The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 25, 1963, Page 8, Image 8

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    Burgess, Heeler
lead Midwestern
League Statistics
Roseburg, Cottage Grove and
Marshfield, the leading three
teams in the Midwestern
League grid race, boast the top
offensive stars through six
Bob (Smokey) Burgess; Rose
burg's super - star halfback
leads the league in rushing
while end Gary Heeter tops the
circuit s pass receivers.
Cottage Grove's Alan Rich-
- crds and Mark Henningsgaard
lead the loop in total offense
and passing respectively.
Burgess, sparking the Indi
ans' thrilling 20-13 victory over
Cottage Grove's Lions last week
with 232 yards and three TD
runs, has carried the ball SI
times for a total of 607 yards
an average of 11.9 yards-pcr-
carry. Burgess also jumped to
second place among the top 10
total offense leaders with his
607 yards.
Heeter has snared 17 passes
for 182 yards to hold a slim
edge over Cottage Grove's
Chuck Olds in this department
Heeter has been on the receiv
ing end of three TD bombs.
Olds has pulled m 15 passes
for 292 yards and four TDs.
Following Burgess in the
rushing department is North
Bend's Mike McKcnzie with 209
yards on 26 carries, Richards
with 948 yards for 127 carries
and Dennis Goude of Marsh
field with 320 yards for 43 car
ries. Marshfield sports three of
the top 10 rushers in league
play, with Dennis Parrish rank
ing sixth and Jerry Button rank
ing ninth.
Richards boasts a big lead in
the total offense category hav
ing gained 948 yards on the
ground and an - additional 44
yards passing for a grand total
of 992 yards. Burgess ranks sec
ond to the leader, followed by
Button of Marshfield with 519
yards gained rushing.
Henningsgaard has complet
ed 35 of 57 passes for the Lions
for 532 yards and eight touch-
downs to lead the league's
throwers. Henningsgaard's com
pletion percentage is a respec
table .614. Jim Bcamer, Rose
burg, is second with 28 complc
tions out of 49 attempts, and
Marshficld's Nick Nylonder is
third with 27 completions out!
of 56 times. ..-
The Indians, traveling on
schedule towards a third conse
cutive Midwestern League (Dis
trict 5-A-l) crown, top the cir-
cuit with a perfect 60 record.
Cottage Grove and Marshfield
are tied for second with 5-1
r-arks. Cottage Grove's lone
loss was in last week's round of
action to the Tribe gridders,
while Marshfield's setback wasi
dealt in the opening game of
the season by the Lions. Rose
burg and Marshfield are set
for a crucial contest Nov. 2 at
the coastal city.
This week's league slate finds
the South Eugene Axmen in
vading Roseburg for the Indi
ans' homecoming game, Marsh
field will be at Springfield, Wil
lamette travels to North Bend
and Thurston and North Eu
gene nlay Friday night at Eu
gene's Civic Stadium. Saturday
Cottage Grove and Sheldon will
Adams Doubtful Starter
Sunday For LA Rams
end John Adams of the
Rams was considered today an
unlikely starter for Los An
geles' tilt with the San Francis
Inn TTnrtu Minor in tho llomn.
rial Coliseum Sunday.
Adams hurt his back last
Sunday in the Minnesota game
but didn't complain until the
pain grew worse.
Nat W h i t m y e r, who was
scheduled to start for the Rams
at right safety, hurt a knee in
practice and was put on the
doubtful list.
Ducks Rated
As Favorites
On Saturday
flying Oregon and resurgent
Washington collide for the 57th
limn Cutlirlu in tha Pnnifin
clash head-on in Civic Stadium I Northwest., annuai -prestige"
in Eugene. football game, with mud cleats
lnatviouai siauauts umuubii : orHnr
six games as compiled by Paul
Harvey III oi tne tugene
Register-Guard are:
PliVir-School Ruitllna patting Tot.
607 0 M)
Richards, CG
Buraett. Rsbg.
