during a two-year period. The study showed an cxpectcdly high per cent of inexperienced driv ers of both sexes in the fatal acci dent group. But it also found that male fatal accident drivers in their 30s and 40s tend to have conviction patterns similar to those usually as sociated only with very young driv ers. The. pattern was one or more frequent accidents and convictions than the average driver, and partic ularly more convictions of a certain type speed-related violations, ex cessive noise and equipment viola tions. The department study implied many of these accident-prone people were self-centered persons who en gage in excessive attention getting attempts, "with a relatively irrespon sible attitude toward needs and rights of others." Tempest Looms At Movie Site News Industry Engages In Sharp Self-Criticism Recent closure of the New York Mirror, coupled with the prospect of other mergers and stock changes in some of the larger newspapers, continues to draw much comment. While there is criticism on one hand because of fewer newspapers, some of the critical comment seems to me to be far off-base. For example, Pierre Salinger, press secretary at the White House, was quoted deploring the trend to ward fewer newspapers. At the same time he urged the press to engage in self-criticism and to improve its product. ' In that connection, one can't forget that the White House belligerently canceled its subscription to one of the nation's leading newspapers because the newspa per had the temerity to disagree editorially with the administration. That brings us to one of the problems of publishing. . the fine points of newspaper What constitutes a good news- nrnri-ioiinn ipaper? Should a newspaper be, ' published to please the whole Some newspapers cater to sen . ' public, or should it call its shots fat onal,sm ,and entertainment, as it sees them, seeking to m-'us' " . weh ha,ve "Confidential" dure thought and consideration, and Playboy in the magazine regardless of public approval? lfl comparing wi n "Fortune." Should a newspaper seek to pre-' Rcade!s D,"?st' , "Saturday sent news and information in a ,vcn ng and othe". in true and responsible way, or tne ranSc should it color and exaggerate . w.hat docs the public prefer for the sake of readership? n lls newspapers? How great I Answers to those questions ' " , ,'os l" ",e inmate are obvious, 1 believe. Most pco- ?r,T,wlu" a Pcn"y Preadfl" . . . folds? Hmv nipritnrinttc pie want a newspaper on wnicn Opinions From Readers Public Welfare Costs Cannot Be Reduced To The Editor: .. -m Thcro was a time in the his lory of the United States when problem cannot be solved. One- rjef jcjf Spending Halt fourth of our people live in a y . f Government 'state of poverty. There is a " serious decline in public moral- To The Editor: ,., i ,i. i.i.,i,.. ,.:. ti. ...,i.c ! ivunn h.iun actcrs. For a start, there IS uy.r nuvu uiKiivni .,,t,i.. . in. .u.v.. . uive ....... . 1...I., nf. lury ui litis uiiui-u aiuics wuuii, . , ,, ., , , , i .. i; imis:, rti but little money was spent on'10 1110 worlu' vve ""ve ""pnuwn overwnmi.miBiy u.e.. iron wnim. Thcrc is Mr- Rich folds? How meritorious are By ROBERT C. RUARK iwhich is to say that if Miss sell it to Mickey Rooney. Miss they can rely. At the same "."''