The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 26, 1963, Page 2, Image 2

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    . Page 2 The New-Rview Sot., Oct. 26, 1963
J FCC Urges Freedom
For American
; President Kennedy said today
; the nation should grant its ar
? lists freedom to criticiie those
who wield power because "pow
er corrupts and poetry cleans."
i Paying tribute to the memory
of his late friend, poet Robert
Frost, the President told an
Amherst College convocation
that artists contribute to na
tional strength by aiding self
comprehension. Kennedy told an estimated 4,'
000 persons in the Amherst
Field House that he looks for
ward to an America that will
reward it artists as it does its
businessmen and statesmen.
The President's visit here was
a sentimental one. Frost, the
white-haired New England poet
who touched the nation's hear
with his difficulties while recit-
ine a ooem at Kennedy's inaug
uration, was a close porsonal
friend of the President and his
favorite poet. Frost died last
January. ; ,
In an obvious comparison with
the Soviet Union, Kennedy said
in his speech the artists in a
free society were not "engineers
of the soul" a term frequent
ly applied to Communist artists.
The Chief Executive received
an honorary Doctor of Laws de
gree from Amherst College and
participated in ground-breaking
ceremonies for a Robert Frost
, Memorial Library.
Kennedy's plane was delayed
35 minutes on the flight from
Andrews Air Force Base to
Wcstovcr ' Air Force base near
here. Officials said the delay
was caused by fog. The presi
dential plane made an instru
ment landing at Wcstover and
the President then made the
short trio here by helicopter.
r Accompanying the President
Famous Dance
Artists Due
Pacific Ballet, scheduled for
appearance In 'Roseburg Mon
day at 8:15 p.m. in the Rose
burg Senior High School audi
torium, will feature a number
of dancing artists of renown.
This group will be first to
appear in a scries of four Rose
burg . Community Concert As
sociation offerings for the win
tor season,
Howard Heads List
Heading the list will be Alan
Howard, Chicago-born director
and principal dancer, who be
came a member and loured for
years 'with the Ballet Russe do
Monte Carlo in the days when
names such as Lonide Masslne,
Aiiuxanum uumiuvu, r reuuriLn
Franklin, Igo Youskevitch and
Alicia Alonzo made up the com
pany's billing.
The principal choreographer
is Mare Wilde. Wilde was a
San Francisco art student, work
ing at a grocery and saving
toward his tuition with no idea
of becoming a dancer. But the
American Ballet Theater camo
to town and ho saw Anthony
Tudor's "Pillar of Fire." That
was the turning point and he
began immediate study of bal
let. Ho has helped organize bal
lets and his works compriso the
greater portion of the Pacific
Ballet's repertoire.
Dancer Ftaturtd
Grace Doty, wife of Jack Jo
hannes, choreographer for Sim
ple Symphony and many other
noted pieces, is leading soloist
with Pacific Ballet. A dramat
ic dancer, she will be featured
with Howard in Don. Quixoto
Pas De Deux and other pro
gram numbers in Monday's pre
sentation. Barbara Crockett, another of
the top players, and her hus
band, Deano, are the moving
force behind the Sacramento
Ballet,- one nt the most Import
ant regional ballets on the West
Coast. Barbara began at ago
six with lessons in Berkeley, la
ter became a member of the
San Francisco Opera Ballet andjla" County District Court con-
has toured the nation.
Other cast members, all o("ul1 na "y,
whom are considered accomp
lished artists are Ron Poindcx
trr, Oakland native, who has
played lead roles with 1 Euro
pean company, Patricia Teltol-
lor, Christine Walton, Eva Scr
rana, Klena Tomotccva, Mari
lyn Knnwlos. , .
Local News
Mr. and Mrs, H. N. Jacobion
returned to their homo in Laur
clwood today, following 1 few
days in Portland visiting rela
tives and attending to business
Mr. and Mrs, Raymsnd P.
Bordtn have returned to their
home in lot Angeles, following
a few weeks here attending to
business and visiting friends.
They formerly made their home
Wallstone In Colors
71-toi a
was Interior Secretary Stewart
Udall and Atomic Energy Com
mission member James Harney
who has a son attending Am
herst. It was the first time a presi
dent had ever visited the col
lege. The late President Calvin
Coolidge was an alumnus but
never visited the campus while
he was in office.
