The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 25, 1963, Page 1, Image 1

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frtf -v., Or., 'n
Tribe Hosts Axemen
Roseburg faces South Eugene,
lost conference foe to defeat
them, tonight ot Finlay Field. See
sports pages, .
Cuts Ordered
Welfare Commission slashes aid
program as result of tax defeat.
See page 2.
Established 1873
16 Pages
10c Per Copy
Yexis Doteirs Spite mi
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lovely human giant, practices turning back the clock
at the stroke of midnight of San Francisco's world
famous Ferry Building by one hour in preparation
for the change from daylight saving time to standard
time, which goes into effect at midnight Saturday.
(UPI Teljphoro)
Germany's Concern
Over Lift Project
Exasperates Rusk
Army Secretary
Hails Success
Of Big Lift'
FRANKFURT, German y Defense Department and the
(UPI) U.S. Army Secretary Army conducted Big Lift as a
Cyrus R. Vance, hailing the j forerunner to possible troop
success of exercise Big Lift, j withdrawals,
said today America plans tol "No," he said, "it was a test
stage similar giant aerial troop of our ability to reinforce (Eu-
movements to the Pacific and
probably also to the Middle
East next year.
Shortly after arriving here to
inspect troop units in the Big
Lift exercise, Vance told news
men the United States has no
intention of reducing its com
bat strength in Eruope
He said the Army will keep
its present force of five divi-l
sions and four tank regiments
here indefinitely.
Vance was asked whether the
BONN, Germany (UPI) Sec
retary of State Dean Rusk ar
rived today for a series of talks
with West German officials ex
pected to center on their con
cern that U.S. troop strength
here will be cut because of the
Today, Rusk unexpectedly
Lack Of Paint
Grounds Local
Airline Service
West Coast Airlines has dis
continued service to Roseburg
until the city makes some
changes in the identifications of
touchdown patterns
The last plane landed Thurs
day night. No more will land!
until new markings are made
on the runways for touchdowns
of commercial planes.
WCA announced Thursday it1
was involuntarily" interrupt
ing its service "pending cor
rection of. airport landing con
ditions." It noted that at the
present time the airport does
not meet minimum standards
required for commercial air-i
craft. It said when' the air field
modifications are made, WCA1
will resume service. The mini
mum landing standards were
success ol a division-size air-lUmte( states pians to reiy
u11- more on such large-scale air-
Rusk appeared exasperated ;. fnr its ripfonsn nlans in F.n.
added Defense Minister Kai
Uwe Von Hassel to the list of
German government leaders he
will see.
West German officials have lnade by the Federal Aviation
that the
ropean garrisons) rapidly.
"We have no intention of
withdrawing any of our six
division equivalent already
In Operation Big Lift, com
pleted almost nine hours ahead
of schedule Thursday, the 15,-1
000 men of the U.S. 2nd Ar
mored Division were flown;
from Texns to Western Europe
in 63 hours and 5 minutes.
Vance was asked about Dep
uty Defense Secretary Roswell
L. Gilpatric's statement Satur
day to the annual conference of
United Press International pub
lishers and editors in Chicago
that Big Lift suggests the Unit
ed States "should be able to
make useful reductions in its
heavy overseas military expen
ditures without diminishing its
effective military strength or
its capacity to apply that
strength swiftly in support of
its world wide policy commit
ments." i
Vance said he would not try
to interpret what Gilpatric said.
I have stated what the pur
pose of Big Lift is," he said.
He was asked what the State
Department meant when it said
this week that America plans no
troop reductions in Germany
but that "it is obvious in view
of new skills in the deployment
and use of new weapons we
must consult and study with
our Allies the possibilities for
tneir use."
"Frankly, I don't know what
that means," Vance said
A transpacific troop flight
will be made next year but the
exact time has not been set,
the Army secretary said.
Woman Convicted Of Illegal
Attempt On Welfare Fund
Dorothy Bell Moore, 37, Myr-!
tie Creek, Thursday was con
victed of unlawfully attempting
to obtain public assistance. The
jury returned its verdict short
ly before noon, in a trial which
started Wednesday morning in
the court of Circuit Judge
Charles S. Woodrich.