." cncel'nlng PARIS The prices are out-:Taylor, his ex-lady, has any Gardner will come back to time, however, newspapers fol- 1,' r 11. " h rageous and the traffic impos-dogs to walk, guess who? : Spain, and very possibly Eddie lowing the sensational line seem- ijttie jnv0,!nd!,0n 1S siblc, but I am very happy to' Huston, a man of evil wit, is! Fisher will do a benefit to kick ingly have a great measure of be in Paris at the moment. I killing himself with laughter at off the premiere. Huston will go support. am happy to be in Paris be- all the activity, and extracting i home to Ireland, where I Willi The New York Mirror was no cruse I keep thinking aboutjperformances from the entire ' join him to find out what really gleat shakes as a "quality" f"N k I John Huston, but I would pre- cast that they didn't know tliey; happened. i newspaper. It did, however, sup- J Tf7 C fAS fer being hellnorne with a brok-lhad. Peter Viertel, who is mar-j Meanwhile, it is nice to be Bv a ereat deal of sensational Crr J en oacK to tne jod jonn nas rieti to miss Kerr, win write a here in fans, it seems so sate news and entertainment. It had taken on in Mexico. play about it called "White ard calm by comparison. i ttie second largest circulation Huston, who is a fine direc-' Director, Black Temper," and (Copyri., mi by umtm Fea. Synd., inc.) 0f any newspaper in the coun tor, a better actor, a good Irish! ; tl.v jjut the jaet that jt iackccl sufficient advertising revenue to keep its liaad above the trou bled financial seas can be con- sidercd as an indication that it , was lacking the trust that re- , As thls ls written Moroccan sponsible newspapers covet. trooPj ,alc reported t0 have A few vears ago Charles T. routed tne remnants of three Imncan, then dean of the School Algerian battalions from a con of Journalism at the University tested Sahara oasis. Headquar of Oregon, made a trip to Eu- tcrs of tl,e Moroccan task force rope where he made a study at Tagounit say Moroccan of the European press. troops now control the entire J He was particularly impress- area arounu tne oasis of Hassi ' By DICK WEST'' a may give quite rapid relief Ior ed by the changes taking place Beida, scene of the fighting for nitniiMfornn ifll:,,l,lf. unffin neelnra " ri cugiaiiu. ... lyw" wwm. horse-jumper (ho was once mi "l-LIE I ITUTCD ClhC, 1 the Mexican calvary) and one! I rlC LIUll I Cl JliC. of the ugliest handsome men in the world, likes the mess he's in, which you'll be hearing about constantly until the whole business blows up into the kind of extravaganza that "Cleopat- ra" became. I John's making "Night of the I Iguana" in a desolate, swampy portion of" the Mexican jungle, and there is a fine ci st of char- By Frank Jenkins Group Claims Hooch Healthy v - " r " iiron whim. There is ilr. men- ........ . ,,. ,, ,wi,,t;ni A nin nr Iwn hefnre a meal r-ngiano is me nome 01 uie In Morocco, military snokes- public welfare, , Evory: famlly.hislicst divorce rate in the approval of excessive taxation. Burton, Miss Sue Lyon and1 viZ,,Z .w0 narts-thosei "stimulates gastric, pancreatic ."Penny Dreadful." These news- mcn reported Moroccan planes seemed able to provide for its own needs. Private chnrlty took care of the destitute, the or p'tans, and the few homeless. aged poor. There was the poor world. Our socioly has battcredjTne ncxl sU,,, is to enact tlc Miss Deborah Kerr. reaction to that news? something like ,:...., :..: iJ Danul'S COntamS a minimum OI nnr li-nnnc ,n, r,,.cl,.,H h.nb o and broken the family and Utonl ' ,,, There is also Miss Elizabeth w" alco"0' a ?. cu,s? - '"-" neWs but a great deal of sen-,. 