Page 14 The Newi-Review Mon., Oct. 28, 1963 A for THRIFTY TREATS "-TWi . . .-T ii i m 1 i a - Etalfe Caramels IE2M5 Reg. 43c 3$1 Umya Ice dream 79c Sceen Spot Prink hiSTE.,- 29c by's Potato Chops lnlallivini Ponnats . S 3 S $1 Tree Top Apple Cite GTiSc 69 MARK'S fway Mails Quarts Reg. 55c MARK'S Salad o Quarts Reg. 45c MARK'S n o r e n ii Reg. 69c 0 i.D- i in CHASE & SANBORN Tin Reg. 69c ZEE Sandwich Bags New 120 Count Pack 19 NEW PINK Trend Liquid 22 ox 13 c DEL MONTE Chunk Tuna Vx tint NALLEY'S POtatOeS Shoestring 489C WOODBURY Beauty Bar Soap 649' ZEE Napkins Asst. Colors 80 Count Pkg 10' Upton Tea 59 - 79 KRAFT Cooking Oil - 39 A.B.C. Crackers Reg. 5 3 c 2 lb. Box 39' BAKERY HALLOWEEN SPECIAL Decorated Ice Cookies ; 55 TRICK or TREAT SPECIAL CURTISS Candy Bars 40 Count 2c BARS REG. 79c (5)c FREE Halloween Bags WHILE THEY LAST At Mark's West Harvard Store SWIFTS -BROOKFIELD Link Sausages MM HALF or P Whole lb. S CENTER P CUT-lb. S 1 jjflli SUNDAYS (nifa SUNDAYS (p SUNDAYS fgJ SUNDAYS Q0g Yr'Jp 9t6 10 t0 7 Ijf 9 8 pS' io to 7 U: f J 9 LAST WEEK'S WINNER OF THE Vi of BEEF Harold Bradshaw 2204 SW. Freeman Drive Rsbg You May Be Next Week's Winner KRAUT L Jb TASTY JUICY to Pome granites ea to SWEET VALENCIA Ml 5 lb. BAG IO OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 SUNDAYS 10 to 8 Mtat And Produce Prices Good Thru Wed. Oct. 30 Buy Ant! Save Where You Get S&H Green Stamps Grocery Pricesj Good Thru Wed. Oct. 30 0) Die 01c; 1 I &