- m - Mar Has No Pangs For Frank Any more By VIRNON SCOTT UP! Hollywood Corroopondont . HOLLYWOOD (UPI) If Ju liet Prowse bad ti do it over again, would she still refuse to marry Frank Sinatra? "Yes." The long stemmed beauty can celed her engagement to the thin singer almost two years ago ana nis bad no regrets, At nrsl l was broken ud about it because I was in love with Frank," Miss Prowse said on her return to Hollywood af ter almost a year s absence. But it was only a tempo rary feeling. I found out that absence does not make the heart grow fonder." Juliet says Sinatra still tele phones her from time- to time and that they did have a date last May, but as far as she's concerned the romance is as cold as Frank's Nevada' gam bling interests. . "Poor Frank" "Poor Frank. If I'd married' . i - Bonn Says 'Big Lift' May Be Embarrassing Mon., Oct. 28, 1963 The Newt-Review matrimony for herself. 1 m not sorry I didn t mar ry Frank or anyone else for that matter. He was 21 years older than I am. And I think tnat s too much for a girl in her; 20s," she continued. "I'm very happy in my work." Juliet's work has taken hed throughout the country for per sonal appearances in nightclubs and summer stock. Next month she makes her debut before Los Angeles audiences at the Cocoa nut Grove. Ten Years Mere "I'd have had to give up my career if Frank and I had gone through with our marriage," she said. "I want to continue dancing for at least 10 years and at . the same time do some straight drama and comedy work too. "If a husband could put up with that, all right. But it would take a very understanding man to marry a career girl." When she's not on the road Ju liet attends ballet class every Too Good: Mechanically, Operation "Big Lift", the job of flying a com plete U.S. division to Germany in little more than 60 hours, a total success. But in Bonn they are saying it may prove a long-term political em barrassment Despite U.S. as surances, jittery West Germans are not convinced that the mas-l By PHIL N1WSOM ' isive airlift was not a forerun-.when he was the foreign min UPI Faral.it News Analyst jner t reduction of U.S. forces!-1" ta MacmiU-n's set ep. begin building on new Chancel lor Ludwig Erhard to start be ing nicer to President Charles de Gaulle. cables: Births Douglas Community Hospital CAMPBELL To Mr. and) Mrs. Roy Campbell, 557 NE Winchester, Roseburg, Oct. 16, aj daughter, Ann Ruth; weight 7 pounds- 54 ounces. COLE To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cole, 1257 NE Walnut, Roseburg, Oct 16, at c Wayne Alan; weight 6 pounds V ounces. . GISH To Mr. and Mrs. Closer and Closer: " Expect Britain to move even closer to the United States un der the new leadership of Sir Alexander Douglas-Home. The new prime minister, even more than Harold Macmillan, has been a staunch supporter of an Atlantic policy in firm align ment with the United States. Douglas Home has been the driving force behind Britain's decision to join the United States in talks with other allies on the possible creation of inulti - nation nuclear naval force. He held out against strong opposition in the cabinet ??? ld.S.thr0Ug "4'day. and to keep her legs in'si. Myrtle Creek, Oct 18, , a """.choru. chA vicito a haulth itlliril Hnimlilni- ratpiu I on Uinioht S pounds 15V. ounces. Juliet still refuses to prescribe Vital Statistics u..s uonoie w.m mm now, she vlsits , health club ' ' 'too "I think marriage would be a, h schedule keeps her so good thing for Frank, but not L gne nag ,utle me or with me. He's a lonelv man. and . L . , . ' inclination, ior inai mauer lur i,nr w in nimaoTi"!age SnaVatin- W,len she"s 00 the roa; weight Oim OUl 01 U. Tiili-,. ml. . munli so unci ' sible after her performances. At home she regains her energy for hitting the road. When Sinatra announced his engagement to the dancer it was with the understanding that she would give up her career. ody of three minor children evidently .ranis misunaer- awarded to plaintiff, with de-isl0d. - would be both Mrs. Sinatra and performer she pulled the switch to single blessedness. Since canceling their nuptials both parties have escaped en tangling alliances with the op posite sex. And from all appear ances, it looks as if the status will remain quo in the foresee able future- Closer with France, Too; Despite the decision to retain close ties to the United States, a marked improvement in rela tions between France and Brit ain may also be in the offing. The