'r "ZTlZZZ placed blame 0 the family for"' Taylor, who is not in the pie-la"d '"ose wno regaru ,t as a .... ,;, sational reporting, scandals, etc.! mVnu trn. rh fi ;.o,ce economy n our turc, aml Mr. Tenncssec Vil-,'cs r a.. in digertton reducing' Chi(!y ,tabI.oids' outposts Wt are under seige. government and stop deficit ijams. ho also is not in the1 Amo."8 u.le laltcr group, ap . &, great sale with commuters. Aft-1 house, the county hospital and licvo that welfare costs can belsnendiiiB there. picture, but who wrote the Parently, is an organizai on wi" l.n baskets of food for the poorreduced. If lac present trend ... ... ., . at Thanksgiving and Christmas.lcontinues, welfare costs may SimnlL' "'ithmctic shows that a -1.1- 1 1. 1.1 enmitrlmi Avmnrl ilin nncl nt nnh. Villi Tiltl nnt SHPIIcl nini P f llnfl 1IIYIIIII HII1I 111 Will K L'UUHrovilivuaj vv,v tin- vuin m " - " -t Ill llll.- 1 lllTSa rtltll UUIIUM a UKCIIL. ' . . 1 1 t viifc hiiu viiih ihhiiiivih n find a iob. except durinit tlmcs.'Uc education. Without public you earn and become prosper-1 Let us sort this out. Miss lease reporting that six mem- 01a aj,e ami tne common eo'-housewife the following day. i "Let 'em go to it, and may of panic. The panics, or reces-iwolfaro millions would perish. j()ls some of the "scrambled L.von is quite a contentious bpls of ,lle society recently! unnmrs uv. ungir 1 Rut. with the coming of tele-. the best man win. It's a long sious, were of short duratioii.l Oregon taxpayers are in rc-;iroinc ,, ..,: ,:, young lady, who was chosen to made a tour of the vineyards A test camea out Dy a mo-vision ,e nouscwife was not way off, and it does.t concern Wages were low and the cost of volt. Vetera have made it plain i,ra,ns antl wce"ng """'""-tplay "Lolita." and seems a lit- of Portugal. This stimulating -logist was said to have ind.cat-as intcl.cst.; in ,hc Penny; me much. I have troubles of my livin" was low. There was no; they don't want taxes increased.! a,,'es" in Washington believe uc oJt for lcr age. ' (bit of news was accompanied! ed that moderate drinkers live,r)rcatflli. Sale of these tabloids own." income tax. If you earned Instead of holding the line, our it when their advisors tell them Miss Tavlor. who is not ac- by a compendium of tcslimoni-j longer than teetotalers. propped. Many papers folded. j dollar, it was all yours. (legislators sock new methods tliut by cutting the government tivoly featured in (he credits, 'als to the medicinal powers of I Press releases are not l-.But the circulation of the "qual- Wait a minute. I recall when not roast was i whereby they may increase tax- ,,,., ,,v ... ,,,,.. ,,,,,, has been publicly linked with the grape ana tne gram. .'w" I IUy newsPaPers nas grown,; Rcad ,hjs dispatch from A. , Mien uurton wiinmu ueneut 01 i gainer inai pracuuui JZCr:Zc Physicians' Wine Ap-U likewise was represented TSm TIT " Wilding, who is now an agent, 'P"' Society. having beneficial eftects m cas- home it "fll?nished almlseJ It's probably son m business with Burton's agent. 1 "ave at hand a press re-m of arlhritis gout, d.abetcs,.ment and entertainmen, for thc this: 1 .... ... !....... Hn.w...,;nn 1 ,11 civ mam. old flie and the common cola. , r.,, ...... ; ..i , .... p-ven cents per pound. Tho.es. They would shift the tax actitioners of accuracy, but this one certain-iDuncnn reports. pinrc butcher would give children a'Durucn onto tne tamiiy anil ino ""-"""- !'