The judge sentenced her to
expressed concern
rope and less on troops perma
nently stationed here. They fear
some of the six U.S. divisions!
in Germany will be sent back!
when asked about the possibili
ty that troop withdrawals would
follow Operation Big Lift, which
Thursday completed the move
ment of more than 15,000 troops (0 me United States
Irom Texas to bases in lier
many. "With Big Lift, there is more
military power in Germany to
day than, Germany has ever
had in history,"' he said. "Let
it go at that until Sunday."
To Give Explanation
Rusk said before leaving
Washington Thursday that he
will explain to new Chancellor
Ludwig Erhard and other offi
cials that "we are fully meeting
Aides said Rusk would devoteiour NATO commitments and in-
about a third of a speech in: tend to do so" in the future.
Frankfurt Sunday to the ques-i Asked whether he would give
tion of the U.S. troop commit-;specific reassurances that no
ment in Europe and the match-iearly cutback of U. S. forces
ing defense commitment by;was planned, Rusk said "I
other members of the North At-! don t think any reassurance is
lantic Treaty Organization'necessary. Look at what we've
VATO). !got there."
Soviet- Consumers To Get
First Canadian Wheat
MOSCOW (UPI) The firstistcad of the 21 days it normally
shipment of Canadian wheat to takes to unload such a ship
reach the Soviet Union was onment.
its way, to consumers today. The wheat is part of the 6.8
There were reports that cattle million tons bought from Can
were being slaughtered in farm ada for S500 million because of
areas short of fodder. large-scale crop failures in the;
The government newspaper Soviet Union. Talks arc being
Izvestia reported the arrival of j held for sales of $250 million
the first 21,000 tons of Canadian; more from the United States,
wheat Thursday and said it had; and Australia already has sold
been unloaded in 71 hours m- $100 million worth to Russia.
More Wheat Expected
Another 50,000 tons of Cana
idian wheat was expected in the
AIRPORT RECORDS Black Sea port of Odessa
4l - J
1' S The effete?
or . shortage were being
'" j . ports in the Soviet press.
121 VUl Vi . a Tne newspaper Soviet Russia
Highest temp. Hit 24 hour. 6 ThursyPtnat in the Kursk
Lowest temp, last 24 hour. 47 '
riZVL'.:: a;:' a Moscow, "trucks are lined up
i i . ar Iha nmrannric in iha el si ion.
Precip. last 24 hour. .0? .,,,.
Specifically, West Coast re
ported it would begin daytime
operation again when new
"threshold markings" (for point,
of touchdown) were painted on
the runway. Nighttime land
ings will be allowed only when
special night lights are put in.
WCA explains the reason is
that obstructions (hills to the
north and a pole and building!
to the south) make it danger
ous to land in the present pattern.
City Manager Craig McMick-
en reported today the city will
paint the new threshold mark
ings "as soon as weather per
mits." At the south end, the
markings will be made 1,000
feet from the south end and 1,
012 feet from the north end. He
said the city is presently study
ing the problem and cost of put
ting in new threshold lights.
He also reported a survey
will be taken to determine what
obstructions must be removed.
The building obstructions are
on the Coon Creek mill proper
ty and the city has now receiv
ed title to it.
The Weather
the grain
felt on
Normal Oct. preeip. 3.02
Precip. from Sept. 1 3.14
ter centers.
'These are from
r oVt i , farms trying to get rid of
Prec.p. from , Oct 1 1.72 , addcd. .. .We hav(
Sunset tonight, 6:15 p.m. ifmM, , ,i, , . ,t, ,
Sunrise tomorrow,
ave no
they com
fodder for the cattle
The newspaper quoted a col
lective farmer as having said
"we do not have a single po
tato to feed the pigs."
' It said the premature slaugh
ter of the livestock "causes
c -y r senous apprenension apparent-
Bomb Scare
Delays Tito
bomb scare held up the depar
ture of visiting Yugoslav Presi-I
dent Tito for 40 minutes today
while scores of police searched
the liner Rotterdam.