Button, Marsh.
palarsan. Will,
Beamer. Rsbg.
5noddy, NB
Bates, Spring.
Parrish, Marsh,
Knu ion. sne don
(Minimum IH yards)
Burgess, Rsbg.
McKenile, NB
Richards, CG
Goude, Marsh.
Caruso, NB
parrish, Marsn.
Knutson, Sheldon
Power, Sheldon
Butlon, Marsh.
Sl-lelds. Thurston
Nicholson, Will.
TC Yds Ave. TO
607 ll. 6
1.0 1
7.5 11
7.5 3
0.6 1
(Minimum II attempts)
Hennlntgaard, CG
Beamer, risog.
Nylander, Marsh.
Petersen, Will.
O'Connor, Sheldon
Langellers, Thurt.
Bates, Spring.
Wallace. NE
Omlld. Will.
Poe. Thurston
PA PC Ydt Pet. TD
57 35 532 .614 I
49 21 362 .571 5
56 27 219 .483 3
55 24 217 .436 2
91 31 355 .411 2
62 24 300 .387 0
79 30 329 .380 0
43 16 280 .372 3
23 7 137 .304 2
83 .258 1
Heeler, Rsbg.
Olds, CG
Gibson, Thurt.
Sherman, Thurs.
L. Johnson. Spring.
Wrlghl, Spring.
Richards, CG
Rossow, will.
Parrish, Marsh.
Power, Sheldon
Graupentperger, Sheld.
Kccly and Donald Pries were
added to the scouting staff of
the Kansas City Athletics to
Kccly, 47, of St. Louis, will
scout the Midwest for the A's
and Pries, of Alameda, Calif.,
will cover the Pacific North
west and northern California.
Top-Rated Tribe Seeking
Patriots Face Buffalo 11
In AFL Game Saturday
Rain has fallen much of the
week and more is expected.
But rain or not, a noise crowd
of more than 35,000 will jam!
Multnomah Stadium. Every re
served seat has been gone for
weeks and the game will
be telecast via closed circuit to
the 10,000 seat Memorial Coli
seum across town.
Oregon, ranked 13th national
ly, is a three-point favorite,
although Coach Len Casanova
can't figure out why. The Web-
foots lost to Penn State and
then walloped, in order, Stan
ford, West Virginia, Idaho and
Arizona. But none of the latter
four is in Washington's class.
Washington started off with
losses to Air Force, Pittsburgh
and Iowa. But it bounced Ore
gon State from the unbeaten list
34-7 and last week took Stan
ford. Now the Huskies again are
being talked of as a Rose Bowl
threat they are 1-0 in the
big six.
Bad weather figures to hurt
Oregon more than Washington.
The Webfoots' attack is based
on speed of backs like Mel Ren-!
fro and Larry Hill and the pass
ing of quarterback Bob Berry,
who ranks seventh' nationally in
total offense flresrnn sent nn its'
plastic field cover to try to help
keep the field day. I
The Huskies got a toll when1
it was announced in Seattle that
guard Rick Sortum would n o t
see action because of a torn
foot ligament. Together with ail-
American guard candidate Rick
Redman, Sortum led a rugged
But Washington apparently
has fullback Junior Coffey ready
for duty. Coffey, out with
broken foot bone earlier, carried
the ball four times for 17 yards
against Stanford last week. His
plunges on a wet field could be
a deciding factor.
In the previous 56 meetings,
Washington has won 31 and Ore
gon 20 with five tics. The last
four games have seen Washing
ton win twice, Oregon once and
one tic with the point spread
DETROIT RED WINGS' Gordie Howe, center, trying to tie the National Hockey
League season record of 544 goals held by Maurice "Rocket" Richard, slams
a shot at the Chicago Black Hawks net but it bounces off the pads of net
minder Glenn Hall (1) during the second period of the Red Wings-Black Hawks
game Thursday night. Note the puck above Hall's left leg. Moving in to help
goalie Hall are Hawks Bobby Bull (19) and Moose Vasko (4). The game ended
in a 2-2 tie. (UPI Telephoro)
7th Straight League Win
By NIEL CELLERS .will be composed of center
News-Review Sports Editor Wayne Gray, Guards Tom
Hoping to advance one step Thomas and Bob Palmateer,
nearer their third consecutive tackles Doug DuFresne and
Midwestern League (District 5-A-l)
football crown, the Rose
burg Indians will host the rug
ged South Eugene Axemen to
night at Finlay Held.