meeting at the Hague last Thursday between French For eign Minister Maurice Couve de Murville and Britain's new foreign secretary, R. A. Butler, may mark a fresh start after nine months of deep freeze that followed De Gaulle's blackball of Britain for Common Market membership. Austerity: The French government is bracing for a troublesome uund of strikes this fall, par ticularly in nationalized indus tries such as the rails, and gas and electricity. But De Gaulle, Premier Georges Pompidou and Finance Minister Vatery' Gis- ci.rd D'Estaing reportedly feel time and pupuc opinion will be on the government's tide in de fending its save-the-fvanc aus terity program. Including a temporary wage freeze. Voter Apathy: A thunderous silence so far has been the voter reaction to Japan's general election cam paign. Number of candidates ior the Japanese parliament is the smallest since the war. The issues high prtees, the U. S. alliance, reconciliation with South Korea have not stirred voter imagination. The in-power Conservatives seek an absolute majority, the opposition Social ists enough strength to block constitutional revision. Election day is Nov. 21 but so far the voters would - just as soon go fishing. ROMAN MEAL is the light brown bread with natural whole grain goodness. srv V BAKED If W I L L I A M S' V Divorce Decreet . Ute M. from Ralph B. John. Custoi tcnoint to pay $35 monthly sup port. Plaintiff awarded house hold furniture and furnishings. Defendant decreed owner of 1961 automobile station wagon, and property in Glengary Fruit Lands. Ellen Marie from Gale M. Prince. Plaintiff awarded cus tody of minor child. George E. from Maxine L. Benson. Decreed that child born of the defendant during their marriage was not the child of the plaintiff. Joyce Irene from Willard Wal ter Proctor. Plaintiff awarded custody of two minor children with defendant to pay $100 mnnthlv timnnrt Plaintiff awarded defendant's interest in B & M tavern Roseburg; 1956 automobile, and household fur nishings. Defendant awarded family home at Ft-3, Box 775 provided he pay plaintiff $5, 000; defendant awarded three lots of land at Crawford Point, Coos Bay, the interest of the plaintiff and defendant in The Time Shop, and any and all of plaintiff's interest in the Club rr-..-. into i iavciu, woo auiuuiuuiie, nurse and certain listed household fur nishings. Defendant to pay out standing debts.. GORMAN To Mr. and Mrs, James Gorman, PO Box 65, Wil bur, Oct. 10, a son, Joel Fred- 7 pounds 13 ounces, McCORD To Mr. and Mrs.- Larry McCord, Rt. 1 Box 188E, Sutherlin, Oct. 19, a son, Rickey Dean; weight 8 pounds 3 ounces. McKEMIE To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKemie, 1156 NE Fremont, Roseburg, Oct. 19, a son, Terry Michael; weight 7 pounds 9V4 ounces, i WHITE To Mr. and Mrs. Dennis White. 1485 SW Austin Rd., Roseburg, Oct. 19, a son, Michael Anthony; weight 8 pounds 11 ounces. EVERETT To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Everett, 2288 NE Kerr, Roseburg, Oct. 20, a son, Chris Lynn; weight 7 pounds M ounce. FIRST-OF-THE-WEEK Shop the Drive-N-Save Way and Save! REG. $1.49 COCOA DOOR MATS Heavy Duty Large Sixe. 99c REG. $4.98 UNIVERSAL JUMBO LUNCH KIT l'i Pint Bottle. All Metal Kit. . J3.98 Reg. 79c ONLY HAIR DRESSING FOR MEN a most invisible way to groom a man's hair all day 57c plut tax Be Sure and See The New: HEEKUL0N CARPET Outdates All Other ' . , Man-Made Fibres "The House of Carpets" , ' 1367 N.E. Stephens PH 672-1656 MM mm fruit juke drink Haley's. Orange or Grape 460z.Tin Golden Valley Gallon Doumak's lPkg. large egg c? a n i? Jl, !&.! USA STARTS TODAY Buy Now & Save! Charge It! 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R'pl If llJK ' s,e our PC'I Hploy Douglai QOC utIliJ j Cmmly't larg.it, far, Curtl.i, More, Plant. L i7 Q- 'J fis. i '"' TM,"I, Ro11' Sw0,,' lui" Holr- W j " wood, Wrlglty't, Dantynt ... In liu AA 'i. t.L ! i eackagat you want at pricai you Ilka to ..--. Il-l.ill mAll far Hallawe Traat. A f .A. j WAAUA lWyn M 130 Count Pkg. . . '.J EASTERN Vi or Whole FREE Halloween Pumpkin for each child accompanied by parent. (WHILE SUPPLY LASTS) APPLES OREGON GROWN ROME BEAUTY 99 BUSHEL J BOX 1 RED ROME BEAUTYS LB. 10c BROCCOLI Laraa lunrh 23 Prices Good SPECIAL DRIVE. N-SAVE SERVICES Poitag a Stamai Monday.TU..doy.;s;Mow. W.dnevJ.y .,Chttk, Oct. 28, 29, 30 .ZXh, Rant SPECIAL DRIVE-N-SAVE SERVICES Him Pmouing HanHng 4 Hid ing Llcantat Duck Srampi Yoor Around Lay-Away