The Holland America Lines
vessel sailed with. Tito and his
wife, Jovanka, aboard at 12:40
p.m. EDT after city chief of
detectives declared the ship
safe, as far as we are concerned."
The all-out search began when
tne coast (juard received an
anonymous telephone call say
ing a bomb had been placed
aboard the Rotterdam set to ex
plode at 4 p.m. EDT. The ship
had been given a routine check
early this morning by security,
Also see story. Page 2.
County Planners
Okay Zoning Bid
The Douglas County Planning
Commission Thursday night
recommended approval of
petition from Dr. Harvey Kring;
and Camillo Domcmco for
zone change from single resi
dences to agricultural land des
ignation for a portion of the
lower Keasy Road area.
The recommendation came
following a public hearing on
the petition. There were no pro
tests, and the recommendation
will be forwarded to the Doug
las County Court.
The commission formally ded
icated a road involving county-!
owned property adjacent to Bar-
view Heights south of Winches
ter Bay. Barview Heights is
being developed by John Ziol-
kowski. The road will provide
access to the subdivision as well
as to county property which
previously had no vehicle ac
cess. ,
Action on a petition for vaca
tion of a dedicated street which
has never been developed in
the lower Garden Valley area
near Cleveland Rapids Road
was tabled pending investiga
The Planning Commission
heard a report by County Sani
Uarian Jack Osborne on the
sewage-problems in the Keasey-
Calkins area and recommended
that the results, of Osborne's
study be directed to the County
Court. Osborne has recommend
ed installation of a sanitary
system in the year, and has
said annexation to the City of
Roseburg would provide the
most feasible means of financ
ing such a project.
With United Fund
dent Kennedy signed into law
Thursday legislation which
would extend the federal bill
board control program until
July 1, 1965. The law provides
ly referring to the. possibility of;a financial "bonus" to states
meat shortages later in the controlling outdoor advertising
car. on interstate highways.
pit v r wTss i
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AN UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN, her tongue sticking out, strikes U.S. Ambassador
to ,the United Nations Adlai Stevenson (partly hidden behind sign) with a picket
sign. Stevenson was 'heckled ond booed during a speech in Dallas, Tex., Thurs
day celebrating U.N. Week. As Stevenson was leaving the auditorium this wom
an struck him and two men spat in his face. (UPI Telephoto)
U.S. Plans
Draft Tests
At Age 18
Defense Department is consid
ering a plan under which all
youths would be given physical
and mental tests for the draft
at the age of 18, it was learned
At present, the physical and
mental tests are given at the
time of induction, which aver
ages 23 years.
Defense officials said the pur
pose of the change would be to
increase voluntary enlistments
in the armed services.
They said they believed that
more youths would enlist if
they knew they were physical
ly and mentally qualified and
probably would be drafted five
years later anyway.
More than half of the poten
tial draftees now are rejected
by physical and mental tests
but it is believed the rate of
rejections would be far smaller
if they were given to all
Enlistments already provide
by far the greater porportion
of the recruits for the Army,
Navy, Air Force and Marines.
Only the -Army is using draft
ees. In 1962 there were 324,000
enlistments against 81,000 draft
. Conceivably, officials said,
enlistments could rise with fur
ther encouragement to a point
where inductions would be rare
or unnecessary.
serve one year in the Douglas
County jail, without probation.
The jury was unanimous in its
verdict, returned after only 38
minutes of deliberation.
The state brought out in testi
mony that Mrs. Moore, mother
of seven children, was receiv-1
ing in excess of $240 monthly
in welfare funds during the pe
riod in question covering about
a year, while at the same time
her husband was receiving
about $280,: in Industrial . acci
dent payments'. Her two sons, of
high school age and for whom
she was receiving a special al
Iotment, allegedly were working!
at Roseburg Lumber Co., mak
ing in excess of $300 monthly
Deputy Dist. Atty. Philip
Washburn produced witnesses
during the day long trial to
bear out that more than $1,100
was coming into the family, In
cluding the welfare payments
during this period.