Kickoff time is 8 p.m.
Don Boerste and ends Gary
Heeter and Doug Matson. Heet
er is the leading 5-A-l pass re
ceiver, having snared 17 aerials
for 182 yards and three TDs.
South Eugene will open with
In addition to adding to their. veteran Ed Muth calling the
1963 total win record, the Tribe signals. Muth will be surround-
gridders will be gunmng fored by halfbacks John Roche
their 20th consecutive comer-ana uam mouer ana iuuoacK
ence victory. Roseburg boasts alJohn Porter. Bill Prime, the
perfect 6-0 record to top theiwith a 4.5 yards-per-carry av
list this year, and won the 196l!erage, will probably sit out the
and 1962 league championshipsjgame due to an injury sustain
without suffering a setback, aft-jed last week against Marshfield.
er posting a victory in the I960;. Center Bill Adams, tipping
finale. jthe scales at 205 pounds, will
The last loss in a league count-' anchor the offensive forward
er suffered by the indians wasjwall for the Axemen. Along
at - the hands of the Axemen, wun Adams win ue guards tar-
2613, late in the 1960 season.lsten Castcll and Wally Kuyken-
South Eugene went on to win dall, tackles Bill Parks and
the crown that year, then lost'Mike Carter and ends Pete Nil
to a powerful Medford team in sen and Mike Johnson. ,;
the state quarterfinals. Defensively the Indians will
Thi vpar thP AYomnn .P jnjpresent a formidable forward
vading Roseburg with hopes of w,a11 evcn without the services
spoiling the Indians' homecom-;f ,?15-Pud Te"I R"dol1;
ing celebrations. While the No, uu" ".
Starr-less Packers Face Baltimore
While Cleveland Gets Nod Over NY
r V7 Aw fl K
Page 8 The News-Review Thur.,
By United Press International
The absence of Bart Starr
and the awesome presence ofi
to a knee injury which he suf
fered during practice earlier
this week.
The defensive line for the In
dians will find Dennis Frank
1 rated Tribe is undefeated,
South Eugene has a 2-4 league
record. The Axemen have top
ped Thurston and Springfield,
while insinr n Nnrth Rend Cnt-
tage Grove, Sheldon and Marsh- ?nd Jc" Hart serving as tack
field. The invaders have racked1 e,s' wh'"r DuFresne and Mike
up a total of 47 points while' J, while DuFresne and Mike
allowing the opposition 86iBlSler .hld down th,e starting
points. The Indians have scored !S"al'd Jbs- Ron Rutter is also
131 points and have allowed 32 for plenty of defensive line
aeainst then.
Roseburg has rolled to con-'
Linebackers will include Mike
Jimmy Brown cast a vital in-secutive wins over Willamette ieep, Dick Gwaltney, Vince
fluence Sunday on the future Springfield, North Bend, North'ipeetz and Dick Yost- M'ke
of the National Football League 'Eugene Thurston and CottageLcpp 's tne team's leading tack
division races. ' Grove ' 'er- and as a fuUback has av
The champion Green Bay iwAitn thi,- enaenn-c craged 4.7 yards-per-carry. Dc-
I Packers, tied with the Chicago record the Axemen cannot be fensive halfbacks will find Jon
invars jor uie western utvisioii taken lightly as they have a
lead, must go without Starr
when they meet the Colts in
And the Cleveland Brown's.
Oct. 24, 1963 with a 6-0 record in the cast,
French Crowds On Golf
Course Bring Protests
jean just about knock out the ment with each game.