- matrimony tor quite some time tne Healing arts irom mppocra- 'j' 6i " i.o,...,, ,, SUuie uuuiuu awn-m-, western diplomats say that free hot dog and also wrap up;Pooi. thc little fellow and 35 per centlike an eternity, or so it'tes on down have been im-jof fermented mash. ,ing in the United States? ISS0VIET tanks and planes have a free chunk of liver and some If the wage earner wants a for the big fellow) and borrow-1 seems, since "Cleopatra" start- pressed by the therapeutic qual- Being eager to observe lis that why the New- York Mirror, rj d AlEcria aboard a cu. boms, for tho dog or cat. If a wage increase there usually is i,,,.' $20 billion 1 for deficit cndJ- Uie of bottled spirits. .curative properties u.idty clim-,which fo lowed a least m part,! diplomatic hungry man had dime, ho!a long session of collective bar-:" t for deficit spcnd-i Mr w B a rf , condltionSi t repaired to theithe P"blishmg philosophy of sources say the Cuban shin a r rould enter a saloon and buy gaining, often followed bv a'"8 fmol" a,d supporting othcrSi oncc was marricd t0 , ro. health bar at thc National Press; English "Penny Dreadful." was 'CU ,L ai"" " a 1 tti 1 1 .11 . . . - ... 1,1 ... ...in ... 1. .. - r i , -- f'lnh 1 ii-.i. iii o 1 piiiHii unrpon in rincn itc nnnrc 1- iwo kihsscs 01 ucer, nil up ai airuc or me mreai oi a sinKe.i'-""",,u,,,5,' Wl us Jius- miss layior. nr(i n hpnkor of booze as Uie- " luul"ulu"ai a,uuJ- ' , ( , ,. 'irnn FHflnv with nmrWn Znv the free lunch counter, .towing I U .wage increase Is granted,! porous. This will lead ,0 bank-; . Miss Gardner, a lady of con-, .htag to . phial of ,a' az!"L 1 "f,, " nr r'' inanks and" flX a.v i-iiuuKH iouu 10 ni-cp 111111 usuuiiy u is a ic" cems per intcv and rnnininnism in Iho 'ulIu'e leiupciiiiiiem, nus nnI1ipiiin """J im,-.TOmS J'"""" r-" . - , i" nl.ini. nourished for the day. And. hour. Never have 1 heard of an',. . , 7, m been espoused to Mickey Roon-p" ', '":, ,., nf lined up in the taproom to re-!self-cnticism would be ludicrous P'ams. there were no female bar flics incroase from $2 per hour tolLmled s,a'es- 11 wl" stoP "'e ey, Artie Shaw and Frank Sina- ,, ', , "! f ihn mnlit,,de ceivc shots. Some were getting'eommg from any other source. I The diplomats add that the to distract him! ($10 per hour.- administration from supporting;, rajn that onler. None is work-la,f f i.,l 1, 1 o1 shots of bourbon; others shots'B"t fm such high office all'Soviet tanks and planes were Ours was a large family, in- Our legislator, have shown bvi?0'" """'?, Ur m0B?? ,nd1,n on thc Pic,,,re' h,eh is a'm'L movemcn of the blood of scotch- tr2w PCP '" aCCCPl " ""f of, af major arms shipment Timlin omnrtmnth. nn,i w. n,ir rn,i, ti,i ih... J, fol1 8U'"8 communist con- itv. , ,ass "ement it the Dioou,; sjnously. ordered from the Soviet Union .......... p., ...... .... - w . it. j mu uui 1 ti-.i . . tim miiiMii it inn nn'irr sinn imp . 1 ..nn: .... V'r I . " ' . . .... . . V ""' trolled eoiinhies i! Hip nnlv i. win: :.. ., en nin. nioui-r v.oum oucn uuyi coucernaa auoui renucmg taxes. ,,,, ,,. mmouu 11 imi wn, 'i,,,,n.., nf nlp niiPiilalion " wu5 ,,ll"u,",i about a half of a pork loin for They increased Ucir own salar- " "-i,;"k imiiuuuimier nas neen, and seems unlike- ' ,. ",,,,..,, ri (with a martini. I question that there is any LONG BEFORE the outbreak Willi II Illill lllll. rilH til LIU illltlll - " Sunday dinner. Father said he ies by five times. Five limes 8anR.sl,e ' P"er. There are ly to ever be marritd to any- "l ' !.Vu,hnn ni !was so good it even showed in "101 ! 