The defense contended, how
ever, that Mrs. Moore was re
ceiving her welfare money le
gally. Attorney James McGinty
attempted to prove that Mrs
Moore had been deserted by
her husband, and while it was
admitted he was receiving in
dustrial accident payments, he
contended Mrs. Moore was not
being in any way benefited
from his money.
It was also claimed that one
of the sons had been laid up
Moose Conclave Is Set
Representatives of Women of
the Moose chapters from all
over Oregon will meet in Rose
burg Sunday at the Moose
Lodge for their annual c
The meeting, to last most of
the day, will be conducted by
Deputy Grand Regent Winifred
Rogers of Springfield.
Registration will start Sunday
at 9 a.m.
with a hip injury preventing his
ability to work, and that Mrs
Moore and her other children
were not receiving any benefit
from the sons earnings.
The state's case was based on1
cirsumstantial evidence, with
the assumption that Mrs. Moore
was receiving money for sup
port from some of the sources
mentioned, in addition to her
welfare support payments.
The state produced evidence
that Mrs. Moore had . signed
statements,- on her financial sit
uation denying support from
any other source.
Mrs. Moore took the stand In
her own defense and denied the
charges alleged.,
Mme. Nhu Raps
Aid Withdrawal
AUSTIN. Tex. (UPI) Mme,
Ngo Dinh Nhu said Thursday
night the United States had ex
tended more aid to Communist
Yugoslavia than had been given
to her Southeast Asia coun
try, which was fighting com
We have paid back with
14,000 casualties a year. . .with
our blood," she said, while
Yugoslavia "has paid back
The First Lady of South Viet
Nam said her country wanted
to become more independent
but did not want to lose all U.
S. aid. Some aid to her coun
try recently was withheld, ,
"We are not beggars," Mme
Nhu said, "your gift is not just
a one-way gift. We paid back
with blood."
She said aid to her country
was closely controlled while
Communist Yugoslavia received
help without limitation.
Daylight Time
Comes To End
Sunday Morn
By United Press International
Daylight saving time, not long
ago a touchy topic in Oregon,
comes to a peaceful end for the
year Sunday.
This was the first year
in three years that Oregon had
uniform time throughout the
late spring, summer and early
A 1961 legislative act permit
ted five counties to adopt fast
time. They did. So did some
others, although they weren't
supposed to.
This resulted in confusion in
1961 and 1962.
So voters last year approved
daylight time for the entire
state. They had it ending in the
last week of September. The
1963 legislature took care of the
rest extending it until the last
last week of October to
conform with other states that
moved up the clock.
Sometime Saturday night rest
dents are supposed to move the
clock back an hour.
Woman Hits
U.N. Envoy
With Sign
DALLAS (UPI) Adlai Ste-
venson, U.S. ambassador to the
United Nations, gave an opti
ministic view of the U.N.'s rec
ord of preserving peace Thurs
day night, then had to fight his
way . through a militant mob
that cursed, booed, beat and
spat on him.
Outnumbered police tried to
escort him to a waiting limou
sine. But a woman rushed up
and rapped Stevenson on the
head with an anti-U.N. placard.
Two young men spat in his
Police arrested a 22-year-old
North Texas State University
student. They said he would be
charged with inciting to riot
and aggravated assault on Ste
venson, j .
About 70 demonstrators
shoved and jostled Stevenson,
who spoke to commemorate the
U.N. Day in Texas.
"It was a concerted action by
members of (former Maj.
Gen.) Edwin Walker's follow
ing and the John Birchers,"
Jack Goren, president ot the
sponsoring Dallas U.N. Associ
ation, said.
"All they've done is disgrace
Dallas and the good manners of
Texans and Americans."