New York Giants' last cham
pionship hopes in Cleveland, if
uiu amazing mr. nruwn encr
atcs another of his devastating
rushing performances.
The Bears, meanwhile, return
Burnham and either Keith 01-
strong line and good speed jn son r jerry nemicK in action,
the backfield. The visitors start-'whl ? Dave Butler will serve
cd the season with a relatively as'h; dceP safetv '"an-
inexperienced group of players, I . l " ' ''s wm
and have been showing improve- kick the extra points and punt
lui uie iiuuie squall.
No defensive lineup has been
decided on by South Eugene
coach Lloyd Amick.
The probably starting lineups
The Indians will enter the
game geared for a rough defen
sive and offensive battle.
Guiding Roseburg's offensive
attack will be Jim Beamer, thejfo.r tonight's game arc:
league's second leading passer.
heme following last Sunday'sjBcamer has completed 28 of 49
By United Press International tare finished for the season. The jusl 47-46 for Wellington.
The Eastern Division race in latest serious injury was
the American Football League
will be tighter than a goal line
stand if the Buffalo Bills can;
pluck enough talent from their
injured list to halt the Boston
Patriots Saturday night.
Boston has won its last two
games in impressive style and!
currently shares first place with
suffered by Roger Kochman in
Houston last week.
The Patriots, on the other
hand, are in excellent condition
with the complete recovery of
quarterback Babe Parilli. Paril
li showed his best form last
week when he completed 21 of
31 passes for 358 yards in a 40-,
the Houston Oilers, each with 21 victory over Denver
4-3 records. However, the last- Denver, in the Western Divi
place Bills have a 2-4-1 mark sion cellar with a 2-4 record
and can join in the race for the. features a strong running game
tine ny beating the Patriots atied by fullback Billy Joe (5.2
Buffalo. yard average in 67 carries)
Ihc New York Jets, third in' Rookie ouarterback Mickev
the East with three victoricslsiaughtcr, who suffered a slight
anu inrce aeicais, entertain tlici concussion last week, is expect-
Denver Broncos In another Sat
urday night contest.
Sandra Haynie Leads
Thunderbird Gals Open
Twenty-year-old Sandra Haynie
of Fort Worth, Tex., brought a
three-stroke lead into the sec
ond round today of the $11,000
Thunderbird Open Women's golf
Miss Haynie's first-round 68
Thursday was four strokes un
der the women's par for the
Arizona Biltmore course. Man
lynn Smith, Tequesta, Fla., was
second at 71.
PARIS (UPI) Sebastian
Miguel, a 32-year-old unherald
ed Spaniard, led Jack Nicklaus
by one stroke and favored Ar
nold Palmer by three today
going into the second round of
the Canada Cup and Interna
tional Trophy golf matches
which were promoting anything
but their supposed world-wide
There was nothing but com
plaints from the golfers after
Miguel fired a six-undcr-par 66
to take the individual lead
while Nicklaus with a 67 and
Palmer with a 69 gave the
United States a tie with Cana
da lor tne team lean wun to
tals of 136.
The complaints were not di
rected at the two famous
Yanks but at the gallery of
5,000 which followed Nicklaus
and Palmer. They were so slow
getting off greens and fairways
ond so completely ignored the
golfers playing both ahead and
behind the two U.S. stars that
the other competitors were
forced to wait for long periods
of time.
Those behind the U.S. pair
look nearly 5'ii hours to play
the St. Norn La Brcteche
upset defeat at San Francisco
and take on the iniiirv-wrarlrprl
12 miles outside Paris. .Philadelphia Eaelos (2-3-11.
In other games, the Washing
ton Redskins (2-4) are at home
against the St. Louis Cardinals
Player Blasts Crowd
Either they have to get bet
ter players or do a better job
of controlling the crowd," said
Gary Player, who followed the
American twosome.
'It's bloody impossible and
pardon my French," said Eng
land's Bernard Hunt, who was
playing ahead of the U.S. duo.