0"s , yl thought 80 cents was quite a bit'sGOO glials $3.000-a generous admimstratlon advisors who ad- body, but he is down in Mexi-!. A1m,the' "0,ed that when m-, evcbsalls in s f-crmcism. Our wire scrv-l wllich is to sav: to spend for one meal, justincrcase indeed! but suy the collapse ci to quarrel with John Huston tralps ale no! available, an ices hold meetings by area and; 1. The Russians have been re for meat alone. For this ren.nn l inn,i . ot coinmunisni will cause chaos over the happy ending of the ouncc or ,wo 01 wmsKy or wlne bartenders cot arrested for on. ,nau"mVne anri imernauonai pol.tp(, ,0 be uninterested in fur Th old days are gone. Not. preliminary initiative petition to " r" VU,,,,,,K5, " 15 eucrsai piciure. .ir. vt imams nas even Barry Goldwater can brins have their salaries reduced hv 10 havc chaos there than horcJ grown a beard as a defense Ihcm back again. lone-half I believe other mean's 11 ls laUr ,l,"n ym lllink- mechanism against the climate. We i.rc glad the old days arc cn be found to cut thc cost of You cannot do business with or ""ston, or his mother, or none. V remember Mm v,m state government without cut- a Communist and onlv a fool s.imeliody, up to and including things but not the bud. You ,in8 "'C cost of public welfare. 1 will trust one. Frank Liening j George A. Ti-iiiiiIki Camas Valley Star Rt.1 Kellogg Rl., Box 22 Box 545, Winston. Ore. Oakland. Ore. The Almanac practicing medicine without a ....... ' nf" ncr lora's n Atnea, dui lu.m. Iic.,ns st,l(lx waJs an 1 ""' before the present ruckus be- l' proving the collection and d.s-t(vcen Mo and , , m ? v"i ""I d"? broke out they were selling f 1 i 1 f committees at all levels work , . , , , , ,, Goar Wrecks Car lho ,.car nround on sncH,ic dr. Planes and tanks to the com- ijuiiubi-iumcu Algerian govern- can havc the horse and buggy and the mud! I prefer (he free way and the jet plane! Today many things are good, but there is much that is evil. People who are doing well arc doing very well Indeed. Other are not doing so well. Our so- callid "Welfare State" ha brought socialism lo the rich and free en'rprisc to the poor. Wo have not yet recovered from Ihe Great Depression uf 30 years ago. Our unemployment Taktn from Iht tiltt of The Ntwi-Rtviw Mm v.iiuu-. , By United Pre international VAXCnilVKB Vah. fPIU tnik nf th nra nnoH Virln.-.!. Ava. to my certain knowledge, t.,.,.,., .v..ij,. n. in r...;.i n, ,. , ..-... 1.. ' :.. ment. n?,T J.i XM da' of 1963 wi,h 62 Wash., may want to trade in his lion of newspaper publishers .. 2- w!u,en 'me came 0 dc- hard way in Hollywood. (Aya , fl)(1, car; and cdj(ors ,.cre jn 0rpcm we uvor the tanks and the planes, i mi uui iu-iB.umi hi iniur. one T,, .nnrnllPhinc ts ii...- .onn hnv... tho .'trxiinn KWrnmr iiie delivery was made ny -it- a U,l,,v-3 L.11 im'lUU .UVI Ulllll- .." ......... ... .. ..u,...i ,..OA " , . full phase. aKe w,en t hit a goat here. Thc Publishers Association which CtBA, Russia s stooge. TIm evening stars are Jupi- Walked away. embraces almost every ne'vspo-1 ,. nml Uulnrn ' il, an1 t.-nnM.- n,,l.t;t.n.l flitllurhinCI thnilOhl' iS TOIII) Williams Wants Ava Thi lni-n Inflow innlmlo for.'