Stevenson said he did not un
derstand why persons of differ
ent points of view showed such
"bad manners." -
Frank B. McGehee, leader
of a conservative movement
known as the National Indigna
tion Convention, rose from the
second row of Dallas Memorial
Auditorium as Stevenson pre
pared to start speaking. ,
"Mr. Ambassador,'' McGehee
said, "I have a question.",
-"I -will'1 be ' glad ' to "''give
you equal time when I am
through," Stevenson said.
Again McGehee rose and
started to address Stevenson.
"Throw him out," cried per
sons throughout the crowd of
I don't have to come from
Illinois to teach Texans man
ners, do I?" Stevenson asked.
Escorted From Hall
Police escorted McGehee out
of the hall.
Members of conservative or
ganizations sat in scattered
parts of the auditorium, many
waved American flags and
some Confederate banners. Ste
venson had to stop speaking
several times because of hiss
ing, booing and cat-calls.
Stevenson said differences be
tween Communist China and
Russia are deep and serious
and because of them "the cold
war will never be the same
again. We 'are moving into a
new era."
He said the atmosphere in
the U.N. was the best since
1946 because all nations were
talking the language of diplo
macy. He termed the world or
ganization a solid investment,
costing about $100 million a
(Also See Story Page 2)
Roseburg Police Probe
Two Forgery Charges
Roseburg City Police are in
vestigating two alleged forged
checks passed in Roseburg with
in the past couple of days. One
was for $20 at the Food Mart
and another for $21.17 at the
Holiday Motel.
The checks bore the signature
of Lee Hensley, but a teletype
check reveals Hensley is in cus
tody in Twin Falls, Idaho.
Closure Deadline
Lifted On River
PORTLAND (UPl)-The State
Game Commission said today
fishermen on the North
River can .return to the regular
angling deadline below Win
chester Dam at the old High
way 99 bridge, starting Satur
Game Director Phil Schneider
said the emergency closure
downstream to Davis Rapids, in
effect since Sept. 5, was no
longer necessary. Angling will
now be allowed in that section
of the river up to old Highway
99 bridge during tho open season.
Forty-Three Feared Dead In German Mine Disaster
PEINE. Germany (UPI) AIThursday. and all were
huge wall of watery sludge trap- there at 8 p.m. when tons ofl
ped 50 iron ore miners below watery sludge, mud, and rocKs
ground today. Rescue workers cascaded into the 100-yard-deep
drilled a six-inch shaft and pit.
made contact with seven of the Seventy nine men escaped,
imprisoned men, but there wasjstruggling to the surface
no word of the other 43 miners through tubes of the mine's ex
who were feared dead. haust and ventilation system or
The men became trapped bylcumbing rope ladders lowered
an earth slide Thursday night from the surface.
at the Lengede-Broistedt mine, Electric System Out
10 miles south of Peine in West! The mud slide short-circuited
Germany's province of Lower;th3 mine's electric system and
Saxony. i stalled elevators that might
A full shift of 129 men went, have saved all the miners in
to work in the mine at 2 p.m.minutcs, a spokesman for the
here. We can't see any others."
The spokesman said the lower
level of the mine still was
flooded this morning and said
that if the missing men were
owners said.
The management of the own
ing Useder Mine Co., here in
Peine organized rescue operations.
Rescue teams drilled through 'at the bottom "they are prob-
the night to bore a six -inch ably dead
hole down to tho 60-yard level
of the mine.
They could hear noises
down there," the spokesman
Sandwiches Sent Down
Rescuers lowered sandwiches
and water to the trapped men
and concentrated on widening
the six-inch hole so re scue cap-
A field telephone was low-lsules could be put down to
ered. Seconds later, a voice bring the still-living miners to
crackled up to the surface on the surface.
the phone: We re okay and the atmos
"There are seven of us downjphere is good," one of the trap
ped men reported to the sur
face by phone.
The seven below ground re
ported that there was watery
sludge in the 60-yard level side
shaft In which they had taken
refuge, 40 yards above the bot
tom. But they apparently found
a dry place in one of the smal
ler shafts coming off the main
shaft at the 60-yard level.
Four teams of drillers
were trying to widen the pres
ent narrow hole to about four
feet to lower the rescue cap