The White House ' indicated
just prior to the President's de
U.S. Nuclear Test Yields
Test Ban Policing Guides
FALLON, Nev. (UPI) The
United States today exploded a
12-kiloton nuclear device deep
under the desert floor near here
in an unspectacular but sophisti
cated experiment aimed at giv
ing scientists the know-how to
police a full test ban treaty.
Packing the wallop of 12,000
tons of TNT, the device was
triggered at 10 a.m. at the bot
tom of a "buttonhood" shaft 1,-i
200 feet underground.
The ground directly above the
shot point heaved up momen
tarily and clouds of surface dust
were sent 100 feet into the air,
A small plume of smoke vented
into the air from one of the
Texan Blasts
Public Power
Bargain Sales
The National Reclamation Asso
ciation concluded its 32nd an
nual convention Friday with
mixed feelings over private vs.
public power.
Rep. Walter Rogers, chairman
of the House Subcommittee on
Irrigation and Reclamation, told
the NRA that the policy of sell
ing public-generated energy to
so-called preference customers
at rates below those prevailing
in given areas has caused "our
most serious problem in this
The Texas Democrat said
such action "discriminates
against the majority of our cit
izens. ,
"I see no reason fof continu
ing to sell the energy at rates
that are below its true value
and appreciably out of line with
power rates prevailing in the
tree, he saw. itogors anaca
that no legislation would be
needed to shift the policy.
Most delegates to the conven
tion suggested the NRA would
be wise to stay out of the pow
er fight.
At the conclusion of its meet
ing, the NRA did take a stand
in support of restoration of state
supremacy over water rights.
The group departed from
normal procedure and endorsed
a specific bill by Sens. Thomas
Kuchcl, R-Calif.; Frank E.
Moss, D-Utah, and Lcn B. Jor
dan, R-Idaho. It also urged Con
gress to enact at once a lw-
quiring any federal agency per
mittee or licensee to conform
with state taws before using or
taking any water.
Another resolution asked Con-
grcc for legislation abrogating
the nrincioal of seizure and re
quiring the federal government
to obtain private or state prop
crv only through contract, pur
chase or condemnation proccoo-
Resident Will Appeal
Assault, Battery Case
William E. Mask, 57, ot 4220
Hooker Road. Rnrchurg, has In
dicalod ho will appeal a Doug
vicmm iirimt
It was erroneously reported
earlier this week that Mask
had pleaded guilty to the
charge. He pleaded Innocent and
was found guilty hy a jury. He
said today he would appeal the
conviction. He was charged
with beating Sarah C 0 r 1 1 n e t
Aug. 21.
After his conviction, he was
sentenced to serve 30 days In
the Douglas County jail and
fined $5.
opponents In the Senate's inves
tigation of the TFX fighter
plane contract were friendly
fellow patients at Bethesda,
Md., Naval Hospital recently, j LARGEST CROWD VOLUME in the history of Rose
Sen. Karl E. Mundt's office b"r3's 88 Cent Store was recorded Thursday when
said Friday that the South Da-
kota Republican, admitted to
the hospital Oct. IS for remov
al of a cataract from his right
eye, met with former Navy
Secretary Fred Korth. who un
derwent ear surgery. Korth
called on Mundt twice. Neither
discussed the TFX case.
parture that he would speak ex
temporaneously at both the
convocation and the Frost li
brary ceremony.
Following the library ground
breaking, Kennedy flies back to
the Washington area, and will
land at Dulles International
Airport at Chantilly, Va. he
then will join his wife and
children for their first weekend
at their new home at Atoka,
- Va.
Then seconds later observers
heard a prolonged rumbling like
distant thunder. The project per
sonnel watching the result of
their year-long efforts cheered
Less than two minutes after
the blast, monitoring planes
swooped over the valley floor
through the dust clouds, appar
ently to sample it fur signs of
Newsmen stationed atop
mountain 8,000 feet from ground
zero felt a distinct motion un
derfoot as the shock waves trav
eled out from the blast.
It is this motion that seismol
ogists hope will provide the key
to pinpointing sub-surface atom
ic detonations at great distances
in other parts of the world.