-. - In II n cl'iitn Tl,n clili, f U'. When Russia nrrinrs fnli.1 to talk real cornpone Southern mcr PrcsWcn, john Ad- T ,: " f ington has separate associations' obeys. comes out of Smilhfield. N. C, a brnssic-shot from Wilming-i ton I Tennessee (his real name ,,, and Nau,rn. uir iiivu.iv. .urn 1 .M.i-vi ams ( in5 sues uirsuuMi now. .Mr. ll-. 0 ,js dav , ,listorv iiams nas noi loruoiien now. the Oakland Community Prcs- Ior aal,les ana weexics. At .-iuppo.se uussia snouiu oraer bvterian Church will hold a meetings of these organizations Cuba to start stashing away in 1Q?4 hpivv cnllinff ua nh. . ... ... fwlitnrc nml nnhllchAr. nnl rln.t-n PITQQIAV MIC1T ITC Ava at this writmu Un k off '"'X ' v": ... "aar and turkey uinner tnis B. 00.0 hu,., M'l" ltl III! Illl1 IM'W I 111 IV lllllv 11 40 YEARS AGO Oct. 30, ms Roscburg Un.t.F.I. in tl.n t-nllnn-liin D' Rooms of Ihe church. Dinner a. one m inose icmaie repair Kxch-nge following the ,r. '..u .-.. n-,.- , farms, where thpv rnnliniTn vnu , .., ... x. , People were swarming ,0 for our inner and 011 er beauty , 19M- aclor 0rson Welles e f"1'" effect for children. Thc invited to attend.' ,."M, -n linn. aS ri-ppareil lo-n... -.i i .... ... . ... nave somi'inine In suv In I r u:. j f "r IE. M.ln It .In.- .1.. ....... . 1. '" - - n"" I.VttlllUK lllf II1C nillS .,... " . - m lull.., (II it Ilia. IIUII U. till ,,m; E s,.m. e. '". ."" r-ugene fim ,i. .....M.h. Williams wnen sue conies backi..ainn nf ru- J..rsnv hv mm ,UUMV " puausH.NO co. 'K.i Mlioo on the home tin C de,,h.. ,.,. ri-.i. from the New You ranch, be- tronl Iars. o. orMon orfiuruav. iiosrhura si fnr thi. n.IICA ir U'illio,,,. h i..,. . . t. jrj.jjji .... i, " . , " " . ,. in am. me government was ""- ! j"-. m in. a v,erman sunmarine ir anri sanl: a 1T S na. KJ MS Publljhwl O.Hy HEWS REVIEW Rottbu' fiitlWKl 11 Itcoml CIMl m.llt, M.v I. ' " 1 u '"" Wlin CU- in an nnrnar In l,.n an.. .... h ICCn qilOlefl BS Saying IHat AVa tnrt.n.lnn.l ite-t" nS.r i . in' to i. ii i V . . ' f,m"e broadcasts. 10 P'JV "eat up 01.1 nag. Val destroyer, although t h e i.V.r;., rtAS '.a J. ' t,,UT, ,("'0V 10 vr-AD. arn p,,sl ,hanktul for ."'"" I'ni'ed States was not y e t at r . p""n opener 27-7 and 10 YEARS AGO s,n can ,,, r.rrmanv Th Nr.t-Ofvi.w u memtxr el in lost ,u Mcdtord hv nne iMtint Oct. 30. 153 nh kV : . . l'rrn,an Onllrrj Pr... ln,n,Hoo.l, NC S.l. in t, "'" Oy One I01IU, .,' " . OOV. ln ,94. , Armv ,rJns. Audit Burr.u m citcuution tnii ih. Oft- "'a Harriet tanlield, who ad Now as I see the new scenar niir' from Cermsnv arrived in '".,r.rx:'!ir ., V.,8,;,0 J-W hl"st i0-Mr-H,,Mon ! RoinR ,o wcary Y"k " HrmMrf A.rti,ir,g iwict ct. iw ..... ue'; w "il which killed her husband. Vir- of Mr. Williams, in this fresh refu ets to arrive in the I'nit- . i.,. .... ..,... uamr sMi'iu uie kii. on auii. was leu Dli-arv. version 11I "(I ass M.nnafrnr Pay To Patronize EWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS How To Hold FALSE TEETH More Firmly in Place I t M 11 672-4811 OPEN THURS. & FRI. MIGHTS til 9 .M...n. 1. .V " ear-old eyed from Ihe courtroom yester-and Miss Gardner is going to persons act of 1948 S" "'pp'"". rppin, otV. rhV ?oiJrr,M,1 u- S b' 11,0 nmr 01 being sentenced to .-eary of Miss Taylor hanging J .?.V.mfc i-VitrrS1"" mm. We"' came on the radio with nine years in the Oregon State around the set. batting her eve, A thought for the day - For- jS,VffiS,?J,S?S5Sew; - .nra,'r.d,iovr1i;;.s:,8uSuech,ary toTtt k rnd -3.