Page A-2 The Newt-Review Mon., Melrose Pair Visits Relatives During Four-Week Vacation jsutheriinschooisset j Calendars At SutherlinSoon Ready For Distribution By NETTIE WOODRUFF Mr. nd Mrs. W. R. Driskell have returned to Melrose fol lowing a four-week trip to points in Missouri, Kansas and Arkansas. They visited West Plains and Ava. Mo., which is Driskell's birth place. Other stops to visit various relatives were made in Mountain drove, Mo., and Imbodin, Walnut Ridge and Powhatan, Ark. They 'toured Boot Hill in Dodge City, Kane, and staooed at Hodson's Mill in Missouri. Mrs. Driskell was on vacation from her job with Farmer's Insurance Co. Her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd John son, worked in her place at the office. Couple Mikes Trip ' Mr. and Mrs.s Paul Huffham returned Sunday from a visit with friends in Reno. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Stinncr are home following a week's hunting trip to Yokum Valley. They took their house trailer. Edward Nielsen spent Satur day in Portland attending the Pacific International Livestock Show with the FFA team. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Chitwood drove to Medford recently to visit friends, Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Kennedy. Taking advantage of the last few days of deer hunting sea son were Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Tjomsland, who took their trail er house to Silver Lake during the weekend. Also at Silver Lake were Yale ParrisH, Mr. and Mrs. David Schrader and Mr. and Mrs. . Roger, Reece. Mrs. H. A. Densmore hunted with friends in the Drain area. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trusty spent the weekend hunting at Yansey. Mr. and Mrs. Clarson Chit' wood and sons and Ed and Ted Reece were among those going to the football game at Cottage Grove Friday night. Navy Family Moves Mrs. Harold Thompson and children have moved to South ern California where Thompson is currently serving . in the Navy. Mrs. Dee Seitz of California is currently residing with her daughter, Mrs. Frank O'Brien. On - Sunday the two women drove to Portland to take Mrs. Seitz' grandson, Ronald Wood, to his home. Mrs. Warren Lathen relum ed Monday to her studies at the University of Oregon where she ii majoring in education after spending the weekend at the family home. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ross have traded their home here to Mr. and Mrs. Hansen of Eugene and moved to that city. Hansen is Boy Scout executive in this area. Frank O'Brien has been ill of Cleveland Hill Road, but is now back at work. Mrs. Charles DcHart and son Jerry, spent Monday and Tues day visiting friends in Sweet Home. Jerry is on a two-week Navy leave from San Diego J. P. Bathrick is recuperating from a badly bruised leg suf fered last week when his mo torcycle was involved in a mi nor accident with a car on Har vard Blvd. -' V Picture-Taking Date Individual pictures of Suther lin school district students and pre-schoolers will be taken at East Elemen'.ary School on Sat urday between 9 a.m. and noon and 1-4 p.m., it was announced by Mrs. Kent Pulley, vice pres ident of the co-sponsorine iun- tor high school PTA. ine picture taking project is an annual one snnnuirpri inintiu by the East and junior high! Those having niitiire iiinn are under no nhlinaiinn in u them, Mrs. Kent reported. Camas Valley PTA Slates I Public Spaghetti Dinner . By MRS. PAVE THRUSH I The Camas Valley PTA will sponsor a spaghetti dinner in the school cafeteria on Satur day, Nov. 2, between the hours of 5:30 and 7 p.m. This is an annual fund -raising' dinner for the benefit of the scholarship fund of the PTA. All area resid cnts are invited to attend. The regular PTA meeting will CIRCUIT COURT Docree Leslie A. and Lcola E. Moor- hause, vs. J. T. Cooper, Har riet Cooper, the unknown heirs of J. T. Cooper if he Is deccas cd, and unknown heirs of liar rict Cooper, if she is deceased, and others. Decree entered fa voring the plaintiffs in suit to quiet title to property located near Wilbur. Judgment Clyde Poolo vs. State Indus trial Accident Commission. On stipulation plaintiff awarded judgment finding a permanent partial disability equivalent, to 25 per cent loss function of a left leg and 25 per cent loss function of an arm for unsched uled disability, being an in crease of 25 per cent loss func tion of the left leg. Complaints 1 Samuel E. and Millie L. Weaver vs. Robert V. and Le nt 'a Daisy Johnson. Suit to foreclose on contract for real property in Yoncalla. Judgment asked for $722.30 within 30 days and attorney fees, and foreclos ure if not paid. . Dismissal Harry G. Anderson and. Leo Ragan, dba A & R Tire Co. vs. Joe Hcidrick. On motion of the plaintiffs, case dismissed as settled. 13 be held Monday, Nov. 4, at 7:45 p.m. in the cafeteria. Grange Holds Social . The Camas Valley Grange so cial night was well attended Tuesday evening. After cards and other table games were played refreshments were serv ed. Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Brown have returned home after spend ing the past three weeks hunt ing and fishing in the China Hat area in Eastern Oregon, Judy Dancer, who is attend ing Link's Business oilcge in Boise, Idaho, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dancer. The Dancer's son-in-law and daugh' tcr, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Looncy, and boys, Danny and Gayland, all of Tiller, spent Saturday night and Sunday with the fam ily. Later on in (he week Dane cr's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Dancer from Spokane, arrived for a couple of days' visiting. The Women's Society of Chris tian Service of the Camas Val ley Methodist Church met Wed ncsday at the home of Mrs.. Guy Moorft IdJ Sir ifll .day meeting;. They spent the morning Vying a quilt. In the afternoon Mrs, Ernest Wheeler led the worship service and also gave the les son on "A Call to Prayer and Self Denial," with all the wom en taking part in the lesson. There were 2 women present. Tho next meeting will be at the church on Nov. 13 at 1:30 p.m. NOW YOU KNOW By United Press International The average daily service charge for a hospital bed in the United States increased by one dollar last year, from $18.40 to $19.40, according to the Amcri can Hospital Association. By MRS. WILLIAM BLAKE LEY (Robert Campbell, Mrs. L. H. '.friends i A report from the SutherliniFite' " 0rl Handy' rom rearson, Mrs. ram cel lars and Mrs. Wallace Rondeau. Room mothers for the year West Side School PTA by Mrs. George Warren, president. states that the school calendar Mrs. Pat teters spent the weekend in Eastern Oregon hunting and reported she was successful in getting her deer. is ready to go to press and have been selected, and the 35'She also visited with her sister, w"! soon be distributed to alljmothers met Wednesday in theiMrs. Kobart Osborn - of Mt. parents. This is a new project teachers' room with the borne! vernon. this year and will keep theroon chairman, Mrs. Robert parents informed of all school Campbell. activities for the year. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stowe and family, Madeline, Dianne and Bobby of Los Angeles, have Recently the PTA assisted in the taking of heights " and weights, and checking of eyesj at the school. Mrs. Dale Can' non was in charge. Mothers as-ispent the week visiting in Suth' sisting were Mrs. Carlen Brat-!crlin with the former's mother, ton, Mrs. James Brown, Mrs.iMrs. George Beecroft, and Mr. and Mrs. James Herndon and children, Janis and Jim, spent the weekend in Beaverton visiting their daughter and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Durrell Gi gear and children, Milton, and Cherrii. Returning home through Corvallis, they stopped at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Larkin. The two men had been 'prisoners of war in Germany during World War II, and had not seen each other since tie erid of the war. 'Herndon has been successful during past years in reuniting many of the men who were in the same camp. I Mary Bade of Sutherlin is recuperating at her .home fol lowing eye surgery at Sacred Heart Hospital in Eugene. Mary, who is the honored queen of Job's Daughters, -Bethel No. 42, will be coniined to her home for at least six weeks and would appreciate having com pany. I Yoncalla Dinner Set For Farm Bureau j The North Douglas Farm Bu reau will meet Monday, Oct. 28, school cafeteria for a potluck supper at 7:30 p.m. Those at tending are asked to bring their own table service. Visitors are welcome. ' There will be a speaker from the Douglas County Farm Bu reau on Farm Bureau insur ance. Election of officers will be held for the coming year, according to Mrs. Karl Hum mel, correspondent. 1481 NE Stephen! ALL THE HOT WATER YOU NEED or your money back 672-4811 NO VENT NEEDED! WARDS FAIRWAY ELECTRIC WATER HEATER 52 GAL. mm 62 I IE M I ' ?3 Jo 10-ttAR OUARANTIt TM ftt ft M fcoolot free M tw tmto H rfoftftlv tot toil S yn. Tm f tt mw Iktattf t SO l oirTowt ak p 1 0 (r oocfc MCMtfmf yor Nm to tfwsftf toil - nh. Tn toy kmtlt- tan '! anty aftot l ho Mmr own Backed by Wards 10 year guarantee I No vent or chimney need edyou can install this Fairway , . . onywherel Hat heat-hoarding fU ber glass insulation, heat trap; rustproof glass-lined tank. Choke of standard or 4500 watt hi-recovery heat ing element. At Halloween, when scary little figures come to . your door, be ready! Ward off dire consequences .' with Safeway's variety of goodies that bewitch ' even the fiercest ! My, but it's fun ! POPCORN Jolly Time White-Yellow 10 oz. pkg. 245 Town House White-Yellow 2-lb. Chunk Tuna Mayonnaise 32 A S&W Fine Cocktail Sauce ,,, 77C All your 20 B Qt I favorites. PkgS. Sea Trader A QQC Light meat. Vi can '. ; for O if 2LOc -Tf 29' Best Foods oz. jar Drink Mix Kool Aid. All flavors. Pkg. 6 . 29 Town House Gallon or Grape. Lucerne '.Gal. All Popular Varieties ,nrivRars Busy Baker 2-lb. pkg. Sweet 'n juicy. . Asst. sizes HALLOWEEN SPECIALS! ) Red Delicious APPLES Perfect for caramoling or bobbing. -10 MSSl. SlZeS (While they leit) Jk M u PUMPKINS ib 2 12 1 Vi oz. Pkg. Seedless M . m RAISINS &29 TRICK OR TREAT with M&M Candies Chocolate Peanuts with hard efiiOr thell coating 2r 3r On. of 20 pkg. Plain Chocolate Won't melt OOr In your hand. jrjr Ctn. of 20 pkgi. Wafer Bars Laym el OOc gooaiei. Zrw Ctn. o 20 pkgt Fruit Chewies Deliciou tr fruit tleort. 3T f Crn. of 20 ekgi l-lb. Pkg. l-lb. Pkg. REGULAR $1.40 YouSaye40c wifi's franks Swift s 1 $L71 Mm 7 Toothpaste Colgate. Family Site 4i et Anacin For headache relief. Bel. of 100 .... 69c 98' or EACH . ...50c Fryer Roaster TURKEYS Manor House, young 6Vi to 8 pounds. For frying or roasting. USDA Grade A . lb. 45c Fancy Imported Small Oysters Fancy imported small Geisha oysters. Individually frozen Pkg. of 1 dozen .... ea. 39' Prices effective Monday, Oct. 28 thru Wednesday, Oct. 30 at Safeway in Rosaburg e Sutherlin. Limit rights reserved.