I As the shock wave spread
out through the earth's crust
crust they weakened into seis
mic waves, and it is through a
detailed analysis of these waves
at Mobile and permanent mon
itoring stations stretching from
Hawaii to Puerto Rico that ex
perts are seeking the clues that
will tell whether they were
caused by one of the many na
tural earthquakes that occur
daily or a nuclear explosion.
Project Shoal is part of a
larger program, Project Vela,
initiated in 1959 as a joint de
fense effort of the Atomic En
ergy Commission and the De
partment of Defense.
The site of today's test, high
in the Sand Springs mountain
range 28 miles east of here, was
selected because it lies along
the Dixie Valley fault the cen
ter of many past natural earth
Young Political
Groups To Back
Amendment Plan
Young Democratic Clubs of Ore-I
gon and the Young Reptiblican'o I J . ij.,' -Federation
of Oregon h a v e KcletlSeo rrOltl rNSOn
promised bi-partisan backing for
an Initiative campaign to amend
the Oregon Constitution to re
quire single-seat legislative dis
rne announcement was made,"1""1"3 UL " 'J'""1 3,:,uu"l:e' l"ej'""i" "Fi'y. """
in a joint statement by the pres
idents of the two organizations.
The proposal would divide all
multi-scat legislative districts
into single-scat districts.
The Initiative campaign, an
nounced by the Oregon Junior
Chamber of Commerce at a re
cent annual meeting, received
endorsement by Janen McLen
nan, Portland, president of the
Young Democrats, and Robert
Bell, Milwakie, president of the
Young Republicans.
The two explained that t h c
present Oregon system has one
senatorial district with eight
senators wnuc a dozen other dis
tricts have onlv one senator n.
! piece.
A ballot title Is being prepared
ny tne attorney generals of
fice, they said.
a,lil5 u"ea wlm PP'"
r a 1 v.
1 Yd 1
sale. The sale was brought about when smoke
caused damage to merchandise in the store during
o fire in the adjacent Singer Sewing Center ana
Karl's Shoe Stoie eorlier this month. A total of
2,876 persons shopped at the 88 Cent Store Thurs
day, a crowd estimated to be about five-times as
large as week-be for-Oiristmas crowds. (News-Review
AN EXPERT on driftwood is Mrs. Gladys Wertz of Oceonlake, right, who shows
some of the tricks of the trade to Mrs. C. R. Brittoin, president of the Sutherlin
Garden Club, at a two-hour demonstration Friday at the Sutherlin Community
Building. More than 100 women were present to hear Mrs. Wertz' advice on
what to look for in driftwood, how to prepare and finish it and how to use the
pieces with dried materials' and .flowers. At the demonstration,, she made 20
arrangements of all types, explaining the many ,things that go into fashioning
the beautiful decorative pieces. Mrs. Wertz is a member of the Ocean Spray
Garden Club at Oceanlake and the Floral Artist's Guild, (News-Review photo)
Stay In Sweden Nears End
For Riddle School Official
Kenneth A. Stuart, superin
tendent of schools at Riddle,
sent from Stockholm, Sweden
what is probably the last of a
series of communications re
porting on his stay in Sweden
with other American school ad
ministrators. The 80-member
group is due to arrive back in
this country in the near future.
Stuart writes:
More Visits Made
rinri. nonin mir orni.n nf
..i i i i
atuiMU uuiiiiiu&iiuiui:, lius um'll.,
together and this week we havei'arSe industries in uotneiiDurg,
been in Rattvik, Dalarna, Swed-
en's folklore province. Our days
U ! : .
a . I 1 : .
lOnVICTeil SiaVerS
SALEM (UPI) Two con
victed Salcm-area slayers have
been paroled from the State
Prison, one after serving 18
State Parole and Probation'
Board announced Friday. result, they are almost corn
Fred Larson, 75, was paroled pletely self sustaining.
Oct. 7 after serving 18 months
of a 7-year manslaughter term
He was convicted Feb. 14, 1962,
of fatally wounding Everett
Hnrtnt Ta Wnocn 11
The shooting occurred at a
motel Larson then operated.
d..i.. , .