But Nicklaus and Palmer,
while they realized they -were
holding up play because of the
large gallery the biggest in
French golfing history would
have nothing to do with the
complaint department.
We're here to play golf and
not criticize the course," said
'Nor," added Palmer, "to
criticize the organization."
Both had cause for com
plaint, however. Both were
bothered by the constant click
ing of cameras and the talking
of the crowd.
Nicklaus three-putted the
sixth green for a bogey after
his attention was diverted by a
camera sound. Palmer stepped
out of a sand trap twice while
the noise died down after he
trapped his tee shot on the par
three ninth hole.
aerial attempts for 362 yards
and five TDs. In addition he
represents a strong running
The speed merchant of the
Tribe backfield is junior half-
(4-2); the Pittsburgh Steelerslback Bob Burgess. Burgess
(3-2-1) are host to the Dallas
Cowboys (1-5); the Detroit
Lions (2-4) entertain the Minne
sota Vikings (2-4), while the
Forty Niners and Rams
of whom won their season's
first game last week, clash at
Los Angeles.
Here is the line on this
leads the league's rushers, av-
S. Eugene POS. Roseburg
Johnson (175 RE Matson (170)
Carter (180) RT Boerste (195)
Kykndl (175) RG Palm'tr (180)
Adams (205) C Gray (160)
Castell (180) LG Thomas (163)
Parks (180) LT DuFrne (205)
Nilsen (163) LE Heeter (170)
Muth (160) Q3 Beamer (190)
Roche (165) LH Burgess (175)
Porter (176) FB Engle (178)
Molter (182) RH R. Leep (192)
eraging 11.9 yards-per-carry.
The fleet halfback has scam
pered for 607 yards on 51 car-1
bothines, and sparked the local crew SOUTH EUGENE:
to a crucial 20-13 victory over undetermined,
the Cottage Grove Lions last' ROSEBURG: Frank (210) and
week with three TD runs. Hart (220), tackles: DuFresne
Along with Burgess and Bea-,(205) end Bisler (170). euards:
Sunday's games: Green Bay l.mcr, the Indians will have Craig M. Leep (210), Gwaltney (160),
over Baltimore; Cleveland 5 Engle starting at the fullback ;Pcetz (176) and Yost (173),
over New York; Chicago 15 spot and Ron Leep, a talented linebackers; Burnham (163) and
over Philadelphia; Pittsburgh 8 Pass receiver, running from the Olson (167) or Remick (170),
over Dallas; St. Louis i'A oversight halfback slot. (halfbacks; Butler (165), safety.
Washington: Detroit 3 over noseourg s ouensive line
Minnesota, and San Francisco
Los Angeles even.
The Green Bay-Baltimore
game will be the first Starr
will have missed since he won
the Packers' quarterback job
in 1960 and helped start the
club on a string of three divi
sion titles and two NFL play
off championships.
Starr,--b.L broke a bone in
his right hand against the Car
dinals last Sunday, is expected
to be out of action for two to
six weeks. His place will be
taken by John Roach.
Hockey Results
WH- Standings
By United Press International j
W L T Pts Gf Ga
San Fran
Los Angls
9 28 21
7 26 28
6 19 12
4 13 21
2 14 15
2 20 23
Thursday's Results
No games scheduled
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ed to play, but if he's not ready
the job will go to Don Brcaux,
Sunday's action sends thoilnte of the San Dieeo taxicab
uamana Haulers to San Dicgol squad
for a meeting with the Western
Division-leading Chargers and
tile Kansas City Chiefs to Houston.
The Jets, who have lost two
straight on the road, will be
glad to return to the Polo
Grounds, where they've won all
lhe Bills, picked by many in three of their games. Quarter-
pre season polls to win the back DicJt Wood of New York
Eastern Division crown, havo.will be getting his first crack
suffered a scries of bad breaks1 at the team which released him
and already list six players whoust a few months ago.
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