'"-"v., I
Ballston farmer convicted ta'nme.,?,Tter Tage.fc?rtaJ-
Polk County of second-degree
murder, was released Aug. 8,
seven years to the day after he I nPf1 Womdlt Hurt
was sentenced to life imprisonrwl'l,, "wmu" "Ml 1
"Fanning, said to be one of the "WOy Mishap
wealthiest inmates of the pent
to'S?- lrCatC,d T -r goodat t isponm' H?
ing his wife Margaret, 41, four bruises recc ved when her car.j.!... '
times after an argument at their
.. II
or rn srorr m
1 &
which contain much of the coun
try's historical background and
in seeing the folklore of the peo
ple, which is still a summer at
traction which draws over 300,
000 persons each year. One
evening, 40 persons in their gay
and colorful costumes enter
tained us with violin music,
folksongs and their native folk
"I have found that while, dur-
ing the three-week home visit,
I was studvine schools and
, . . . . .
a 5 5ecor-Q larsesl c -'"u "t . ,J
colleagues war. ! making; what was seen and done than
I visit more in me scnoois ana
to get to know some of the
students. However, their find
ings were much the same as
what I have already reported.
"One group visited an inter
esting community of 3,500 per-
who have 130 factories,
hiring from one to 300 workers
each. They manufacture but -
hangers, wire mesh etc. As a
Stockholm Visit Set
"Our, final week will be spent
in Stockholm, a city of nearly
,uutJ tilllliuii uuiauua. uaiuva
?,B,USBe.",B.' "B "c "ihave, reached 94 per cent of
I J rf clv?d atth Town Ha"' their total quota, Friday reports
the American Embassy, and by L,,,j pWc n ji.,;i.
. ...ill U -f!il
We will also sec the Rnsebure worn-!,
struck a cuard rail on U.S.
H Ehwav 99 BR near the Grant
'-T!fvi!?mlth Road- i"terseetion """"'professional division to have
'vj'tfjB:20 P-m- r,day- v I reached 65 per cent of its goal;
li jj State police said Loraine Ruth special gifts at 64 per cent; ad-
. - , , .
uum:a, u, nui o,T iumiu ni,ii-
way, received the Injuries when
she attempted to pass another
car and struck the guard rail.!
Her vehicle received extensive
damage to tne ictt front siae.
4H Sewing Girls
Organize At Tri-City
The Tri-City 4-H sewing class
held an organizational meeting
on Tuesday under the leader
snip of Mrs. Jarold Rarhor.
lno class divided: into two clubs
with separate officers.
The fourth and fifth grade
group, chosing the name "Busy
Beavers, elected Linda Ed
wards, president; Kathy Km nip
ton, vice president; April Rach-
lot, secretary; and Margo Dal-
zeii, news reporter.
lhe sixth and seventh grade
girls chose the name "Sewing
Sea Lions." Officers for this
club are Lorraine Maddux,
president; Zelma Emerson, vice
president; Terry Weaver, sccre
tary; and Marjorie Lundry, re- Shuklc Memorial Chapel, with
Pofcr. jthe Rev. James Smith of the
j First Christian Church officii-
CALLED TO FLUE PRE ;ting. Interment will follow at
Roseburg city firemen were! Roseburg Memorial Gardens,
called to the home of Florencei Those who wish may make do
Thomas. 928 SE Pine St., at nations to the Heart Fund, the
7:58 p.m. Friday to stand by, family requested. Donations
on a flue fire. No damage re-lmay be left it Long & Shukle
suited from the fire. j. Memorial Chapel.
On Oct. 4, we 80 adminis
trators will have completed our
six-week study of Sweden's
schools, industries, government
and general culture, which has
been arranged for us through
the "Meet Modern Sweden" or
ganization and the Experiment
in International Living.
"Each of the 77 men and
three women, who made the
trip, will be taking back to his
American home community a
uni.ilnJ nt u-.
" "" Z " " "
1 I "
City's Employes
Applauded By UF
Roseburg city employes were
- , ;,,, 'rj i;i ,
,.. in ,nn n, ',,.
previous high in UF contribu-
tion pledges
"This is a wonderful show of i
community spirit when these
people pledge three times as
much as their highest total in
past years," Campaign Chair
man Hazel Saxon said.
Public employes in general
. ".-...v. V.iiJi
c given at the third quarter
1 meeting held this week. Twen
ty-five team captains and team
mates attended the third quar
ter meeting. Theme of the UF
drive is the football game and
officials hold football titles.
Mrs. Saxon said the prospects
' V
......i ..o .,1
H.:. 1... .u.... .u.
-una weciv a jiicviillK suuw U!C
vance gins hi Da per ceni; ana
business division at 51 per
Unit plan divisions are still
in the process of contact on
many of their accounts. Mrs.l
KnYnn nrjpn thp ntihlir tn mnlrn!
their pledges known to the UF
Ha J. Jones
Ha Jcannette Jones, 56, died
at a Roseburg hospital Friday.
She was born Aug. 27, 1907
jn Suring,
lat Rt 1
Wis. She nad lived
Box 910, Roseburg,
and had been a resident of
Roseburg for 20 years.
She is survived by t8 daugh
ters, Mrs. Donald (Bonnie) Sie
brasse ot Roseburg and Mrs.
Darrel (Roberta) Marstcrs, both
of Roseburg; a siiter, Mrs. Dor-
lis uoax ot Eugene; i niece,
Creighton (Dawn) Woodward, of
Racine. Wis.; two other nieces:
and three grandchildren
Funeral services will be held
at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Long &
School Cook Dispute
Resolved At Glendale
Tb Glendale School Board
at its meeting at the - high
school this week heard a re
port of last week's special meet
ing it which Supt Jack John
son tendered his resignation fol
lowing a, dispute over news re
leases from the Glendale corre
spondent to the News-Review.
The releases pertained to the
school cook controversy which
B PA Opens
Road Access
Work Bids
Bonneville Power Administra
tion opened bids Friday for
clearing right-of-way and con
struction of access roads for
the Reston-Fairview 230.000-volti
transmission line No. 2. Doue -
las and Coos counties, with anlwith Hiss Burke and that she
apparent low bid of $268,602was satisfied with the arrange
submitted by Catermole-Trethe-ment.
way of San Francisco, Calif. Discussion ot a replacements
Beginning four miles south-jfor Johnson was deferred to a
west of Reston and terminatinespecial executive committee
at BPA's Fairview substation,!
the 29.5-mile line will be of sin
gle circuit steel tower construc
tion, with a secured right-of-way
varying from 237 to 440 feet
in length.
The new fneilitv will nrnvirlp
for increased delivery of lowschl board in an effort to se-
cost Columbia River power for
rapidly expanding loads of the
coastal area, served by Cen
tral Lincoln Peoples' Utility
District, Douglas Electric Coop
erative, Pacific Power and Light
Company, the City of Bandon,
and Coos-Curry Electric Coop
erative. Energization is sched
uled for November 1964.
Work will get under way a
week or 10 days after notice
to proceed, with clearing of the
right-of-way, felling and remov
al of danger trees, construction
of access road;;, Installation of
culverts, gates and fences, and
placement of gravel as re
Other bids include Murray
Brothers Construction, Inc.
Bend, $347,736; and John M.
King, Tacoma, Wash., $543,609.
Clara L. Wheeler
Funeral services were held tnese out with the students in
Friday night for Clara Louise!stead of lhe mails as
Wheeler, 91, Winston, who died;was previously done.
Friday morning at the home Fricke announced that the
of her grandson, Ray Martin of i
Winston, after a lengthy illness.
She was born April 4, 1872, in
Eldora, Iowa. She was married,The next meeting of the school
to Jefferson S. Wheeler Oct. 21, board was changed from Nov.
1891, in Chicago. He preceded 13 to Nov. 6 to avoid a con
her in death in 1946. She had'fljCt witn a state meeting of
been a resident of Winston since I school boards and superintend-
january. sne naa moved nere
from Brooklyn, Iowa.
Mrs. Wheeler was a member
of the Christian Church in Vin
ton, Iowa, and a member of
the American Legion Auxiliary
in Grinnell, Iowa. She was a
Gold Star Mother.
Survivors are two daughters,
Mrs. Ray Anthony of Brooklyn,
Iowa, and Mrs. Mariorie Mar
tin of Winston; two sons, Mer
ton Wheeler of Welches, Ore.,
and Marion Wheeler of Plcasan
ton, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. Dan
iel Thomas of Chicago; a broth
er, Robert Miller of Vinton,
Iowa; 25 grandchildren; and 61
greatgrandchildren; and 3 great-
Private family services were
held Friday night at Ganz Mor
tuary in Myrtle Creek. She will
be takeii to Grants Pass for
cremation and ashes will be
sent to Santa Clara City Ceme
tery in California for final in
terment. Sonya Herriges
Funeral services for Sonya
Ruth HerrigCS, 7, Who died Oct.
23 at a Eugene hospital fromVcry clear understanding of the
injuries suitercd from being
struck by an auto, will be held
at Wilson's Chapel of the Roses
Monday at 2 p.m. with Elder
Earl Brown of the Seventh-day
Adventist Church of Roseburg
Private concluding services
and interment will follow at the
Roseburg Memorial Gardens.
The child was born Sept. 27.
1956, in Roseburg.
She is survived by her moth
er, Elctrice Pease of Salem;
her father, Elray Herriges of
Redmond; four sisters, Sharon
and Sandra Burns, both nf.on an average day. Families
Roseburg and Mildred and lcou,d case ma"y of the P"b'
iJuanita Herriges, both of Suth- lems lhcv face bV discussing to
erlin; her grandmother, Slrs.Ectner the emotional and eco
Edna Bums of Roseburg; and nomic factors related to fu-
several aunts and uncles.
Free Showing Of Film
A free showing of a 52-mln-i funerals and making this infor
ute film will be given Tuesday Imation available -.o their fam
at 7:30 p.m. at the Douglas ilies.
County Librdry. The picture, in
full color, is entitled, "Nigeria:
Giant in Africa," and is being
shown under the sponsorship of
the Adult Film Department.
It has been said that the filmi
is judged one of the most com
prehensive motion pictures on
an African nation.
PHONE 673-8435
Far tipart Inttallotion ana
CaiH Fenntco Linoltam
1 1 Tin lecol Irritnc
Custom Floor & Carpet
arose over the firing end sub
sequent re-hiring of one of the
school cooks.
First action taken Wednesday
night was a decision to offer
Miss Stella Burke, the cook in
question, a combination dish-
washing-janitor job at the same
salary she received as assist
ant cook for the past two years
at the elementary school. The
salary was listed at $180 per
month. Through this action, it
is ' expected that one of the
janitors would be relieved of
part of his present duties and
be enabled to devote part of
his time to maintanence and
repair work that previously had
to be done in the summer
Woman SatisfiMl '.
Board committee members
Harold Cooley and Mrs. Robert
Thomson reported that they
lbad discussed this assignment
meeting which was held after
me regular session weunesaay.
According to Mrs. Gerald Fox,
correspondent, board members
have been devotin? considerable
time to this problem, working
with members of the county
cure an early replacement for
Calvin Fricke, 'high school
principal, announced that he
had scheduled a special A i r
Force aptitude test for juniors
and seniors at the high school
Nov. 13 and stated that the
test is being provided by the
air force on a tryout basis with
no propaganda. The test, which
can be adapted to civilians, is
currently being developed as an
aid to vocational choice and is
being tried out at various high
schools. ,j
Pictures Due
The board also discussed pro
visions of the school package
picture contract with Mrs. Fox
who was present at the meet
ing. Mrs. Fox is scheduled to
begin taking the pictures at the
first opportunity.
It was voted to resume publi
cation of the school calendar
nnH lttnrh mpnil nllrl tn eonH
Umpqua Valley League's regu
lar dinner and meeting would
be held in Glendale on Nov. 6.
Extension Units
Plan Programs
On Funeral Data
Home Economics Extension
unit leaders will be getting final
information about funerals at
leader training meetings in
Roseburg W e d n e s d a y and
Thursday. They will present a
program on "Let's Get Some
Facts about Funerals" at their
November unit meetings.
Some of the facts are: Things
are much easier for a member
of a bereaved family if they
have informed themselves about
funeral and post funeral costs
and .arrangements before this
need occurs. .
People are better able to
make wise decisions and they
can often avoid higher funeral
costs when they talk these
thinpc nvoi tneMhor whpn Ihprn
is no emotional crisis.
. Manv nennlo ri nnt hv a
differences between pre-arranged
funerals, pre-financed fu
nerals, funeral insurance and
funeral insurance in any life
insurance policy providing the
same benefits. A better under
standing here can benefit fam
ilies. A letter of last instruction can
be a great help to the one who
is settling the affairs of a de
ceased person. What to include
in such a letter will be dis
cussed in this program.
In Oregon there are 45 deaths
Women in 25 Extension Units
in all parts of Douglas County
'vill be discussing facts about
PIPE CO. Ph. 672-2694